



      Using a “Soft” Path for Governing Urban Multi ethnic Communities with the Collaboration of Universities for Nationalities

      2015-05-30 09:55:24LiuYiLangYuping
      民族學(xué)刊 2015年6期

      LiuYi Lang Yuping

      (1.College of Management,Southwest University for Nationalities,Chengdu,610041,

      Sichuan,China;2.College of International Education,Southwest

      University for Nationalities,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)

      JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY,VOL.6,NO.6,30-34,2015 (CN51-1731/C,in Chinese)



      Almost every campus of the various universities for nationalities is more or less surrounded by ethnic minority people who sometimes form associations,and sometimes create residential quarters,streets,or communities.These are called Urban MultiEthnic Communities (UMEC).Many kinds of contradictions appear in the UMECs.However,the root of these problems lies in culture.There,contradictions between the “heterogeneous” ethnic minority cultures and urban community culture cause various ethnic disputes or conflicts which can become intense.The fundamental task of these universities for nationalities is to promote national unity and prosperity through cultural and educational activities.This is because they have many obvious advantages in doing theoretical research,and have already made significant contributions to national unity and progress in practice.Hence,they should actively take part in the governance of UMECs.

      The path for cooperative governance of the universities for nationalities is more likely to play a soft role for cultural education.And the “soft path” can be developed from the following three aspects:

      1.Opening wide the door of ethnic education

      It is necessary for universities for nationalities to throw away the barriers,and open wide the door of ethnic cultural education so as to infect every person who walks onto the campus with strong feeling of ethnic unity and highquality educational resources,and help them to recognize the preciousness of ethnic unity and progress.

      2.Building a platform for “soft” governance

      The universities for nationalities can build a cultural tourism network by taking advantage of their disciplines,including literature,history,tourism,management,economics and art.

      3.Making good preparation for ensuring soft governance

      For the universities,cultural educational resources should be open and cooperative.For the community,the resources of the community residents should be shared collaboratively,and networkbased management should be carried out in the communities.

      Concerning autonomous organizations,we should encourage establishing more ethnic minority autonomous organizations.As for the government,the regional resources for development should be opened to the public.

      All of the four aspects mentioned above need close collaboration.In addition,a collaborative mechanism should be formed in which the government plays the leading role,the communities are the main participants,the ethnic minorities organize autonomously,and the universities for nationalities participate actively.

      Key Words: urban multiethnic community;universities for nationalities;soft governance


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