ZHAO Da-fang,YOU Xue-xiao,HU Chang-song
(School of Mathematics and Statistics,Hubei Normal University,Huangshi 435002,China)
ZHAO Da-fang,YOU Xue-xiao,HU Chang-song
(School of Mathematics and Statistics,Hubei Normal University,Huangshi 435002,China)
In this paper,we introduce and investigate the concept of conformable nabla fractional derivative on time scales.By using the theory of time scales,we obtain some basic properties of the conformable nabla fractional derivative,which extend and improve both the results in[9,10]and the usual nabla derivative.
conformable nabla fractional derivative;nabla derivative;time scales
2010 MR Subject Classification:26A33;26E70
Document code:AArticle ID:0255-7797(2016)06-1142-07
Fractional Calculus is a generalization of ordinary differentiation and integration to arbitrary(non-integer)order.The subject is as old as the calculus of differentiation and goes back to times when Leibniz,Gauss,and Newton invented this kind of calculation.During three centuries,the theory of fractional calculus developed as a pure theoretical field,useful only for mathematicians.Nowadays,the fractional calculus attracts many scientists and engineers.There were several applications of this mathematical phenomenon in mechanics, physics,chemistry,control theory and so on[1-8].
Recently,the authors in[9]defined a new well-behaved simple fractional derivative called the conformable fractional derivative depending just on the basic limit definition of the derivative.Especialy,in[10],Nadia Benkhettou,Salima Hassani and Delfim Torres introduced a conformable time-scale fractional derivative,which providing a natural extension of the conformable fractional derivative.In this paper,we define the conformable nabla fractional derivative on time scales,which give another type of generalization of the conformable fractional derivative and the usual nabla derivative[11-14].
A time scale T is a nonempty closed subset of real numbers R with the subspace topology inherited from the standard topology of R.For a,b∈T we define the closed interval[a,b]Tby[a,b]T={t∈T:a≤t≤b}.For t∈T we define the forward jump operator σ by σ(t)=inf{s>t:s∈T},where inf?=supT,while the backward jump operator ρ is defined by ρ(t)=sup{s<t:s∈T},where sup?=inf T.
If σ(t)>t,we say that t is right-scattered,while if ρ(t)<t,we say that t is leftscattered.If σ(t)=t,we say that t is right-dense,while if ρ(t)=t,we say that t is left-dense.A point t∈T is dense if it is right and left dense;isolated if it is right and left scattered.The forward graininess functionμ(t)and the backward graininess function η(t) are defined byμ(t)=σ(t)-t,η(t)=t-ρ(t)for all t∈T,respectively.If supT is finite and left-scattered,then we define Tk:=TsupT,otherwise Tk:=T;if inf T is finite and right-scattered,then Tk:=Tinf T,otherwise Tk:=T.We set
A function f:T→R is nabla(?)differentiable at t∈Tkif there exists a number f?(t)such that,for each ε>0,there exists a neighborhood U of t such that
for all s∈U.We call f?(t)the?-derivative of f at t.Throughout this paper,α∈(0,1].
Definition 3.1 Let T be a time scale and α∈(0,1].A function f:T→R is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t∈Tkif there exists a number Tα(f?)(t) such that,for each ε>0,there exists a neighborhood U of t such that
for all s∈U.We call Tα(f?)(t)the conformable?-fractional derivative of f of order α at t and we say that f is conformable?-fractional differentiable if f is conformable?-fractional differentiable for all t∈Tk.
Theorem 3.2 Let T be a time scale,t∈Tkand α∈(0,1].Then we have the following:
(i)If f is conformal?-fractional differentiable of order α at t,then f is continuous at t.
(ii)If f is continuous at t and t is left-scattered,then f is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t with
(iii)If t is left-dense,then f is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t if and only if the limitexists as a finite number.In this case,
(iv)If f is conformal?-fractional differentiable of order α at t,then
Proof (i)The proof is easy and will be omitted.
(ii)Assume that f is continuous at t and t is left-scattered.By continuity,
Hence given ε>0,there exists a neighborhood U of t such that
for all s∈U.It follows that
for all s∈U.Hence we get the desired result
(iii)Assume that f is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t and t is right-dense.Then for each ε>0,there exists a neighborhood U of t such that
for all s∈U.Since ρ(t)=t we have thatfor all s∈U.It follows thatHence we get the desired result.
On the other hand,if the limitexists as a finite number and is equal to J,then for each ε>0,there exists a neighborhood U of t such that
for all s∈U.Since t is right-dense,we have that
Hence f is conformable?-fractional differentiable at t and Tα(f?)(t)=
(iv)If t is left-dense,then η(t)=0 and we have that
If t is left-scattered,then ρ(t)<t,then by(ii)
Corollary 3.3Again we consider the two cases T=R and T=Z.
(i)If T=R,then f:R→R is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t∈R if and only if the limitexists as a finite number.In this case,
If α=1,then we have that Tα(f?)(t)=f?(t)=f'(t).
(ii)if T=Z,then f:Z→R is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t∈Z with
If α=1,then we have that Tα(f?)(t)=f(t)-f(t-1)=?f(t),where?is the usual backward difference operator.
Example 3.4If f:T→R is defined by f(t)=C for all t∈T,where C∈R is constant,then Tα(f?)(t)≡0.
(ii)if f:T→R is defined by f(t)=t for all t∈T,then Tα(f?)(t)=ρ(t)1-α.If α=1, then Tα(f?)(t)≡1.
Example 3.5If f:T→R is defined by f(t)=t2for all t∈T:=from Theorem 3.2(ii)we have that f is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t∈T with
Theorem 3.6 Assume f,g:T→R are conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t∈Tk,then
(i)for any constant λ1,λ2,the sum λ1f+λ2g:T→R is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t with Tα((λ1f+λ2g)?)(t)=λ1Tα(f?)(t)+λ2Tα(g?)(t);
(ii)if f and g are continuous,then the product fg:T→R is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t with
Proof (i)The proof is easy and will be omitted.
(ii)Let 0<ε<1.Define
then 0<∈?<1.f,g:T→R are conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t. Then there exists neighborhoods U1and U2of t with
for all s∈U1and
for all s∈U2.
From Theorem 3.2(i),there exists neighborhoods U3of t with|f(t)-f(s)|≤∈?for all s∈U3.
Let U=U1∩U2∩U3.Then we have for all s∈U
Thus Tα(fg)?(t)=f(t)Tα(g?)(t)+Tα(f?)(t)g(ρ(t)).The other product rule formula follows by interchanging the role of functions f and g.
(iii)From Example 3.4,we have that Tα(t)=Tα(1)?(t)=0.Therefore
and consequently Tα(
(iv)We use(ii)and(iii)to calculate
Theorem 3.7 Let c be constant and m∈N.
(i)For f defined by f(t)=(t-c)m,we have that
Proof (i)We prove the first formula by induction.If m=1,then f(t)=t-c,and clearly Tα(f?)(t)=ρ(t)1-αholds by Example 3.4 and Theorem 3.6(i).Now we assume that
holds for f(t)=(t-c)mand let F(t)=(t-c)m+1=(t-c)f(t).We use Theorem 3.6(ii) to obtain
Hence part(i)holds.
Example 3.8 If f:T→R is defined by f(t)=we have that f is conformable?-fractional differentiable of order α at t∈T with
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?date:2016-01-22Accepted date:2016-04-22
Supported by Educational Commission of Hubei Province of China (Q20152505).
Biography:Zhao Dafang(1982-),male,born at Linyi,Shandong,master,major in Henstock integral theory.