




      2016-07-31 17:36:44

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes An Xingqin Development of an adjoint model of GRAPESCUACE and its application in trackinginfluentialhazesourceareasinNorthChinaGeoscientifcModelDevelopment 2016,9(6) SCI An Xingqin(2nd)Model assessment of atmospheric pollution control schemes for critical emission regions Atmospheric Environment 2016,124 SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)Analysis of the error in retrievals of aerosol optical properties from sunphotometer measurements of CARSNET due to a variety of objective factors Atmosphere 2016,7(1) SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)Investigation of the optical properties of aerosols over the coastal region at Dalian,Northeast China Atmosphere 2016,7(8) SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)Aerosol optical properties over Beijing during the World Athletics Championships and Victory Day military parade in August and September 2015 Atmosphere 2016,7(4) SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)Aerosol optical properties based on ground and satellite retrievals during a serious haze episode in December 2015 over Beijing Atmosphere 2016,7(5) SCI Che Huizheng(2nd)The variation in visibility and its relationship with surface wind Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2016,15(2) SCI Che Huizheng(3rd)Spatial distribution and temporal variation of aerosol optical depth in the Sichuan Basin,China, the recent ten years Atmospheric Environment 2016,147 SCI Che Huizheng(3rd)A 20-year simulated climatology of global dust aerosol deposition Science of the Total Environment 2016,557-558 SCI Che Huizheng,et al.Calibration of the 936 nm water-vapor channel for the China aerosol remote sensing NETwork(CARSNET) and the effect of the retrieval water-vapor on aerosol optical property over Beijing, China Atmospheric Pollution Research 2016,7(5) SCI Chen Bin,et al.Climatology of wintertime long-distance transport of surface-layer air masses arriving urban Beijing in 2001–2012 Atmospheric Environment 2016,151 SCI Chen Fei Assessing uncertainties in the Noah-MP ensemble simulations of a cropland site during the Tibet Joint International Cooperation program (JICA) field campaign Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2016,121(16) SCI Chen Haoming,et al.A new method to compare hourly rainfall between station observations and satellite products over central-eastern China Journal of Meteorological Research 2016,30(5) SCIE

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Chen Yang,et al.Mechanisms for concurrent low-latitude circulation anomalies responsible for persistent extreme precipitation in the Yangtze RiverValleyClimateDynamics 2016,47(3) SCIChen Yueli Preliminary studies on the dynamic prediction method of rainfall-triggered landslide Journal of Mountain Science 2016,13(10)SCIE Ding Minghu Re-assessment of recent (2008–2013) surface mass balance over Dome Argus, Antarctica Polar Research DOI: 10.3402/polar.v35.26133 SCI Ding Minghu(2nd)A comparison of Antarctic ice sheet surface mass balance from atmospheric climate models and in situ observations Journal of Climate 2016,29(14)SCI Ding Minghu(2nd)Structure of summer atmospheric boundary layer in the center of Arctic Ocean and its relation with sea ice extent change Science China: Earth Science 2016,59(5) SCI Fang Shibo(2nd)Correlative analysis of the relationship between changes in surface solar radiation and haze pollution (atmospheric turbidity index) in Beijing from 1961 to 2011 Global NEST Journal 2016,18(1)Fang Shibo(2nd)Lichen elemental composition distinguishes anthropogenic emissions from dust storm input and differs among species: Evidence from Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, China Scientific Reports 2016,6 SCI Fang Shibo(3rd)Use of the lichenXanthoria manchuricain monitoring atmospheric elemental deposition in the Taihang Mountains, Hebei, China Scientific Reports 2016,6 SCI Fang Shibo,et al.Changing trends and abrupt features of extreme temperature in Mainland China from 1960 to 2010 Atmosphere 2016,7(2) SCI Fang Shibo,et al.Change in temperature extremes and its correlation with mean temperature in mainland China from 1960 to 2015 International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.4965 SCI Gao Wenhua Coupling spectral-bin cloud microphysics with the MOSAIC aerosol model in WRFChem: Methodology and results for marine stratocumulus clouds Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 2016,8(3) SCI Gao Wenhua A study of cloud microphysics and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau by radar observations and cloud-resolving model simulations Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2016,121(13) SCI Guo Jianping The diurnal cycle of PM2.5and its association with MODIS AOD over China: Implications for PM2.5remote sensing Environmental Pollution 2016,12(1)

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Guo Jianping(2nd)Planetary boundary layer height from CALIOP compared to radiosonde over ChinaAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2016,16(1) SCI Guo Jianping(2nd)On the in fluence of the diurnal variations of aerosol content to estimate direct aerosol radiative forcing using MODIS data Atmospheric Environment 2016,141 SCI Guo Jianping(2nd)Delaying precipitation by air pollution over Pearl River Delta. Part 2: Model simulations Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2016,121(19) SCI Guo Jianping(2nd)A CloudSat perspective on the cloud climatology and its association with aerosol perturbation in the vertical over East China Journal of the Atmospheic Sciences 2016,33(1) SCI Guo Jianping,et al.The climatology of planetary boundary layer height in China derived from radiosonde and reanalysis data Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2016,16(20)SCI Guo Jianping,et al.Impact of various emission control schemes on air quality using WRF-Chem during APEC China 2014 Atmospheric Environment 2016,140 SCI Guo Jianping,et al.Three-dimensional structure of aerosol in China:A perspective from multi-satellite observations Atmospheric Research 2016,178-179 SCI Guo Jianping,et al.Delaying precipitation and lightning by air pollution over the Pearl River Delta. Part I:Observational analyses Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2016,121(11) SCI Guo Xueliang(2nd)Mesoscale numerical simulation study of warm fog dissipation by salt particles seeding Advances in Atmospheric Sciences2016,33(5) SCI Hou Qing,et al.Assessment of resident,s exposure level and health economic costs of PM10in Beijing from 2008 to 2012 Science of the Total Environment 2016,563-564 SCI Hu Liang The seasonal variation of Tibetan convective systems: Satellite observation Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2016,121(10) SCI Huo Zhiguo(2nd)Monitoring and forecasting winter wheat freeze injury and yield from multi-temporal remotely sensed data Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 2016,22(2) SCI Huo Zhiguo(2nd)Estimating leaf SPAD values of freeze-damaged winter wheat using continuous wavelet analysis Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2016,98 SCI Li Jianduo Quantification and attribution of errors in the simulated annual gross primary production and latent heat fluxes by two global land surface models Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 2016,8(3)

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Li Ying(2nd)A statistical analysis of the relationship between upper-tropospheric cold low and tropical cyclone track and intensity change over theWesternNorthPacifcMonthlyWeatherReview 2016,144(5)SCI Liang Linlin Seasonal variations and source estimation of saccharides in atmospheric particulate matter in Beijing, China Chemosphere 2016,150(1)SCI Liu Boqi(2nd) The East Asian subtropical summer monsoon:Recent progress Journal of Meteorological Research 2016,30(2) SCIE Liu Boqi,et al.A possible precursor of the South China Sea summer monsoon onset: Effect of the South Asian high Geophysical Research Letters 2016,43(20)SCI Liu Boqi,et al.Two types of interannual variability of South China Sea summer monsoon onset related to the SST anomalies before and after 1993/94 Journal of Climate 2016,29(19) SCI Liu Ge,et al.Effect of tropical Indian Ocean thermal condition during preceding winter on summer high temperature anomalies over the southern Yangtze River Valley International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.4932 SCI Liu Liping(2nd)Toward understanding the properties of high ice clouds at Naqu site over the Tibetan Plateau using ground-based active remote sensing measurements obtained during a short period in July 2014 J. Appl. Meteor. Clim.2016,55(5) SCI Liu Tao,et al.Effects of warming and changing precipitation rates on soil respiration over two years in a desert steppe of northern China Plant and Soil 2016,400(1)SCI Liu Ying,et al. The structure and development of an extratropical cyclone over northeastern Asia SOLA DOI: 10.2151/sola.2016-050 SCI Liu Yu Skewness oficloud droplet spectrum and an improved estimation for its relative dispersion Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 2016,128(2)SCI Luo Yali(2nd)Mesoscale observational analysis of lifting mechanism of a warm-sector convective system producing the maximal daily precipitation in China mainland during pre-summer rainy season of 2015 Journal of Meteorological Research 2016,30(5) SCIE Luo Yali(2nd)Impact of assimilating wind prof ling radar observations on convection-permitting quantitative precipitation forecasts during SCMREX Weather and Forecasting 2016,31(4) SCI Luo Yali,et al.Ground-based radar reflectivity mosaic of Meiyu precipitation systems over the Yangtze River-Huaihe River basins Advances in Atmospheric Sciences2016,33(11)SCI

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Luo Yali,et al. Synoptic situations of extreme hourly precipitationoverChina JournalofClimate 2016,29(24)SCILüJunmei,et al.Teleconnection patterns impacting on the summer consecutive extreme rainfall in centraleastern China International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.4923 SCI Lü Weitao(2nd)High-speed video observations of the fine structure of a natural negative stepped leader at close distance Atmospheric Research 2016,178-179 SCI Lü Weitao(3rd)From pixels to patches: A cloud classification method based on a bag of micro-structures Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2016,9(2) SCI Lü Weitao,et al.Two basic leader connection scenarios observed in negative lightning attachment High Voltage 2016,1(1) EI Ma Jianzhong(2nd)MAX-DOAS measurements and satellite validation of tropospheric NO2and SO2vertical column densities at a rural site of North China Atmospheric Environment 2016,133 SCI Ma Ying,et al. A vision-based precipitation sensor for detection and classification of hydrometeors IEEE Sensors Journal2016,16(11)SCI Peng Xindong(2nd)Improvement of the Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino planetary boundary layer scheme based on the observational data in China Boundary-Layer Meteorology 2016,160(7)SCI Peng Xindong(2nd)A wind power forecasting system based on the WRF model and Kalman f ltering over a windfarm in Japan Journal of Renewable Sustainable Energy 2016,8(1) SCI Rong Xinyao(3rd)Seasonal predictability of sea surface temperature anomalies over the Kuroshio Oyashio Extension Low in summer and High in winter Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 2016,121(9)SCI Shen Xiaojing,et al.Particle climatology in central East China retrieved from measurements in planetary boundary layer and in free troposphere at a 1500-m-high mountaintop site Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2016,16 SCI Shen Xiaojing,et al.The in fluence of Asian dust out flow on particle microphysical and optical properties at Mt.Tai in central East China Atmospheric Environment 2016,143 SCI Shen Xiaojing,et al.Key features of new particle formation events at background sites in China and their in fluence on cloud condensation nuclei Frontier Environment Science &Engineering 2016,10(5) SCI Shen Xiaojing,et al.The in fluence of emission control on particle number size distribution and new particle formation during China Science of the Total Environment 2016,573 SCI Shi Xiaohui(2nd)Spatio-temporal characteristics of extreme precipitation events during 1951–2011 in Shandong, China and possible connection to the large scale atmospheric circulation Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2016,30(5) SCI

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Wang Donghai(2nd)Improving numerical experiments on persistent severe rainfall events in southern China using spectral nudging and f ltering schemes Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 2016,142(701) SCI Wang Fei,et al.Characteristics oficloud-to-ground lightning strikes in the stratiform regions of mesoscale convective systems Atmospheric Research 2016,178-179 SCI Wang Gaili Evaluation and correction of quantitative precipitation forecast by storm-scale NWP model in Jiangsu, China Advances in Meteorology 2016,1-13 SCI Wang Gaili A quantitative comparison of precipitation forecasts between the storm-scale numerical weather prediction model and auto-nowcast system in Jiangsu, China Atmospheric Research 2016,181 SCI Wang Hong(2nd)The impacts of different PBL schemes on the simulation of PM2.5during severe haze episodes in the Jing-Jin-Ji region and its surroundings in China Advances in Meteorology 2016,1-15 SCI Wang Peijuan(3rd)In fluences of leaf-specular reflection on canopy BRF characteristics: A case study of real maize canopies with a 3-D scene BRDF model IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2016.2598442 Wang Ping,et al.Inverse modeling of black carbon emissions over China using ensemble data assimilation Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2016,16(2) SCI Wang Ping,et al.“APEC Blue” association with emission control and meteorological conditions detected by multi-scale statistics Atmospheric Research 2016,178-179 SCI Wang Yaqiang(2nd)Outlier flag: A tool for scientific data quality control by outlier data flagging Journal of Open Research Software 2016,4(1)Wang Yaqiang(3rd)Regional prediction of carbon isotopes in soil carbonates for Asian dust source tracer Atmospheric Environment 2016,142 SCI Wang Zhili(2nd)Sensitivity of precipitation extremes to radiative forcing of greenhouse gases and aerosols Geophysical Research Letters 2016,43(18)SCI Wang Zhili(3rd)A modeling study of effective radiative forcing and climate response due to tropospheric ozone Advances in Atmospheric Sciences2016,33(7) SCIWangZhili(3rd)The updated effective radiative forcing of major anthropogenic aerosols and their effects on global climate at present and in the future International Journal of Climatology 2016,36(12)SCI Wang Zhili,et al.Projected response of East Asian summer monsoon system to future reductions in emissions of anthropogenic aerosols and their precursors Climate Dynamics 2016,47(5) SCI Wang Zhili,et al.The effect of future reduction in aerosol emissions on climate extremes in China Climate Dynamics 2016,47(9) SCI

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Wei Ting Developed and developing world contributions to climate system change based on CO2, CH4and N2O emissionsAdvancesin Atmospheric Sciences2016,33(5) SCI Wei Ting Quantitative estimation of the climatic effects of carbon transferred by international trade Scientific Reports 2016,6 SCI Wei Ting(2nd)Variations in large-scale tropical cyclone genesis factors over the western North Pacific in the PMIP3 last millennium simulations Climate Dynamics 2016,47(1) SCI Wei Ting(2nd)A new consumption-based accounting model for greenhouse gases from 1948 to 2012 Journal of Cleaner Production 2016,133(1)SCI Wei Ting(2nd)Enhanced intensity of global tropical cyclones during the mid-Pliocene warm period PNAS 2016,113(46) SCI Wei Ting,et al. Variations in temperature-related extreme events (1975–2014) in NY-?lesund, Svalbard Atmospheric Science Letters 2016,17(1) SCI Wu Bingyi,et al.Summer Arctic dipole wind pattern affects the winter Siberian high International Journal of Climatology 2016,36(2) SCI Wu Lingyan Mechanism and kinetics of heterogeneous reactions of unsaturated organic acids on α-Al2O3and CaCO3ChemPhysChem 2016,17(21)Wu Lingyan(3rd)Temperature dependence of the heterogeneous uptake of acrylic acid on Arizona test dust Journal of Environmental Sciences 2016,7(12)Xiao Dong,et al.Responses of the summer Asian-Pacific zonal thermal contrast and the associated evolution of atmospheric circulation to transient orbital changes during the Holocene Scientific Reports 2016,6 SCI Xu Jing(2nd)Bayesian geoadditive modelling oficlimate extremes with nonparametric spatially varying temporal effects International Journal of Climatology 2016,36(12)SCI Xu Jing,et al.The relationship between sea surface temperature and maximum intensification rate of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences2016,73(12)SCI Xu Liangtao,et al.The role of dynamic transport in the formation of the inverted charge structure in a simulated hailstorm Science China: Earth Science 2016,59(7) SCI Xu Wanyun,et al.Long-term trends of surface ozone and its in fluencing factors at the Mt. Waliguan GAW station, China—Part 1: Overall trends and characteristics Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2016,16(10)SCI Xu Xiangde(2nd)The upstream “Strong Signals” of the water vapor transport over the Tibetan Plateau during a heavy rainfall event in the Yangtze River Basin Advances in Atmospheric Sciences2016,33(1) SCI

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Xu Xiangde(2nd)Extreme precipitation events in East China and associated moisture transport pathwaysScienceChina:Earth Science 2016,59(9) SCI Xu Xiaobin(3rd)Vertical prof les of black carbon measured by a micro-aethalometer in summer in the North China Plain Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2016,16(8) SCI Yang Jianying,et al.Indicator-based evaluation of spatio-temporal characteristics of rice flood in Southwest China Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment 2016,230 Yang Jun,et al. A total sky cloud detection method using real clear sky background Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2016,9 SCI Yang Yuanqin,et al.PLAM—a meteorological pollution index for air quality and its applications in fog-haze forecasts in North China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2016,16(1) SCI Zhai Panmao(3rd)Impact of urban land-use change in eastern China on the East Asian subtropical monsoon:A numerical study Journal of Meteorological Research 2016,30(2) SCI Zhai Panmao,et al.The strong El Ni?o in 2015/2016 and its dominant impacts on global and China Journal of Meteorological Research 2016,30(3) SCI Zhang Guo,et al.Assessing uncertainties in the Noah-MP ensemble simulations of a cropland site during the Tibet Joint International Cooperation program (JICA) field campaign: Uncertainty in Noah-MP simulations Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2016,121(16) SCI Zhang Renhe(2nd)Interannual variation of the wintertime fog-haze days across central and eastern China and its relation with East Asian winter monsoon International Journal of Climatology 2016,36(1) SCI Zhang Renhe(2nd)The relationship between soil moisture and LAI in different types of soil in central eastern China Journal of Hydrometeorology 2016,17(11)SCI Zhang Ruonan,et al.Climatology and interannual variability of the wintertime snow cover over China International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.4599 Zhang Shengjun(2nd)A study on the mechanism of rapid weakening of typhoon Xangsane (0020) over the East China Sea Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2016,22(3) SCIE Zhang Tong,et al.Temperate ice layer found in the upper area of Jima Yangzong Glacier, the headstream of Yarlung Zangbo River Science Bulletin 2016,61(8) SCI Zhang Xiaoye(2nd)Characterization and parameterization of aerosol cloud condensation nuclei activation under different pollution conditions Scientific Reports 2016,6 SCI Zhang Yang,et al.Simultaneous optical and electrical observations of “chaotic” leaders preceding subsequent return strokes Atmospheric Research 2016,170 SCI

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Zhang Yang,et al.Characteristics and correlation of return stroke,M component and continuing current for triggered lightningElectricPower System Research 2016,139 SCI Zhang Yangmei(2nd)Characterization of particle number size distribution and new particle formation in an urban environment in Lanzhou, China Journal of Aerosol and Science 2016,103(1)SCI Zhang Yi,et al.Impact of moisture divergence on systematic errors in precipitation around the Tibetan Plateau in a general circulation model Climate Dynamics 2016,47(9) SCI Zhang Yi,et al.Comparing CAM5 and superparameterized CAM5 simulations of summer precipitation characteristics over continental East Asia: Mean state, frequency-intensity relationship, diurnal cycle, and in fluencing factors Journal of Climate 2016,29(3) SCI Zhang Yi,et al.Using statistical model to simulate the impact of climate change on maize yield with climate and crop uncertainties Theoretical and Applied Climatology DOI: 10.1007/s00704-016-1935-2 SCI Zhang Yijun(2nd)In fluence of the ground potential rise on the residual voltage of low-voltage surge protective devices due to nearby lightning flashes IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 2016,31(2) SCI Zhang Yijun,et al.A review of advances in lightning observations during the past decade in Guangdong, China Journal of Meteorological Research 2016,30(5) SCI Zhao Junfang(3rd)Study on spring wheat yield change of Inner Mongolia in time and space based on APSIM model ICADME DOI: 10.2991/icadme-16.2016.79 EI Zhao Junfang(3rd)Potato plant image detection based on deep learning ICADME DOI: 10.2991/icadme-16.2016.74 EI Zhao Junfang,et al.Coincidence of variation in potato yield and climate in northern China Science of the Total Environment 2016,573 SCI Zhao Junfang,et al.Drought monitoring based on TIGGE and distributed hydrological model in Huaihe River Basin, China Science of the Total Environment 2016,553 SCI Zhao Ping(3rd)Relative roles of land- and ocean-atmosphere interactions in Asian-Pacific thermal contrast variability at the precessional band Scientific Reports 2016,6 SCI Zhao Ping,et al.Summer precipitation anomalies in Asia and North America induced by Eurasian nonmonsoon land heating versus ENSO Scientific Reports 2016,6 SCI Zheng Dong Characteristics of flash initiations in a supercell cluster with tornadoes Atmospheric Research 2016,167 SCI Zheng Dong(2nd)Characteristics of the two active stages of lightning activity in two hailstorms Journal of Meteorological Research 2016,30(2) SCIE

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Zheng Dong,et al.Climatology of lightning activity in South China and its relationships to precipitation and convective available potential energyAdvancesin Atmospheric Sciences2016,33(3) SCI Zheng Dong,et al.Climatological comparison of small- and largecurrent cloud-to-ground lightning flashes over southern China Journal of Climate 2016,29(8) SCI Zheng Xiangdong(3rd)Validation of Aura MLS retrievals of temperature, water vapour and ozone in the upper troposphere and lower-middle stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau during boreal summer Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 2016,9(8) SCI Zhong Lingzhi,et al.Application of the Doppler weather radar in real-time quality control of hourly gauge precipitation in eastern China Atmospheric Research 2016,172-173 SCI Zhou Chunhong,et al.Improving aerosol interaction with clouds and precipitation in a regional chemical weather modeling system Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2016,16(1) SCI Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Climate-associated distribution of summer maize in China from 1961 to 2010 Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment 2016,232 Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Possible impact of climate change on the quality of apples from the major producing areas of China Atmosphere 2016,7(9) SCI Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Forest litterfall and its composition: A new dataset of observational data from China Ecology 2016,97(5) SCI Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Does precipitation mediate the effects of elevated CO2on plant growth in the grass species Stipagrandis?Environmental and Experimental Botany 2016,131 Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Detection of photosynthetic performance of Stipabungeana seedlings under climatic change using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging Frontiers in Plant Science 2016,6 Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Sensitive indicators of zonal Stipa species to changing temperature and precipitation in Inner Mongolia grassland, China Frontiers in Plant Science 2016,7 Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Effects of changing precipitation and warming on functional traits of zonal Stipa plants from Inner Mongolian grassland Journal of Meteorological Research 2016,30(3) SCIE Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Spatio-temporal dynamic simulation of grassland carbon storage in China Science China: Earth Science 2016,59(10) SCI Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)A self- photoprotection mechanism helps Stipa baicalensis adapt to future climate change Scientific Reports 2016,6 SCI

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Elevated CO2can modify the response to a water status gradient in a steppe grass: From cell organelles to photosynthetic capacity toplantgrowthBMCPlantBiology 2016,16(1)Zhou Guangsheng(2nd)Nitrogen cycles in terrestrial ecosystems:Climate change impacts and mitigation Environmental Reviews 2016,24(2)Zhou Haiguang Wind structure of a subtropical squall line in China: Results from Dual-Doppler radar data Advances in Meteorology 2016,18 SCI Zhu Congwen(2nd)Discrepancies in boreal summer monsoon rainfall between GPCP and CMAP products during 1979–2014 Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2016,9(3)Zhu Congwen(2nd)The cooperative impacts of the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation and the Indian Ocean Dipole on the interannual variability of autumn rainfall in China International Journal of Climatology 2016,36(4) SCI Zhu Congwen(2nd)Coupling modes of climatological intraseasonal oscillation in the East Asian summer monsoon Journal of Climate 2016,29(17) SCI Zhu Congwen(3rd)A novel way to detect correlations on multitime scales, with temporal evolution and for multi-variables Scientific Reports 2016,6 SCI Zuo Zhiyan(2nd)Prediction skill and predictability of Eurasian snow cover fraction in the NCEP climate forecast version 2 reforecasts International Journal of Climatology 2016,36(12) SCI Zuo Zhiyan(3rd)Contributions of anthropogenic and external natural forcings to climate changes over China based on CMIP5 model simulations Science China: Earth Science 2016,59(3) SCI Zuo Zhiyan,et al.In fluence of soil moisture in eastern China on East Asian summer monsoon Advances in Atmospheric Sciences2016,33(2) SCI

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes安興琴(第2)北京地區(qū)顆粒物健康效應(yīng)研究——沙塵天氣、非沙塵天氣下顆粒物(PM2.5、PM10)對(duì)心血管疾病入院人次的影響中國(guó)環(huán)境科學(xué) 2016,36(8) EI蔡淼(第2) 一次淺對(duì)流云人工消云試驗(yàn)的飛機(jī)和衛(wèi)星觀測(cè)研究 科技與創(chuàng)新 2016,6(6)車慧正(第2) 2010—2012年我國(guó)西北地區(qū)沙塵個(gè)例氣溶膠特征分析 氣象與環(huán)境科學(xué) 2016,39(2)陳斌 拉格朗日水汽源診斷方法在三江源區(qū)的應(yīng)用 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(6)陳悅麗 降雨型滑坡的集合預(yù)報(bào)模型及其初步應(yīng)用的試驗(yàn)研究 大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(3)程巳陽(yáng)等 本底站和城區(qū)站CO濃度變化特征和源貢獻(xiàn) 中國(guó)環(huán)境科學(xué) 2016,36(10) EI程興宏 基于CMAQ模式和自適應(yīng)偏最小二乘回歸法的中國(guó)地區(qū)PM2.5濃度動(dòng)力—統(tǒng)計(jì)預(yù)報(bào)方法研究 環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,36(8)程興宏 2013年1月華北地區(qū)重霾污染過(guò)程SO2和NOx的CMAQ源同化模擬研究 環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,36(2)程興宏(第2) 太陽(yáng)輻射預(yù)報(bào)滾動(dòng)訂正方法研究 氣象科技 2016,44(1)黨娟等 一次降水性層積云系的微物理特征分析 高原氣象 2016,35(6)黨娟等 三七炮彈碘化銀成核率的檢測(cè) 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(2)端義宏(第2) 超強(qiáng)臺(tái)風(fēng)“威馬遜”(2014)云微物理特征的模擬與對(duì)比分析 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(5)俄有浩等 長(zhǎng)江中下游地區(qū)暴雨特征及洪澇淹沒(méi)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)分析生態(tài)學(xué)雜志 2016,35(4)房世波(第2) 農(nóng)業(yè)干旱遙感監(jiān)測(cè)指數(shù)及其適用性研究進(jìn)展 科技導(dǎo)報(bào) 2016,34(5)房世波(第2) NDVI與氣候因子關(guān)系在不同時(shí)間尺度上的結(jié)果差異遙感學(xué)報(bào) 2016,20(3)房世波(第2) 中國(guó)衛(wèi)星遙感氣溶膠研究進(jìn)展 能源環(huán)境保護(hù) 2016,30(1)郭建平 農(nóng)業(yè)氣象災(zāi)害監(jiān)測(cè)預(yù)測(cè)技術(shù)研究進(jìn)展 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(5)郭建平(第2) 基于江西地區(qū)多衛(wèi)星數(shù)據(jù)的氣溶膠立體分布研究大氣與環(huán)境光學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)2016,11(5)郭建平(第2) 西藏改則地區(qū)雨季上對(duì)流層/下平流層大氣垂直結(jié)構(gòu)觀測(cè)研究 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(5)郭建平(第2) 全球熱帶海洋地區(qū)降水季節(jié)變化的TRMM衛(wèi)星觀測(cè)研究 科學(xué)通報(bào) 2016,61(1) SCI郭建平(第2) 我國(guó)東北地區(qū)玉米冷害風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評(píng)估 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(3)郭建平(第2) 不同積溫模型的穩(wěn)定性評(píng)估——以東北春玉米為例 生態(tài)學(xué)雜志 2016,35(10)

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes郭建平等 2001—2012年青藏高原積雪覆蓋率變化及地形影響高原氣象 2016,35(1)郭學(xué)良(第2) 北京2009—2013年期間持續(xù)性大霧的類型、垂直結(jié)構(gòu)及物理成因 大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(2)郭學(xué)良(第2) 南海季風(fēng)區(qū)冰相相變潛熱對(duì)中尺度對(duì)流云和降水影響作用的數(shù)值模擬研究 氣候與環(huán)境研究 2016,21(6)郭學(xué)良(第2) 遼寧地區(qū)不同降水云系雨滴譜參數(shù)及其特征量研究大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(6)郭學(xué)良(第2) 我國(guó)冰粒降水天氣的觀測(cè)特征統(tǒng)計(jì)分析 大氣科學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,39(3)郭學(xué)良(第2) 青藏高原那曲地區(qū)夏季對(duì)流云結(jié)構(gòu)及雨滴譜分布日變化特征 科學(xué)通報(bào) 2016,61(15) SCI何建軍 氣象條件和污染物排放對(duì)蘭州市冬季空氣質(zhì)量的影響 高原氣象 2016,35(6)胡志群(第2) C波段偏振雷達(dá)數(shù)據(jù)預(yù)處理及在降水估計(jì)中的應(yīng)用高原氣象 2016,35(1)霍治國(guó)(第2) 鮮食玉米形態(tài)特征、生理特性及產(chǎn)量對(duì)淹水的響應(yīng)玉米科學(xué) 2016,24(3)霍治國(guó)(第2) 早稻灌漿期淹水對(duì)劍葉理化特性及產(chǎn)量和品質(zhì)的影響 中國(guó)水稻科學(xué) 2016,30(2)霍治國(guó)(第2) 基于生育時(shí)段的湖南省早稻洪澇等級(jí)指標(biāo)及時(shí)空變化特征 生態(tài)學(xué)雜志 2016,35(3)霍治國(guó)(第2) 南方雙季稻低溫災(zāi)害等級(jí)預(yù)測(cè) 生態(tài)學(xué)雜志 2016,35(4)霍治國(guó)(第2) 基于Fisher判別的南方雙季稻低溫災(zāi)害等級(jí)預(yù)警應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(4)霍治國(guó)(第2) 氣候變暖背景下南方早稻春季低溫災(zāi)害的發(fā)生趨勢(shì)與風(fēng)險(xiǎn) 生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,36(5)霍治國(guó)(第2) 海南番茄春季干旱災(zāi)害等級(jí)指標(biāo) 熱帶氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,32(5)汲玉河 安徽省森林碳儲(chǔ)量現(xiàn)狀及固碳潛力 植物生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,40(4)李建(第2) 青藏高原東南緣低層風(fēng)場(chǎng)垂直結(jié)構(gòu)與變化特征 高原氣象 2016,35(3)李英(第2) 初夏孟加拉灣風(fēng)暴活動(dòng)期間青藏高原大氣環(huán)流的異常特征 熱帶氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,32(4)李英(第2) 臺(tái)灣地形誘生中尺度系統(tǒng)對(duì)臺(tái)風(fēng) Meranti(1010)迅速加強(qiáng)影響的數(shù)值研究 大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(6)劉伯奇(第2) 非絕熱加熱對(duì)6月東北冷渦形成演變的影響及其可能機(jī)制 氣象與環(huán)境學(xué)報(bào) 2016,32(6)

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes劉伯奇(第2) 當(dāng)前重大厄爾尼諾事件對(duì)我國(guó)春夏氣候的影響 中國(guó)科學(xué)院院刊 2016,2(1)劉舸(第2) 2013年我國(guó)南方持續(xù)性高溫天氣及副熱帶高壓 大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(5)劉恒毅等 閃電起始過(guò)程時(shí)空特征的寬帶干涉儀三維觀測(cè)應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(1)劉黎平 垂直指向的Ka波段云雷達(dá)觀測(cè)的0 ℃層亮帶自動(dòng)識(shí)別及亮帶的特征分析 高原氣象 2016,35(3)劉黎平(第2) 多部X波段天氣雷達(dá)測(cè)量偏差分布及組網(wǎng)拼圖結(jié)果分析 高原氣象 2016,35(3)劉黎平(第2) 云雷達(dá)聯(lián)合微波輻射計(jì)反演混合性降水層云液態(tài)水含量的方法研究 暴雨災(zāi)害 2016,35(1)劉黎平(第2) 雨滴譜儀網(wǎng)數(shù)據(jù)在雷達(dá)定量降水估測(cè)中的應(yīng)用 暴雨災(zāi)害 2016,35(2)劉黎平(第2) 雨滴譜的變化對(duì)降水估測(cè)的影響研究 高原氣象 2016,35(1)劉濤等 華北地區(qū)冬小麥灌溉制度及其環(huán)境效應(yīng)研究進(jìn)展生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,36(19)劉衛(wèi)國(guó)等 2014年春季華北兩次降水過(guò)程的人工增雨催化數(shù)值模擬研究 大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(4)劉煜(第3) 青藏高原沙漠化對(duì)東亞沙塵氣溶膠的敏感性模擬分析 高原氣象 2016,35(3)樓小鳳 氣溶膠對(duì)北京地區(qū)云和降水影響的模擬研究 地理研究 2016,35(10)樓小鳳等 一次降雹過(guò)程的系列催化模擬研究 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(2)羅亞麗(第2)不同邊界層參數(shù)化方案和陸面過(guò)程參數(shù)化方案對(duì)一次梅雨鋒暴雨顯式對(duì)流模擬的影響分析熱帶氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,32(5)呂偉濤(第2) 基于線支持區(qū)域的閃電通道識(shí)別算法 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(6)呂偉濤(第2) 基于閃電先導(dǎo)隨機(jī)模式對(duì)不同連接形態(tài)的模擬應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(3)馬建中(第2) 華北平原固城站NO2對(duì)流層柱濃度變化特征 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(3)馬玉平(第3) 氣候變化和人類活動(dòng)對(duì)三江源地區(qū)植被生產(chǎn)力的影響 冰川凍土 2016,38(3)馬玉平等 黃淮海地區(qū)夏玉米對(duì)干旱和澇漬的生理生態(tài)反應(yīng) 干旱地區(qū)農(nóng)業(yè)研究 2016,34(4)毛飛等 1961—2010年中國(guó)?ngstr?m-Prescott系數(shù)時(shí)空變化特征 氣象與環(huán)境科學(xué) 2016,39(1)

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes南素蘭(第2) 中國(guó)季風(fēng)區(qū)大氣降水同位素的季節(jié)尺度環(huán)流效應(yīng)第四紀(jì)研究 2016,36(3)牛濤 華北地區(qū)霧和霾天氣環(huán)流特征聚類分析 氣候與環(huán)境研究 2016,21(5)牛濤大氣相對(duì)濕度資料融合及融合濕度精度檢驗(yàn)——基于2013年1月我國(guó)中東部地區(qū)衛(wèi)星和探空相對(duì)濕度數(shù)據(jù)氣候與環(huán)境研究 2016,21(1)齊艷軍等 1998年夏季長(zhǎng)江流域大氣季節(jié)內(nèi)振蕩的結(jié)構(gòu)演變及其對(duì)降水的影響 大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(3)任福民(第2) 超強(qiáng)臺(tái)風(fēng)“丹娜絲”對(duì)1323號(hào)強(qiáng)臺(tái)風(fēng)“菲特”極端降水的作用 氣象 2016,42(2)任福民(第2) CMIP5模式集合對(duì)中國(guó)區(qū)域性低溫事件的模擬與預(yù)估 氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 2016,12(5)任福民(第3) 1980—2014年中國(guó)臺(tái)風(fēng)大風(fēng)和臺(tái)風(fēng)極端大風(fēng)的變化 氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 2016,12(5)任福民(第3) 孟加拉灣和阿拉伯海熱帶氣旋活動(dòng)雙峰型差異及可能成因 熱帶氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,32(3)阮征(第2) 雨滴譜儀與風(fēng)廓線雷達(dá)反射率對(duì)比試驗(yàn) 氣象 2016,42(1)阮征(第2) 垂直探測(cè)雷達(dá)對(duì)北京地區(qū)夏季降水分類統(tǒng)計(jì) 高原氣象 2016,35(3)阮征(第2) FMCW技術(shù)在氣象雷達(dá)中的應(yīng)用及青藏高原云探測(cè)現(xiàn)代雷達(dá) 2016,38(3)阮征(第2) 風(fēng)的空間不均勻分布對(duì)風(fēng)廓線雷達(dá)數(shù)據(jù)質(zhì)量影響研究 熱帶氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,32(2)阮征(第2) C-FMCW雷達(dá)對(duì)江淮降水云零度層亮帶探測(cè)研究 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(3)阮征(第2) 風(fēng)廓線雷達(dá)數(shù)據(jù)質(zhì)量影響因子及處理算法 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(2)阮征(第2) 激光雨滴譜儀測(cè)速誤差對(duì)雨滴譜分布的影響 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(1)沈小靜等 北極黃河站秋季氣團(tuán)傳輸影響下大氣氣溶膠數(shù)譜分布特征 冰川凍土 2016,38(3)蘇京志等 全球變暖趨緩研究進(jìn)展 大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(6)孫俊英等 大氣氣溶膠散射吸濕增長(zhǎng)特性研究進(jìn)展 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(5)王東海(第2) 秦巴山區(qū)云垂直結(jié)構(gòu)分析 成都信息工程大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,31(5)王東海(第2) 衛(wèi)星微波觀測(cè)資料在混合同化中的應(yīng)用 氣象與環(huán)境科學(xué) 2016,39(3)王東海(第2) FY2E輻射資料的直接同化試驗(yàn)研究 熱帶海洋學(xué)報(bào) 2016,32(3)

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes王東海(第2) 粒子下落末速度和粒子譜形參數(shù)對(duì)降水模擬影響的數(shù)值研究 大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(4)王東海(第2)夏季風(fēng)爆發(fā)前后中國(guó)區(qū)域?qū)α鲗禹敻叨茸兓卣?應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(4)王飛等 上升運(yùn)動(dòng)核心區(qū)與霰粒子非感應(yīng)起電區(qū)關(guān)系的模擬研究 高原氣象 2016,35(3)王紅艷(第2) 三維變分方法反演風(fēng)場(chǎng)的效果檢驗(yàn) 高原氣象 2016,35(4)王紅艷等 新一代天氣雷達(dá)降水估算的區(qū)域覆蓋能力評(píng)估 高原氣象 2016,35(6)王宏(第2) 山東一次PM2.5污染過(guò)程的模擬特征氣候與環(huán)境研究 2016,21(3)王瑛 華北地區(qū)不同類型站點(diǎn)揮發(fā)性有機(jī)物的光化學(xué)臭氧生成潛勢(shì)研究 中國(guó)科技成果 2016,17(23)王瑛(第2) 華北農(nóng)村夏季大氣甲醛濃度變化特征 環(huán)境科學(xué)研究 2016,29(8)王郁(第2) 大氣環(huán)境容量系數(shù)A值頻率曲線擬合及其應(yīng)用 中國(guó)環(huán)境科學(xué) 2016,36(10) EI溫敏(第2) 兩次引發(fā)遼寧暴雪過(guò)程低渦的動(dòng)力發(fā)展機(jī)制 氣象 2016,42(4)鄔定榮(第2) 華北平原冬小麥主要發(fā)育階段日數(shù)對(duì)溫度的敏感性分析 中國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)氣象 2016,37(4)吳玲燕 大氣二次有機(jī)氣溶膠非均相反應(yīng)過(guò)程模擬 中國(guó)科技成果 2016,17(15)武炳義等從2011/2012和2015/2016年冬季大氣環(huán)流異??幢睒O海冰以及前期夏季北極大氣環(huán)流異常的作用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(5)徐良韜等 臺(tái)風(fēng)莫拉菲(2009)登陸前后電荷結(jié)構(gòu)演變的模擬研究 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(6)徐祥德(第2) 中國(guó)東部夏季暴雨極端事件與水汽輸送相關(guān)流型特征中國(guó)科學(xué):地球科學(xué)2016,46(8)徐祥德(第2) 應(yīng)用譜逼近方法模擬2008年初南方持續(xù)性降水過(guò)程及其水汽通道周期特征分析 大氣科學(xué) 2016,40(3)徐祥德(第3) 風(fēng)云靜止衛(wèi)星資料在一次暴雨云分析中的應(yīng)用熱帶氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,32(1)徐曉斌 中國(guó)霾和光化學(xué)污染觀測(cè)研究進(jìn)展 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(5)楊建瑩等 西南地區(qū)水稻洪澇災(zāi)害風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評(píng)估與區(qū)劃 中國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)氣象 2016,37(5)姚文清(第3) 基于南海夏季風(fēng)季節(jié)內(nèi)振蕩的降水延伸期預(yù)報(bào)試驗(yàn) 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(3)姚展予(第2) 一次火箭人工增雨作業(yè)雷達(dá)回波響應(yīng)探討 氣象科技 2016,44(6)

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes姚展予(第2)一次颮線過(guò)程的雨滴譜特征研究 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(3)姚展予(第2) 江淮對(duì)流云人工增雨作業(yè)效果檢驗(yàn)個(gè)例分析 氣象 2016,42(2)尹金方(第3) 雙線偏振雷達(dá)資料在數(shù)值模式中的應(yīng)用:模擬器的構(gòu)建 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(2)宇如聰?shù)?中國(guó)大陸日降水峰值時(shí)間位相的區(qū)域特征分析 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(1)翟盤茂等 江淮流域持續(xù)性極端降水及預(yù)報(bào)方法研究進(jìn)展應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(5)張果等 東亞區(qū)域陸面過(guò)程方案Noah和Noah-MP的比較評(píng)估氣象 2016,42(9)張人禾等 中國(guó)冬季積雪特征及歐亞大陸積雪對(duì)中國(guó)氣候影響 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(5)張人禾等 中國(guó)土壤濕度的變異及其對(duì)中國(guó)氣候的影響 自然雜志 2016,38(5)張陽(yáng)(第2) 人工觸發(fā)閃電先驅(qū)電流脈沖波形特征及模擬 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(6)張義軍等 雷暴閃電放電活動(dòng)對(duì)電離層影響的研究進(jìn)展 應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(5)張義軍等 廣東野外雷電綜合觀測(cè)試驗(yàn)十年進(jìn)展 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(5)趙俊芳(第2) 我國(guó)“鐮刀彎”地區(qū)春玉米種植的氣候適宜性與調(diào)整建議 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(12)趙俊芳等 華南地區(qū)龍眼寒害災(zāi)損風(fēng)險(xiǎn)評(píng)估 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(2)趙艷霞(第2) 五個(gè)常見(jiàn)日太陽(yáng)總輻射模型在華北地區(qū)的有效性驗(yàn)證及分析 中國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)氣象 2016,37(5)鄭棟(第2) 北京和廣州地區(qū)云閃初始擊穿電場(chǎng)變化特征 氣象與環(huán)境科學(xué) 2016,39(3)鄭棟(第2) 青藏高原閃電和降水氣候特征及時(shí)空對(duì)應(yīng)關(guān)系應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(4)周廣勝(第2) 1961—2013年?yáng)|北三省玉米低溫冷害強(qiáng)度的時(shí)空分布特征 氣象科學(xué) 2016,36(14)周廣勝(第2) 中國(guó)富士蘋果種植的氣候適宜性研究 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(3)周廣勝(第2) 1961—2010年內(nèi)蒙古草原植被分布和生產(chǎn)力變化生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,36(15)周廣勝(第2) 基于地面遙感信息與氣溫的夏玉米土壤水分估算方法 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(6)周廣勝(第2) 基于光合產(chǎn)物動(dòng)態(tài)分配的玉米生物量模擬 應(yīng)用生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(7)周廣勝(第2) 1961—2013年?yáng)|北三省玉米低溫冷害頻率的時(shí)空動(dòng)態(tài)研究 氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,74(3)

      作者Author (rank)題名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期)Year, Volume(Issue)備注Notes周廣勝(第2) 中國(guó)草地碳儲(chǔ)量時(shí)空動(dòng)態(tài)模擬研究 中國(guó)科學(xué):地球科學(xué)2016,10周廣勝(第2) 中國(guó)天然林凋落物量的空間分布及其影響因子分析中國(guó)科學(xué):生命科學(xué)2016,11周廣勝(第2) 中國(guó)橡膠種植北界 生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,36(5)周廣勝(第3) 內(nèi)蒙古草原火的時(shí)空動(dòng)態(tài)特征研究 草業(yè)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,25(4)周廣勝等 城市內(nèi)澇防治需充分預(yù)估氣候變化的影響 生態(tài)學(xué)報(bào) 2016,36(16)周廣勝等 適應(yīng)氣候變化的國(guó)際行動(dòng)和農(nóng)業(yè)措施研究進(jìn)展應(yīng)用氣象學(xué)報(bào) 2016,27(5)周莉(第2) 盤錦蘆葦沼澤的土壤凍融特征 濕地科學(xué) 2016,14(3)周凌晞(第2) 北京上甸子站大氣CO2及δ13C(CO2)本底濃度觀測(cè)研究 環(huán)境科學(xué) 2016,37(4)

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