



      The Collaborative Governance of Urban Multi—ethnic Communities:Connotation and Practical Paths

      2015-05-30 09:55:24WangYanQinJiang
      民族學(xué)刊 2015年6期

      Wang Yan Qin Jiang

      (1.school of Management,Southwest University for Nationalities,

      Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China;2.Southwest Nationalities Research

      Academy,Southwest University for Nationalities,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)

      JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY,VOL.6,NO.6,35-41,2015 (CN51-1731/C,in Chinese)



      As a fundamental unit of the states governance system,the significance of the xietong zhili (collaborative governance)for urban multiethnic communities is selfevident.

      Due to the increase of urban multiethnic communities in recent years,governance has become more difficult,and its importance in the society is also growing.In this situation,the introduction of the theory of “governance through collaboration”,the transformation of the current mode of urban multiethnic community governance,and the exploration of a practical path for communities in cooperative governance will not only be conducive to the communities response to present difficulties and challenges in governance,but also can promote the modernization of urban governance systems more effectively,and maintain the stability,unity and order of the whole society.

      The introduction of collaborative governance theory into multiethnic community governance,and the innovation of the idea and theory of multiethnic community governance have a very important meaning with regard to building a unified,orderly and harmonious community,promoting the modernization of the governance system and its capability in multiethnic community,and building a society with harmony and longterm stability.First,collaborative governance emphasizes the collaboration and negotiation between multiple subjects.Secondly,it emphasizes the network of the governance structure.Thirdly,it emphasizes the selforganization function of the system.

      With the quickening pace of urbanization in China,a large number of ethnic minorities continue to flow into the largemediumsized cities and most of them choose to settle in the citys multiethnic communities.

      Compared with other general urban communities,the public service demands of multiethnic communities are more diversified.Because of the differences in the time that ethnic minorities flowed into the city,their ethnicity,occupation and economic conditions,the demands on public service are also different.As for those ethnic minority people who have just settled into a community,information related to housing,employment,childrens schools is what they need most.For those ethnic minority people who have been living in the city for a time,they need services such as training to learn new technical knowledge and skills,finding jobs with higher incomes,ways to expand their social circles,access to capital for starting a business,and accumulating management knowledge.Moreover,different ethnic peoples needs for public services can be very different.Therefore,the main cause for diversity with regard to the need for public service demand lies in the different cultural customs,languages,living habits and religious beliefs of the ethnic minority population in the multiethnic communities.

      Multiethnic communities are composed of a variety of ethnic groups,which bound to lead to cultural diversities in ethnic communities.These cultural diversities increase the differences of community residents which concern their living habits,production habits,language,customs,concepts,and beliefs,etc.Although the tension caused from these differences may gradually be eased following a long time of living together,more exchanges and mutual understanding,it can also increase the rate of conflict and friction between various nationalities.Accordingly,it can easily lead to ethnic disputes,or may even escalate into an ethnic conflict.This situation requires the community manager to provide longterm public information,education and guidance,and require even more patience and meticulous service,communication and guidance.In this aspect,compared with a single ethnic community,a multiethnic community creates a more difficult situation in which to handle these problems created from cultural differences.

      The previous management style for urban communities is mostly one that is conducted vertically from region to street to place of residence.It took ?the governments public power as the sole power center.In this model,the administrative function of community is important.In a multinational community,the community residents committee has a strengthened administrative function,but a weakened community service function.As such,the method of management depends primarily on administrative management and defensive management.It is also supplemented with public security administration,regulation and punishment.This way of governance lacks an understanding of the needs of the ethnic community,and finds it difficult to meet the special requirements of public service due to the heterogeneity of multiethnic communities.This method of governance finds it even more difficult to deal with the conflicts and disputes produced by the cultural differences.Transformation of the governance structure and the mode,therefore,has become an urgent priority in multiethnic communities.

      This article gives some suggestions on the practical path to implementing collaborative governance in multiethnic communities as follows:

      1)Changing roles and building a multivariate governance body;2)Building trust and constructing a system of network management in which the masses participate;and 3)Integrating resources and stimulating the selforganizing function of the community system.

      Key Words: multiethnic communities;collaborative governance;connotation;practical path


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