



      Editorial Message

      2017-04-05 20:42:17EditorialofficeofJournalofHydrodynamics

      Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

      Springer will start publishing Journal of Hydrodynamics (ISSN 1001-6058, e-ISSN 1878-0342)from 2018 onwards.

      The editorial system is the Editorial Manager (EM) via


      For updated information about this journal, please refer to


      From 2018, the full-text articles in PDF will be available at


      The articles published in 2006--2017 can be downloaded from the ScienceDirect via http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/10016058

      The contact information for the Editorial Assistant, Ms. Meiping Chen is as follows:

      Email:jhdspringer@vip.163.com, Tel:+86-21-6315 0072

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