




      2017-03-10 02:32:15

      New Research Situations and Several Major Areas Needing to be Emphasized of Chinese Science of Ancient Capitals

      ZHU Shi-guang

      (Institute of the Northwest Historical Environment and the Development of Economy and Society, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710062)

      Abstract: This paper firstly summarizes some new developments and achievements in the new century of Chinese science of ancient capitals as an emerging discipline appeared in the early 1950s and formally formed in the 1980s, and then its multi-faceted major academic values and application values are specifically emphasized. Secondly, three currently major areas that should be studied are put forward, including deep exploration and study of ancient capitals in the early historic period, deep exploration and study of ancient capitals in the peripheral area of the Central Plains Dynasty political center as well as deep exploration and study of culture and theory of science of ancient capitals. Finally, a few suggestions are made to promote the development of Chinese science of ancient capitals for reference by the government, academia and civil.

      Chinese Science of Ancient Capitals; New Research Situations; Major Areas needing to be Emphasized

      Style Distribution of Zhou Enlai’s Diplomatic Discourse Power

      XIE Zheng-ming

      (School of Literature, Huaiyin normal University, Huai’an, Jiangsu 223300)

      Abstract: The style distribution of Zhou Enlai’s diplomatic discourse power can be systematically analyzed from consciousness of political power, consciousness of sovereign and consciousness of human rights. The diplomatic discourse power based on consciousness of political power mainly takes diplomatic reports and diplomatic talks as the style, while the diplomatic discourse power based on consciousness of sovereign mainly takes diplomatic statements and diplomatic speeches as the style. The diplomatic staff takes with the individual discourse power as a starting point in diplomatic talks, diplomatic communications, and answers to reporters’ request, diplomatic calls and diplomatic letters. Different diplomatic styles with different types of communication can adapt to different diplomatic occasions.

      Key words: Zhou Enlai’s Diplomacy; Discourse Power; Style; Communication Type

      The Essence and Revolutionary Character of Kuhn’s Paradigm

      —Understanding the Idea of Paradigm from Kuhn’s Argument with Popperian

      WANG Rong-jiang

      (School of Marxism, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an, Jiangsu 223001)

      Abstract: Through analyzing and criticizing the four modes of expression of Popper’s scientific view, Kuhn discusses the difference between his scientific view and Popper’s. Popper is subjectively seeking and constructing the "logic of discovery". However, Kuhn thinks that, in the description and interpretation of science, what’s really needed to do and able to do is value choice on psychology and sociology. Doing this, the idea of paradigm is more real and effective than general rules of logic, and is much more open-ended and explanatory power. In Structure what the idea of paradigm really expresses is, in the one hand, against the opinion in the past on science theory: scientific theory is self consistent and complete and is mainly established by means of the characteristics of the logical rules. Kuhn thinks it as a kind of expression of an imaginary ideology. To represent the characteristics of the science in above way is false. In the other hand, to distinct his own idea from the expression way of traditional theory, Kuhn uses paradigm rather than theory to express paradigm’s precedence over logical rules, which shows the fundamental difference between paradigm thought and logical thought, popular in the past, and the essence and revolutionary character of paradigm. In the west, the idea of paradigm not only is accepted by more and more people, but also gains more and more room for use.

      Key words: Kuhn; Mode of Expression; Rule; False, Paradigm, Precedence, Essence, Revolutionary Character

      Analysis on Concept of Scientific Problems Viewed with the Perspective of Kuhn’s Paradigm

      TAN Ke-hua

      (School of Marxism,Huaiyin Normal University, huai’an Jiangsu 223001)

      Abstract:The essence of the Structure of Scientific Revolutions is to analyze how the changing from "Paradigm" causes the scientific revolution,and the analysis on "scientific problems" is almost the entry point and the key clues to all the Kuhn’s analysis. Kuhn analyzes the scientific problems in the framework of "Paradigm",and explains how the scientific revolution occurs by analyzing the evolution of science problems. He divides scientific problems into "normal problems" and anomalies. "Normal problems" is divided into experimental and theoretical problems,and anomalies are divided into the finding of "new facts" and the invention of "new theory". "Normal problems" and anomalies have different characteristics and results on problem solving.

      Key words: Kuhn; Paradigm; Scientific Problems;Normal problems;Anomalies

      Family Heritage, Jiangnan Context and Feelings of the Republic of China: Cultural Genes of Ge Liang’s Literary World

      GAO Shan, SHI Jun

      (School of Literature, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an, Jiangsu 223300)

      Abstract: As one of the most unique and potential writers of Chinese literature, Ge Liang’s novels and prose are filled with Nanjing’s uprightness and Hong Kong’s flashiness with combination of the personal life and the context of history, so that the narrative is clean and dense as well as the language is elegant and rhyming to make an insight into history and human nature. The success of Ge Liang’s literary creation interpreted cultural heritage, innovation and self-confidence with the prosperity of Chinese literature appropriately in the new century as well as clearly shows traditional genetic characteristics of the Chinese literary, so that his novels, prose and even his entire literary world are worthy of careful interpretation and research in the current context of literary culture.

      Key words: Ge Liang’s Literary World; Family Heritage; Jiangnan Context; Feelings of the Republic of China; Cultural Gene

      On the Commodity Image in On Capital and its Aesthetical Implication

      HUANG Shi-quan

      (School of Literature, Guangxi Normal University, Nanning, Guangxi 530001)

      Abstract: In On Capital, Marx analyzed the characteristics of commodity on the basis of the double meaning of labor, commodity is both sensory and supersensory, whereby Marx describe the fetish image and fetishism of commodity, and so as to show the profound philosophical and aesthetical implications of commodity which is the most popular thing in the capitalism society. Further on, Marx analyzed the objective process of the formation of Ideology and the way of Ideological critique which characterize as historical methods. Lastly, Marx explored that how human social relations can come to the transparency and rationality, and this constitutes a significant dialogue with Heidegger Existentialism. The analysis of commodity in On Capital formed the starting point of philosophical and aesthetical critique of Capitalism and paved the way to modern aesthetical critique of Capitalism.

      Key words: On Capitalism; Commodity Image; Fetish; Fetishism; Ideology Critique; Transparency

      Particularity of Regional Culture and Social Change in Huaibei Area

      —Interview Record with Professor Ma Junya, an Expert on Regional Social Ecology History

      MA Jun-ya1, QIU Hai-yan2

      (1.Institute Centre of History of Republic of China, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093; 2. Journal Editing Department, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an, Jiangsu 223300)

      Abstract: This paper is about an interview record between Teacher Qiu Haiyan in Journal Editing Department of Huaiyin Normal University and Professor Ma Junya in Historical College of Nanjing University, mainly involving particularity of regional culture and social change in Huaibei area. Professor Ma Junya has long been engaged in economic development in Jiangnan area, social changes in Huaibei area and the comparative study of two with remarkable achievements, and a series of unique and valuable opinions have been put forward. He thinks Huaibei had been in a leading position in the development of China’s agricultural society but gradually declined and surpassed by the Jiangnan after the Southern Song Dynasty, and further reduced to a sacrificed local in Ming and Qing dynasties; political power was too strong in the Chinese monarchy era with a bad influence on social changes of the Huaibei; abandonment of sea transportation and use of river transportation were major policy mistakes and pseudo-overall situation in the monarchy era, which made Huaibei damaged and made China’s society become a conservative ultra-stable system so that the process of social development in China was delayed.

      Key words: Huaibei Area; Jiangnan Area; Regional Social Development; Regional Social Ecology

      Regional Brand Identity of Agricultural Products and Consumers’ Purchase Willing: Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Test

      SHEN Zheng-shun, ZHANG Yan-cai

      (School of Economic and Management, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu 223001)

      Abstract: Regional brand identity of agricultural products is an important carrier and implement tool for the management of regional brand of agricultural products. It is a commitment to the quality of agricultural products. It can effectively eliminate the asymmetry of the quality information of agricultural products, so as to influence the consumer’s purchase intention. In this paper, the question "how consumer’s purchase will be affected by the regional brand identity of agricultural products." has been studied through the questionnaire survey, logistic regression model empirical analysis. Research results show that the Information acquisition covering agricultural products regional brand identification, the place of origin and quality cognition evaluation, the beliefs and attitudes towards regional brand identity of agricultural products and the purchase intention have significant positive correlation. In addition, the educational background of consumers and the monthly income level are important factors affecting their willingness to buy.

      Key words: Regional Brand of Agricultural Products; Identity of Agricultural Products; Consumers’ Purchase Willing; Logistic Model

      Moderation Effects of Consumers’ Ethnocentrism

      WANG Cong-sheng

      (School of Economics and Management, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an, Jiangsu 223001)

      Abstract: Although the majority of previous studies consider the analysis of consumer ethnocentrism as an international marketing subject affecting the purchase of domestic and foreign products, we consider it necessary to discuss moderation effect of ethnocentrism in developing country context. With respect to the research hypotheses proposed, using the 474 data from the questionnaire survey, we carry on the factor analysis to ensure the questionnaire’s reliability and validity, the structural equation model are constructed and multi-group analysis are performed to test the hypotheses, the results showed that the consumer ethnocentrism had a significant effect on their consequences and the moderation effect of promotional campaign and consumer tendency to read product label.

      Key words: Ethnocentrism, Moderation Effect, Tendency to Read Product Label, Promotional Campaign

      建阳市| 永川市| 衡山县| 南京市| 芒康县| 谷城县| 鹿泉市| 扶风县| 湖南省| 南川市| 金昌市| 嵊泗县| 惠安县| 古田县| 县级市| 疏勒县| 定日县| 疏附县| 陇南市| 尚义县| 通城县| 茌平县| 上饶市| 阜南县| 沁源县| 遵义县| 浦北县| 休宁县| 叙永县| 卫辉市| 寻甸| 东方市| 木兰县| 峨眉山市| 兴安县| 武清区| 闽清县| 大厂| 多伦县| 无棣县| 通道|