CHEN Na, CHENG Guo, WANG Mian, YANG Zhen, WANG Tong,CHEN Ming-na, PAN Li-juan, CHI Xiao-yuan, YU Shan-lin*
(1. Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Qingdao 266100, China;2. Qingdao Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Qingdao 266001, China)
Advances in the Research of Transcription Factors Involved in Plant Salt Stress Regulation
CHEN Na1, CHENG Guo2, WANG Mian1, YANG Zhen1, WANG Tong1,CHEN Ming-na1, PAN Li-juan1, CHI Xiao-yuan1, YU Shan-lin1*
(1. Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Qingdao 266100, China;2.QingdaoEntry-ExitInspectionandQuarantineBureau,Qingdao266001,China)
Salt stress is a major environmental factor that adversely affects plant growth, development and crop yields. During the process of response and adaptation to salt stress, there are many changes in biochemical and physiological reaction, and many genes are activated, leading to accumulation of numerous proteins involved in resistance to salt stress. The expression of stress-induced genes is mainly regulated by specific transcription factors (TFs). Typically, the TFs are capable of activating or repressing the transcription of multiple target genes. So far, various TFs and cis-acting elements contained in stress-responsive promoters have been described. These TFs and cis-motifs function not only as molecular switches for gene expression, but also as terminal points of signal transduction in the signaling processes. In this article, we summarize the research progress of several TFs families, including transcription factors of NAC, bZIP and bHLH, which involved in plant salt stress regulation.
transcription factors; salt stress; regulation mechanism; research advances
Salt stress afflicts plant culture in many parts of the world, particularly on irrigated land[1]. Crop growth and productivity are often accompanied by salt stress, which results in a range of morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular changes in the plant[2-3].
The perception of salt stress operates through various sensors, which initiate a cascade of transcription, and consequently leading to the production of protective proteins and metabolites[4]. Transcription factors (TFs) are important components for regulating salt-responsive genes[5]. Large numbers of transcription factors that include activators, co-activators and suppressor have already been identified. Among them, transcription factors play critical roles in plant responses to salt stress via transcriptional regulation of the downstream genes responsible for plant tolerance to salt challenges. They constitute a redundant family of transcriptional regulators in plants with 134 members in theArabidopsisgenome, 94 for indica rice genome and 113 injaponica[6]. Many transcription factors are related proteins that share the homologous DNA binding domain and are classified in families based on their DNA-binding domains, such as the MYB-like proteins (containing helix-turn-helix motifs), the MADS domain proteins, the homeobox proteins, the bZIP (basic region leucine zipper) proteins or the zinc finger proteins (ZFPs)[7].
Previous studies have revealed some key components that control and modulate salt stress adaptive pathways include transcription factors ranging from AP2/ERF, WRKY, and MYB proteins to general TFs[8-10]. In this review, we focus on recent advances in salt stress related NAC, bZIP and bHLH transcription factors and transcription factor -based engineering of increased salt adaptation. We hope to indicate the study direction of transcription factors involved in peanut salt stress regulation.
The major NAC pathway is active in response to abiotic stress which has been identified and well elucidated inArabidopsisand rice[5, 11-12]. The NAC TF family is widely distributed in plants, but so far has not been found in other eukaryotes[13].
Large-scale abiotic stress responsive expression analysis indicated that NAC family proteins may have important functions in plant salt stress acclimation. For example, out of 88 NAC transcription members in genome ofMedicagotruncatula, 36 members were up-regulated in roots during salt stress treatment[14]. A microarray analysis of the root transcriptome following NaCl exposure detected that 23 ANAC genes was induced and 7 genes was reduced, respectively, by a two-fold threshold[15]. In crops, such as rice, Fang et al. systematically analyzed the NAC family and identified 140 putative ONAC or ONAC-like TFs, among which 19 genes were up-regulated by salt stress[16]. Computational prediction assumed that there are at least 205 NAC or NAC-like TFs members in soybean, among which 8 genes were characterized to be induced by high salinity[17-19].
Functional analysis revealed potentials of NAC in improvement of plant salt stress tolerance. NAC TFs enhance stress tolerance in the model plantArabidopsis. The expression ofArabidopsisAtNAC2 was induced by salt stress and this induction required ethylene and auxin signaling pathway. Overexpression ofAtNAC2 could maintain the number of lateral roots in transgenic lines during salt stress, which indicate that AtNAC2/ANAC092 may be a transcription factor incorporating the environmental and endogenous stimuli into the process of plant lateral root development[20]. Recently, ANAC092 gene also demonstrated an intricate overlap of ANAC092- mediated gene regulatory networks during salt-promoted senescence and seed maturation[21]. TransgenicArabidopsisoverexpressing a salt inducible rice NAC gene, theONAC063, showed enhanced tolerance to high salinity and osmotic pressure by similar mechanisms because ONAC063-upregulated genes were almost similar to those up-regulated by ANAC019, ANAC055 or ANAC072[22]. Overexpression ofTaNAC2 andTaNAC67 resulted in pronounced enhanced tolerances to salt stress inArabidopsisthrough enhancing expression of multiple abiotic stress responsive genes and improving physiological traits, including strengthened cell membrane stability, retention of higher chlorophyll contents, and so on[23-24]. In addition, many NAC transcription factors isolated from other plants were also involved in salt resistance regulation in transgenic lines. These members includedEcNAC1 of finger millet,GmNAC11 andGmNAC20 of soybean,DgNAC1 of chrysanthemum[25-27].
Following the discovery of potential use of NAC TFs to improve stress tolerance inArabidopsis, a number of important successes were reported on the application of NAC TFs in genetic engineering of important crops, such as cultivated rice for enhanced tolerance against various environmental stresses. Transgenic rice overexpressing the stress inducibleSNAC1 orSNAC2/OsNAC6 gene both displayed salt tolerance[28-30]. TheSNAC1 transgenic rice was more sensitive to abscisic acid[28]. More recently, Liu et al. proved that overexpression ofSNAC1 improves salt tolerance by enhancing root development and reducing transpiration rate in transgenic cotton[31]. Overexpression ofSNAC2/OsNAC6 could enhance expression of a large number of genes encoding proteins with predicted stress tolerance functions such as detoxification, redox homeostasis and proteolytic degradation as well[29-30]. Overexpression of another rice NAC gene, theONAC045 gene, whose expression is induced by high salinity and ABA treatment, showed significantly enhanced tolerance to salt at the seedling stage. At least, expression levels of two stress-responsive genes,OsLEA3-1 andOsPM1, were up-regulated inONAC045 transgenic lines[32]. However, expressions ofOsLEA3-1 andOsPM1 were not affected in eitherSNAC1 orSNAC2 transgenic rice, suggesting that ONAC045 TF improves stress tolerance of transgenic plants in different pathway than SNAC1 and SNAC2/OsNAC6[32]. Moreover, the potential transcriptional target genes of SNAC1 and SNAC2 are also different. There is no overlapping between the two sets of genes up or down-regulated in the two overexpression plants, respectively[29]. The core DNA binding sites for the putative SNAC1 and SNAC2 target genes are the same, but comparison of the flanking sequences of the core DNA binding sites in the putative SNAC1 and SNAC2 target genes revealed different conserved flanking sequences of the core binding sites of genes targeted by SNAC1 and SNAC2. Together, these results may suggest that different stress-responsive NAC TFs may activate the transcription of a different set of target genes, thus conferring diverse functions that jointly lead to stress tolerance.
As we know, most transcription factors are localized in cell nucleus to exercise their transcription regulation functions. However, some membrane-bound transcription factors (MTTFs) were identified in recent years[33]. Six of the NAC factors - NTM1, NTL8, NTL6, NTL9, ANAC013 and ANAC017 -had been demonstrated to be membrane-bounded[33-40]. NAC-MTTFs appear to be localized to different membranes, including the nuclear/endoplasmic reticulum or the plasma membrane[34-35,37,39-40]. Among these MTTFs, NTL6 and NTL8 had been found to regulate salt-stress signaling impinging on flowering or seed germination pathways[35-36]. Under salt stress, the repression of FT (Flowering locus T) was attenuated, albeit mildly, in anntl8 mutant[35]. In addition, the germination rate under salt stress in seeds overexpressing the truncated form of NTL8 was decreased and that of anntl8 mutant was increased, suggesting that NTL8 regulates salt responses in seed germination[36]. Similarly to NTL8, transformants constitutively expressing an active form of NTL6 exhibited a hypersensitive response to ABA and high salinity in seed germination[38].
As a whole, strong evidence indicated that transgenic rice plants harboring NAC genes have enhanced stress tolerance even in field trials, suggesting that NAC TFs are promising candidate genes for genetic engineering of different crops aimed at improving their productivity under adverse conditions.
bZIPs organize a large family which have been described inArabidopsis(75), rice (89), sorghum (92), soybean (131), and recently in maize (125)[41]. All the members of this family contain a basic region/leucine zipper (bZIP) domain. The bZIP family was subdivided into 10 groups named A to I, plus S inArabidopsisaccording to their sequence similarities and functional features[41-43]. While many bZIPs can form homodimers, bZIP members classified in different groups can be combined through heterodimerization to form specific bZIP pairs with distinct functionalities.
Previous studies have indicated that bZIP proteins are key regulators involved in salt stress adaption. A lot of bZIP proteins isolated from diverse species includingArabidopsis, rice, tomato, soybean, maize and wheat, etc., enhanced the salt tolerance of the transgenic plants[44-56].
The function mechanisms of bZIPs have been studied thoroughly. Some members of the basic region/leucine zipper (bZIP)-type protein family are ABA-responsive element binding protein (AREB) and ABA-responsive element binding factor (ABF), which act as major transcription factors in ABA-responsive gene expression under salt stress conditions inArabidopsis. For example, bZIP factors SlAREB1, ScAREB1, SpAREB1, AtABI5, OsABI5, and ABF2-4 inArabidopsisall have a key regulatory role in ABA signaling under salt stress[50,54, 57-58]. A key regulator of salt stress adaptation, the group F bZIP TF bZIP24, was identified by differential screening of salt-inducible transcripts inA.thalianaand a halophyticArabidopsis-relative model species[59]. In addition, AtbZIP24 shows salt inducible subcellular re-targeting to the nucleus and formation of homodimers, suggesting that molecular dynamics of bZIP factors could mediate new signaling connections within the complex cellular signaling network[59]. RNAi-mediated repression of the factor conferred increased salt tolerance toArabidopsis. The improved tolerance was mediated by stimulated transcription of a wide range of stress-inducible genes involved in cytoplasmic ion homeostasis, osmotic adjustment, as well as in plant growth and development, which demonstrated a pivotal function of bZIP24 in salt tolerance by regulating multiple mechanisms that are essential for stress adaptation[59].
In addition, numerous bZIPs were proved to control signal transduction pathways by molecular re-organization and by posttranslational mechanisms[60-61]. Specific homodimerizations and heterodimerizations within the class of bZIP TFs as well as modular flexibility of the interacting proteins and posttranslational modifications might determine the functional specificity of bZIP factors in cellular transcription networks[44, 51-52,62]. The phosphorylation of bZIP proteins seems also important for their function. For example, potato StABF1 is phosphorylated in response to ABA and salt stress in a calcium-dependent manner, and a potato CDPK isoform (StCDPK2) had been identified to phosphorylate StABF1 in vitro[63]. The three factors AREB1, AREB2, and ABF3 can form homodimers and heterodimers as well as interact with a SnRK2 protein kinase suggesting ABA-dependent phosphorylation of the proteins[64].
Similar to NAC transcription factors, one bZIP transcription factors involved in salt stress were also demonstrated to be membrane-bounded. Most bZIP MTTFs are anchored in the membrane of endoplasmic reticulum. In response to stress, cytosolic components of the transcription factors are released by proteolysis and move to the nucleus where they promote the up-regulation of stress response genes[65-66]. One such stress sensor/transducer isArabidopsisAtbZIP17, which is activated in response to salt stress. Under salt stress conditions, the stress-inducible expression of the activated AtbZIP17 enhanced salt tolerance as demonstrated by chlorophyll bleaching and seedling survival assays[65].
The bHLH family transcription factors have been intensively studied in plants and animals[66-67]. With the genome-wide analysis of the bHLH transcription factor family in plants, 162 bHLH genes inArabidopsisand 167 in rice were identified[68]. This family is defined by the bHLH signature domain, which is evolutionarily conserved[69-70]. Plant bHLH proteins bind to the E-box (CANNTG) motif in gene promoters; a consensus core element called G-box (CACGTG) is the most common form[68].
Although numerous bHLH members were identified inArabidopsisand rice, only a few of them had been revealed to be involved in plant salt stress regulation.ChrysanthemumdichrumCdICE1 and tomatoSlICE1aboth contain conserved bHLH domain and overexpression of these two genes could both improve the tolerance of transgenic plants to salinity[71-72]. Jiang et al. identified three salt-inducible bHLH proteins: bHLH41, bHLH42/TT8 and bHLH92. Among which,bHLH92 was highly induced at the transcript level by a wide range of abiotic stresses and the response to NaCl was quantitatively the highest[73]. Overexpression ofbHLH92 moderately increased the tolerance to NaCl and osmotic stresses. However, knock-out mutants of this gene failed to show significant differences from WT plants in the root elongation assay under NaCl stress, suggesting that bHLH92 function is not required for full tolerance to NaCl, and may therefore be redundant with other bHLH proteins.OrbHLH001 andOrbHLH2 were cloned from Dongxiang wild rice[74-75]. Overexpression ofOrbHLH001 andOrbHLH2 enhances tolerance to salt stress inArabidopsis[74-75]. Examination of the expression of cold-responsive genes in transgenicArabidopsisshowed that the function of OrbHLH001 differs from that of ICE1 and is independent of a CBF/DREB1 cold-response pathway[75]. However, overexpression ofOrbHLH2 inArabidopsisimproved salt tolerance by enhancing the expression level of DREB1A/CBF3 and its down stream target genes, but the ABA signal pathway was not affected in transgenicArabidopsis, which suggest that OrbHLH2 probably function in salt response through an ABA-independent pathway[74]. These results suggest that different homologs of ICE1 may mediate the regulation of salt tolerance in a different signal response process. And what's more, Chen et al. indicated that overexpression ofOrbHLH001 could also confer salt tolerance in transgenic rice plants[76]. OrbHLH001 protein exercise its function by inducing the expression ofOsAKT1, another quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling K+uptake into the root and the Na+/K+ratio in salt-stress, to regulate the Na+/K+ratio inOrbHLH001-overexpressed plants[76].
Guan et al. found a nuclear-localized calcium-binding protein, RSA1 (Short Root in Salt Medium 1), which is required for salt tolerance, and identified its interacting partner, RITF1, a bHLH transcription factor. They show that RSA1 and RITF1 regulate the transcription of several genes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species generated by salt stress and that they also regulate the SOS1 gene that encodes a plasma membrane Na+/H+antiporter essential for salt tolerance[77]. This study discovered a novel nuclear calcium-sensing and -signaling pathway that is important for gene regulation and salt stress tolerance.
As more members in the complex systems in stress response are reported, the function of bHLH transcription factors will be better understood.
Numerous transcription factors were found to be invovled in plant salt tolerance regulation using large scale screening methods such as microarray hybridization. Besides the TFs referred above, a lot of other transcription factors may be involved in plant salt stress regulation. These transcription factors usually contain the conserved domain such as C2C2-DOF, GARP, GRAS, MADS, PHD, SBP, C3HC4-type RING finger, HSF, MYC, ZIM, LBD, and so on[15, 78-81].
Several members of above mentioned family transcription factors were indicated to confer plant salt stress tolerance. For example, a poplar GRAS gene, PeSCL7, enhanced tolerance to salt treatments in transgenicArabidopsis[82]. Corrales et al. reported a group of five tomato DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) genes,SlCDF1-5.SlCDF1-5 genes exhibited distinct diurnal expression patterns and were differentially induced in response to osmotic, salt, heat, and low-temperature stresses[83].Arabidopsisplants overexpressingSlCDF1 orSlCDF3 showed increased salt tolerance. In addition, the expression of various stress-responsive genes, such asCOR15,RD29A, andRD10, were differentially activated in the overexpressing lines[83].
However, most of the transcription factors were screened by microarray lack function analysis in salt stress regulation processes of plant. Therefore, more and more transcription factors will be proved to be involved in salt stress regulation in the future.
The cultivated peanut (ArachishypogaeaL.) is an important oil crop and play an important role in the economy of many countries[84]. Like many other crop species, peanut is relatively sensitive to salinity[84-85]. Some studies indicated that salinity could decrease seed germination, seedling development and dry matter accumulation[86-90]. Other proofs also indicated that salinity could induce damage to the photosynthetic apparatus or cause deficiencies of nutrient elements such as Ca, K and Mg[91-92], and lead to severe yield losses[90,93-94]. Based on gene expression response to abiotic stress, some transcription factor families, such as NAC, ERF and MYB, have been proved to be involved in peanut abiotic stress egulation[95-98]. AhNAC3 improves water stress tolerance by increasing superoxide scavenging and promoting the accumulation of various protective molecules in tobacco[96]. The overexpression ofAhERF019 enhances tolerance to drought, heat, and salt stresses inArabidopsis, but its regulation mechanism has not been studied[98].FourArabidopsistranscription factors,AtDREB1A,AtDREB2A,AtHB7 andAtABF3, enhance salt and drought tolerance by activating multiple cellular tolerance pathways in transgenic peanut[99-100]. Due to the complexity of the peanut genome and the difficulties of genetic transformation, there are limited studies on the molecular mechanisms of abiotic stress regulation in peanut. More studies are needed to clarify the signaling pathway involved in abiotic stress regulation in peanut.
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