By Sun Ye
Hongbao Dilemma: How Much Should You Give?
By Sun Ye
Giving hongbao (red envelopes stuffed with money) at weddings has been a tradition in China.
Now many people are complaining that they are “shortchanged” when the gift is returned.
Would you care if less amount of money is returned? Is money really that important at a wedding? China Daily Forum readers share their opinions.
印度網(wǎng)友Manojitpal :
Manojitpal (India)
In my opinion it is not necessary to compare what you get in exchange of what you give...kind of narrow minded thinking. Maybe in return of 600 yuan getting 200 yuan is small amount, but f nancial condition, current circumstances is behind that. It’s the thoughts that count.
馬來西亞網(wǎng)友Tenith :
Tenith (Malaysia)
In China monetary gifts can be excessive especially when it國文化中,婚姻是點亮新婚夫婦生活的晨光,也是二人執(zhí)子之手的見證,在社會凝聚、家庭和睦、朋友交往中發(fā)揮了重要的紐帶作用,是一種非常健康的關(guān)系,也是夫妻二人共同的美好回憶。分享是良好的文化內(nèi)質(zhì),而你們中國式的紅包實則表現(xiàn)了共享婚姻的喜悅、共擔(dān)婚禮的費用。但紅包不該給太多,因為這僅是祝福的象征。comes to family related ones and friends. Given Chinese culture, wedding is to be celebrated to give a spark to the life of the newly-weds and also sharing of the good occasion. This part is signif cantly healthy as it bonds a society, families and friends closer and also gives the couple an occasion to remember. Sharing is a good culture and your Chinese style of monetary gifts is practical to share the cost of the occasion. But the amount shouldn’t be too exaggerated a sum given that it is a symbolic sign of blessing.
Lily_ly (China)
To give a ‘red envelop’ is a traditional way to celebrate others wedding. But currently the money you need to give raise a lot. It almost becomes a burden to give red envelops every year. I think generally people should give the equal money as other people gave to you.
英國網(wǎng)友Parcher :
Parcher (UK)
I now refuse to go to anymore weddings/birthday parties/ dogs 1st anniversary etc......after being insulted a few times over the amount I gave.
澳大利亞網(wǎng)友Ratfink :
Ratf nk (Australia)
If a person is a good friend I will give 5000-10,000 rmb as a wedding gift. If they are just someone I know socially they will get 500rmb. White friends get a toaster or something like it, eg a kettle or slow cooker etc, unless they are a close friend in which case they get a larger present.
中國網(wǎng)友sunnylin01 :
sunnylin01 (China)
It is natural for anyone to expect, if not more, the same amount back even if it is symbolic. But in rare cases the couple gets less than they gave before. I often give more considering the rise in prices.
美國網(wǎng)友Mbursian :
mbursian (US)
My wife always checks our wedding registry and gives the same as was given us. Otherwise it’s 1000 for close family, 500 for distant family and close friends, 200 for casual friends, and 100 for acquaintances. At our age, most of the weddings we attend are the children of our family and friends...