Li Songsong Ma Tingzhong
(School of Tourism and Historical Culture,Southwest University for
JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY,VOL.6,NO.6,82-87,2015 (CN51-1731/C,in Chinese)
This article gives a review of the status of the research related to Mingzheng tusi
since the policy of “Reform and Opening up” in order to provide some references for the academic circles,and concludes that the research on Mingzheng tusi has the following characteristics:
1.Seen from the format of the research,there are six articles related to the Mingzheng tusi ?since the period of “reform and opening up”,among which only three are relatively professional.The other three are records of memories/recollections or casual literary notes,and,hence,are not the result of indepth research.Moreover,there are 13 books which have chapters focusing on a discussion of the Mingzheng tusi.
2.In looking at the research materials,there are three main sources: (i)classical data from various dynasties,(ii)cultural and historical data compiled by the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)after the founding of New China (in 1949),and (iii)an investigation report made in the 20th century.Classical data from various dynasties are mostly concentrated in the official histories,and the majority of the evidence relating to the Mingzheng tusi is mostly based on these sources.The research data regarding the status of the tusi during the period of late Qing and the Republican era or the early period of the New China are mostly drawn from memories compiled by the CPPCC.
3.In looking at the research methodology,it mostly focuses on the research of historical literature,and the methodology is relatively simple.Among the research achievements,no matter they are articles based on textual research articles or narrative,the main research method is to search through historical literature,however,the method of doing fieldwork,which has become relatively popular in recent years,was rarely used.In addition,the methodology also included oral history.This was a less productive methodology as compared to the future research on the Mingzheng tusi which used interdisciplinary,multidisciplinary,and multiangled methodologies.
4.In looking at the content of the research,the research first concentrated on the the Mingzheng tusi himself.In addition,the present research contents are mostly basic research.Scholars are still in a preliminary stage of doing textual research,sorting out and recording.
Meanwhile,it should be emphasized that the present research on the Mingzheng tusi generally focuses on political aspects.However,there are,as yet,no monographs discussing the economy of the Mingzheng tusi.this article suggests that future studies on the Mingzheng tusi should pay attention on the following aspects:
1.Strengthening the uncovering and sorting of historical data,and paying attention to collecting new materials.
2.Borrowing research methodologies from other disciplines,doing research from a multiple perspectives,and transforming the traditional research methodologies,which mainly focus on researching documents.
3.Expanding the content of Mingzhengtusi studies.
4.Strengthening the studies on the economics of the Mingzhengtusi.
Key Words: Mingzheng tusi;“reform and opening up”;research review
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