



      The Feedbacks of English Education Majors on Computer Assisted Teaching Through Blackboard Academic Suite Online

      2016-05-30 22:43:21魏方
      校園英語(yǔ)·中旬 2016年11期


      【Abstract】This study is to explore students perceptions on Computer Assisted Teaching (CAT) through using online Blackboard Academic Suite (BAS) and tries to find which part is the most satisfactory for students. This paper, proceeding with the reality of English classroom, through the method of interview and field notes, conducts a research study to first-year graduates. The results show that the participants hold positive attitudes to BAS, and they regard it as a convenient platform for downloading files, uploading papers and interaction between teacher and students.

      【Key words】feedback; computer assisted teaching; English education majors

      1. Introduction

      Computers are widely used in foreign language teaching and learning (FLTL) to help learners experience the target language and culture. These years, CAT has been used in most colleges and high schools. Computer assisted language learning has become more and more popular (Rahimi & Yadollahi, 2011). In china, more and more software and webpages are used in school, including Blackboard Academic Suite (BAS) online. However, few schools in china use this online platform in teaching and few people pay attention to students attitudes towards BAS.

      II. Related studies

      Many studies have shown that the application of computer technology has a positive effect on all four of the language skills (Chen & Tseng, 2006; Tsai, 2003) and has resulted in increased motivation (Chang & Lehman, 2002), self-concept (Stepp-Greany, 2002), and confidence. Though it has many advantages, few colleges in China spent money and time on it and few people pay attention to users feelings, students feelings. The study is to explore students perceptions on BAS and answer research questions that 1. Do students hold positive attitude on BAS; 2. What changes do they get in learning motivation and interaction through using BAS platform; 3. Compared with traditional teaching, which one do they like most? Why?

      III. Methodology

      The subjects in this study were four postgraduate students of 24-25 years old of English education majors in English Language Institute of Tianjin Foreign Studies University. The sample was composed of 4 females randomly selected took part in the interview and answered 4 interview questions. The interview was tape-recorded and the author took notes at the same time. Besides interview, the author also conducted fieldnotes to collect data. The author observed the participants in the dorm. The author observed and made notes at the same time.

      IV. Research findings

      Based on the interview, BAS is a convenient system for learning. One can obtain feedbacks on time, which is helpful for understanding and mastering knowledge. Through BAS, the interaction between students and teacher is increased. It is not a face-to-face interaction, but it is timelier. Because of decreasing the anxious and pressure when you talk with teacher face-to-face, more interactions are created by BAS.

      V. Conclusion

      5.1 Summary of the study

      The study adopts the qualitative way to explore students feelings on BAS through the interview. This study indicates that students hold positive attitude on BAS and they are motivated by this kind of computer-assisted learning. Compared with traditional teaching, they are more willing to be taught with BAS.

      5.2 Implications for practice and limitations

      The first implication is to pay attention to students feeling when they are in computer-assisted learning. The second one is that teachers should play important roles in teaching. It is important to stimulate students motivation, creativity, learning interest instead of rote learning through computer. There are some deficiencies in the study. The first is time limited. Secondly, the samples just come from one class. Further studies should be conducted to support the results derived from this study.


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      [2]Chen,Z.F.,& Tseng,H.C.(2006).Effects of implementing the computer assisted problem-posing strategy on English vocabulary learning achievement and affective reaction.Journal of National Taipei University of Education,19(1),89-118.

      [3]Rahimi,M.,&Yadollahi,S.(2011).Foreign Language Learning Attitude As A Predictor of Attitudes Towards Computer-assisted Language Learning.Procedia Computer Science,3,167-174.

      [4]Stepp-Greany,J.(2002).Students perceptions on language learning in a technological environment:Implications for the new millennium.Language Learning and Technology,165-180.

      [5]Tsai,P.H.(2003).An Analysis of The Effects of Multimedia on English Listening Comprehension of Junior High School Students.Unpublished masters thesis.National Kaohsiung Normal University,Taiwan.

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