Jiao Yaxin graduated from Peoples Liberation Army Academy of Art, and participated in the Senior Workshop on figure painting in China Academy of Art. Now he is Member of Chinese Artists Association, Council Member of Anhui Provincial Society for Traditional Chinese Painting, and Vice President of Anhui Sun Yat-Sen Painting Institute etc. He has participated in various exhibitions and won grand prizes. And he also published collections of his painting works .
焦亞新,安徽蚌埠人,畢業(yè)于解放軍藝術學院美術系,結業(yè)于中國美術學院人物畫高研班?,F(xiàn)為中國美術家協(xié)會會員,安徽省中國畫學會理事,安徽中山畫院副院長,合肥書畫院專職畫家,中國國家畫院劉大為工作室 2014訪問學者。