



      Author Guidelines

      2016-11-26 04:31:15

      Author Guidelines

      1.Cowrie: A Journal of Comparative Literature and Cultureis a biannual publication edited by the Research Center for Comparative Literature and World Literature at Shanghai Normal University. The Journal publishes original research papers, general reviews, and book reviews of Comparative Literature, Comparative poetics, and Comparative culture.

      2. The Journal accepts articles and book reviews written in either Chinese or English. There is no set limit for the length of original research papers; book reviews should be within 2,500 words.

      3. Format and structure of submissions:

      (a) The title page should contain the following information:

      — A concise title

      — Names and qualifications of authors, their affiliations, and a brief introduction

      — The full postal address, email address, and a telephone number of an author to whom correspondence can be addressed

      (b) A 500–word abstract in Chinese and English, if possible; including key

      words (maximum of five).

      (c) A bibliography (alphabetized list of sources cited by author’s last name) attached to the end of the document.

      (d) CitationsshouldbeformattedaccordingtoCowrie’s“FormattingGuideforFootnotes”.

      4. Authors should submit their papers toCowriein both hardcopy and electronic form (the latter is mandatory). The postal and e-mail addresses of the Journal are listed below (item 10). Once the manuscripts are received, the date of receipt will be registered andCowriewill send an e-mail conf i rmation to the author. After this initial communication, if no email of acceptance has been received within 3 months, the manuscript is off i cially released byCowrie.

      5.Cowriehas a double-blind review process that proceeds along the following sequence of events: First, all submitted papers are assessed by the editors to makesure they meet the standards of quality set by the Journal. Papers deemed unsuitable will be rejected without a peer-review. Next, papers that pass the initial assessment are assigned to two experts in the fi eld (before being sent for review, all personal information that might identify the author is removed from the manuscript). Based on the reviews, the editorial board will make a fi nal assessment to either publish or reject a manuscript.

      The editors will inform the authors as soon as possible as to the recommendations of the anonymous reviewers. If a revision is requested, the author should submit the revised manuscript for another round of anonymous reviews. Authors wishing to appeal a revision should submit a response that will be delivered to the reviewers. Once papers are accepted for publication, authors must check and verify their work, making sure their citations are in accordance with the Reference Guide ofCowrie. OnceCowriehas received the fi nal draft of the manuscript, the editors will notify the author of the issue number and date of publication.

      6. Once manuscripts are accepted for publication, authors will be asked to sign the licensing agreement, grantingCowriethe rights of copyright.Cowriewill then have the right to authorize other Journals or databases to reprint, duplicate, or offer download options for printing the papers. The Exclusive License Agreement and other related forms can be requested from the editors or they can be downloaded fromCowrie’s website (http://cclaa.shnu.edu.cn/).

      7. If authors plan to include a manuscript originally published inCowriein a different publication, they should informCowriein advance and include the original citation in the new work.

      8. The papers published inCowrierepresent the viewpoints of the authors; they do not necessarily ref l ect the viewpoints of the Journal.

      9. Upon publication,Cowriewill offer compensation based on the length of papers. The author will also be given two hard copies of the issue of the Journal in which their article appears.

      10. Please submit hard copies of your work to:

      Editorial Off i ce ofCowrie: A Journal of Comparative Literature and Culture

      Center for Comparative Literature and World Literature at Shanghai Normal University

      Room 1404, Wenyuan Building, No. 100 Guilin Road, Shanghai, 200234

      Please send electronic manuscripts to cowrie2012@163.com.

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