




      2016-04-08 07:49陳曉紅朱一力顧芳王智強
      首都體育學院學報 2016年2期

      陳曉紅 葉 鳴 朱一力 顧芳 王智強

      摘要:通過對絕經(jīng)后女性進行為期3個月的全身振動訓練,探討其對身體成分、腹部脂肪及血脂的影響。方法:從北京社區(qū)招募55~65歲健康女性,選取符合實驗標準者50名,將其隨機分為對照組(CON,n=25)和振動組(WBV,n=25)。振動組受試者接受為期3個月的全身振動訓練,受試者屈膝160°左右站立于振動平臺上,每周3次,每次30 min(振動1 min,休息1 min,重復15次,振動頻率為30 Hz,振幅為2 mm);對照組不做任何干預,保持日常生活習慣不變。在實驗開始前測量受試者各項指標的基礎值,身體形態(tài)指標包括身高、體重、腰圍、臀圍;身體成分包括身體脂肪百分比(FM%)、瘦體重百分比(LM%),采用雙能X線骨密度儀進行測試;腹部脂肪相關(guān)指標包括腹部脂肪率和內(nèi)臟脂肪等級指標,采用腹部脂肪儀進行測試;血脂(包括甘油三脂、膽固醇、高密度脂蛋白和低密度脂蛋白)和血糖的測試采用全自動生化分析儀(Beckman,美國)。在實驗結(jié)束后再次測試以上指標。結(jié)果顯示:3個月振動訓練后,振動組受試者體成分出現(xiàn)顯著改變,體重、身高體重指數(shù)、FM%顯著降低,LM%顯著升高;振動組受試者腹部脂肪率顯著下降,腰圍、臀圍未出現(xiàn)顯著改變;振動組受試者膽固醇顯著下降,其余血液指標未出現(xiàn)顯著改變。結(jié)論:3個月全身振動訓練可顯著改善絕經(jīng)后女性的體成分,并可抑制其內(nèi)臟脂肪的堆積,改善血脂水平。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 全身振動訓練;絕經(jīng)后女性;體成分;腹部脂肪;血脂

      中圖分類號: G 804文章編號:1009783X(2016)02017205文獻標志碼: A

      Abstract:Through three months of regular whole body vibration training (WBV) in postmenopausal women,the effects of vibration training on body composition,visceral fat and blood lipid were explored.Methods:A total of 50 females who met the criterias were randomly assigned to WBV training group (WBV,n=25) and control group (CON,n=25).The subjects of WBV were performed 3 times per week for 3month,each session included 15 repetitions of 60 seconds with a rest period of 60 seconds between each repetition.During the training intervention,the subjects were asked to stand in a wide squat position (160°) on the vibration platform,lightly holding the handrails of the plate with both hands.The frequency of vibration was 30 Hz and the amplitude was 2 mm.Subjects of both groups were asked not to change their lifestyle during the course of the project.Each subject's fasting-state body mass,height,waist circumference and hip circumference were measured.Whole body composition was assessed by dual-energy Xray absorptiometry,which includes in percent of fat mass (FM%) and percent of lean mass (LM%).Visceral fat were measured by abdominal bioelectrical impedance,which includes visceral fat ratio and visceral fat level.The blood lipid and glucose were measured by automatic biochemical analyzer.At baseline and at three months,the above parameters were measured at the baseline and 3 months.Results:After 3month WBV training,the body mass,BMI and FM% significantly decreased,and LM% significantly increased.Meanwhile,the visceral fat ratio significantly decreased,and waist circumference and hip circumference did not change.In addition,the blood cholesterol showed significant decrease,and the rest of the blood indexes showed no significant change.Conclusions:Threemonth whole vibration training could improve body composition,and inhibit the accumulation of visceral fat,and partly improve the disorders of blood lipid in postmenopausal women.

      八個故事讀懂 血脂檢查
      安宁市| 和田市| 重庆市| 阳东县| 辽阳市| 海盐县| 阿克| 临桂县| 镇安县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 永和县| 赤壁市| 胶南市| 南溪县| 澄城县| 营口市| 平凉市| 瓦房店市| 崇仁县| 邵武市| 罗源县| 勐海县| 东阿县| 哈尔滨市| 沙洋县| 宝山区| 嵩明县| 内乡县| 乌什县| 彭山县| 泽库县| 沂南县| 商城县| 板桥市| 玉溪市| 德保县| 永川市| 承德市| 张家港市| 丽水市| 连城县|