數(shù)據(jù)來源:Web of Science文獻出版時間:2014.1—2015.5檢索時間:2015.6.5
Materials Science,Composites復(fù)合材料學(xué)
Materials Science,Multidisciplinary綜合材料科學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Morphological Control for High Performance,Eperon,Giles E.; Burlakov,Advanced Functional228Solution-Processed Planar HeterojunctionVictor M.; Docampo,Pablo; etMaterialsPerovskite Solar Cells al.2014,24(1): 151-157Green,Martin A.; Emery,Keith;Progress in Photovoltaics 212Solar cell efficiency tables(version 43)Hishikawa,Yoshihiro; et al.2014,22(1): 1-9 191 Black phosphorus field-effect transistors Li,Likai; Yu,Yijun; Ye,Guo Jun; et al. Nature Nanotechnology 2014,9(5): 372-377Solvent engineering for high-performance Jeon,Nam Joong; Noh,Jun Nature Materials 182inorganic-organic hybrid perovskite solar cellsHong; Kim,Young Chan; et al.2014,13(9): 897-903 178 Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Flexibility You,Jingbi; Hong,Ziruo; Yang,Yang(Michael); et al. Acs Nano 2014,8(2): 1674-1680Phosphorene: An Unexplored 2D Semiconductor Liu,Han; Neal,Adam T.; Zhu,Acs Nano 173with a High Hole MobilityZhen; et al.2014,8(4): 4033-4041 152 Anomalous Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells Snaith,Henry J.; Abate,Antonio; Ball,James M.; et al. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2014,5(9): 1511-1515Device Characteristics of CZTSSe Thin-Film Solar Wang,Wei; Winkler,Mark T.;Advanced Energy Materials 139Cells with 12.6% EfficiencyGunawan,Oki; et al.2014,4(7)124 25th Anniversary Article: Rise to Power -OPV-Based Solar Parks Krebs,F(xiàn)rederik C.; Espinosa,Nieves; Hosel,Markus; et al. Advanced Materials 2014,26(1): 29-39Green,Martin A.; Emery,Keith;Advanced Materials 111Solar cell efficiency tables(version 44)Hishikawa,Yoshihiro; et al.2014,22(7): 701-710
Materials Science,Paper & Wood材料科學(xué),造紙材
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Idealized powder diffraction patterns for celluloseCellulose 59French,Alfred D.2014,21(2): 885-896polymorphsPreparation and characterization of nanocrystallineTang,Yanjun; Yang,Shujie;Cellulose 16cellulose via low-intensity ultrasonic-assistedZhang,Nan; et al.2014,21(1): 335-346 sulfuric acid hydrolysis14 Electron(charge)density studies of cellulose models French,Alfred D.; Concha,Monica; Dowd,Michael K.; et al. Cellulose 2014,21(2): 1051-1063Visualization of the nanoscale pattern ofZhang,Tian;recently-deposited cellulose microfibrils and matrixCellulose 13Mahgsoudy-Louyeh,Sahar;materials in never-dried primary walls of the onion2014,21(2): 853-862Tittmann,Bernhard; et al. epidermis10 Recent advances in bacterial cellulose Huang,Yang; Zhu,Chunlin;Yang,Jiazhi; et al. Cellulose 2014,21(1): 1-30Understanding the effects of lignosulfonate onLou,Hongming; Zhou,Cellulose 9enzymatic saccharification of pure celluloseHaifeng; Li,Xiuli; et al.2014,21(3): 1351-1359 7 A comparative molecular dynamics study of crystalline,paracrystalline and amorphous states of cellulose Kulasinski,Karol; Keten,Sinan; Churakov,Sergey V.; et al. Cellulose 2014,21(3): 1103-1116Carboxymethylated nanofibrillated cellulose:Naderi,Ali; Lindstrom,Tom;Cellulose 7rheological studiesSundstrom,Jonas2014,21(3): 1561-1571 7 Cellulose microfibril orientation in onion(Allium cepa L.)epidermis studied by atomic force microscopy(AFM)and vibrational sum frequency generation(SFG)spectroscopy Kafle,Kabindra; Xi,Xiaoning;Lee,Christopher M.; et al. Cellulose 2014,21(2): 1075-1086Dissolution of cellulose in aqueous NaOH/ureaXiong,Bi; Zhao,Pingping; Hu,Cellulose 6solution: role of ureaKai; et al.2014,21(3): 1183-1192
Materials Science,Textiles材料科學(xué),紡織
Mathematical & Computational Biology數(shù)學(xué)計算生物學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Applied Mathematics and28Bell-polynomial approach applied to theShen,Yu-Jia; Gao,Yi-Tian; Yu,seventh-order Sawada-Kotera-Ito equationXin; et al.Computation2014,227 : 502-5082014,82 : 1-10 23 Stochastic Lotka-Volterra systems with Levy noise Liu,Meng; Wang,Ke L-infinity error estimates of discontinuousApplied Numerical25Galerkin methods for delay differentialLi,Dongfang; Zhang,ChengjianMathematicsequationsJournal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2014,410(2): 750-763Applied Mathematics and22 2014,227 : 274-290 19 Towards a Mathematical Theory of SuperresolutionModeling of biological population problemsCheng,R. J.; Zhang,L. W.; Liew,using the element-free kp-Ritz methodK.M.ComputationCandes,Emmanuel J.;Fernandez-Granda,Carlos Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2014,67(6): 906-956A new Jacobi rational-Gauss collocationApplied Numerical18method for numerical solution of generalizedDoha,E. H.; Bhrawy,A. H.;Mathematicspantograph equationsBaleanu,D.; et al.2014,77 : 43-54 18 An image encryption scheme based on rotation matrix bit-level permutation and block diffusion Zhang,Yushu; Xiao,Di Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2014,19(1): 74-82A New Optimized Symmetric EmbeddedApplied Mathematics &17Predictor-Corrector Method(EPCM)forInitial-Value Problems with OscillatoryPanopoulos,G. A.; Simos,T. E.Information Sciences Solutions2014,8(2): 703-713 17 The Dirichlet problem for the fractional Laplacian: Regularity up to the boundary Ros-Oton,Xavier; Serra,Joaquim Journal de Mathematiques Pures Et Appliquees 2014,101(3): 275-302Coexistence of synchrony and incoherence inSchmidt,Lennart; Schoenleber,17oscillatory media under nonlinear globalKonrad; Krischer,Katharina; etChaoscouplingal.2014,24(1)
Mathematics,Interdisciplinary Applications數(shù)學(xué),綜合應(yīng)用
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Applied Mathematical56Combined state and least squares parameterestimation algorithms for dynamic systemsDing,F(xiàn)engModelling2014,38(1): 403-412Postbuckling of carbon nanotube-reinforcedComputer Methods in52functionally graded cylindrical panels underLiew,K. M.; Lei,Z. X.; Yu,J.Applied Mechanics andaxial compression using a meshless approachL.; et al.Engineering2014,268 : 1-17 45 Statistical mediation analysis with a multicategorical independent variable Hayes,Andrew F.; Preacher,Kristopher J. British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 2014,67(3): 451-470Dovesi,Roberto; Orlando,International Journal of42CRYSTAL14: A Program for the Ab InitioInvestigation of Crystalline SolidsRoberto; Erba,Alessandro; etQuantum Chemistry al.2014,114(19): 1287-1317 36 Large deflection geometrically nonlinear analysis of carbon nanotube-reinforced functionally graded cylindrical panels Zhang,L. W.; Lei,Z. X.; Liew,K. M.; et al. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2014,273 : 1-18An improved element-free Galerkin method forEngineering Analysis with29numerical modeling of the biologicalZhang,L. W.; Deng,Y. J.; Liew,Boundary Elementspopulation problemsK. M.2014,40 : 181-188 25 Hubbard-Corrected DFT Energy Functionals:The LDA + U Description of Correlated Systems Himmetoglu,Burak; Floris,Andrea; de Gironcoli,Stefano;et al. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2014,114(1): 14-49Journal of the Franklin23 2014,351(3): 1386-1399 19 The Control Parameterization Method for Nonlinear Optimal Control: A SurveyNew delay-dependent robust stability criteriaLu,Renquan; Wu,Haiyi; Bai,Institute-Engineering andfor uncertain neutral systems with mixed delaysJianjunApplied MathematicsLin,Qun; Loxton,Ryan; Teo,Kok Lay Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 2014,10(1): 275-309An image encryption scheme based on rotationCommunications in Nonlinear18matrix bit-level permutation and blockZhang,Yushu; Xiao,DiScience and Numerical diffusionSimulation2014,19(1): 74-82
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Applied Mathematical56Combined state and least squares parameterestimation algorithms for dynamic systemsDing,F(xiàn)engModelling2014,38(1): 403-412Postbuckling of carbon nanotube-reinforcedComputer Methods in Applied52functionally graded cylindrical panels underLiew,K. M.; Lei,Z. X.; Yu,J.Mechanics and Engineeringaxial compression using a meshless approachL.; et al.2014,268 : 1-17 37 Multi-soliton solutions for the three-coupled KdV equations engendered by the Neumann system Zuo,Da-Wei; Gao,Yi-Tian;Meng,Gao-Qing; et al. Nonlinear Dynamics 2014,75(4): 701-708Large deflection geometrically nonlinearComputer Methods in Applied36analysis of carbon nanotube-reinforcedZhang,L. W.; Lei,Z. X.; Liew,Mechanics and Engineeringfunctionally graded cylindrical panelsK. M.; et al.2014,273 : 1-18 33 Least squares algorithm for an input nonlinear system with a dynamic subspace state space model Wang,Dongqing; Ding,F(xiàn)eng;Liu Ximei Nonlinear Dynamics 2014,75(1-2): 49-61Magnetohydrodynamic free convection ofSheikholeslami,M.;30Al2O3-water nanofluid consideringGorji-Bandpy,M.; Ganji,D. D.;Computers & FluidsThermophoresis and Brownian motion effectsetal.2014,94 : 147-160 30 Thermal and flow analysis of microchannel heat sink(MCHS)cooled by Cu-water nanofluid using porous media approach and least square method Hatami,M.; Ganji,D. D. Energy Conversion and Management 2014,78 : 347-35828Discrete fractional logistic map and its chaosWu,Guo-Cheng; Baleanu,Nonlinear Dynamics Dumitru2014,75(1-2): 283-287 27 Economic-environmental energy and reserve scheduling of smart distribution systems: A multiobjective mathematical programming approach Zakariazadeh,Alireza; Jadid,Shahram; Siano,Pierluigi Energy Conversion and Management 2014,78 : 151-164Energy Conversion and25Multi-objective scheduling of electric vehiclesZakariazadeh,Alireza; Jadid,in smart distribution systemShahram; Siano,PierluigiManagement2014,79 : 43-53
Medical Ethics醫(yī)學(xué)倫理
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Clayton,Ellen Wright;Addressing the Ethical Challenges in GeneticAmerican Journal of Bioethics19McCullough,Laurence B.;Testing and Sequencing of Children2014,14(3): 3-9 Biesecker,Leslie G.; et al.Assessing the Likely Harms to Kidney Vendors American Journal of Bioethics 17Koplin,Julianin Regulated Organ Markets2014,14(10): 7-18 15 Neglected Ends: Clinical Ethics Consultation and the Prospects for Closure Fiester,Autumn American Journal of Bioethics 2015,15(1): 29-36The Social Determinants of Health: Why American Journal of Bioethics 14Preda,Adina; Voigt,KristinShould We Care?2015,15(3): 25-36 14 Changing the Conversation About Brain Death Truog,Robert D.; Miller,F(xiàn)ranklin G. American Journal of Bioethics 2014,14(8): 9-14Schenker,Yael; Arnold,The Ethics of Advertising for Health CareAmerican Journal of Bioethics 13Robert M.; London,AlexServices2014,14(3): 34-43 John12 Ethical Review of Health Systems Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Conceptual Exploration Hyder,Adnan A.; Rattani,Abbas; Krubiner,Carleigh; et al. American Journal of Bioethics 2014,14(2): 28-37American Journal of Bioethics 11Egalitarianism and Moral BioenhancementSparrow,Robert2 014,14(4): 20-28 10 Selecting the Right Tool For the Job Caplan,Arthur L.; Plunkett,Carolyn; Levin,Bruce American Journal of Bioethics 2015,15(4): 4-10Journal of Medical Ethics 10In vitro eugenicsSparrow,Robert2 014,40(11): 725-731
Medical Informatics醫(yī)學(xué)信息
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Tarvainen,Mika P.; Niskanen,Computer Methods and23Kubios HRV - Heart rate variability analysis softwareJuha-Pekka; Lipponen,JukkaPrograms in Biomedicine A.; et al.2014,131(1): 210-220A note on the evaluation of novel biomarkers:18do not rely on integrated discriminationHilden,Jorgen; Gerds,Statistics in Medicineimprovement and net reclassification indexThomas A.2014,33(19): 3405-3414 16 The use of propensity score methods with survival or time-to-event outcomes: reporting measures of effect similar to those used in randomized experiments Austin,Peter C. Statistics in Medicine 2014,33(7): 1242-125816A comparison of 12 algorithms for matching onStatistics in Medicinethe propensity scoreAustin,Peter C.2014,33(6): 1057-1069 15 Mobile Clinical Decision Support Systems and Applications: A Literature and Commercial Review Martinez-Perez,Borja; de la Torre-Diez,Isabel;Lopez-Coronado,Miguel; et al. Journal of Medical Systems 2014,38(1)Bell,Gillian C.; Crews,Journal of the American12Development and use of active clinical decisionMedical Informaticssupport for preemptive pharmacogenomicsKristine R.; Wilkinson,Mark R.; et al.Association2014,21(E1): E93-E99 11 Launching PCORnet,a national patient-centered clinical research network Fleurence,Rachael L.; Curtis,Lesley H.; Califf,Robert M.;et al. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2014,21(4): 578-582Computer simulation of MHD blood conveyingComputer Methods and11gold nanoparticles as a third gradeHatami,M.; Hatami,J.;non-Newtonian nanofluid in a hollow porousGanji,D. D.Programs in Biomedicine vessel2014,113(2): 632-641 10 NCBI disease corpus: A resource for disease name recognition and concept normalization Dogan,Rezarta Islamaj;Leaman,Robert; Lu,Zhiyong Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2014,47 : 1-10Grajales,F(xiàn)rancisco Jose,III;Journal of Medical Internet10Social Media: A Review and Tutorial ofApplications in Medicine and Health CareSheps,Samuel; Ho,Kendall;Research et al.2014,16(2)
Medical Laboratory Technology醫(yī)學(xué)實驗室技術(shù)
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Recommendations for Human EpidermalGrowth Factor Receptor 2 Testing in BreastWolff,Antonio C.; Hammond,Archives of Pathology &34Cancer American Society of ClinicalM. Elizabeth H.; Hicks,Laboratory MedicineOncology/College of American PathologistsDavid G.; et al.2014,138(2): 241-256Clinical Practice Guideline UpdateMaternal Mosaicism Is a Significant23Contributor to Discordant Sex ChromosomalWang,Yanlin; Chen,Yan;Clinical ChemistryAneuploidies Associated with NoninvasiveTian,F(xiàn)eng; et al.2014,60(1): 251-259 Prenatal Testing21 Integration of Noninvasive DNA Testing for Aneuploidy into Prenatal Care: What Has Happened Since the Rubber Met the Road?Bianchi,Diana W.;Wilkins-Haug,Louise Clinical Chemistry 2014,60(1): 78-8719Extracellular matrix as an inductive scaffold forBrown,Bryan N.; Badylak,Translational Researchfunctional tissue reconstructionStephen F.2014,163(4): 268-285 14 Circulating Fetal Cell-Free DNA Fractions Differ in Autosomal Aneuploidies and Monosomy X Rava,Richard P.; Srinivasan,Anupama; Sehnert,Amy J.; et al. Clinical Chemistry 2014,60(1): 243-25014Comparison of serum exosome isolationRekker,Kadri; Saare,Merli;Clinical Biochemistrymethods for microRNA profilingRoost,Anne Mari; et al.2014,47(1-2): 135-138 13 Routine use of the Ion Torrent AmpliSeq(TM)Cancer Hotspot Panel for identification of clinically actionable somatic mutations Tsongalis,Gregory J.;Peterson,Jason D.; de Abreu,F(xiàn)rancine B.; et al. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2014,52(5): 707-714Interlaboratory Agreement of Insulin-likeCox,Holly D.; Lopes,F(xiàn)ilipe;13 2014,60(3): 541-548 12 Identification of Chromosomally Integrated Human Herpesvirus 6 by Droplet Digital PCRGrowth Factor 1 Concentrations Measured byWoldemariam,Getachew A.;Clinical ChemistryMass Spectrometryetal.Sedlak,Ruth Hall; Cook,Linda; Huang,Meei-Li; et al. Clinical Chemistry 2014,60(5): 765-772Quality Markers Addressing PreanalyticalKamlage,Beate; Maldonado,12Variations of Blood and Plasma ProcessingClinical ChemistryIdentified by Broad and Targeted MetaboliteSandra Gonzalez; Bethan,2014,60(2): 399-412 ProfilingBianca; et al.
Medicine,General & Internal內(nèi)科學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for theJames,Paul A.; Oparil,Jama-Journal of the American563Management of High Blood Pressure in AdultsReport From the Panel Members Appointed to theSuzanne; Carter,Barry L.; etMedical AssociationEighth Joint National Committee(JNC 8)al.2014,311(5): 507-520Ogden,Cynthia L.; Carroll,Jama-Journal of the American411 2014,311(8): 806-814 261 A Controlled Trial of Renal Denervation for Resistant HypertensionPrevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in theUnited States,2011-2012Margaret D.; Kit,Brian K.; etMedical Association al.Bhatt,Deepak L.; Kandzari,David E.; O'Neill,William W.; et al. New England Journal of Medicine 2014,370(15): 1393-1401Sulkowski,Mark S.;New England Journal of184Daclatasvir plus Sofosbuvir for Previously TreatedGardiner,David F.;or Untreated Chronic HCV InfectionRodriguez-Torres,Maribel; etMedicine al.2014,370(3): 211-221 151 Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir for Untreated HCV Genotype 1 Infection Afdhal,Nezam; Zeuzem,Stefan; Kwo,Paul; et al. New England Journal of Medicine 2014,370(20): 1889-1898Global,regional,and national prevalence of145overweight and obesity in children and adultsNg,More; Fleming,Torn;Lancetduring 1980-2013: a systematic analysis for theRobinson,Margaret; et al.2014,384(9945): 766-781Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 143 A Randomized Trial of Bevacizumab for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Gilbert,Mark R.; Dignam,James J.; Armstrong,Terri S.;et al. New England Journal of Medicine 2014,370(8): 699-708Afdhal,Nezam; Reddy,K.New England Journal of137Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir for Previously TreatedHCV Genotype 1 InfectionRajender; Nelson,David R.;Medicine et al.2014,370(16): 1483-1493 130 Comparison of the efficacy and safety of new oral anticoagulants with warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation: a meta-analysis of randomised trials Ruff,Christian T.; Giugliano,Robert P.; Braunwald,Eugene; et al. Lancet 2014,383(9921): 955-962Chinot,Olivier L.; Wick,New England Journal of128Bevacizumab plus Radiotherapy-Temozolomidefor Newly Diagnosed GlioblastomaWolfgang; Mason,Warren; etMedicine al.2014,370(8): 709-722
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Purps,Josephine; Siegert,F(xiàn)orensic Science17A global analysis of Y-chromosomal haplotypediversity for 23 STR lociSabine; Willuweit,Sascha; etInternational-Genetics al.2014,12 : 12-23Regulatory Toxicology and17 2014,68(1): 1-7 17 The analytical investigation of synthetic street drugs containing cathinone analogsOral toxicity of silver ions,silver nanoparticles andHadrup,Niels; Lam,Henrikcolloidal silver - A reviewR.PharmacologyLeffler,Amanda M.; Smith,Philip B.; de Armas,Adriana;et al. Forensic Science International 2014,234 : 50-56Carracedo,Angel; Butler,F(xiàn)orensic Science16Update of the guidelines for the publication ofgenetic population dataJohn M.; Gusmao,Leonor; etInternational-Genetics al.2014,10 : A1-A2 15 Finding the needle in the haystack: Differentiating "identical'' twins in paternity testing and forensics by ultra-deep next generation sequencing Weber-Lehmann,Jacqueline;Schilling,Elmar; Gradl,Georg; et al. Forensic Science International-Genetics 2014,9 : 42-462014,128(1): 59-64 12 A 3-year review of new psychoactive substances in Musshoff,F(xiàn)rank; Madea,International Journal of Legal15Driving under the influence of synthetic Burkhard;cannabinoids("Spice"): a case seriesKernbach-Wighton,Gerhard;Medicine et al.casework Elliott,Simon; Evans,Julie Forensic Science International 2014,243 : 55-60RNA/DNA co-analysis from human menstrualForensic Science12blood and vaginal secretion stains: Results of aHaas,C.; Hanson,E.; Anjos,International-Geneticsfourth and fifth collaborative EDNAP exerciseM. J.; et al.2014,8(1): 203-214 11 The value of sub-stages and thin slices for the assessment of the medial clavicular epiphysis: a prospective multi-center CT study Wittschieber,Daniel; Schulz,Ronald; Vieth,Volker; et al. Forensic Science Medicine and Pathology 2014,10(2): 163-169My-Forensic-Loci-queries(MyFLq)framework forVan Neste,Christophe;Forensic Science11analysis of forensic STR data generated by massiveVandewoestyne,Mado; VanInternational-Genetics parallel sequencingCriekinge,Wim; et al.2014,9 : 1-8
Medicine,Research & Experimental醫(yī)學(xué)實驗研究
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Gut microbiota metabolism of dietary fiberTrompette,Aurelien;72influences allergic airway disease andGollwitzer,Eva S.; Yadava,Nature Medicine hematopoiesisKoshika; et al.2014,20(2): 159-166Mapstone,Mark; Cheema,61 2014,20(4): 415 55 New and emerging HDAC inhibitors for cancer treatmentPlasma phospholipids identify antecedentNature Medicinememory impairment in older adultsAmrita K.; Fiandaca,Massimo S.; et al.West,Alison C.; Johnstone,Ricky W. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2014,124(1): 30-39Komatsu,Noriko; Okamoto,54Pathogenic conversion of Foxp3(+)T cells intoNature MedicineT(H)17 cells in autoimmune arthritisKazuo; Sawa,Shinichiro; et al.2014,20(1): 62 53 An abundant dysfunctional apolipoprotein A1 in human atheroma Huang,Ying; DiDonato,Joseph A.; Levison,Bruce S.;et al. Nature Medicine 2014,20(2): 193-203Sterilization of granulomas is common in activeLin,Philana Ling; Ford,49and latent tuberculosis despite within-hostChristopher B.; Coleman,M.Nature Medicinevariability in bacterial killingTeresa; et al.2014,20(1): 75 46 Irradiation and anti-PD-L1 treatment synergistically promote antitumor immunity in mice Deng,Liufu; Liang,Hua;Burnette,Byron; et al. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2014,124(2): 687-695Broadly neutralizing hemagglutinin stalk-specific44 2014,20(2): 143-151 43 The Placenta Harbors a Unique Microbiome Aagaard,Kjersti; Ma,Jun;Antony,Kathleen M.; et al.antibodies require Fc gamma R interactions forDiLillo,David J.; Tan,GeneNature Medicineprotection against influenza virus in vivoS.; Palese,Peter; et al.Science Translational Medicine 2014,6(237)Efficacy and Toxicity Management of 19-28z43CAR T Cell Therapy in B Cell AcuteDavila,Marco L.Science Translational MedicineLymphoblastic Leukemia2014,6(224)
Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering冶金和冶金工程
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物35Grain boundary complexionsCantwell,Patrick R.; Tang,Acta MaterialiaMing; Dillon,Shen J.; et al.2014,62 : 1-48Journal of Alloys and24 2014,390 : 9-14 24 Enhanced microwave electromagnetic properties of Fe3O4/graphene nanosheet compositesG-C3N4/BiVO4composites with enhanced andJi,Yuexia; Cao,Jiafeng;stable visible light photocatalytic activityJiang,Linqing; et al.CompoundsZheng,Jing; Lv,Hualiang;Lin,Xiaohui; et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014,589 : 174-181Karimi,Alireza;International Journal of23Mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcoholsponge under different strain ratesNavidbakhsh,Mahdi;Materials ResearchYousefi,Hossein2014,105(4): 404-408 21 Giant magnetoimpedance in thin amorphous wires: From manipulation of magnetic field dependence to industrial applications Zhukov,A.; Ipatov,M.;Churyukanova,M.; et al. Journal of Alloys and Compound 2014,586(S1): S279-S286Fabrication and gas sensing properties of hollow 2014,587 : 82-89 20 Electrochemical capacitor behavior of copper sulfide(CuS)nanoplatelets Journal of Alloys and20core-shell SnO2/alpha-Fe2O3heterogeneousWang,B. B.; Fu,X. X.; Liu,C ompounds structuresF.; et al.Raj,C. Justin; Kim,Byung Chul; Cho,Won-Je; et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014,586 : 191-196Schiff's base of pyridyl substituted triazoles as20new and effective corrosion inhibitors for mildAnsari,K. R.; Quraishi,M.Corrosion Sciencesteel in hydrochloric acid solutionA.; Singh,Ambrish2014,79 : 5-15 20 One-step hydrothermal synthesis of anatase TiO2/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic activity Liang,Dayu; Cui,Can; Hu,Haihua; et al. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014,582 : 236-240Effects of Al addition on structural evolution and19tensile properties of the FeCoNiCrMnHe,J. Y.; Liu,W. H.; Wang,Acta Materialiahigh-entropy alloy systemH.; et al.2014,62 : 105-113
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences氣象學(xué)和大氣科學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物International Journal of176Updated high-resolution grids of monthlyHarris,I.; Jones,P. D.;climatic observations - the CRU TS3.10 DatasetOsborn,T. J.; et al.Climatology2014,34(3): 623-642England,Matthew H.;82 2014,4(3): 222-227 65 The NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 Saha,Suranjana; Moorthi,Shrinivas; Wu,Xingren; et al.Recent intensification of wind-driven circulationNature Climate Changein the Pacific and the ongoing warming hiatusMcGregor,Shayne; Spence,Paul; et al.Journal of Climate 2014,27(6): 2185-2208GPCC's new land surface precipitationTheoretical and Applied60 2014,115(1-2): 15-40 43 Increasing frequency of extreme El Nino events due to greenhouse warmingclimatology based on quality-controlled in situSchneider,Udo; Becker,data and its role in quantifying the global waterAndreas; Finger,Peter; et al.Climatology cycleCai,Wenju; Borlace,Simon;Lengaigne,Matthieu; et al. Nature Climate Change 2014,4(2): 111-11641Future change of global monsoon in the CMIP5Lee,June-Yi; Wang,BinClimate Dynamics2014,41(1-2): 101-119 36 Global warming and changes in drought Trenberth,Kevin E.; Dai,Aiguo; van der Schrier,Gerard; et al. Nature Climate Change 2014,4(1): 17-2233 2014,41(7-8): 1999-2018 33 Configuration and assessment of the GISS ModelE2 contributions to the CMIP5 archiveENSO representation in climate models: fromBellenger,H.; Guilyardi,E.;Climate Dynamics CMIP3 to CMIP5Leloup,J.; et al.Schmidt,Gavin A.; Kelley,Max; Nazarenko,Larissa; et al. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 2014,6(1): 141-184A new scenario framework for climate change32research: the concept of shared socioeconomicO'Neill,Brian C.; Kriegler,Climatic Change pathwaysElmar; Riahi,Keywan; et al.2014,122(3): 387-400
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物82The Treatment-Naive Microbiome in New-OnsetGevers,Dirk; Kugathasan,Cell Host & Microbe Crohn's DiseaseSubra; Denson,Lee A.; et al.2014,15(3): 382-392European Society of Clinical Microbiology andClinical Microbiology And52Infectious Diseases: update of the treatmentDebast,S. B.; Bauer,M. P.;guidance document for Clostridium difficileKuijper,E. J.Infection infection2014,20(2):1-2647 Adhesion,invasion and evasion: the many functions of the surface proteins of Staphylococcus aureus Foster,Timothy J.;Geoghegan,Joan A.; Ganesh,Vannakambadi K.; et al. Nature Reviews Microbiology 2014,12(1): 49-62Towards a taxonomic coherence between averageKim,Mincheol; Oh,International Journal of44 2014,64 : 346-351 42 A Novel Strain of Clostridium botulinum That Produces Type B and Type H Botulinum Toxinsnucleotide identity and 16S rRNA gene sequenceHyun-Seok; Park,Systematic and Evolutionarysimilarity for species demarcation of prokaryotesSang-Cheol; et al.MicrobiologyBarash,Jason R.; Arnon,Stephen S. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2014,209(2): 183-191van der Oost,John; Westra,41Unravelling the structural and mechanistic basisNature Reviews Microbiologyof CRISPR-Cas systemsEdze R.; Jackson,Ryan N.; et al.2014,12(7): 479-492 41 ESCMID guidelines for the management of the infection control measures to reduce transmission of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria in hospitalized patients Tacconelli,E.; Cataldo,M. A.; Dancer,S. J.; et al. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2014,20(SI): 1-5539Molecular Characterization of a Novel BotulinumDover,Nir; Barash,Jason R.;Journal of Infectious DiseasesNeurotoxin Type H GeneHill,Karen K.; et al.2014,209(2): 192-202 38 DALI: Defining Antibiotic Levels in Intensive Care Unit Patients: Are Current beta-Lactam Antibiotic Doses Sufficient for Critically Ill Patients?Roberts,Jason A.; Paul,Sanjoy K.; Akova,Murat; et al. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014,58(8): 1072-108335Bacteria-autophagy interplay: a battle for survivalHuang,Ju; Brumell,John H.Nature Reviews Microbiology2014,12(2): 101-114
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Imaging endosomes and autophagosomes in whole12mammalian cells using correlativeDuke,Elizabeth M. H.; Razi,Ultramicroscopycryo-fluorescence and cryo-soft X-ray microscopyMinoo; Weston,Anne; et al.2014,143 : 77-87(cryo-CLXM)A simple method to estimate the averageEndesfelder,Ulrike;Histochemistry and Cell10 2014,141(6): 629-638 10 Eight years of single-molecule localization microscopylocalization precision of a single-moleculeMalkusch,Sebastian; Fricke,Biologylocalization microscopy experimentFranziska; et al.Klein,Teresa; Proppert,Sven;Sauer,Markus Histochemistry and Cell Biology 2014,141(6): 561-57510 2014,136 : 81-85 10 Catalytic degradation of organic dyes usingIs magnetic chiral dichroism feasible with electronSchattschneider,P.; Loeffler,Ultramicroscopy vortices?S.; Stoeger-Pollach,M.; et al.biosynthesized silver nanoparticles Vidhu,V. K.; Philip,Daizy Micron 2014,56 : 54-629Is there a Stobbs factor in atomic-resolutionXin,Huolin L.; Dwyer,UltramicroscopySTEM-EELS mapping?Christian; Muller,David A.2014,139 : 38-46 8 Revolving scanning transmission electron microscopy: Correcting sample drift distortion without prior knowledge Sang,Xiahan; LeBeau,James M. Ultramicroscopy 2014,138 : 28-35High-precision correlative fluorescence andSchellenberger,Pascale;7electron cryo microscopy using two independentKaufmann,Rainer; Siebert,C .Ultramicroscopy alignment markersAlistair; et al.2014,143 : 41-51 7 Correlated cryo-fluorescence and cryo-electron microscopy with high spatial precision and improved sensitivity Schorb,Martin; Briggs,John A. G. Ultramicroscopy 2014,143 : 24-327Information multiplexing in ptychographyBatey,Darren J.; Claus,UltramicroscopyDaniel; Rodenburg,John M.2014,138 : 13-21
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Spatio-temporal distribution and tectonic settings of Zhang,Zhaochong; Hou,Ore Geology Reviews 25the major iron deposits in China: An overviewTong; Santosh,M.; et al.2014,57(SI): 247-263Metallogeny and craton destruction: Records from Ore Geology Reviews 25 2014,56(SI): 376-414 17 Intercalation of drugs in layered double hydroxides and their controlled release: A reviewLi,Sheng-Rong; Santosh,M.the North China CratonRives,Vicente; del Arco,Margarita; Martin,Cristina Applied Clay Science 2014,88-89 : 239-269Dilek,Yildirim; Furnes,Elements 16Ophiolites and Their OriginsHarald2014,10(2): 93-100 16 Zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes of major lithologies from the Jiaodong Terrane:Implications for the crustal evolution of the Eastern Block of the North China Craton Wu,Meiling; Zhao,Guochun;Sun,Min; et al. Lithos 2014,190 : 71-84Yang,Jing-Sui; Robinson,Elements 13Diamonds in OphiolitesPaul T.; Dilek,Yildirim2014,10(2): 127-130 13 Elastic properties of six silicate garnet end members from accurate ab initio simulations Erba,Alessandro; Mahmoud,Agnes; Orlando,Roberto; et al. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 2014,41(2): 151-160A critical review on solvent extraction of rare earths Xie,F(xiàn)eng; Zhang,Ting An;Minerals Engineering 13from aqueous solutionsDreisinger,David; et al.2014,56 : 10-28 12 The chemistry of hydrothermal magnetite: A review Nadoll,Patrick; Angerer,Thomas; Mauk,Jeffrey L.; et al. Ore Geology Reviews 2014,61 : 1-32Gonzalez-Jimenez,JoseChromitites in ophiolites: How,where,when,why?Lithos 12Maria; Griffin,William L.;Part II. The crystallization of chromitites2014,189(SI): 140-158Proenza,Joaquin A.; et al.
Mining & Mineral Processing礦業(yè)與礦物加工
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Spatio-temporal distribution and tectonic settings Zhang,Zhaochong; Hou,Ore Geology Reviews 25of the major iron deposits in China: An overviewTong; Santosh,M.; et al.2014,57(SI): 247-263Metallogeny and craton destruction: Records Ore Geology Reviews 25Li,Sheng-Rong; Santosh,M.from the North China Craton2014,56(SI): 376-414 19 Continuous SiC fiber,CVI SiC matrix composites for nuclear applications: Properties and irradiation effects Katoh,Yutai; Ozawa,Kazumi; Shih,Chunghao; et al. Journal of Nuclear Materials 2014,448(1-3): 448-476Advanced oxidation-resistant iron-based alloys Terrani,K. A.; Zinkle,S. J.;Journal of Nuclear Materials 13 2014,448(1-3): 420-435 13 A critical review on solvent extraction of rare earths from aqueous solutionsfor LWR fuel claddingSnead,L. L.Xie,F(xiàn)eng; Zhang,Ting An;Dreisinger,David; et al. Minerals Engineering 2014,56 : 10-28Nadoll,Patrick; Angerer,The chemistry of hydrothermal magnetite: AOre Geology Reviews 12Thomas; Mauk,Jeffrey L.; etreview2014,61 : 1-32 al.12 Baogutu: An example of reduced porphyry Cu deposit in western Junggar Cao,Mingjian; Qin,Kezhang;Li,Guangming; et al. Ore Geology Reviews 2014,56(SI): 159-180Geochronology and geochemistry of submarineHou,Tong; Zhang,volcanic rocks in the Yamansu iron deposit,Ore Geology Reviews 11Zhaochong; Santosh,M.; et Eastern Tianshan Mountains,NW China:2014,56(SI): 487-502al. Constraints on the metallogenesis11 Metallogeny in response to lithospheric thinning and craton destruction: Geochemistry and U-Pb zircon chronology of the Yixingzhai gold deposit,central North China Craton Li,Sheng-Rong; Santosh,M.;Zhang,Hua-Feng; et al. Ore Geology Reviews 2014,56(SI): 457-471Geology,geochemistry and ore genesis of theZhou,Zhen-Ju; Chen,Wenyu gold deposit,Xiaoqinling gold field,Ore Geology Reviews 9Yan-Jing; Jiang,Shao-Yong;Qinling Orogen,southern margin of North China2014,59 : 1-20et al. Craton
Multidisciplinary Sciences綜合科學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Interface engineering of highly efficient Zhou,Huanping; Chen,Qi;Science 277perovskite solar cellsLi,Gang; et al.2014,345(6196): 542-546David,Lawrence A.;Diet rapidly and reproducibly alters the humanNature 238Maurice,Corinne F.;gut microbiome2014,505(7484): 559 Carmody,Rachel N.; et al.195 Discovery and saturation analysis of cancer genes across 21 tumour types Lawrence,Michael S.;Stojanov,Petar; Mermel,Craig H.; et al. Nature 2014,505(7484): 495Genetic Screens in Human Cells Using the Wang,Tim; Wei,Jenny J.;Science 161CRISPR-Cas9 SystemSabatini,David M.; et al.2014,343(6166): 80-84 154 Genome-Scale CRISPR-Cas9 Knockout Screening in Human Cells Shalem,Ophir; Sanjana,Neville E.; Hartenian,Ella;et al. Science 2014,343(6166): 84-87Ariey,F(xiàn)rederic; Witkowski,A molecular marker of artemisinin-resistantNature 138Benoit; Amaratunga,Plasmodium falciparum malaria2014,505(7481): 50Chanaki; et al.129 Biological insights from 108 schizophrenia-associated genetic loci Ripke,Stephan; Neale,Benjamin M.; Corvin,Aiden; et al. Nature 2014,511(7510): 421Weinstein,John N.; Akbani,Comprehensive molecular characterization ofNature 129Rehan; Broom,Bradley M.;urothelial bladder carcinoma2014,507(7492): 315-322et al.122 An atlas of active enhancers across human cell types and tissues Andersson,Robin;Gebhard,Claudia;Miguel-Escalada,Irene; et al. Nature 2014,507(7493): 455A hole-conductor-free,fully printable mesoscopic Mei,Anyi; Li,Xiong; Liu,Science 115perovskite solar cell with high stabilityLinfeng; et al.2014,345(6194): 295-298
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物L(fēng)euchtmann,Adrian;Nomenclatural realignment of NeotyphodiumMycologia27Bacon,Charles W.; Schardl,species with genus Epichloe2014,106(2): 202-215 Christopher L.; et al.Chomnunti,Putarak;Hongsanan,Sinang;Fungal Diversity 19The sooty mouldsAguirre-Hudson,Begona; et2014,66(1): 1-36 al.13 Global ITS diversity in the Sporothrix schenckii complex Zhou,Xun; Rodrigues,Anderson M.; Feng,Peiying; et al. Fungal Diversity 2014,66(1): 153-165Feng,Peiying; Lu,Cyphellophora and its relatives in Phialophora:Fungal Diversity13Qiaoyun; Najafzadeh,M. J.;biodiversity and possible role in human infection2014,66(SI1): 17-45 et al.13 EasyClone: method for iterative chromosomal integration of multiple genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Jensen,Niels B.; Strucko,Tomas; Kildegaard,Kanchana R.; et al. Fems Yeast Research 2014,14(2): 238-248Ranque,Stephane;MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry identification ofMycoses 12Normand,Anne-Cecile;filamentous fungi in the clinical laboratory2014,57(3): 135-140 Cassagne,Carole; et al.12 Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2012-2013 Berthiller,F(xiàn).; Burdaspal,P. A.; Crews,C.; et al. World Mycotoxin Journal 2014,7(1): 3-33Revista Iberoamericana deEpidemiology of candidaemia and invasive10Quindos,Guillermo Micologiacandidiasis. A changing face2 014,31(1): 42-48 10 Molecular phylogeny of the genus Sticta(lichenized Ascomycota: Lobariaceae)in Colombia Moncada,Bibiana;Luecking,Robert; Suarez,Alejandra Fungal Diversity 2014,64(1): 205-231Crous,P. W.; Shivas,R. G.;Persoonia 9Fungal Planet description sheets: 214-280Quaedvlieg,W.; et al.2014,32 : 184-306
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology納米科學(xué)和納米技術(shù)
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Morphological Control for High Performance,Eperon,Giles E.; Burlakov,Advanced Functional Materials 228Solution-Processed Planar HeterojunctionVictor M.; Docampo,Pablo;2014,24(1): 151-157 Perovskite Solar Cellsetal.Li,Likai; Yu,Yijun; Ye,Nature Nanotechnology 191 2014,9(5): 372-377 178 Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficiency and FlexibilityBlack phosphorus field-effect transistorsGuo Jun; et al.You,Jingbi; Hong,Ziruo;Yang,Yang(Michael); et al. Acs Nano 2014,8(2): 1674-1680Phosphorene: An Unexplored 2D Semiconductor Liu,Han; Neal,Adam T.;Acs Nano 173with a High Hole MobilityZhu,Zhen; et al.2014,8(4): 4033-4041 152 Anomalous Hysteresis in Perovskite Solar Cells Snaith,Henry J.; Abate,Antonio; Ball,James M.; et al. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2014,5(9): 1511-1515Krebs,F(xiàn)rederik C.;25th Anniversary Article: Rise to Power -Advanced Materials124Espinosa,Nieves; Hosel,OPV-Based Solar Parks2014,26(1): 29-39 Markus; et al.111 A pomegranate-inspired nanoscale design for large-volume-change lithium battery anodes Liu,Nian; Lu,Zhenda;Zhao,Jie; et al. Nature Nanotechnology 2014,9(3): 187-192Perovskite-Based Hybrid Solar Cells ExceedingConings,Bert; Baeten,Advanced Materials 10810% Efficiency with High Reproducibility UsingLinny; De Dobbelaere,2014,26(13): 2041-2046 a Thin Film Sandwich ApproachChristopher; et al.108 High Charge Carrier Mobilities and Lifetimes in Organolead Trihalide Perovskites Wehrenfennig,Christian;Eperon,Giles E.; Johnston,Michael B.; et al. Advanced Materials 2014,26(10): 1584-158925th Anniversary Article: Bulk HeterojunctionAdvanced Materials 107Solar Cells: Understanding the Mechanism ofHeeger,Alan J.2014,26(1): 10-28 Operation
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Power,Jonathan D.; Mitra,Methods to detect,characterize,and removeNeuroimage52Anish; Laumann,Timothy motion artifact in resting state fMRI2014,84 : 320-341 O.; et al.A review on continuous wave functionalScholkmann,F(xiàn)elix; Kleiser,Neuroimage 46near-infrared spectroscopy and imagingStefan; Metz,Andreas2014,85(SI): 6-27 instrumentation and methodologyJaakko; et al.30 On the interpretation of weight vectors of linear models in multivariate neuroimaging Haufe,Stefan; Meinecke,F(xiàn)rank; Goergen,Kai; et al. Neuroimage 2014,87 : 96-110Therapeutic effects of non-invasive brainKuo,Min-Fang; Paulus,Neuroimage 26stimulation with direct currents(tDCS)inWalter; Nitsche,Michael A. 2014,85(SI): 948-960 neuropsychiatric diseases25 Time domain functional NIRS imaging for human brain mapping Torricelli,Alessandro;Contini,Davide; Pilled,Antonio; et al. Neuroimage 2014,85(SI): 28-50Gramfort,Alexandre;MNE software for processing MEG and EEGNeuroimage 23Luessi,Martin; Larson,data2014,86 : 446-460 Eric; et al.22 The ENIGMA Consortium: large-scale collaborative analyses of neuroimaging and genetic data Thompson,Paul M.; Stein,Jason L.; Medland,Sarah E.; et al. Brain Imaging and Behavior 2014,8(2): 153-182Salimi-Khorshidi,Automatic denoising of functional MM data:Gholamreza; Douaud,Neuroimage 22Combining independent component analysis andGwenaelle; Beckmann,2014,90 : 449-468 hierarchical fusion of classifiersChristianF.;etal.22 tDCS-enhanced motor and cognitive function in neurological diseases Floeel,Agnes Neuroimage 2014,85(SI): 934-947The feedback-related negativity(FRN)revisited:Hauser,Tobias U.;Neuroimage 22New insights into the localization,meaning andIannaccone,Reto;2014,84 : 159-168 network organizationStaempfli,Philipp; et al.
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Parental olfactory experience influencesNature Neuroscience 82behavior and neural structure in subsequentDias,Brian G.; Ressier,Kerry J.2014,17(1): 89-96 generationsState of play in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Renton,Alan E.; Chio,Adriano;Nature Neuroscience 79geneticsTraynor,Bryan J.2014,17(1): 17-23 69 Identification of a unique TGF-beta dependent molecular and functional signature in microglia Butovsky,Oleg; Jedrychowski,Mark P.; Moore,Craig S.; et al. Nature Neuroscience 2014,17(1): 131-143Tracking Whole-Brain Connectivity Allen,Elena A.; Damaraju,Cerebral Cortex 61Dynamics in the Resting StateEswar; Plis,Sergey M.; et al.2014,24(3): 663-676 57 inhibitrion and the right inferior frontal cortex: one decade on Aron,Adam R.; Robbins,Trevor W.; Poldrack,Russell A. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2014,18(4): 177-185The role of the posterior cingulate cortex in Brain 56Leech,Robert; Sharp,David J.cognition and disease2014,137 : 12-32 52 Methods to detect,characterize,and remove motion artifact in resting state fMRI Power,Jonathan D.; Mitra,Anish; Laumann,Timothy O.;et al. Neuroimage 2014,84 : 320-341Sleep and the Price of Plasticity: FromNeuron 51Synaptic and Cellular Homeostasis toTononi,Giulio; Cirelli,Chiara2014,81(1): 12-34 Memory Consolidation and Integration46 Implication of sperm RNAs in transgenerational inheritance of the effects of early trauma in mice Gapp,Katharina; Jawaid,Ali;Sarkies,Peter; et al. Nature Neuroscience 2014,17(5): 667A review on continuous wave functionalScholkmann,F(xiàn)elix; Kleiser,Neuroimage 46near-infrared spectroscopy and imagingStefan; Metz,Andreas Jaakko;2014,85(SI): 6-27 instrumentation and methodologyetal.
Nuclear Science & Technology核科學(xué)與技術(shù)
被引頻次作者來源出版物文章題目Continuous SiC fiber,CVI SiC matrix19composites for nuclear applications:Katoh,Yutai; Ozawa,Kazumi;Journal of Nuclear MaterialsProperties and irradiation effectsShih,Chunghao; et al.2014,448(1-3): 448-476ASTEC V2 severe accident integral code16 2014,272 : 119-135 13 Advanced oxidation-resistant iron-based alloys for LWR fuel claddingmain features,current V2.0 modelling status,Chatelard,P.; Reinke,N.; Arndt,Nuclear Engineering and Design perspectivesS.; et al.Terrani,K. A.; Zinkle,S. J.;Snead,L. L. Journal of Nuclear Materials 2014,448(1-3): 420-43512Plasma Focus Radiative Model: Review ofJournal of Fusion Energythe Lee Model CodeLee,S.2014,33(4): 319-335 12 The PyHST2 hybrid distributed code for high speed tomographic reconstruction with iterative reconstruction and a priori knowledge capabilities Mirone,Alessandro; Brun,Emmanuel; Gouillart,Emmanuelle; et al. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2014,324 : 41-48Nuclear Instruments & Methodsin Physics Research Section12 2014,737 : 253-272 12 Scintillation Efficiency Improvement by Mixed Crystal UseCalibration of the Super-KamiokandeAbe,K.; Hayato,Y.; Iida,T.; etA-Accelerators Spectrometers detectoral.Detectors and AssociatedEquipmentGektin,Alexander V.; Belsky,Andrei N.; Vasil'ev,Andrey N. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 2014,61(1): 262-270Evaluation of excitation functions ofMo-100(p,d+pn)Mo-99 and Mo-10011(p,2n)Tc-99m reactions: Estimation ofQaim,S. M.; Sudar,S.;Applied Radiation and Isotopeslong-lived Tc-impurity and its implication onScholten,B.; et al.2014,85 : 101-113the specific activity of cyclotron-produced Tc-99 m11 Gamma ray and neutron shielding properties of some alloy materials Singh,Vishwanath P.; Badiger,N. M. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2014,64 : 301-310Enhanced performance of direct methanolInternational Journal of Energy11fuel cells: a study on the combined effect ofKumar,Piyush; Dutta,various supporting electrolytes,flow channelKingshuk; Kundu,Patit PabanResearchdesigns and operating temperatures2014,38(1): 41-50
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物Outcomes of Care for 16924 Planned HomeJournal of Midwifery & Womens9Births in the United States: The MidwivesCheyney,Melissa; Bovbjerg,Alliance of North America Statistics Project,Marit; Everson,Courtney; et al.Health 2004 to 20092014,59(1): 17-27Cuff Pressure of Endotracheal Tubes After9Changes in Body Position in Critically IllLizy,Christelle; Swinnen,American Journal of Critical CarePatients Treated With Mechanical VentilationWalter; Labeau,Sonia; et al.2014,23(1): E1-E8 9 Improving Maternal and Newborn Health Care Delivery in Rural Amhara and Oromiya Regions of Ethiopia Through the Maternal and Newborn Health in Ethiopia Partnership Sibley,Lynn M.; Tesfaye,Solomon; Desta,Binyam Fekadu; et al. Journal of Midwifery & Womens Health 2014,59(SI1): S6-S20Serial comprehensive geriatric assessment inelderly head and neck cancer patients8undergoing curative radiotherapy identifiesPottel,L.; Lycke,M.;European Journal of Cancer Careevolution of multidimensional healthBoterberg,T.; et al.2014,23(3): 401-412problems and is indicative of quality of life8 Can I get a retweet please? Health research recruitment and the Twittersphere O'Connor,Anita; Jackson,Leigh; Goldsmith,Lesley; et al. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2014,70(3): 599-609The Establishment of Evidence-BasedPractice Competencies for PracticingMelnyk,Bernadette Mazurek;Worldviews on Evidence-Based8Registered Nurses and Advanced PracticeNurses in Real-World Clinical Settings:Gallagher-Ford,Lynn; Long,NursingProficiencies to Improve Healthcare Quality,Lisa English; et al.2014,11(1): 5-15Reliability,Patient Outcomes,and Costs8 Knowledge and Skills Retention Among Frontline Health Workers: Community Maternal and Newborn Health Training in Rural Ethiopia Gobezayehu,Abebe Gebremariam; Mohammed,Hajira; Dynes,Michelle M.; et al. Journal of Midwifery & Womens Health 2014,59(SI1): S21-S31Setting the Bar: Developing QualityClinical Journal of Oncology7Measures and Education Programs to DefineFessele,Kristen; Yendro,Susan;Evidence-Based,Patient-Centered,Mallory,Gail NursingHigh-Quality Care2014,18(S): 7-11 7 Searching for the Optimal Rate of Medically Necessary Cesarean Delivery Ye,Jiangfeng; Betran,Ana Pilar; Vela,Miguel Guerrero; et al. Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care 2014,41(3): 237-244Effects of Napping on Sleepiness and7Sleep-Related Performance Deficits inRuggiero,Jeanne S.; Redeker,Biological Research for NursingNight-Shift Workers A Systematic ReviewNancy S.2014,16(2): 134-142
Nutrition & Dietetics營養(yǎng)學(xué)
被引頻次 文章題目 作者來源出版物Journal of NutritionalNovel insights of dietary polyphenols and Wang,Shu; Moustaid-Moussa,36 Biochemistry obesityNaima; Chen,Lixia; et al.2 014,25(1): 1-18Power,Susan E.; O'Toole,Paul British Journal of Nutrition 26Intestinal microbiota,diet and healthW.; Stanton,Catherine; et al.2014,111(3): 387-402 25 Guidelines for optimizing design and analysis of clinical studies of nutrient effects Heaney,Robert P. Nutrition Reviews 2014,72(1): 48-54Solid phase extraction of trace amounts ofsilver,cadmium,copper,mercury,and lead inMashhadizadeh,Mohammadvarious food samples based on ethylene Food Chemistry 24Hossein; Amoli-Diva,Mitra;glycol bis-mercaptoacetate modified2014,151 : 300-305Shapouri,Mahmoud Reza; et al. 3-(trimethoxysilyl)-1-propanethiol coatedFe3O4nanoparticles23 Regulation of energy metabolism by long-chain fatty acids Nakamura,Manabu T.; Yudell,Barbara E.; Loor,Juan J. Progress in Lipid Research 2014,53 : 124-144Edible berries: Bioactive components and Nile,Shivraj Hariram; Park,Se Nutrition 22their effect on human health Won2014,30(2): 134-144 22 A systematic review of vitamin D status in populations worldwide Hilger,Jennifer; Friedel,Angelika; Herr,Raphael; et al. British Journal of Nutrition 2014,111(1): 23-45Leucine supplementation of a low-proteinChurchward-Venne,Tyler A.;American Journal of Clinicalmixed macronutrient beverage enhances 21Breen,Leigh; Di Donato,Nutrition myofibrillar protein synthesis in young men:Danielle M.; et al. 2014,99(2): 276-286 a double-blind,randomized trial21 A systematic review and meta-analysis of dietary patterns and depression in community-dwelling adults Lai,Jun S.; Hiles,Sarah;Bisquera,Alessandra; et al. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2014,99(1): 181-197A new strategy for determination of bispheno lNajafi,Maryam; Khafilzadeh,A in the presence of Sudan I using a Food Chemistry 20Mohammad A.; Karimi-Maleh,ZnO/CNTs/ionic liquid paste electrode in2014,158 : 125-131Hassan food samples
Obstetrics & Gynecology婦產(chǎn)科學(xué)
被引頻次文章題目作者來源出版物International Journal ofStaging classification for cancer of the ovary,35Prat,Jaime Gynecology & Obstetricsfallopian tube,and peritoneum2 014,124(1): 1-5Dunselman,G. A. J.;ESHRE guideline: management of womenHuman Reproduction33Vermeulen,N.; Becker,C.; et with endometriosis2014,29(3): 400-402 al.29 The physiology and clinical utility of anti-Mllerian hormone in women Dewailly,Didier; Andersen,Claus Yding; Balen,Adam; et al. Human Reproduction Update 2014,20(3): 370-385Analysis of Cell-Free DNA in MaternalGil,M. M.; Akolekar,R.;Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 27Blood in Screening for Aneuploidies:Quezada,M.S.;etal.2014,35(3):156-173Meta-Analysis24 Individualization of controlled ovarian stimulation in IVF using ovarian reserve markers: from theory to practice La Marca,Antonio; Sunkara,Sesh Kamal Human Reproduction Update 2014,20(1): 124-140IFPA Senior Award Lecture: Making sense ofRedman,C. W.; Sargent,I. L.;Placenta 21pre-eclampsia Two placental causes ofStaff,A. C. 2014,35(A): S20-S25 preeclampsia?21 Transgenerational developmental programming Aiken,Catherine E.; Ozanne,Susan E. Human Reproduction Update 2014,20(1): 63-75Definition and significance of polycysticovarian morphology: a task force report from Dewailly,Didier; Lujan,Marla Human Reproduction Update 20the Androgen Excess and Polycystic OvaryE.; Carmina,Enrico; et al.2014,20(3): 334-352Syndrome Society18 The value of re-exploration in patients with inadvertently morcellated uterine sarcoma Oduyebo,Titilope; Rauh-Hain,Alejandro J.; Meserve,Emily E.; et al. Gynecologic Oncology 2014,132(2): 360-365Choice of primary outcomes in randomisedBjog-An International Journal oftrials and systematic reviews evaluating 16Meher,S.; Alfirevic,Z. Obstetrics and Gynaecology interventions for preterm birth prevention: a2014,121(10): 1188-1194 systematic review