




      2016-12-07 08:58:52HEGuoqing
      數(shù)學(xué)雜志 2016年6期

      HE Guo-qing

      (School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,China)


      HE Guo-qing

      (School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,China)

      In this paper,we study Chen-Ricci inequalities for submanifolds of generalized complex space forms endowed with a semi-symmetric metric connection.By using algebraic techniques,we establish Chen-Ricci inequalities between the mean curvature associated with a semisymmetric metric connection and certain intrinsic invariants involving the Ricci curvature and k-Ricci curvature of submanifolds,which generalize some of Mihai andzgr’s results.

      Chen-Ricci inequality;k-Ricci curvature;generalized complex space form;semisymmetric metric connection

      2010 MR Subject Classification:53C40

      Document code:AArticle ID:0255-7797(2016)06-1133-09

      1 Introduction

      Since the celebrated theory of Nash[1]of isometric immersion of a Riemannian manifold into a suitable Euclidean space gave very important and effective motivation to view each Riemannian manifold as a submanifold in a Euclidean space,the problem of discovering simple sharp relationships between intrinsic and extrinsic invariants of a Riemannian submanifold becomes one of the most fundamental problems in submanifold theory.The main extrinsic invariant of a submanifold is the squared mean curvature and the main intrinsic invariants of a manifold include the Ricci curvature and the scalar curvature.There were also many other important modern intrinsic invariants of(sub)manifolds introduced by Chen such as k-Ricci curvature(see[2-4]).

      In 1999,Chen[5]proved a basic inequality involving the Ricci curvature and the squared mean curvature of submanifolds in a real space form Rm(C).This inequality is now called Chen-Ricci inequality[6].In[5],Chen also defined the k-Ricci curvature of a k-plane section of TxMn,x∈M,where Mnis a submanifold of the real space form Rn+p(C).And he proved a basic inequality involving the k-Ricci curvature and the squared mean curvature of the submanifold Mn.These inequalities described relationships between the intrinsicinvariants and the extrinsic invariants of a Riemannian submanifold and drew attentions of many people.Similar inequalities are studied for different submanifolds in various ambient manifolds(see[7-10]).

      On the other hand,Hayden[11]introduced a notion of a semi-symmetric connection on a Riemannian manifold.Yano[12]studied Riemannaian manifolds endowed with a semisymmetric connection.Nakao[13]studied submanifolds of Riemannian manifolds with a semi-symmetric metric connection.Recently,Mihai andzgr[14,15]studied Chen inequalities for submanifolds of real space forms admitting a semi-symmetric metric connection and Chen inequalities for submanifolds of complex space forms and Sasakian space forms with a semi-symmetric metric connection,respectively.Motivated by studies of the above authors,in this paper we establish Chen-Ricci inequalities for submanifolds in generalized complex forms with a semi-symmetric metric connection.

      2 Preliminaries

      Let Nn+pbe an(n+p)-dimensional Riemannian manifold with Riemannian metric g and a linear connectionon Nn+p.If the torsion tensordefined by

      for a 1-form φ,then the connectionis called a semi-symmetric connection.Furthermore, ifsatisfies=0,thenis called a semi-symmetric metric connection.Letdenote the Levi-Civita connection with respect to the Riemannian metric g.In[12]Yano gave a semi-symmetric metric connectionwhich can be written as

      Let Mnbe an n-dimensional submanifold of Nn+pwith a semi-symmetric metric connectionand the Levi-Civita connection.On the submanifold Mnwe consider the induced semi-symmetric metric connection denoted by?and the induced Levi-Civita connection denoted by?'.The Gauss formulas with respect to?and?',respectively,can be written as

      for any vector fields X,Y on Mn,where h'is the second fundamental form of Mnin Nn+pand h is a(0,2)-tensor on Mn.According to formula(7)in[13],h is also symmetric.

      for any vector fields X,Y,Z,Won Mn,where α is a(0,2)-tensor field defined by

      Denote by λ the trace of α.The Gauss equation for the submanifold Mnin Nn+pis

      for any vector fields X,Y,Z,Won Mn.In[13],the Gauss equation with respect to the semi-symmetric metric connection is

      In Nn+pwe can choose a local orthonormal frame{e1,···,en,en+1,···,en+p}such that restricting to Mn,e1,···,enare tangent to Mn.Setting=g(h(ei,ej),er),then the squared length of h is

      The mean curvature vector of Mnassociated toh(ei,ei)and the mean curvature vector of Mnassociated to

      Let π?TxMnbe a 2-plane section for any x∈Mnand K(π)be the sectional curvature of π associated to the induced semi-symmetric metric connection?.The scalar curvature τ at x with respect to?is defined by

      The following lemmas will be used in the paper.

      Lemma 2.1(see[13])If U is a tangent vector field on Mn,we have H=H',h=h'.

      Lemma 2.2(see[13])Let Mnbe an n-dimensional submanifold of an(n+p)-dimensional Riemannian manifold Nn+pwith the semi-symmetric metric connectionThen

      (i)Mnis totally geodesic with respect to the Levi-Civita connection and with respect to the semi-symmetric metric connection if and only if U is tangent to Mn.

      (ii)Mnis totally umbilical with respect to the Levi-Civita connection if and only if Mnis totally umbilical with respect to the semi-symmetric metric connection.

      Lemma 2.3(see[10])Let f(x1,x2,···,xn)be a function on Rndefined by

      If x1+x2+···+xn=2ε,then we have

      with the equality holding if and only if x1=x2+xn+···+xn=ε.

      A 2m-dimensional almost Hermitian manifold(N,J,g)is said to be a generalized complex space form(see[16,17])if there exists two functions F1and F2on N such that

      for X,Y,Z,W on M,where M is a submanifold of N.

      Let M be an n-dimensional submanifold of a 2m-dimensional generalized complex space form N(F1,F2).We set JX=PX+FX for any vector field X tangent to M,where PX and FX are tangential and normal components of JX,respectively.

      3 Chen-Ricci Inequality

      In this section,we establish a sharp relation between the Ricci curvature along the direction of an unit tangent vector X and the mean curvature||H||with respect to the semi-symmetric metric connect

      Theorem 3.1 Let Mn,n≥2,be an n-dimensional submanifold of a 2m-dimensional generalized complex space form N(F1,F2)endowed with the semi-symmetric metric connectionFor each unit vector X∈TxM,we have


      (2)If H(x)=0,then a unit tangent vector X at x satisfies the equality case of(3.1)if and only if X∈N(x)={X∈TxM:h(X,Y)=0,?Y∈TxM}.

      (3)The equality of inequality(3.1)holds identically for all unit tangent vectors at x if and only if in the case of n=0,i,j=1,2···,n;r=n+1,···,2m,or in the case of n=2,

      Proof (1)Let X∈TxM be an unit tangent vector at x.We choose an orthonormal basis e1,···,en,en+1···,e2msuch that e1,···,enare tangent to M at x and e1=X.

      When we set X=W=ei,Y=Z=ej,i,j=1,···,n,ij in(2.5)and(2.8),we have

      Using(3.2),we get

      We consider the maximum of the function

      From Lemma 2.3 we know the solution()of this problem must satisfy

      So it follows that

      From(3.3)and(3.5)we have

      (2)For the unit vector X at x,if the equality case of inequality(3.1)holds,using(3.3), (3.4)and(3.5)we have

      The converse is obvious.

      (3)For all unit vector X at x,the equality case of inequality(3.1)holds.Let X= ei,i=1,2···n,as in(2),we have

      We can distinguish two cases:

      (b)in the case of n=2,we have

      The converse is trivial.

      Corollary 3.2 If the equality case of inequality(3.1)holds for all unit tangent vector X of Mn,then we have

      (1)the equality case of inequality(3.1)holds for all unit tangent vector X of Mnif and only if Mnis a totally umbilical submanifold;

      (2)if U is a tangent field on Mnand n≥3,Mnis a totally geodesic submanifold.

      Proof (1)For n=2,from Theorem 3.1 we know the equality case of inequality(3.1) holds for all unit tangent vector X of M2if and only if M2is a totally umbilical submanifold with respect to the semi-symmetric metric connection.Then from Lemma 2.2,M2is a totally umbilical submanifold with respect to the Levi-Civita connection.

      For n≥3,from Theorem 3.1 we know the equality case of inequality(3.1)holds for all unit tangent vector X of Mnif and only=0,?i,j,r.According to formula(7)from [13],we have+krgij,where krare real-valued functions on M.Thus we have=krgij.So Mnis a totally umbilical submanifold.

      (2)If U is a tangent vector field on Mn,from Lemma 2.1 we have h'=h.For n≥3, from Theorem 3.1 the equality case of inequality(3.1)holds for all unit tangent vector X of Mnif and only if=0,?i,j,r.Thus we have=0,?i,j,r.So Mnis a totally geodesic submanifold.

      4 k-Ricci Curvature

      In this section,we establish a sharp relation between the k-Ricci curvature and the mean curvature||H||with respect to the semi-symmetric metric connect

      Let L be a k-plane section of TxMn,x∈Mn,and X be a unit vector in L.We choose an orthonormal frame e1,···,ekof L such that e1=X.In[5]the k-Ricci curvature of L at X is defined by

      The scalar curvature of a k-plane section L is given by

      For an integer k,2≤k≤n,the Riemannian invariant Θkon Mnat x∈Mndefined by

      where L runs over all k-plane sections in TxM and X runs over all unit vectors in L.From (2.6),(4.1)and(4.2)for any k-plane section Li1···ikspanned by{ei1,···,eik},it follows that


      From(4.3),(4.4)and(4.5),we have

      Theorem 4.1 Let Mn,n≥3,be an n-dimensional submanifold of a 2m-dimensional generalized complex space form N(F1,F2)endowed with a semi-symmetric connectionThen we have

      Proof For x∈Mn,let{e1,···,en}and{en+1,···,e2m}be an orthonormal basis ofandM,respectively,where en+1is parallel to the mean curvature vector H.

      From(3.2),we have

      Setting||P||2=(Jei,ej).From(2.6),it follows that

      Then equation(4.8)can be also written as

      We choose an orthonormal basis{e1,···,en,en+1,···,e2m}such that e1,···,endiagonalize the shape operator Aen+1,i.e.,

      and Aer=(),i,j=1······n;r=n+2,···,2m,traceAer=0.So(4.9)turns into

      On the other hand,we get

      which implies

      From(4.10)and(4.11),it follows that

      which means

      Using Theorem 4.1 and(4.6)we can obtain the following theorem.

      Theorem 4.2 Let Mn,n≥3,be an n-dimensional submanifold of a 2m-dimensional generalized complex space form N(F1,F2)endowed with a semi-symmetric connectionThen for any integer k,2≤k≤n,and for any point x∈M,we have

      Proof Let{e1,···,en}be an orthonormal basis of TxMnat x∈Mn.The k-plane section spanned by ei1,···,eikis denoted by Li1···ik.

      Then from(4.6)and(4.12),we have

      Remark 4.3 For F1=F2=C(C is constant)in Theorem 3.1,we obtain a Chen-Ricci inequality for submanifolds of complex space forms with a semi-symmetric metric connection.

      For F1=F2=C(C is constant)in Theorem 4.1 and Theorem 4.2,the results can be found in[15].


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      ?date:2014-09-13Accepted date:2015-11-09

      Supported by the Foundation for Excellent Young Talents of Higher Education of Anhui Province(2011SQRL021ZD).

      Biography:He Guoqing(1979-),female,born at Chaohu,Anhui,lecturer,major in differential geometry.

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