




      2015-12-01 10:01:03張?jiān)隽?/span>陳秉耀李南宋光澤韋興

      張?jiān)隽?陳秉耀 李南 宋光澤 韋興

      . 病例報(bào)告 Case report .


      張?jiān)隽?陳秉耀 李南 宋光澤 韋興


      患兒,男,15 歲,右踝部間斷疼痛 2 年,加重伴右踝部腫脹 1 周。查體:右外踝上 6 cm 處略腫脹,局部皮溫正常,未觸及包塊,局部壓痛明顯,右踝關(guān)節(jié)活動(dòng)度基本正常。右脛腓骨正側(cè)位平片 ( 圖 1 ):右腓骨遠(yuǎn)端干骺端膨脹性骨破壞,骨密度減低,骨皮質(zhì)變薄,病灶內(nèi)有分房,未見(jiàn)骨膜反應(yīng)及周圍軟組織影。

      脛骨中下段髓腔內(nèi)可見(jiàn)類圓形影,邊界清楚,骨皮質(zhì)無(wú)破壞。右踝 MRⅠ 示:腓骨下段髓腔內(nèi)顯示 4.5 cm× 2.0 cm 等 T1、短 T2異常信號(hào)灶,邊界清楚,信號(hào)不均,其內(nèi)可見(jiàn)分隔,病灶呈膨脹性生長(zhǎng),骨皮質(zhì)變薄 ( 圖 2 )。右脛骨中下段髓腔內(nèi)顯示 3.7 cm×1.7 cm 橢圓形長(zhǎng) T1、T2信號(hào)灶,邊界清楚,信號(hào)均勻,邊緣規(guī)則,骨皮質(zhì)連續(xù)。結(jié)合病史及影像學(xué)表現(xiàn)考慮為良性病變,遂在硬膜外麻醉下行右腓骨遠(yuǎn)端病灶刮除、異體骨植骨、內(nèi)固定術(shù),右脛骨病灶刮除術(shù)。術(shù)中見(jiàn):距外踝尖 10 cm 處病變,腓骨皮質(zhì)局部隆起,切開骨膜,開窗,見(jiàn)骨皮質(zhì)變薄,局部骨破壞,刮勺刮取褐色質(zhì)軟病變組織,術(shù)中考慮骨巨細(xì)胞瘤( giant cell tumor,GCT ) 可能性大,徹底刮除至骨質(zhì),電刀燒灼瘤腔,取異體骨,植入瘤腔內(nèi)。選擇合適長(zhǎng)度鋼板,行內(nèi)固定重建腓骨穩(wěn)定性。取右小腿內(nèi)側(cè)切口,見(jiàn)右脛骨中下段骨皮質(zhì)未見(jiàn)破壞,透視定位下,卵圓形開窗,刮勺刮出黃色脂肪樣質(zhì)軟組織。髓腔通暢,考慮骨皮質(zhì)強(qiáng)度無(wú)影響,未植骨及內(nèi)固定。術(shù)后右脛腓骨正側(cè)位平片提示內(nèi)固定位置良好 ( 圖 3 )。

      術(shù)后病理報(bào)告:( 1 ) 右腓骨遠(yuǎn)端髓腔內(nèi)有 5.0 cm× 4.5 cm×1.3 cm 腫塊。鏡下見(jiàn)大片的梭形細(xì)胞伴有較多體積較大的多核巨細(xì)胞,局部見(jiàn)新生的骨小梁樣結(jié)構(gòu),結(jié)合臨床,考慮為 GCT ( 圖 4 )。( 2 ) 右脛骨遠(yuǎn)端髓腔內(nèi)見(jiàn)灰黃色結(jié)節(jié)腫物,總體積 3.5 cm×3.0 cm×1.0 cm,鏡下顯示成熟的脂肪細(xì)胞并見(jiàn)增生小血管,結(jié)合臨床考慮血管脂肪瘤 ( 圖 5 )。術(shù)后 2 周切口愈合良好,無(wú)紅腫滲出現(xiàn)象,術(shù)后 3 個(gè)月患肢行走步態(tài)接近正常。術(shù)后 10 個(gè)月 X 線片見(jiàn)腓骨植骨融合,無(wú)明顯骨破壞,脛骨開窗處可見(jiàn)骨修復(fù)( 圖 6 )。

      討 論

      GCT 是最常見(jiàn)的原發(fā)性骨腫瘤之一,占所有原發(fā)性骨腫瘤的 4%~5%,占所有良性腫瘤的 18%,多在 20~40 歲發(fā)病,女性較男性更為常見(jiàn)。本病 20 歲以下患者少見(jiàn),其占 GCT 患者總數(shù)的 1.7%~5.7%[1],發(fā)生于骨骺未閉合患者僅占 1.8%~10.6%,多發(fā)生于骺端[3-6],鄰近關(guān)節(jié)面,大部分呈偏心性。本例 GCT 發(fā)生于骨骺未閉患者,病灶主要位于長(zhǎng)骨的干端,向骺端延伸,為非典型性 GCT[4]。GCT 的臨床表現(xiàn)并無(wú)特異性,可以有局部的腫脹,疼痛,活動(dòng)受限,部分患者可出現(xiàn)病理性骨折。影像學(xué)是診斷 GCT 的重要手段,但是確診需要活檢病理來(lái)證實(shí)。對(duì)于骨骺閉合前 GCT 的外科治療,一方面要考慮腫瘤學(xué)的治療,另一方面要考慮患者的生長(zhǎng)發(fā)育,盡量降低畸形發(fā)生率。目前,GCT 的手術(shù)治療方式主要包括:腫瘤囊內(nèi)切除術(shù)和瘤段切除術(shù)。多數(shù)文獻(xiàn)報(bào)道病灶刮除術(shù)后MTST 評(píng)分高于瘤段切除術(shù),且在瘤段切除、關(guān)節(jié)重建術(shù)后的并發(fā)癥要高于擴(kuò)大切除術(shù),包括骨折、骨不連、假體松動(dòng)、假體感染等。徐立輝等[7]報(bào)道 8 例骨骺閉合前 GCT患者中有 6 例行擴(kuò)大刮除術(shù),其中沒(méi)有出現(xiàn)肢體發(fā)育畸形或者肢體不等長(zhǎng),未出現(xiàn)轉(zhuǎn)移病例,也提示擴(kuò)大刮除術(shù)對(duì)于骨骺閉合前的患者是安全有效的手術(shù)方法。

      血管脂肪瘤 ( angiolipoma ) 是一種少見(jiàn)的良性腫瘤[8],臨床上青少年多發(fā),國(guó)內(nèi)也僅見(jiàn)少數(shù)的病例報(bào)道[2]。1960年,Howard 等[9]首先確定血管脂肪瘤作為病理診斷,其中包含了成熟的脂肪組織和血管。該病在臨床缺乏特異性表現(xiàn),MRⅠ 顯示腫塊多呈梭形,T1WⅠ 為中等偏高信號(hào),較脂肪組織信號(hào)低,T2WⅠ 為高信號(hào),腫物內(nèi)有扭曲擴(kuò)張的血管影為其特異性表現(xiàn),本病若血管成分少,與脂肪瘤難鑒別[10]。治療方面,本病以手術(shù)徹底切除為主[11],復(fù)發(fā)率較低。


      [1] Morgan JD, Eady JL. Giant cell tumor and the skeletally immature patient. J South Orthop Assoc, 1999, 8(4):275-284.

      [2] 孫鵬飛, 賈玉華. 骶骨血管脂肪瘤一例. 中華外科雜志, 2006, 44(24):1682.

      [3] 徐萬(wàn)鵬, 馮傳漢. 骨科腫瘤學(xué). 北京: 人民軍醫(yī)出版社. 2008: 265-268.

      [4] Puri A, Agarwal MG, Shah M, et al. Giant cell tumor of bone in children and adolescents. J Pediatr Orthop, 2007, 27(6): 635-639.

      [5] Picci P, Manfrini M, Zucchi V, et al. Giant-cell tumor of bone in skeletally immature patients. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 1983, 65(4):486-490.

      [6] Schutte HE, Taconis WK. Giant cell tumor in children and adolescents. Skeletal Radiol, 1993, 22(3):173-176.

      [7] 徐立輝, 張清, 郝林, 等. 骨骺閉合前骨巨細(xì)胞瘤的診斷和治療. 中華外科雜志, 2013, 51(9):827-830.

      [8] Dogan S, Arslan E, Sahin S, et al. Lumbar spinal extradural angiolipomas: two case reports. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), 2006, 46(3):157-160.

      [9] Howard WR, Helwig EB. Angiolipoma. Arch Dematol, 1960, 82:924.

      [10] Murphey MD, Carrol JF, Flemming DJ, et al. From the archives of the AFⅠP: benign musculoskeletal lipomatous lesions. Radiographics, 2004, 24(5):1433-1466.

      [11] do Souto AA, Domingues FS, Chimelli L, et al. Lumbosacral angiolipoma: case report. Arq Neuropsiquiatr, 2003, 61(2A): 269-273.

      ( 本文編輯:李貴存 )

      Giant cell tumor of the distal fibula combined with ipsilateral angiolipoma in the tibia: 1 case report

      ZHANG Zeng-liang, CHEN Bing-yao, LI Nan, SONG Guang-ze, WEI Xing.
      Musculoskeletal Tumor Center, Department of Orthopedics, the first Affiliated Hospital of PLA General Hospital, Beijing, 100048, PRC

      WEⅠ Xing, Email: 87032038@qq.com

      Objective To report a case of giant cell tumor of the distal fibula combined with ipsilateral angiolipoma in the tibia. Methods A male patient ( 15 years old ) complained with the intermittent pain in the right ankle for 2 years which was aggravated in one week. Physical examination: swelling of 6cm to the right lateral superior condyle, normal local temperature, no mass, no local tenderness, no limitations of the ankle function. Tibiofibula X-ray of right side: distal metaphysis of the fibula was destroyed expansively, bone mineral density ( BMD ) was decreased, cortex of the bone was thinner, compartment could be seen in the focus of infection, no periosteal reaction or soft tissues. MRⅠ of the right ankle: abnormal nonuniform signals were showed in cavum medullare of the distal fibula ( 4.5 cm×2.0 cm, equal T1, short T2) with clear border, compartment in the focus of infection, and thinner bone cortex; uniform signals were showed in cavum medullare of the distal tibia ( 3.7 cm×1.7 cm, long oval T1, T2) with clear border, compartment in the focus of infection, and continuous bone cortex. Curettage of foci in the right distal fibula and tibia, allograft bone transplant and internal fixation were conducted under epidural anesthesia. Results Pathological results: ( 1 ) 5.0 cm×4.5 cm×1.3 cm mass in the cavum medullare of the distal fibula. Extensive spindle cells with big multinucleated giant cell, local newborn bone trabecular structure were showed in microscope, which were considered to be giant cell tumors. ( 2 ) 3.5 cm×3.0 cm×1.0 cm drab yellow nodule mass in the cavum medullare of the distal tibia. Mature fat cells and minute vessels in microscope were considered to be angiolipoma. Tibiofibula X-ray 10 months postoperatively: fibular bone graft fusion, no obvious bone damage and bone repair in the operating zone of the tibia. Conclusions Giant cell tumor of the distal fibula combined with ipsilateral angiolipoma in the tibia was rare in adolescent patients before the epiphyseal closure.

      Adolescent; Epiphyses; Giant cell tumor of the bone; Lipoma, bone neoplasms



      100048 北京,解放軍總醫(yī)院第一附屬醫(yī)院骨科、北京市骨科植入醫(yī)療器械工程技術(shù)研究中心

      韋興,Email: 87032038@qq.com

      2015-01-19 )

      睿士(2020年11期)2020-11-16 02:12:27
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