



      Anisakiasis in Southeast Asia:A story of new tropical disease?

      2016-03-19 12:05:02SomsriWiwanitkitVirojWiwanitkitWiwanitkitHouseBangkhaeBangkokThailand

      Somsri Wiwanitkit, Viroj WiwanitkitWiwanitkit House,Bangkhae,Bangkok,Thailand

      2Hainan Medical University,Haikou,Hainan,China

      3Faculty of Medicine,University of Nis,Nis,Serbia

      4Joseph Ayobabalola University,Osun State,Nigeria

      5Dr DY Patil Medical University,Navi Mumbai,India


      Article history:

      Received 22 Sep 2015

      Received in revised form 13 Oct, 2nd

      revised form 14 Oct 2015

      Accepted 20 Nov 2015

      Available online 22 Mar 2016


      Anisakiasis in Southeast Asia:A story of new tropical disease?

      Somsri Wiwanitkit1*, Viroj Wiwanitkit2,3,4,51Wiwanitkit House,Bangkhae,Bangkok,Thailand

      2Hainan Medical University,Haikou,Hainan,China

      3Faculty of Medicine,University of Nis,Nis,Serbia

      4Joseph Ayobabalola University,Osun State,Nigeria

      5Dr DY Patil Medical University,Navi Mumbai,India


      Article history:

      Received 22 Sep 2015

      Received in revised form 13 Oct, 2nd

      revised form 14 Oct 2015

      Accepted 20 Nov 2015

      Available online 22 Mar 2016



      Southeast Asia


      Tropical disease


      Anisakiasis is an important worm infestation. It is seen in some non-tropical countries and becomes animportant issuein coastalmedicine. However,in the fewrecent years,there are some reports on occurrence of anisakiasis in tropical countries. In this specific short article, the authors review and present the situation of anisakiasis in Southeast Asia. It can be said that anisakiasis becomes a new focused interest in tropical coastal medicine at present.

      Mini review http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apjtb.2015.11.011

      Tel: +66 870970933

      E-mail: somsriwiwan@hotmail.com

      Peer review under responsibility of Hainan Medical University. The journal implements double-blind peer review practiced by specially invited international editorial board members.

      1. Introduction

      Theproblem ofdisease fromseafoodisvery interesting[1,2].It isconsideredasabighealthproblemincoastalmedicine.Seafood allergy[3–5], intoxication[5]and contamination[6–8]are the wellknown problems. However, the forgotten problem is parasitic zoonosis[8,9]. For the zoonosis due to sea fish intake, the wellknown problem is diphyllobothriasis and anisakiasis. This is the topic on food safety in coastal medicine[10–12]. Anisakiasis is an important worm infestation. It is seen in some non-tropical countries and becomes an important issue in coastal medicine [13,14]. Anisakiasis is classified as a food borne zoonotic disease [15]. It is a fish borne infection caused by the ingestion of larval nematodes in raw seafood dishes such as sushi, sashimi, ceviche, and pickled herring[15]. The symptoms of anisakiasis are vague including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea[15]. However, in the few recent years, there are some reports on occurrence of anisakiasis in tropical countries. In this specific short article, the authors review and present the situation of anisakiasis in Southeast Asia.

      2. Reports on anisakiasis in Southeast Asia

      As note, there are many reports on anisakiasis in several areas around the world but there is limited information from tropical countries, especially for Southeast Asia. Here, the information from coastal countries in Southeast Asia is presented.

      2.1. Anisakiasis in Indonesia

      There are some reports on parasite study in fish in Indonesia. The parasite can be seen in several fish species[16–18]. The potential of the parasite to cause human disease is raised. Kusharyono and Sukartinah noted that“it is expected that other parasitic zoonoses, such as anisakiasis, fasciolopsiasis and echinostomiasis, will emerge as the popularity of exotic foods being served in Korean and Japanese restaurants spread throughout Indonesian cities[19].”

      2.2. Anisakiasis in Thailand

      Similarto Indonesia,therearesomereportsonparasitestudyin fish in Thailand. The parasite can be seen in several fish species [18,20]. According to a recent study,“the intensity and prevalence of nematode infection in Johnius carouna were 2.4%and 31.7%, respectively, and in Dendrophysa russelli 3.9%and 87.5%, respectively[20].”O(jiān)f interest, the human anisakiasis is already detected in Thailand[21]. The first case report was reported in 1993[21]. Hemsrichart reported the first case presenting with the symptoms of acute abdominal obstruction[21]. In this case, Hemsrichart reported that“the diagnosis was obtained by identification of the parasite in the tissue sections of the resected segment of the small intestine[21].”

      2.3. Anisakiasis in Malaysia and Brunei

      There is still no report of human disease in Malayasia and Brunei and there is also no report on anisakiasis in Malaysia and Brunei but the research team from Malaysia joins with Indonesia team for study of the parasite in marine fish. The good example is the report by Anshary et al.[16].

      2.4. Anisakiasis in the Philippines

      Similar to Indonesia and Thailand, there are some reports on parasite study in fish in Thailand. The parasite can be seen in several fish species[22]. Nevertheless, there is still no report of human disease.

      2.5. Anisakiasis in Myanmar,Cambodia and Vietnam

      Although Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam are tropical countries in Southeast Asia with coastal area, there is no report on the parasite. This might be due to lack of study in these countries.

      3. Conclusion

      Based on the review, it is no doubt that the parasite already existed in marine fish species in Southeast Asia and the emerging humandiseaseispossible.Itcanbesaidthatanisakiasisbecomesa new focused interest in tropical coastal medicine at present.

      Conflict of interest statement

      We declare that we have no conflict of interest.


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      *Corresponding author. Somsri Wiwanitkit, Wiwanitkit House, Bangkhae, Bangkok 10160, Thailand.

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