XU Xianjun
YAO Dazhi
HAN Lianqing
LAI Xianzong
DAI Yumin
MAO Yufan
HUANG Yuanfan, Emily Ryall
WANG Yuanzhe
HUANG Boheng
LI Yuanming
JI Haiqing
s and Key Words
XU Xianjun
Abstracts:Hubert Dreyfus’ contributions to philosophy have two parts. First,he made creative interpretations of Heidegger’s philosophy of Dasein and Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of body,and developed phenomenological philosophy in his own style. Second,he succeeded in communicating the seemingly unrelated areas of phenomenology,artificial intelligence and computer sciences,and at the same time improved these fields. But his interpretations of phenomenology are not without defects,and it is mainly manifested in his underestimation of Husserl’s phenomenology of consciousness. But in terms of the span and the influence of his research,by pointing out the research direction in future,Dreyfus makes a contemporary model of interdisciplinary research in philosophy and technology.
Hubert Dreyfus;phenomenology;artificial intelligence
YAO Dazhi
Abstract:Traditional existential phenomenology usually understands involved actions as the fundamental mode of embodied action,in which the role of thoughts or mental states that represent human performances has been largely ignored. In order to explore the embodied action and its relation to thought or mental state,this article examines two issues based on debates that Hubert Dreyfus participated in. The first issue is whether the movement which is guided by thought or mental representation can be seen as an embodied action,and the second one is whether consciousness or reason plays a role in involved action. According to Dreyfus’ and Romdenh-Romluc’s discussion,there are three kinds of embodied actions guided by thoughts or intentions,which are different from involved action. Based on the debate between Dreyfus and McDowell,skilled embodied action is composed of two sub-modes of actions,i.e.,fully absorbed action and involved action. Our bodily intention has no content which is conceptual and rational only when we are fully absorbed in performing the action. The discussion and debate relevant to Dreyfus demonstrate that thought or rational element is closely related to human embodied action.
Key words:Hubert L. Dreyfus;existential phenomenology;embodiment;action
HAN Lianqing
Abstract:American philosopher Hebert Dreyfus’s critique of artificial intelligence is a classical case study in phenomenology and philosophy of technology. His phenomenology includes Husserl’s “intentionality”and “l(fā)ife-world”,Heidegger’s “being-in-the-world”,Merleau-Ponty’s “perception” and “body”. From the perceptive of Slavoj ?i?ek,Dreyfus’s Heideggerian cognitivism is the typical American appropriation of phenomenology,and his reduction of philosophy to science is the shortcut between philosophy and science which misses the transcendental level.
Key words:Dreyfus;?i?ek;artificial intelligence (AI);phenomenology
LAI Xianzong
Abstract:This article tackles the idea of Ming (Destiny,F(xiàn)ate,命) of Confucius and interprets it in the background of the intercultural dialogue between Confucius and some western philosophers such as Kant and Heidegger. It exposits three moments of the idea of Ming:the “Separation of Yi and Ming” (義命分立),“Yi is expressed by Ming” (義命對揚(yáng)) and “Yi and Ming combine together” (義命合一) . In Kant’s deontology and the concept of autonomy,like the idea “separation of Yi and Ming”,the situation as fate is the limitation of the realization of Yi (justice). But in the Idea “Yi is expressed by Ming”,and Yi,similar with Kant’s and Fichte’s exposition of the incentive (dynamic) of the moral practice,Ming is the expressive principle of Yi (Mou Zongsan) . Finally in the idea “Yi and ming belong together”,Yi and Ming are one in moral metaphysics (Mou Zongsan) . This article compared these aspects with Heidegger’s fundamental ontology. The worldness is not only a fate and a limitation of Dasein,but also a starting point to understand and to express the authentic meaning of“Being” .
Key words:separation of Yi and Ming;Yi is expressed by Ming;Yi and Ming belong together;Kant;Heidegger;Mou Zongsan
DAI Yumin
Abstract:As to the Negative method,the academic circle considers it originate from Chinese intuitive method. Yet,this is a misunderstanding. Because the Negative method with the intuitive attribute cannot harmonize with the analytical Neo-Li Teaching. It is known to all that the Negative method is a kind of analytical method and mysterious method. But the key point of the harmony between Negative method with the Neo-Li Teaching lies in its basic form,namely the logic analysis. As for the analytical Negative method,its Chinese origin is the Pozhi method including the null propositions and language usage of Daosim and Chan Buddhism. In fact,the negative method in Neo-Li teaching is totally different from the negative method in Chinese Philosophy,which results from the fact that the former is based on logic analysis while the latter focuses on personal intuition.
Key words:Feng Youlan;negative method;Daoism;Chan Buddhism;intuitive method
MAO Yufan
Abstract:The thesis of Xuanzang’s “proof of idealism” (Wei Shi Bi Liang) aims at realism and it holds that “visible objects are definitely not separate from visual consciousness”. Its reason that “we assume [visible objects] are included in the first three elements (dhātus) and not included in the visual sense” satisfies three characteristics of a reason (trairūpya) and uses the restrictive words “we assume (Zi Xu) ” . According to the traditional interpretation of Kuiji,the first disciple of Xuanzang,this restriction assumes that visual objects in the thesis are objects that are not independent of visual consciousness. This explanation is quite farfetched. That objects are not independent of consciousness is a desirable conclusion for idealism. If it is assumed with this reason,this proof is begging the question. Some contemporary scholars think that words “we assume” restrict the latter part of the reason. They explain second “be included (She) ” as “be perceived” or “be grasped” .Thus,the reason means visual objects are not grasped by visual sense,which is only acknowledged by idealism because they admit that visual objects are grasped by visual consciousness. However,if we regard “She” as “be included”,the problem does not exist because the statement that visual objects are not included by visual sense is accepted by both sides in the debate. It is no need to restrict the reason as the standpoint of idealism. After excluding these interpretations of restriction,I suggest that words “we assume” only restrict the first part of the reason. Its effect is to limit the domain of debate only in the three elements of eighteen. However,the loss of this restriction is that the domain is too narrow so that the opponents can establish a counterargument by making use of a similar strategy.
Key words:the proof of idealism (Wei Shi Bi Liang);restriction;“Zi Xu”;Xuanzang;Kuiji
HUANG Yuanfan, Emily Ryall
Abstract:Prima facie,philosophy has nothing to do with game playing,given that one is serious while the other is frivolous. But that’s not always the case. There are two ways of defining philosophy as game playing.First,we can appeal to Wittgenstein’s notion of “family resemblance” . Secondly,it is also possible to do so on the basis of Benard Suits’ definition of “game playing”. However,these approaches face a challenge which can be named as the problem of value. The goal of game playing is trivial,while the goal of doing philosophy is supposed to possess practical value. Even with this challenge,we can still connect ‘philosophy’ with ‘game playing’ in several ways.
Key words:meta-philosophy;game;Bernard Suits;intrinsic value;lusory attitude
WANG Yuanzhe
Abstract:The problem of intergenerational responsibility is one of the heated topics of contemporary applied ethics. How to deal with the uncertainty of future generations is an important question within the problem.Some moral philosophers suggest that “cost-benefit analysis” is a proper method to deal with uncertainty.However,moral philosophers doubt that this method presupposes a utilitarian premise,and simply using the“cost-benefit analysis” cannot deal with the uncertainty in practice. The “discount rate” used in the calculation actually implies a certain description of the future world which should stay uncertain. Another attempt to establish intergenerational responsibility is a human-right method. By comparing the human rights of future generations with the human rights of contemporary children,we seem to have reason to ascribe rights to future generations. If this concept of human rights is acceptable,the human-right principle can deal with the problem of uncertainty at the minimum theoretical cost.
Key words:intergenerational responsibility;uncertainty;cost-benefit analysis;human right
HUANG Boheng
Abstract:The development and application of big data technologies radically transform various aspects of our daily life. At the same time,big data technologies will challenge existing moral concepts such as“ privacy”,“informed consent”,etc. They will also lead to new ethical challenges. Here,the paper aims to explore an oftneglected issue in the discussion,namely a fundamental transformation of our moral responsibility made possible by the introduction of big data technologies. I shall use“ personal decisions” and“ informed consent” and their transformation from“ self-regarding acts” to“ other-regarding acts” as examples to demonstrate the possibility of fundamental transformation of moral responsibility in the age of big data.
Key words:big data ethics;personal decision;informed consent;moral responsibility
LI Yuanming
Abstract:Recently,a new kind of fictionalism is emerging in the philosophy of science. In fact,as early as the beginning of the twentieth century,Hans Vaihinger elaborated the value of fictions in human knowledge in his book Philosophy of “As If ” . Due to Arthur Fine's research and promotion,Vaihinger’s work has a profound influence on the stance of scientific fictionalist in the current discussion of scientific modeling. Scientific models as imaginary descriptions of the world are usually deliberately false,thus there seems to be a tension between scientific fictionalism and realism. However,whether we choose truth conditional account or functional account of fictions,scientific fictionalism is compatible with scientific realism. Although Fine's reading of Vaihinger’s philosophy is biased,explaining its actual impact is helpful for us to clarify the original sources,basic meaning and fundamental features of scientific fictionalism.
Key words:scientific modeling;scientific fictionalism;fiction;Hans Vaihinger
JI Haiqing
Abstract:There are three different meanings of cyborg,a cybnetical view on life,technological projects based on the cybnetical view on life and an anti-dualistic metaphor of cultural critique,all of which are developed from Nobert Wiener’s concept of life under the theory of communication,which is a deepened and reformed version of Rene Descartes’ dualism between mind and body with a background of modern system of sciences. The first two and the last keep different views on the relationship between mind and body and this is due to the various approaches to Wiener’s concept of life among scientists,engineers and cultural critics,and the revolutionary stand of cybnetics compared with that of classical sciences.
Key words:Nobert Wiener;concept of life under the theory of communication;dualism between mind and body