



      Characterization of bipartite graph With maximum spectral radius

      2016-11-28 10:45:27NIUAihongWANGGuopingQINZhengxinMUShanzhi

      NIU Ai-hong,WANG Guo-ping,QIN Zheng-xin, MU Shan-zhi

      (1.School of Mathematical Sciences,Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054,China; 2.College of Mathematics and System Sciences,Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046,China; 3.Department of Mathematics,Jiangsu University of Technology, Changzhou Jiangsu 213001,China)

      Characterization of bipartite graph With maximum spectral radius

      NIU Ai-hong1,WANG Guo-ping1,QIN Zheng-xin2, MU Shan-zhi3

      (1.School of Mathematical Sciences,Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054,China; 2.College of Mathematics and System Sciences,Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046,China; 3.Department of Mathematics,Jiangsu University of Technology, Changzhou Jiangsu 213001,China)

      The adjacency matrix A(G)of a graph G is the n×n matrix With its(i,j)-entry equal to 1 if viand vjare adjacent,and 0 otherwise.The spectral radius of G is the largest eigenvalue of A(G).In this paper we determine the graphs With maximum spectral radius among all trees,and all bipartite unicyclic,bicyclic,tricyclic,tetracyclic,pentacyclic and quasi-tree graphs,respectively.

      bipartite graph;cycle;spectral radius

      0 Introduction

      Let G be a connected simple graph With Vertex set V(G)={v1,v2,···,vn}.The adjacency matrix of G,denoted by A(G),is the n×n matrix With its(i,j)-entry equal to 1 if viand vjare adjacent,and 0 otherwise.The spectral radius of G is the largest eigenvalue of A(G). The spectral radius of a connected graph has been studied extensively(see[1-4]).Zhai,Liu and Shu[5]characterized the bipartite graphs With given diameter which attain the maximum and the second largest spectral radius,respectively.Nath and Paul[6]determined the graphs With minimum distance spectral radius among all connected bipartite graphs of order n With a given matching number and Vertex connectivity.Zhang and Zhang[7]obtained the graphs With maximum Laplacian spectral radius among all bipartite graphs With k cut-edges,and among all bipartite bicyclic graphs,respectively.Li,Shiu and Chan[8]gaVe the graphs With maximum Laplacian spectral radius among all bipartite graphs with(edge-)connectivity at most k.

      Li,Shiu and Chan[9]determined the graphs with maximum Laplacian spectral radii among all trees,and all bipartite unicyclic,bicyclic,tricyclic and quasi-treegraphs,respectively.In this paper we determine the graphs with maximum spectral radius among all trees,and all bipartite unicyclic,bicyclic,tricyclic,tetracyclic,pentacyclic and quasi-tree graphs,respectively.

      1 Extremal bipartite graphs

      For each v∈V(G),let NG(v)(or N(v)for short)be the set of Vertices which are adjacent to v in G.

      Lemma 1.1[10]Let u and v be two vertices o? a connected graph G,and suppose that v1,v2,···,vs∈N(v)N(u).Let G*be the graph obtained ?rom G by deleting the edges vviand adding the edges uvi(1≤i≤s).Let x be the Perron vector o?G corresponding toρ(G).I? x(u)≥x(v),thenρ(G*)>ρ(G).

      Let G be a bipartite graph With bipartition(X,Y).If X=X1∪X2∪···∪Xhand Y=Y1∪Y2∪···∪Yhsatisfy Xiand Yiare not em pty,and the neighborhood of each Vertex in Xiis Y1∪Y2∪···∪Yh+1-i(1≤i≤h),then we call G double nested graph as in[9].If |Xi|=aiand|Yi|=bi(i=1,2,···,h),then G is denoted by D(a1,a2,···,ah;b1,b2,···,bh).

      Theorem 1.2 I?G=(X,Y)attains the maximum spectral radius among all bipartite graphs,then G is a double nested graph with all pendant edges attached at a vertex.

      P roo f Let X={v1,v2,···,vj}and Y={vj+1,vj+2,···,vn}such that x(v1)≥x(v2)≥···≥x(vj)>0 and x(vj+1)≥x(vj+2)≥···≥x(vn)>0.Then we have the following three claim s.


      Claim 1 A ll cut-edges in G are pendant edges and are attached at a common Vertex.

      If it is not so,then,by Lemma 1.1,we can obtain the other bipartite graph H such that ρ(H)>ρ(G),which contradicts maximality of G.

      C laim 2 N(v1)?N(v2)?···?N(vj)and N(vj+1)?N(vj+2)?···?N(vn). MoreoVer,for some l,N(vl)=N(vl+1)if and only if x(vl)=x(vl+1).

      The Claim 2 is clearly true from Lemma 1.1.

      Claim 3 G is a double nested graph.

      Without loss of generality we assume that x(v1)≥x(vj+1).Suppose that a1>a2>···>ahare all distinct real numbers among{x(v1),x(v2),···,x(vj)}.Let Xk={vi∈X|x(vi)=ak} (1≤k≤h).Then X=X1∪X2∪···∪Xh.The Claim 2 shows that Y=Y1∪Y2∪···∪Yh.

      Up to now the proof is completed.

      2 Extremal bipartite graphs With at most five cycles

      If a graph on n Vertices is of n+k-1 size then it is called k cycles graph.In this section we assume that G=(X,Y)is an k cycles bipartite graph on n Vertices With the maximum spectral radius.Next we exactly characterize G when k∈{0,1,2,3,4,5}.

      Theorem 2.1[11]W hen k=0,GSn,where Snis a star with order n.

      It is clear that n≥k+3 when k≥1.

      P roo f From Theorem 1.2 we can see that there is a partition,say X,such that for each v∈X,d(v)≥2,which im p lies that|X|=2.This shows that the result is true.

      Lemma 2.3[12],whereΔ(H)is the maximum degree o?H.

      Now we giVe the characterization of G when k=2,3,4,5.

      We only Verify Theorem 2.6 and other theorem s can be similarly proVed.

      P roof of Theorem 2.6 From Theorem 1.2 we can see that there is a partition,say X,such that for each v∈X,d(v)≥2,which im p lies that|X|=2,3,4 or 5.In this case, we can easily know that G is isomorphic to some one of D(2;5),D(1,2;3,1)and D(2,1;2,2)if n=7,and that G is isomorphic to some one of D(1,1;5,n-7),D(1,2;3,n-6),D(1,1,1;2,2,n-7),D(1,1,2;2,1,n-7)and D(1,4;2,n-7)if n≥8.By calculation we obtain thatThus,when n=7,GD(2;5).Next we assume n≥8.

      Let H0=D(1,1;5,n-7),H1=D(1,2;3,n-6),H2=D(1,1,1;2,2,n-7),H3= D(1,1,2;2,1,n-7)and H4=D(1,4;2,n-7)be shown in Fig.1.

      Fig.1 H i(i=0,1,2,3,4)

      Set x to be the Perron Vector of H0.By symmetry,we can set x(v3)=···=x(v7)=x3and x(v8)=···=x(vn)=x4.Let x(v1)=x1and x(v2)=x2.Then

      3 Extremal bipartite quasi-tree graphs

      If there exists u0∈V(G)such that G-u0is a tree,then we call G quasi-tree graph as in[9].LetΨ(n,d0)={G|G is a bipartite graph of order n With G-u0is a tree and d(u0)=d0}. Clearly,Ψ(n,1)is the set of trees of order n,and Theorem 2.1 shows that Snattains the maximum spectral radius am ong all trees.

      Theorem 3.1.Let 2≤d0≤n-2 and suppose that H∈Ψ(n,d0)attains the maximum spectral radius.Then HD(1,1;d0,n-d0-2).

      P roof Let H=(X,Y).From Theorem 1.2 we can see that there is a partition,say X, such that for each v∈X,d(v)≥2.Thus,|X|=2 if u0∈X,and|X|=d0if u0∈Y.In this case,we can easily know that HD(1,1;d0,n-d0-2)or HD(1,d0-1;2,n-d0-2).

      W hen d0=2,HD(1,1;2,n-4),and when d0=n-2,HD(2;n-2).

      Next we assume that 3≤d0≤n-3.

      Let H*=D(1,1;d0,n-d0-2)and e H=D(1,d0-1;2,n-d0-2)be shown in Fig.2.

      Fig.2 H*and

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      (責(zé)任編輯 李 藝)


      (1.新疆師范大學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)科學(xué)學(xué)院,烏魯木齊830054; 2.新疆大學(xué)數(shù)學(xué)與系統(tǒng)科學(xué)學(xué)院,烏魯木齊830046; 3.江蘇理工學(xué)院數(shù)學(xué)系,江蘇常州213001)






      王國(guó)平,男,教授,研究方向?yàn)閳D論.E-mail:x j.wgp@163.com.

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