




      2015-09-10 07:22:44
      中國(guó)遠(yuǎn)程教育 2015年6期

      A Review of Chinese Literature on Deep Learning

      Fan Yaqin,Wang Binghao, Wang Wei and Tang Yewei

      In recent years, deep learning has attracted increasing attention from researchers. Adopting the method of content analysis, this article conducted a statistical analysis of dissertations and articles on deep learning, published in China, from five aspects: publication year, sources of publications, publication topics/themes, research content, and development trends. Problems pertaining to this field of study are identified and suggestions for further research are proposed.

      Keywords: deep learning; content analysis; literature review

      Beyond Assessment: Recognizing Achievement in a Networked World

      Stephen Downes

      ePortfolios and Open Badges are only the first wave in what will emerge as a wider network-based form of assessment that makes tests and reviews unnecessary. This paper discusses work being done in network-based automated competency development and recognition, the challenges it presents to traditional institutions, and the opportunities created for genuinely autonomous open learning. Through an exploration of the ethical issues related to analytics and assessment and the development of alternative credentials, the paper proposes a mechanism for personal learning assessment based on production in social and community-based environments.

      Keywords: ?networks; learning; assessments; social media; analytics; ethics

      Open Source Software and Commercial Software: A Comparison

      of Their Respective Educational Value

      Cao Henglai and Zhong Baichang

      Nowadays, in Chinese primary and secondary education, IT courses are mainly based on Microsoft Windows operating system and related applications. This practice is not in line with the international trend of IT, nor is it conducive to the development of students’ open mindset and innovative abilities. Given that there are a variety of open-source software, including OS, DB, Office and others, we designed this experiment to compare the educational value of open source and commercial software in terms of learning effectiveness, transferable skills as well as interests and attitudes. Results from the experiment show that open source software solutions are as effective as commercial solutons in achieving the intended learning outcomes and transferable skills. It is argued that no efforts should be spared to promote open source software in primary and secondary education.

      Keywords: open source software; commercial software; IT education; primary and secondary education

      Credit Bank Information Management Platform in the Age of Big

      Data in Education: Design Principles and Technical Framework

      Yu Yanfang

      The credit bank is a sophisticated and massive system,which requires the support of relevant operating mechanisms, policies and regulations, and criteria systems as well as a powerful information management platform for effective operation. It is argued that the platform should be designed in accordance with the principles of promoting the construction of the learning society, taking individualized demands into account, and facilitating the transfer of learning outcomes. To put it more specifically, such a platform should be able to link up data at different levels, enable data sharing between different platforms, store and manage user information at an increasingly massive scale, and realizing the value of big data in education through cloud services.

      Keywords: credit bank; big data in education; technical framework; cloud service; intelligent gateway

      An Investigation of Primary and Secondary School

      Teachers’ Online Learning: The Case of China

      Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

      Meng Zhaokun, Lan Guoshuai, Xu Meidan and Zhang Yichun

      Based on empirical research horizon, embarking from the practical investigation and research, this study describes the online learning situation from primary and secondary school teachers in Xinjiang Region, then analyzes the problems existing in the online learning process from the online learning conditions, the purpose of the online learning, the condition of environment that supports online learning to the resource view on online learning. In the end, we puts forward corresponding measures to solve these problems: improving online learning conditions to optimize teachers' online learning experience; constructing online learning communities to promote the teachers’ professional development; continuing to carry out training plan on teacher’s information technology capabilities so as to enhance their self-confidence about technology; creating professional education resources to provide the "one-stop" work style learning platform for teachers' autonomous learning; promoting learning resources ecological view and establish the sharing incentive mechanism on high quality resources to help teachers go forward the depth of network learning.

      Keywords: Xinjiang region; primary and secondary school teachers; online learning community; online learning; investigation

      能源(2014年9期)2014-09-15 13:18:12
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