




      2015-09-04 06:12:31AkasakaTsuneaki
      歐亞學(xué)刊 2015年1期

      Akasaka Tsuneaki


      Akasaka Tsuneaki

      There are some Persian and chagatay-Turkic historical materials in which comPrehensive ?inggizid genealogical information is contained:

      1. Ra?īd al-Dīn, Jāmi‘ al-tawārīx.

      2. ?и‘a(chǎn)b-i Panjgāna.

      6. Abū al-Гāzī Bahādur xān, ?ajara-'i Tиrk. etc.

      On Jo?id genealogical information, I had already investigated and Published the results of my research (Akasaka 2005). Here I will examine the genealogy of the Baidar family.

      Baidar was ?aγatai’s sixth son. As is commonly known, Baidar was a famous imPerial Prince who joined the EuroPean ExPedition led by Batu. Baidar’s son Alγu mounted the throne of ?aγatai Ulus. Alγu had three sons: Qaban, ?übei and Toq-temür. They came under the Yuan Dynasty. ?übei became the head of the Baidar family. As Professor Sugiyama Masa’aki of Kyoto University has made clear, their family engaged in Political and cultural activities in Gansu and Hami (Qomul) (Sugiyama 1982; Sugiyama 1983).

      In the Qaraqota documents, we can find some Princes’ names. According to genealogical information in the Paris manuscriPt of Mи‘izz al-'ansāb [MA/P], Prof. Sugiyama attested that some of them were members of the ?übei family, but not a few Princes’ Pedigrees remain unknown.

      On the Baidar family, there are two chaPters “?u‘ba-’i Bāydār walad-i Jaγatāy xān (The branch of Baidar, son of ?aγatai qan)” and “?u‘ba-’i Tūq-timūr ibn-i Nālīγū[2]walad-i Bāydār (The branch of Toq-temür, son of Alγu, son of Baidar)”.

      Tūq-timūr or Toq-temür was ?übei’s younger brother. Individual chaPters on his elder brothers Qaban and ?übei are not established. Genealogical information of the descendants of Qaban and ?übei is contained in the chaPter “?u‘ba-'i Bāydār”.

      The text and translation of the descriPtion of the Baidar family in TGNN are as follows:

      The branch of Bāydār, son of Jaγatāy xān

      He had two sons and one daughter.

      The sons’ names are:

      Nālīγū (Alγu)


      The name of the daughter is:

      Yūrūqān qulī

      This Nālīγū (Alγu) had three sons [and]

      one daughter.

      The sons’ names are:




      The daughter’s name is:


      Qabān had three sons. Their names are:

      īsan būqā



      īsan būqā had three sons. Their names





      And Jūbay had sixteen sons. Their names


      KWqJY dūrjī



      Jikīn timūr

      Kambū dūrjī







      īljī būqā

      Buyān tā?

      Nūm qulī(TWM QLY)



      Dāūd had three sons. Their names are:




      Qūtātmī? had six sons.

      Their names are following:







      Yīl qujī’s son [is]:

      Buyān qulī

      He had three sons.

      // TGNN/A:84b; TGNN/Akramov:194,

      Ris.190 //

      Their names are:


      Tūyīn qulī



      His son [is]:






      Alūka ?īrī

      And Astāy's son is: SMDA

      Nūm qulī had two sons. Their names are:

      Nūm tā?

      Buyān timūr

      This Nūm tā? had two sons. Their names [are]:

      Bīlkā timūr

      Pūlād timūr

      Pūlād timūr’ son [is]:


      He had three sons. Their names are:

      āq birdī


      Xudāy birdī

      Tūqtā’ had two sons. Their names




      Tūqajī’s son [is]:

      īrīnj i?kab

      His son is:

      Qarā kūjūk

      Iskandar’s son [is]:

      Bāy kildī

      His son is:


      The branch of Tūq-timūr, son of Nālīγū (Alγu), son of Bāydār

      He had two sons. Their names [are]:



      The son of īrīnjiqbal [is]:


      His son is:


      The son of SNWQBL [is]:


      His son is:


      These were the descendants of Jaγatāy xān.

      The genealogical tree of the Baidar Family according to the abovementioned descriPtion of TGNN is Presented in Table 1 (P.256).

      Some names of the abovementioned ?aγataid Princes are seen in the Qaraqota documents of Saint Petersburg, TК204 (Ecang Heishиicheng wenxian. Hanwen bиfen 4, P.208; ibid.6, xиlи PP.25-26; Menshikov 1984, No.330) and TК248 (Ecang Heishиicheng wenxian. Hanwen bиfen 4, PP.313-314; ibid.6, xиlи P.30; Menshikov 1984, No.331)[3](Table 2).

      Table 1Genealogy of The Baidar Family based on Tawārīx-i

      Table 1Genealogy of The Baidar Family based on Tawārīx-i


      Table 2

      Among them, three underlined Princes’ Pedigrees can be confirmed from genealogical information of the Baidar family in TGNN for the first time:

      1. 亦令只失加大王 I-ling-chih-shih-chia tai-wang (SPb, TК204), 亦令只失加普寧肅王 I-ling-chih-shih-chia-P‘u Ning-su-wang (SPb,TК248).

      He was īrīnj i?kab (Irin?i?kab<Rin chen skyabs[5]), a grandson of Tūqtā (Toqto’a), ?übei's son[6].

      From here, it is ascertained that the Pedigree of Ning-su-wan (寧肅王) is ?übeis[7].

      2. 亦令只巴柳城王 I-ling-chih-Pa Liu-ch‘eng-wang (TК204), 令只巴柳城王 Lingchih-Pa Liu-ch‘eng-wang (TК248).

      According to TGNN, he was īrīnjiqbal (Irin?inbal<Rin chen dPal ), a son of Toq-temür, ?übei’s younger brother[8].

      3. 怯癿肅王 ch‘ieh-Pai Su-wang (TК204, TК248).

      He was regarded as Kubak (K?Pek / Kebek), a grandson of Qaban, ?übei's elder brother[9].

      In fact, these Princes’ names are also found in Mи‘izz al-'ansāb (Table 3).

      However, in manuscriPts of Mи‘izz al-'ansāb, the names of Irin?i?kab and Irin?inbal had been written by mistake, and so we could not identify the error names with Irin?i?kab and Irin?inbal.

      Moreover, in Mи‘izz al-'ansāb, K?Pek (Kebek) is found as grandson of Qutatm?? who was ?übei’s son.

      On the latter, Professor Sugiyama commented that when Qaban’s line had became extinct, the title of Su-wang moved to Qutatm??’s line. But according to TGNN, K?Pek was a grandson of Qaban, not of Qutatm??. So I Presume the Pedigree of K?Pek in Mи‘izz al-'ansāb to be incorrect. I suPPose that the line of genealogy had been drawn by mistake in manuscriPts of Mи‘izz al-'ansāb. On all manuscriPts of Mи‘izz al-'ansāb which are existing, K?Pek and his two brothers are situated on the right-side of the leaf (MA/P, f.38a; MA/L, f.39a; MA/A1, f.41a; MA/A2, f.187a; MA/L14306, f.33a), and Qaban and his three sons are situated on the right-side too (MA/P, f.37a; MA/L, f.38a; MA/A1, f.40a; MA/A2, f.186a; MA/L14306, f.32a). I suPPose that in the original text or an original genealogical source of this material, K?Pek’s father-line would be drawn from Qaban’s son īsan būqā (Esen-buqa). As far as we observe the form of genealogical tree of manuscriPts, this suPPosition is not imProbable. In any case, descriPtions of K?Pek in TGNN are reasonable in view of the title“Su-wang”, because Qaban and his son kūnjāk or G?n?eg had just this title.

      Additionally, Alūka ?īrī who was a grandson of Sulaymān (?übei’s grandson) is given as ūka ?īrīn (?g??iri) in Mи‘izz al-'ansāb, but his name is Alūka ?īrī (āloka ?ri) in TGNN. His name agrees with “ Mêng-ku wang-tz? A-lu-kê-shih-li (Menggu wangzi Alugeshili)”(蒙古王子阿魯哥失里) in the “ Sha-chou-wei-chuan (Shazhou-wei zhuan)” of Ming-shih (Mingshi) (《明史》卷三百三十《沙州衞傳》).

      We can consequently aPPreciate that the Baidar family’s genealogical information in TGNN is obviously imPortant and useful. Yet there are further differences between TGNN

      and Mи‘izz al-'ansāb, and in some of these differences, TGNN is seen to be mistaken. For examPle, according to TGNN, Irin?inbal is Toq-temür’s son, but according to Mи‘izz al-'ansāb, he is Toq-temür’s grandson.[11]From a generational PersPective, the latter seems more reasonable. Therefore we have to make a comParative investigation of TGNN and Mи‘izz al-'ansāb, and decide uPon the accurate genealogy.

      In conclusion, according to TGNN and the study by Prof. Sugiyama, it is confirmed that the Baidar family’s titles given by the Yuan Dynasty were as in Table 4:

      ■ ?übei himself, his son Nom-quli and his descendants held the title Pin-wang. They were the head of the Baidar family and the other ?aγatai families under the Yuan Dynasty.

      ■ ?übei's elder brother Qaban's descendants held the title Su-wang.

      ■ ?übei's son Buyan-da?, his younger brother Qutatm??, Buyan-da?'s son Sulaymān and his descendants held the title Hsi-ning-wang (Si-ning ong).

      ■ ?übei's son Yiliq?i and his descendant held the title Wei-wu-hsi-ning-wang (üi-uu Sining ong). Later this family held the additional title Su-wang.

      ■ ?übei's son Toqto'a's descendant held the title Ning-su-wang.

      ■ ?übei's younger brother Toq-temür's descendant held the title Liu-ch‘êng-wang.

      From the genealogical information in TGNN, the Pedigree of some unidentified Princes who aPPear in the Qaraqota documents have became distinct.

      We have to take more notice of descriPtions in Persian and chagatay-Turkic materials on the Mongol Period and the Post-Mongol Period.


      ■ MS., London, British Library, Or.3222.[TGNN/A]

      ■ Pyк., caнкт-ПeтePбyPгcкий филиaл Инcтитyтa вocтoкoвeдeния PAH, No.B-745.[TGNN/B]

      ■ TaвaPиx-и гyзидa-HycPam-нaмe. A.M.AкPaмoв(cocт.). Taшкeнт, 1967.[TGNN/Akramov]

      The Qaraqota documents

      ■ MasPero, H.(ed.) Les Docиments chinois de la troisième exPédition de Sir Aиrel Stein en Asie centrale. London, 1953.

      ■ Li Yiyou (ed.), Heicheng chиtи wenshи (Hanwen wenshи jиan). Beijing, Kexue chubanshe, 1991.李逸友編著:《黑城出土文書(漢文文書卷)》,北京, 科學(xué)出版社.

      ■ Ecang Heishиicheng wenxian. Hanwen bufen, 4,6. Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1997, 2000.《俄藏黑水城文獻(xiàn)》漢文部分4,6. 上海, 上海古籍出版社.

      ■ Tala, Du Jianlu, Gao Guoxiang (eds.), Zhonggиo cang Heishиicheng Hanwen wenxian. 10 vols.. Beijing, Guojia tushuguan chubanshe, 2008. 塔拉、杜建録、高國祥主編:《中國藏黑水城漢文文獻(xiàn)》(全十冊),

      北京, 國家圖書舘出版社.

      ■ MS., Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, Ancien fonds Persan 67.[MA/P](Facsimile: MA/Vokhidov)

      ■ MS., London, British Library, Or.467.[MA/L]

      ■ MS., Aligarh, Aligarh Muslim University, Maulana Azad Library, No.41.[MA/A1]

      ■ MS., Aligarh, Aligarh Muslim University, Maulana Azad Library, No.42.[MA/A2]

      ■ MS., London, British Library, Or.14306.[MA/L14306]

      ■ ИcmoPия Кaзaxcmaнa в nePcидcкиx иcmoчникax. III тoм. My‘изз aл-aнcaб. (ПPocлaвляющee гeнeaлoгии). Bвeдeниe, пePeвoд c пePcидcкoгo языкa, пPимeчaния, пoдгoтoвкa, фaкcимилe к издaнию Ш.X.Boxидoвa. Aлмaты, Издaтeльcтвo“Дaйк-ПPecc”, 2006. [MA/Vokhidov]

      Akasaka Tsuneaki. Jиchi-ei sho-seiken-shi no kenkyии (Stиdy on Jochid dynasties), Tokyo, Kazama-shobo, 2005.

      赤坂恒明:『ジュチ裔諸政権史の研究』 , 東京, 風(fēng)間書房.

      Akasaka Tsuneaki, “Baidaru-ei keifu jouhou to Karahoto kanbun bunsho” (The genealogy of the Baidar family and Qaraqota chinese documents). Seinan Ajia Kenkyии (Bиlletin of the Society for Western and Soиthern Asiatic Stиdies, Kyoto University). No.66, March 2007, PP.43-66.赤坂恒明:「バイダル裔系譜情報(bào)とカラホト漢文文書」, 『西南アジア研究』第66號.

      Akasaka Tsuneaki, “Hoshira no seikou to Baidaru-ei chagatai-ke” (Qoshila’s escaPe to the west and descendants of Baidar, chagatai’s youngest son). The Tōyōshi-kenkyū (The Joиrnal of Oriental Researches). Vol.LXVII, No.4. March 2009, PP.36-69.赤坂恒明:「ホシラの西行とバイダル裔チャガタイ家」, 『東洋史硏究』第67卷第4號.

      Akhmedov, B.A. Б.A.AxMeдoB, ИcTOPИКO-reorPaфИЧecКaя лИTePaTyPa cPeдHeй Aзии XVI— XVII BB., ЛИcbMeHHbIe ЛaMяTHИКИ. TaШКeHT, ИздaTeЛbcTBO 《фaH》 Узбeкcкoй ccP, 1985.(〔鳥〕Б.A.艾哈邁多夫:《16—18世紀(jì)中亞歴史地理文獻(xiàn)》,陳遠(yuǎn)光譯,昆明, 雲(yún)南人民出版社,2002)

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      Pelliot, Paul. Le Hōja et le Sayyid Hиsain de l'Histoire des Ming. Leiden, E.J.Brill. 1948 (T'oиng Pao, vol. XXXVIII, 1948).

      Sugiyama Masa’aki. Mongorи teikokи to Daigen иrиsи (The Mongol EmPire and Dai-?n Ulиs). Kyoto University Press, 2004. 杉山正明:『モンゴル帝國と大元ウルス』 , 京都, 京都大學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)出版會.

      Sugiyama Masa’aki. “Hin-ou chubei to sono keifu”. Sugiyama 2004, PP.242-287.杉山正明, 「豳王チュベイとその系譜 ──元明史料と『ムーイッズル·アンサーブ』の比較を通じて」(初出: 杉山正明「豳王チュベイとその系譜 ── 元明史料と『ムイッズル-アンサーブ』の比較を通じて ──」『史林』65卷1號, 1982, pp.1-40)

      Sugiyama Masa’aki. “Futatsu no chagatai-ke”. Sugiyama 2004, PP.288-333.杉山正明:「ふたつのチャガタイ家 ──チュベイ王家の興亡」(初出: 杉山正明「ふたつのチャガタイ家」 , 京大人文研共同研究班報(bào)告『明清時(shí)代の政治と社會』, 1983, pp.651-700)


      * This article is founded on an unpublished (as far as I know)reading-paper read at the 9th International congress of Mongolists MOIS, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on 10 August 2006. To date, I have published two articles (Akasaka 2007 and Akasaka 2009) on the related subjects in Japanese. On the occasion of this publication, I reduced my revisions to a minimum, but have added new notes based on my recent studies.

      [1] See A. Akhmedov 1985, PP.12-15; Akasaka 2005, PP.50-61, 98-104.

      [2] In TGNN, the name Alγu is mistaken for Nālīγū. In Mи‘izz al-'ansāb, the same mistake occurs.

      [3] On these documents, see chen Gaohua 2002.

      [4] On this T’ang-wu-tai ta-wang (唐兀歹大王), I have PrePared another article. I Presume that he was a descendant of AjiYi who was a great-grandson of aYatai.

      [5] In this article, I was enlightened about the Sanskrit by Prof. Ishihama Yumiko of Waseda University.

      [6] On the information of Irin?i?kab in TGNN, I was enlightened initially by Prof. Matsui Dai of Hirosaki University.

      [7] According to “Tsung-shih shih-hsi-Piao” (Zongshi shixibiao) of Yüanshih(Yиan-shi) (『元史』卷一百七「宗室世系表」), Ning-su-wang T‘o-t‘o (寧肅王脫脫) was a son of chu-ch‘ih (朮赤) or Jo?i, ?inggis qan’s first son. This is incorrect. Ning-su-wang T‘o-t‘o is regarded as ?übei’s son Tūqtā whose grandson was Irin?i?kab. In the Qaraqota Documents F26:W101 zheng(正), F51:W3a, F116:W574 and F249:W23 (Li Yiyou 1991, PP.118,126,127; Zhonggиo cang Heishиicheng Hanwen wenxian 2, PP.316-319; Ibid.3, PP.523,525,537), A-hei-Pu-hua Ning-su-wang (阿黑不花寧肅王) aPPears. He was also ?übei's son. On Ning-su-wang, see Akasaka 2007 and Akasaka 2009.

      [8] I Presume that Liu-ch‘eng-wang Irin?inbal was one of the PrinciPal suPPorters of chou-wang (周王) Qosila, who fled westward, reaching the Altai Mountains and settling in the territory of the chagatay Khanate, and I suPPose that Irin?inbal’s grandfather (according to Mи‘izz al-'ansāb) Toq-temür inherited the grazing lands in the south-western Altai Mountains region which had first been awarded to ?aγatai by ?inggis qan, as theresult of his right of inheritance as the youngest son, because he was the youngest son of Alγu, only son of Baidar, the youngest son of ?aγatai (according to ?и‘a(chǎn)b-i Panjgāna, etc.). See Akasaka 2007 and Akasaka 2009.

      [9] K?Pek’s grandfather Qaban and K?Pek’s uncle G?n?eg also had the title Su-wang (肅王) . See below. According to Mи‘izz al-'ansāb, K?Pek had a son named Budā-malik (Buda-m?lik). Pu-ta-ming-li Su-wang (不荅明力肅王) which is aPPeared in the Qaraqota Documents No519.-KK.I.0232 (t) of the British Museum (MasPero 1953, P.211) is regarded as this Budā-malik. See Akasaka 2007.

      [10] There are some differences between the genealogical information in MA/P and that in other manuscriPts of Mи‘izz al-'ansāb. See Akasaka 2005 and Akasaka 2007.

      [11] The name of Irin?inbal’s father is īsan buqā (Esen-buqa) in Mи‘izz al-'ansāb, but according to Jāmi‘ altawārīx and ?и‘a(chǎn)b-i Panjgāna, his name is īsan būkā (Esen-b?ge). The latter is correct. See Akasaka 2007.

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