



      Convergence analysis of fractional iterative learning controlnonlinear systems with multiple state delays

      2017-03-04 10:36:33LiNanaJiangWei

      Li Nana,Jiang Wei

      (School of Mathematical Science,Anhui University,Hefei230601,China)

      Convergence analysis of fractional iterative learning controlnonlinear systems with multiple state delays

      Li Nana,Jiang Wei

      (School of Mathematical Science,Anhui University,Hefei230601,China)

      This paper presents fractional-order iterative learning control(FOILC) nonlinear system with multiple state delays.It involves external disturbances and output measurement noises which obtain some new and interesting criteria to guarantee the convergence of the tracking error in the sense of the λ-norm.The convergence of the system outputs to the desired trajectory is ensured in the absence of disturbances and output measurement noises.We estimate the upper bound of the tracking error.Finally,the validity of the proposed method are veri fi ed by an example.

      fractional-order iterative learning control(FOILC),convergence, multiple time delays

      1 Introduction

      The formal concept of iterative learning control(ILC)was published in 1978 by Uchiyama (in Japanese)and in 1984 by Arimoto et al.Iterative learning control(ILC),which belongs to the intelligent control methodology,is an approach for improving the transient performanceof systems that operate repetitively over a fi xed time interval[1-2].In recent years,the adaptiveness and robustness of linear or nonlinear ILC schemes become very popular topics,which extended the applications of ILC to more complicated problems[4,6-7,9].Some other interesting conclusions and surveys can be found in[8,11].Moreover,in the past three years,the applications of the ILC technique to medical treatments and engineering are getting more and more popular[12-13].

      優(yōu)質的營商環(huán)境往往與旺盛的市場活力、富于創(chuàng)新的市場氛圍相關聯(lián)。大連營商環(huán)境短板問題主要表現(xiàn)在市場活力不足,激發(fā)市場活力不能靠人為干預,而在于構建健全的市場機制,讓 “創(chuàng)新什么、怎么創(chuàng)新、生產(chǎn)什么、怎么銷售”等決策真正“市場說了算”,最大程度減少行政干預和門檻限制。在眾多市場作用機制中,市場導向的創(chuàng)新試錯機制最為關鍵,它決定了創(chuàng)新的生成模式及市場活動,即依靠大眾創(chuàng)新,并一視同仁提供公平市場競爭環(huán)境?,F(xiàn)在的問題是過度依賴行政手段、行政指令、行政化價值觀來影響市場的創(chuàng)新活動,不能按照市場真實需求做出正確反應和科學決策。主要有三大表現(xiàn):

      The FOILC is a relatively new topic in ILC,many fractional-order ILC problems were presented aiming at enhancing the performance of ILC scheme for linear or nonlinear systems [18,20].Allow for the application of fractional-order ILC scheme to the control of complex systems and the cancelation of the dependence of ILC scheme to the system orders,time delays and uncertainties are inevitable in most industrial processes.There are few research results on iterative learning control for systems with time-delay[9-10]as well as for systems with disturbance[5-6].Also robustness of the learning control is established in the presence of initial function error.However,there is little consideration on the FOILC design of nonlinear multiple time-delays system and its convergence property.



      Consider a class of fractional nonlinear multiple time-delays systems with disturbance as follows:

      where k denotes the kth repetitive operation of the system and t is the time in the operation interval[0,T];xk(t)∈Rn,uk(t)∈Rr,and yk∈Rmare the states,control input and output of the system,respectively;wk(t)∈Rn,vk(t)∈Rmare bounded external disturbance and measurement noise;τ1,…,τm1,η1,…,ηm2are positive constant time delays;?d(t)is the initial piecewise continuous function of the system;Functions

      [3]Sun M X,Wang D.Sampled-data iterative learning control for nonlinear systems with arbitrary relative degree[J].Automatica,2001,37:283-289.

      are piecewise continuous in t;g:Rn×[0,t]?→Rmis di ff erential for all x and t with partial derivatives gxand gt.

      The problem on designing an ILC for uncertain plants with time delays has not been fully investigated,and only a limited number of the results are available so far.In[14],theauthor has discussed the general systems with multiple time-delays.In this paper,I take this results to FOILC.We obtain some sufficient conditions to guarantee the system outputs,states and system input to converge to desired trajectories with bounded tracking errors.When the external disturbances and measurement noises decay to zero,the bounds of the tracking errors also decay to zero.It is shown that the multiple time delays in state variables do not a ff ect the ILC convergence property signi fi cantly.

      (3) 工程處治方案。由于橋隧相連部位的山體高陡,采用坡面主動防護工程規(guī)模大,且施工相當困難。故結合隧道口河流高階地較為寬闊的有利條件,在不影響河流行洪的條件下,決定對崩塌落石影響區(qū)的橋梁調整為路基與隧道相接。這樣避免了橋梁一旦受到危巖破壞而很難修復的缺點,充分發(fā)揮了路基抗災能力相對較強的特點,并在隧道口延伸明洞,明洞上部設置必要的傾向河側的緩沖層,進一步提高線路的抗災能力,達到對崩塌危巖的有效處治。

      2 Preliminaries

      De fi nition 2.1The fractional integral of order γ with lower limit zero for a function f∈L1([0,∞))?→R can be written as

      In this paper,we denote l∞norm by∥·∥,λ?norm by∥·∥λ.The following de fi nitions on norms are used in the following discussions.

      De fi nition 2.2The Riemann-Liouville derivative of order γ with the lower limit zero for a function f:[0,∞)?→R can be written as


      De fi nition 2.3The Caputo derivative of order γ for a function f:[0,∞)?→R can be written as

      Lemma 3.1Let dibe a sequence of real number which converges to the limit d∞as i?→∞,suppose that aiis a sequence of real number such that

      Lemma 2.4[19]Suppose β>0,m(t)is a nonnegative function locally integrable on J and n(t)is a nonnegative,nondecreasing continuous function de fi ned on n(t)≤M,t∈J,and suppose y(t)is nonnegative and locally integrable on J with


      Remark 2.5Under the hypothesis of Lemma 2.4,let m(t)be a nondecreasing function on J.Then we have

      3 System respresentation and assumptions

      Given a desired output bounded trajectory yd(t)and an appropriate initial condition xd(t),t∈[?m,0],there exists a unique control input ud(t),such that when uk(t)=ud(t),the system has a unique bounded desired state xd(t)satisfying:

      It is well known that if f and h satisfy uniformly Lipschitz conditions respectively then one can use standard methods to derive that the problem(2)has a unique solution x∈PC(J,R)(See[1])which is given by integral equation:


      In this paper,we introduce the following assumptions:

      Assumption 1The functions f,h,and gxare uniformly bounded.In the sequel,we use bf,bhand bgxto denote the upper bounds for f,h and gx.Furthermore,the input-output coupling matrix gxh is full column rank.

      Assumption 2The system disturbance wk(t)and output measurement noise vk(t)are bounded by positive constants bwand bv1,respectively,on[0,T](i.e.,∥wk(t)∥≤bw,∥vk(t)∥≤bv1),andcDαtνk(t)is also bounded by positive constant bv2.


      Assumption 3The function f,g and gx,gtand h are uniformly globally Lipschitz in x on[0,T].g is di ff erentiable for all x and t with partial derivatives gxand gt.There exist positive constants kf;kh;kg;kgx;kgtsuch that:

      Our objective is to design an iterative scheme to generate the control input uk(t)such that the system output yk(t)converges to yd(t)and the control input uk(t)converges to ud(t)as k goes to in fi nity for all t within the time interval[0,T].

      Remark 1Compared to the[14],this paper expended iterative learning control to the fractional nonlinear system with multiple time-delay.It veri fi ed that the iterative learning control and delays are irrelevant.


      denotes the tracking error at kth repetition;P:Rm×[0,T]?→Rr×mand Γ:Rm×[0,T]?→Rr×mare learning gain matrices with norm bounds bpand bc,respectively.The control input uk(t)is piecewise continuous for all k on t∈[0,T].

      For the sake of brevity,the following notations will be used:

      We introduce the following lemma which will be used in the following section.

      試驗采用隨機區(qū)組設計,3次重復,小區(qū)面積50 m2。栽培密度為133 395株/hm2,株行距均為25 cm×30 cm。每小區(qū)隨機抽取10株進行株高、葉片數(shù)、分蘗數(shù)的測量統(tǒng)計。測產(chǎn)時采用三點法,每小區(qū)隨機抽取3個點,每個點選取1 m2進行測產(chǎn)。試驗具體設置如表1所示。



      provided the right side is point-wise de fi ned on[0,∞),where Γ(·)is the gamma function.


      is a vector,

      is a matrix and h(t)(t∈[0,T])is a real function.

      4 Main results

      (c1)∥I?Γ(,)gxk(,)h(·,·,…,·)∥≤ρ<1,and the initial condition.

      Theorem 4.1Consider the fractional nonlinear multiple time-delays system(1)with ILC updating law(3)and satisfying the assumptions(1),(2),and(3).If

      2.1 三組行上腹部手術患者手術時間、麻醉時間比較 三組患者手術時間、麻醉時間比較差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(P>0.05),見表2。

      (c2)?k(t)=?d(t),t∈[?m,0]are satis fi es,and if the external disturbance and the output measurement noise approach to zero,then the bounds of the tracking error∥ud?uk∥,∥xd?xk∥, and∥yd?yk∥approach to zero when k→∞for all t∈[0,T],that is,the control input uk(t) convergences to ud(t),the state xk(t)to xd(t),and the output yk(t)to yd(t).When there exists external disturbance and measurement noise,the tracking error∥yd?yk∥is estimated as:

      To realize above control objective,we consider a updating law:


      Remark 2We can observe that the bounds of the FOILC fi nal tracking errors are directly a ff ected by the disturbance and measurement noise,moreover,it can be observed that when the bounds of disturbance and measurement noise approach to zero,through the FOILC repetitive operations,the bound of tracking error∥ek(t)∥λapproaches to zero asymptotically.Therefore,iterative learning control method itself can not reject or compensate the uncertainties or disturbances for the multiple time-delay systems.

      5 Numerical simulations

      To demonstrate the e ff ectiveness of the proposed control scheme,the following nonlinear multiple time-delays systems with external disturbances and output measurement is presented for numerical simulations:

      where t∈[0,2].Let us suppose that x(t)=[0.5 0.5]T;for t∈[?0.8,0]is the initial state function,and the desired trajectory is given by yd(t)=1.The objective of the control is to track the trajectory yd(t),over the time interval t∈[0,2].The simple choices of the control gains P and Γ in iterative learning control rule(3)are P=Γ=0.1.We apply the proposed FOILC rule(3)to the nonlinear system.By calculation,we can show the tracking performance of the FOILC system output at the interval t∈[0,2]when the FOILC rule(3)is iterativelyexecuted at di ff erent times.If the tolerance bound is chosen to be equal to 0.015,we fi nd that the control objective is achieved at the 11th iteration.Our simulation results illustrate that the proposed ILC rule in the form of(3)is robust with respect to small disturbance and measurement noises.

      Fig.1 The solid line represents the desired trajectory yd(t),and the dashed,the dotted, and the dashed-dotted lines represent the FOILC system output yk(t)when the FOILC rule has executed 3,8,11 times,respectively.

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