



      Abstracts and Key Words of Major Articles

      2016-04-03 18:23:48WideningandDeepeningGuangdongOpenEconomywithOneBeltOneRoad

      Widening and Deepening Guangdong Open Economy with“One Belt One Road”

      XU De-you(Department of Economics,Guangdong Provincial Party School,Guangzhou 510053)

      Abstracts:“One Belt One Road”is an important strategy for China's economy on its way to a rebalance between internal and external openness,and it is also an important platform for the current transformation of Guangdong open economy.As for participation in“One Belt One Road”Guangdong had advantages in history,geography and industry,as well as in its leading role and its potential for economic and trade cooperation.Guangdong is also the first province to develop programs to dock and implement this strategy.With“One Belt One Road”as an open carrier and bridge,Guangdong can expand newspace for the open economy,extending cooperation with ASEAN,Russia,Central Asia,South Asia,Middle East countries and other emergingeconomies.It alsocan deepen the newconnotation of Guangdongopen economy,with FTA,FTZ,enterprises“goingglobal”,humanist contact and other internal and external conditions to cultivate newadvantages in international competition.

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