



      A Study on the Innovation of Multi ethnic Community Governance

      2015-05-30 09:55:24RenXueLiangLinyunMengXiaoningZhangWeibo
      民族學(xué)刊 2015年6期

      Ren Xue Liang Linyun Meng Xiaoning Zhang Weibo

      (School of Management,Southwest University for Nationalities,Chengdu,610041,Sichuan,China)

      JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY,VOL.6,NO.6,42-48,2015 (CN51-1731/C,in Chinese)



      At present,our society is in a critical period of rapid development and transformation of the social structure.Hence,all kinds of social contradictions have emerged which have become barriers for social development.As the capital of the ethnic minority autonomous region in northwest China,Urumqis grassroot governance has become a key for safeguarding its social stability and building a harmonious society.Community is an important unit of the urban construct.Therefore,a study on the innovation of the community governance system will bring about new theories and practical support for community governance.The author of this article believes that the innovativeness of the model of a community governance system can be gained through a study on the development of urban community governance,and the study of urban multiethnic community governance especially has more practical meaning.Taking the practice of governance in the multiethnic community of Urumqi as an example,this article analyzes the status and insufficiency of urban multiethnic communities,explores the innovative path of community governance in these areas,and puts forward the following suggestions concerning the innovativeness governance in urban multiethnic communities.

      I.Change work ideas,and achieve multisubjectivity,cooperative governance

      1.Clarify the relationship between the government and other governing bodies,and optimize the structure of governance;2.fully develop the social capital,enhance the participation and governance roles of the units within the area;3.foster community volunteer organizations based on the situation of the community itself,actively encourage the strength of the elites in the community so as to lay the foundation for building a harmonious and united ethnic community;4)widen the platform and channels for community participation.

      II.Develop social capital,and build a healthy public service system for the community

      1.Based on the various demands of the residents,the government should coordinate with enterprises,institutions,and public organizations to provide relevant technical training so as to improve the capacity of the residents and satisfy the basic cultural needs of the community masses who have various cultural backgrounds;2.Develop cultural activities in the community,and provide more diversified spiritual cultural services;3.promote the innovation of community “micro governance” through the use of a digital data system,expand the main bodies for community participation and develop social capital by using digital techniques and an internet platform.

      III.Bring in community professionals,and stimulate lively public participation.

      1.the government should enhance the work of bringing in professional community workers,provide professional,on the job training to those ?personnel in the community,based on the needs of various community work,and in this way improve the capacity of those people who are onthejob people.2.intensify the numbers of bilingual cadres in ethnic regions;2.develop human resources within the community.

      IV.Improve the autonomous legal system of the community,and promote the establishment of the rule of law in the community.

      Firstly,perfection of the autonomous legal system for the community is the first condition of governance with law.On the aspect of national law,the chengshi jumin weiyuanhua zuzhifa(The Law of Organizing The Urban Residents Committees)should be revised in a timely manner,relevant regulations concerning community management services should be drawn up.With regard to the local level,various regions should make up local regulations based on their local conditions,and take the community autonomous regulations as the effective tools for promoting the governance of a community with law.

      Secondly,for an urban multiethnic community in an ethnic region,providing publicity about the law,and raising the awarenss of the residents about the law is also a necessary measure for promoting the legal construct work within the community.We should work for the purpose of ethnic unity by relying on the support of ethnic cadres,i.e.“ethnic backbones”,and spread common knowledge of the law by using a multilanguage educational governance method.As a result,this will lay a solid theoretical foundation for the residents consciousness of law and their being law abiding.

      Thirdly,the government needs to clarify its relationship with the community,give some rights to various institutes according to the law and regulations,so as to reduce the embarrassment of the community or the Urban Residents Committees of not having “rights”.In addition,some rights need to be transferred to the residents so as to engage fully the residents consciousness of safeguarding their rights,and their enthusiasm to participate in social governance.Generally speaking,the promotion of the rule of law in the community should be a twoway interactive process—one which is not just the responsibility of the state,but also the duty of the residents.

      As an important city in the frontier area,Urumqis ethnic mobility,and its degree of its social heterogeneity are both relatively high.With the development of social diversity,the position of multiethnic communities in the city is becoming more and more important.Through a survey of the North Community of Houquan Road in Urumqi,this article states that it is imperative to implement the innovative governance model of urban multiethnic communities.Of course,only by doing an actual survey,can we understand present status and difficulties of an urban multiethnic community,and only then can we help the multiethnic community localize its governance model through using related theory and practice.

      Key Words: city;multiethnic community;governance model;Urumqi


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