By Malcolm Moore 譯 / 蔚然
Pay Attention to Mark Zuckerberg's Mandarin
By Malcolm Moore 譯 / 蔚然
Confucius said the superior man puts all his energy into everything he does...
It was an normal Wednesday, armed only with his favourite grey T-shirt and goofy smile, Mark Zuckerberg held court in one of China’s most prestigious universities for half an hour. In Mandarin.
So this son of a New York dentist gets a gold star – or a red flower, as they are called in China – for not only mastering the internet by the age of 30 but also somehow finding time to learn the world’s most difficult language.
“Hello everyone,” he said, to whoops of excitement from the audience (who, being elite business students could all speak English). “There are three reasons I decided to learn Chinese. The first, my wife is Chinese. Her grandmother can only speak Chinese. When I told her in Chinese I was going to marry Priscilla, she was very shocked. Then I want to study Chinese culture. The third: Chinese is hard and I like a challenge!”
After he posted a video, there were also swoons of envy across the world. Speaking Mandarin, with the assumption that it bring the keys to the new global superpower, is now such a prized social goal that Mark Zuckerberg was instantly labelled a genius for his Chinese chitchat.
Plenty of other tycoons, politicians arrive in Beijing claiming to be beavering away at Chinese, but I have never seen anyone attempt more than a few polite interchanges before reverting to English. Zuckerberg was out of his comfort zone, but he just kept going.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
So how good was Zuckerberg’s Chinese? It was good enough to wow the world, but in truth, four years of studying has brought him only to base camp. Mandarin still rises up before him, a mountain that most adult learners will climb for ever, with no peak to reach. One of my American colleagues wrote that Zuckerberg’s pronunciation was as if he had a “mouthful of marbles”. That is fine in French, where you can just about rub by with a wonky accent, but in China it is fatal. One slip of your tones and all meaning is lost. Zuckerberg was trying to say “China”, but it came out sounding like “Middle Kiss”.
Still, it is not just foreigners who find Chinese tricky. In September 2014, Li Weihong, the director of China’s State Language Commission, said about a third of China’s population, roughly 400 million people, cannot speak Mandarin either, preferring their local dialects. And of the 900 million people who can speak Mandarin, only 10 percent speak it “fluently”, he said.
Married couples who love each other tell each other a thousand things without talking
Surely Zuckerberg has an advantage because he can chat away with his wife, Priscilla Chan?
His wife is reportedly more comfortable in Cantonese (eight tones, compared to Mandarin’s four), which is as close to Mandarin as English is to Polish.
Chan, the daughter of a Vietnamese-Chinese immigrant, was raised in Massachusetts and studied biology at Harvard. In other words, she is about as American as they come. Many expats in China claim that having a Chinese girlfriend brings the bonus of having a practice partner, but it is probably fair to assume the pillow talk in the Zuckerberg household is in English.
The revolution is not a dinner party
Learning Chinese is hard. In short, the ratio of effort to reward is so dismal that all but the most mindlessly dogged foreigners give up.
The Chinese, of course, have no choice, and their children have hours and hours of after-school homework, trying to drill the tens of thousands of characters into their longterm memory.
Every person who tries to learn Chinese will at some point hit a wall and wonder why on earth they are bothering. Like me, many will find an excuse to settle on the low foothills, terrified at the daunting effort before them. Simple pronunciation, as Zuckerberg discovered, can take years to master. There is nothing more soul-sapping than enthusiastically going to lessons for months and still being faced with blank stares of incomprehension when you simply try to say hello and ask someone’s name.
Grammar is more straightforward, but without rules it is difficult for learners to grasp which part of speech they might have heard. Which means if you do not know all the words in a sentence, you cannot guess its meaning.
A mountain of knives and a sea of fire
And then there is the writing. There is no alphabet. You simply have to rote-learn Chinese characters, forcing thousands, or tens of thousands of them into your leaky brain.
Anyone writing English can piece together the spelling of a word by saying it aloud to themselves in their head. But here you have to try to remember how many brush strokes it takes to write a character.
Even professors of Chinese find it daunting to be handed a bookand asked to read a passage. When my Chinese colleague looks at a text message on his phone, it takes him a good minute to decipher its meaning.
How happy it is to have friends from far away!
Fortunately, the Chinese know how hard their language is – which is why efforts like Zuckerberg’s are applauded. I have lost count of the number of times that my dismal Chinese has been praised and complimented, by everyone from taxi drivers to government officials.
After decades (or in the Chinese mind, centuries) of arrogant foreigners arriving in China and not bothering to learn the language, it is a mark of respect to have a go.
Sadly, as you make progress, the novelty wears off. After seven years here, those who once praised and encouraged me now chide me for getting a tone wrong. I suppose it is a sign of progress to be corrected, rather than simply to win patronising praise, but I miss the old days.
The foolish old man who moved the mountains
There is a Chinese folk tale that sums up the effort required to struggle with Mandarin. A man in his nineties began picking up stones in order to level two huge mountains. When told he was an idiot, given the scale of the task and the time he had left, he simply said: “Certainly I cannot do it. But when I die, there will be my children to carry on the work, and the children will have grandchildren, and the grandchildren will again have children. So my children and grandchildren are endless, while the mountains cannot grow bigger in size. Why can’t they be levelled some day?”
You cannot catch a cub without venturing to the tiger’s den
For foreign schoolchildren, there is no short cut. The popular“Chineasy” pictogram cards are charming, but not a magic bullet. You may learn to recognise a few Chinese pictograms, but they do not teach pronunciation and the sea of non-pictographic characters stretches to the horizon.
While children will not pick up much Mandarin in English classrooms, it may open their minds to visit China. And here, if they can find a place to immerse themselves, they have a good chance of learning the language.
Japan and US are China’s Top Overseas Travel Destinations for 2015
An opinion poll surveying which overseas destinations
top mainland Chinese people’s wish lists has revealed that Japan and America are the favourites for 2015, whilst Hong Kong has seen a sudden decline in popularity.
In the survey conducted by Travelzoo, 4,300 participants were asked to rate their top 5 choices from a selection of 44 countries. The depreciation of the Yen and recent relaxation of Japanese visa policies have contributed to the rising popularity of Japan as a travel destination.The US has also made amendments to visa policies recently in a bid to attract Chinese tourists.
New Cycle Ban on Trains
From January 5, bikes are no longer permitted on trains. The ban has been enacted due to problems with space and bicycles blocking corridors.This includes folding bicycles.If cyclists wish to take their bike with them, they must dismantle, pack the bike in a box and carry it on as luggage.
There are also services such as China Railway Express that will ferry bicycles between main cities. According to Shanghai Daily, to transport a bicycle from Shanghai to Beijing will cost around 50 RMB.
Plans for Third Beijing Airport Get the Go-Ahead
Plans to construct a new international airport in the south of Beijing to cope with increased passenger flow demands have been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission. The proposed project is estimated to cost around 13 billion USD and will be located in Daxing District. The airport will have four runways and a terminal covering an area of 700,000 square meters. If all goes to plan the airport will be operational by 2018.