2016年10月21至30日,加拿大魁北克的著名藝術家Joanne Gauthier(喬安·戈婕)在杭州恒廬美術館舉辦了一場關于“花”和“鳥”的展覽。
來自加拿大魁北克的Joanne Gauthier(喬安·戈婕),是位擅長色彩,喜以花、鳥為題材的女性藝術家??笨耸?,是加拿大的歷史文化名城,也是北美洲唯一一座擁有城墻的城市,位于圣勞倫斯河北岸。這就是Joanne Gauthier(喬安·戈婕)出生和成長的地方,在25年的藝術生涯中,她將自然世界和人文精神通過獨特的技巧、手法加以表現,她的藝術作品在加拿大多所畫廊展出,受到廣泛好評。
Canadian artist Joanne Gauthier exhibited her paintings at Henglu Gallery of Hangzhou from 21st to 30th October, 2016. The artist featured flowers and birds as two big themes at the solo exhibition. The exhibition was part of the 2015-2016 China-Canada Year of People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges launched in April, 2015. The year-long event was jointly announced in November 2014 during then Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harpers visit to China.
Joanne Gauthier is from Quebec, a historical city in the Northern American country. The walled city is one of a kind in North America. She has a 25-year artist career to boast with artworks in bright colors and featuring flowers and birds. Her artworks integrate nature and culture masterfully and are displayed in various galleries across Canada.
The exhibition at Henglu Gallery at Nanshan Road featured 40 artworks, each displaying textures and temperaments of sculpture. With a general passion of all simple and organic objects, Gauthier loves flowers, birds, nature, colors and beautiful faces in particular. Naturally these are her favorite subjects. Coincidently, flowers and birds are two major subjects in traditional Chinese painting. Flowers and birds and plants are a big category of Chinese painting.
Gauthier explained her exhibition in Hangzhou this way: “My artworks have traveled widely. It is a great opportunity to hold an exhibition in China. It enables me to share my works with Chinese people and express my artistic sentiments directly. Let my colors and Chinese colors come together. This matters.”
One of the visual pleasures in Gauthiers art noticed by visitors in Hangzhou was the metallic materials such as brass, silver and gold she used. The 3D effect was delightful. Her flowers in oil were fully expressive, showing how the artist explored every inch of the canvas. The unbridled use of colors was very impressive.
Gauthiers art appealed to the citys visitors very much. They found something common between her art and Chinese artworks done in the impressionist free-hand style: images and colors may look disordered and even artless but they are just right.
Local artists consider the exhibition as a platform for cultural and artistic exchanges between China and Canada. Gauthier understood the significance of the exchanges. She said it was an honor to display her artwork as a Canadian artist and world citizen. She said she was happy to enjoy Chinese culture and participate in cultural exchanges between Chinese artists and Canadian artists.