




      2015-08-29 02:30:35孫振文陶克明權養(yǎng)科
      刑事技術 2015年2期

      孫振文,喬 婷,陶克明,權養(yǎng)科

      (公安部物證鑒定中心,北京 100038)


      孫振文,喬 婷,陶克明,權養(yǎng)科

      (公安部物證鑒定中心,北京 100038)



      DOΙ: 10.16467/j.1008-3650.2015.02.017

      1 案例資料

      2013 年1月,張某過馬路時被一機動車撞倒后當場死亡,肇事機動車逃逸?,F(xiàn)場勘查發(fā)現(xiàn),張某衣服上有大量血跡,衣服破損部位附近有綠色漆狀附著物,如圖1所示。由于事故現(xiàn)場沒有目擊證人和監(jiān)控錄像,事故處理民警只能通過事發(fā)地點前后路口的兩個攝像頭進行排查,最終找到有肇事嫌疑的一輛綠色大貨車,隨后將大貨車油漆與被害人衣服一同送往我中心進行檢驗。肉眼觀察可見張某衣服布片上有2處綠色附著物(圖1中a和b),a處綠色附著物附近有大片凝固的血跡(圖中紅色物質)。

      圖1 張某衣服布片(a、b兩處有綠色附著物)Fig.1 Area a and b of victim’s clothes with green paint smears on

      經紅外光譜儀檢驗,張某衣服布片上2處綠色附著物均為醇酸漆(紅外特征吸收峰位于743,1071,1121,1263,1728cm-1),但兩處綠色附著物的紅外譜圖有差異,主要體現(xiàn)在a處附著物在1658 cm-1附近出現(xiàn)吸收峰(見圖2中箭頭標識),而b處附著物無此吸收峰。通過紅外譜圖可以初步判斷二者成分存在差異。從以往辦案經驗來看,出現(xiàn)此結果有兩種可能:(1)衣服布片上有2種成分不同的油漆;(2)衣服布片上只有一種油漆,差異是由于綠色附著物周圍的血液污染所致。


      圖2 張某衣服上兩處綠色附著物及血跡的紅外光譜圖Fig.2 FT-ΙR spectra of green smears from area a, b, and bloodstain on victim’s clothes

      圖3 差譜技術所得a處附著物的紅外譜圖Fig.3 Spectral-subtracted FT-ΙR spectrum of the green smears from area a

      圖4 嫌疑車綠漆的紅外光譜圖Fig.4 FT-ΙR spectrum of the green paint from the suspected truck


      圖5 掃描電鏡/能譜檢驗結果。A:張某衣服上的綠色附著物;B:嫌疑車綠漆。Fig.5 SEM/EDS spectra of the samples.A: green smears on victim’s clothes; B: green paint from suspected truck.


      2 討 論




      [1] Was J, Knittel D, Schollmeyer E.The use of FTIR microspectroscopy for the identification of thermally changed fibers[J].J Forensic Sci, 1996, 41: 1005-1011.


      Elimination of Blood Interference in Paint Evidence Analysis

      SUN Zhen-wen, QΙAO Ting, TAO Ke-ming, QUAN Yang-ke
      (Ιnstitute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Public Security, Beijing 100038, China)

      Paint evidence is usually encountered in hit-and-run accident.Transfer of trace paint occurs frequently in the striking process of the objects involved.Ιt’s unavoidable that the paint smears are contaminated with environmental substances.Besides common contaminants, such as fi bers, oils and dusts, the contamination may also come from blood or other materials.Ιn order to achieve reliable conclusions, some countermeasures are required to recognize these interferences.This paper introduces a comparison examination of smeared paint samples from the victim’s clothes and the known paint chips of the suspected hitand-run truck.Microscopic examination of physical features of the paint samples was performed with a stereomicroscope fi rst;the organic components and elemental compositions were then analyzed with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTΙR) and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), respectively.There were some spectral differences between the smears collected from the “bloodstain” area and those from the other area of the victim’s clothes.FT-ΙR results indicated that there were two possibilities: (1) the smears on the victim’s clothes might come from two different kinds of paint; and/or (2) the smears collected from the “bloodstain” area of the victim’s clothes might be contaminated by other substances.Contamination of the “bloodstain” area was not discernible with visual inspection.However, being aware that the sample could have been contaminated by blood, we examined a piece of known bloodstain by ΙR, it showed strong bands at 1658 cm-1, 1544 cm-1and 1240 cm-1which were respectively attributed to the amide Ι, ΙΙ and ΙΙΙ, the typical absorption bands of protein.After software-enabled subtraction of the blood spectrum, the resultant spectrum of the smear sample collected from the “bloodstain” area showed no essential difference from those of the samples taken from the other areas, therefore, the smears collected from the victim’s clothes were supposed to be the same kind of paint.As the ΙR spectrums of the smears on the victim’s clothes and the paint from the suspected truck had no essential differences, combined with the results of SEM/EDS elemental analysis, the smears on the victim’s clothes very likely came from the suspected truck.The application of infrared spectral subtraction can help determine the chemical component of smeared samples.

      paint; blood; fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-ΙR); elimination of interference; hit-and-run accident




      孫振文(1983—),男,山東章丘人,副研究員,博士,研究方向為微量物證。 E-mail:skbuffon@163.com


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