王 晶, 徐賓鐸??, 任一平, 焦 燕,2
(1.中國海洋大學(xué)水產(chǎn)學(xué)院,山東 青島 266003;2.Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321, USA)
王晶1, 徐賓鐸1??, 任一平1, 焦燕1,2
(1.中國海洋大學(xué)水產(chǎn)學(xué)院,山東 青島 266003;2.Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321, USA)
引用格式:王晶,徐賓鐸,任一平,等. 黃河口及鄰近水域魚類群落長度譜及其季節(jié)變化[J].中國海洋大學(xué)學(xué)報(bào)(自然科學(xué)版), 2016, 46(7): 44-53.
WANG Jing, XU Bin-Duo, REN Yi-Ping, et al. Size spectrum of fish community and its seasonal change in the Yellow River estuary and its adjacent waters [J]. Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2016, 46(7): 44-53.
1.1 數(shù)據(jù)來源
圖1 黃河口及鄰近水域漁業(yè)資源底拖網(wǎng)調(diào)查站位
1.2 分析方法
表1 黃河口及鄰近水域不同種類組的魚類種類
種類組①組成種類②棲息水層③適溫屬性④鱸形目Perciformes小黃魚Larimichthyspolyactis(Bleeker,1877)DeT普氏櫛蝦虎魚Acentrogobiuspflaumii(Bleeker,1853)DeWW紅狼牙蝦虎魚Odontamblyopusrubicundus(Hamilton,1822)DeWW鐘馗蝦虎魚Tridentigerbarbatus(Günther,1861)DeT皮氏叫姑魚Johniusbelangeri(Cuvier,1830)DeWW小帶魚Eupleurogrammusmuticus(Gray,1831)DeWW藍(lán)點(diǎn)馬鮫Scomberomorrusniphonius(Cuvier&Valenciennes,1831)PeT斑尾刺蝦虎魚Synechogobiusommaturus(Richardson,1845)DeWW花鱸Lateolabraxjaponicus(Cuvier&Valenciennes,1828)DeT乳色刺蝦虎魚Acanthogobiuslactipes(Hilgendorf,1879)DeT細(xì)條天竺鯛Apogonichthyslineatus(Temminck&Schlegel,1842)DeWW銀鯧Pampusargenteus(Euphrasen,1788)PeWW黑鰓梅童Collichthysniveatus(Jordan&Starks,1906)DeT白姑魚Argyrosomusargentatus(Houttuyn,1782)DeWW多鱗鱚Sillagosihama(Forskàl,1775)DeWW長絲蝦虎魚Myersinafilifer(Valenciennes,1837)DeWW紋縞蝦虎魚Tridentigertrigonocephalus(Gill,1859)DeT其他類Others安氏新銀魚Neosanlanxanderssoni(Rendahl,1923)DeT短鰭Callionymussagitta(Pallas,1770)DeT李氏Callionymusrichardsoni(Bleeker,1854)DeT細(xì)紋獅子魚Liparistanakae(Gilbert&Burke,1912)DeCT大瀧六線魚Hexagrammosotakii(Jordan&Starks,1895)DeCT尖海龍Syngnathusacus(Linnaeus,1758)DeT泥鰍Misgurnusanguillicaudatus(Cantor,1842)DeT松江鱸Trachidermusfasciatus(Heckel,1840)DeT鳀Engraulisjaponicus(Temminck&Schlegel,1846)PeT長蛇鯔Sauridaelongata (Temminck&Shlegel,1846)DeT許氏平鲉Sebastesschlegelii(Hilgendorf,1880)DeCT鲬Platycephalusindicus(Linnaeus,1758)DeWW網(wǎng)紋東方鲀Takifugureticularis(Tian,Cheng&Wang,1975)DeT梭魚LizadussumieriDET日本下頜針魚StrongyluraanastomellaPeT緋Callionymusbeniteguri(Jordar&Snyder,1902)DeT褐菖鲉Sebastiscusmarmoratus(Cuvier&Valenciennes,1829)DeT
注:De: 底層魚類 Demersal fish; Pe: 中上層魚類 Pelagic fish。 T: 暖溫性 Warm temperate; WW: 暖水性 Warm water; CT: 冷溫性 Cold temperate。
①Species group; ②Constituent species; ③Inhabiting water layer; ④Temperature adaptive type
2.1 不同類群對(duì)長度譜的貢獻(xiàn)
圖2 黃河口及鄰近水域底層魚類、中上層魚類數(shù)量組成比例
圖3 黃河口及鄰近水域不同適溫類型魚類數(shù)量組成比例
圖4 黃河口及鄰近水域不同分類群魚類數(shù)量組成比例
圖5 黃河口及鄰近水域全部魚類群落與不同生態(tài)類群魚類群落長度譜
Note: The same superscript letters indicate no significant differences, different letters indicate significant differences among different months. [1] represents significant differences in size spectrum between different ecological groups and all fish species in the same month; [2]represents no significant differences at significance levelP=0.05.
3.1 魚類種類組成
3.2 長度譜斜率和截距的季節(jié)變化
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基金項(xiàng)目:? 公益性行業(yè)(農(nóng)業(yè))科研專項(xiàng)(201303050)資助
作者簡介:王晶(1990-),女,碩士生,主要從事漁業(yè)資源與生態(tài)學(xué)研究。E-mail:wangjing9_1@sina.cn ??通訊作者: E-mail:bdxu@ouc.edu.cn
Size Spectrum of Fish Community and Its Seasonal Change in the Yellow River Estuary and Its Adjacent Waters
WANG Jing1, XU Bin-Duo1, REN Yi-Ping1, JIAO Yan1,2
(1. College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China; 2. Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321, USA)
Abstract:Individual size is a fundamental property of fish species, which is linked to the life history traits and physiological properties including production, metabolic rate, reproductive efficiency and trophic interactions among fish species. The size spectrum of fish assemblage is a curve that describes the relationship between fish biomass or abundance and the length of individuals. Both the slope and intercept of size spectrum are individual size-based biological indicators, which reflect the nutrient cycling efficiency and productivity level of the aquatic ecosystem. To ascertain the size structure of the fish assemblage in the Yellow River estuary and its adjacent waters, the fish community size spectrum and its seasonal variation were examined based on the data collected from a seven months survey conducted from June 2013 to May 2014. In total, 50 fish species were captured during the survey. The results showed that the aggregated length distribution for all fish species, and those for demersal fish species and warm temperate fish species showed a consistent pattern of decreasing logarithmic numbers with increasing length over the fully selected size range. Both the slope and intercept of the size spectrum of all fish species showed significantly monthly and seasonal changes; the absolute value of slope and intercept of all fish assemblage in July, August and October were significantly higher than those in other months. Gene-rally, the size spectrum of both demersal fish and warm temperate fish showed consistent pattern with that of all fish species. The demersal fish species and warm temperate fish species dominated most of the length interval of the size spectrum of fish community each month. Significant difference in slope and intercept of the size spectrum of all fish species among different months were observed. The absolute values of slope and intercept of the size spectrum for all fish species in July, August and October were higher than those in other months. The abundance of Neosanlanx anderssoni contributed considerably to the small length interval of fish size spectrum in February, and the size spectrum of fish assemblage in May exhibited a simple pattern with low abundance in each length interval. The monthly change in size spectrum was related to the recruitment of young of the year to the fisheries in summer and autumn, and the increase in abundance of small-sized individuals affected the size spectrum pattern, which resulted in high slope and intercept. The size structure of fish species in the Yellow River estuary and its adjacent waters was characterized by small-sized species or small-sized individuals, and the size spectrum was affected by the seasonal variation in fish species composition. It indicated that the fish community structure was simple and unstable, and some relevant measures should be taken to ensure the conservation and sustainable utilization of fish resource in the Yellow River estuary and its adjacent waters.
Key words:Yellow River Estuary; fish resources; size spectrum; seasonal change
Supported by Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (201303050)