




      2017-04-10 21:14:26JournalofSocialWorkork
      社會工作 2017年2期

      Journal of Social Work ork


      Journal of Social Work ork

      A bimonthly


      April 2017

      Discussw ith localization of socialwork and cros Journalof Socialwork editorialdepartment

      Jounal of SocialWork?3?

      Localization,which is posibble to be discussed themost frequent concept tin the field of socialwork in China in recent years.In fact,since the 1930s,the socialwork was introduced into China,the localization of discussion isnotstopped:whether China need localization?How to define the localization?What is the relationship between localization w ith local socialwork?Among scholars remain controversial.Some scholarsw ith the eclecticism,they think that Chinese and Western is theory of western socialwork combined w ith the actualsituation of China.Someone are bringism,they think the foreign goods can be directly used by us.There are some scholars deem thatChina have socialwork in the early time,butpeople don’t call it,they call it as civilwork,women work and poverty-reliefwork.Peoplewho hold the first view is relatively more,however relatively few people hold the second and the third views,butwhich is typical opinion.

      However,we stand in the reality of China today to discuss these issues,whether is is the eclecticism, the bringism or the populism,people are based on their own to understand socialwork.Now,the formal developmentof Chinese socialwork hasadvanced the ten years time,if you count the thirtiesof the 20th century,there have been a lot of experience.These experience can answer these questions:the theory and method of socialwork is derived from western society,is it partial or all applicable in different historical stages in China?

      If people regard the socialwork as a kind of ability thathuman repairing their social function,so it is destined to have intense social features,this is a rem inder that socialwork don’t like engineering disciplines thathave some general formula can be applied in different politicaland the objectof cultural situation.Therefore,when we introduce thewestern of socialwork and system into China,we need consider its cultural sensitivity.In otherwords,we need conversion words,acculturation contentand restting form,let the“Chinese context”digestion and acceptmore effectively.

      Butwhere is theway of localization?In recent years,scholars take outa lotofmeaningful solutions. However,the understanding of cross-culturemay be also one of these solutions.In theory,cross-cultural isrequired professional social work that can comprehend the different of cultural background of politics, economy,culture,custom and huamen’s behavior correctly,and fully inclusive,accept and adapt to this. Based on this understanding,China should depend on own theory to guide and construct the theory and method of socialwork,that is,when thewestern of professional socialwork into Chinese related theoretical framework,and translated into Chinese language.This needs to be out of the“western centralism”m ind-set,located in Chinese political system,cultural environment,absorbed the western culture in the contextof socialwork know ledge,and also needs to envisage enough thatChina hasa verymaturemechanism to help,and resultexperience.

      In December 17~18,2016,sun yat-sen university held International Conference on Transform ing SocialWork in China under the New Normal Conditions,the three scholars from different angles discusses the cross-cultural perspective to understand the naturalization of socialwork.Now,we published in the paper,may help to China's currentexploration.

      (1)Intercultural and International Social Work Connotation

      (2)Social Policy and the Indigenization of Social Work

      (3)Critical Practice: Geochemical Exploration of Undergraduate Course in Social Work in University of Sydney

      (4)Thought Foundation of Legislation of Professional Children, Adolescent and Family Services

      ZHANG Wei?12?

      Based on the professional children,adolescentand fam ily services in the field of socialwork,taking China and Germany as observation angle of view,this paper analyze and reflecton social pedagogy as the thought foundation of legislation of professional children,adolescentand fam ily services.Social pedagogy as the third independent field of education outside the fam ily education and school education,is an importantprofessional field to dealw ith the“education”“delelopment”and“”“problem of children and adolescent,and to supportand assist their core grow th environment(fam ily).The legislation of professionalchildren,adolescentand fam ily servicesneed firstly to establish socialpedagogy thoughtsystem.

      (5)SocialWork Practice of Spatial Implication and Its Inspiration:Analysis Based on Practical Experience in England land,America and Taiwan in China hina

      WANG Hai-yang?19?

      Socialwork has paid more attention to factors relative to clients’community history,politics,culture and so on,while they have concerned less on physical spaces.This hasmade social work practice overlook mutual effects between traits of community residents’social humanity relationship and physical environmental spaces,and these effectsw ill positively or negatively influence effectiveness of professional service.In fact,in 19th Century,Booth applied the concept of geographic information to socialwork and formed tradition of socialwork“mapping”,while onlym inority of socialworkers in England,America and Taiwan have applied spatial implication to socialwork via GIS software.Inmainland China,social work practice lacksmore spatial implication,so tradition and experience of spatial implication in social work practiceneed to be retrieved,providing experience forsocialwork development inmainland China.

      (6)Assessment of Elder Community Service Deliver Public-Private partnerships in Taiwan area

      Wang Guang-Xu?26?

      In an age of fiscal constraintsand citizens’grow ing demands,contracting-outand public-private partnership(PPP)havebeen seen asone of thebeststrategies to copew ith the challenges.Hence,the collaborativemechanism such aswelfarem ix in service delivery recently has become a popular theme in public administration and social policy and effective partnership is important for service provision.However,most scholars stand upon the viewpointof“government-centred”to discuss how to reduce the costbymonitoring the firm or voluntary and community sector(VCS),entirely neglect the possibility that government is troublemaker for partnership failure.This paperattempts to answer thathow transaction costposed by governmentm ight lead to the service failure by investigating the community care station in Tainan city.In regard tomethodology,23 community care stations sampled to representall stations in Tainan area and both questionnaire and in-deep interview are applied to collection data.The finding indicates thatone-way communication between the governmentand station,government staff turnover,and the annual assessment for stations aremain factors to impact on the effectiveness of the community care station.Thus,in order to reach the goal of effective PPP in service delivery,it can be argued that the transaction cost posed by the governmentand by the firm should pay equalattention to evaluateandmanagewell.

      (7)When Social Work Becomes Government Funded Program:The Case of local service centers for foreign spouses or families with immigrant members in Taiwan area

      Hsiao Chun Liu?36?

      With the globalization of transnational population m igration,marriage m igration has gradually become a new field of socialwork in Taiwan area.This paper is based on the author’s personalexperiences of participating in the establishmentprocessof the foreign spouse fam ily service system,providing supervision services in Taiwan area since 2008,aswellas the data gotten by a comm issioned studies carried outin 2010.This paperw ill first review the Fam ily Services Regime for imm igrant fam ilies in Taiwan area.Follow ing w illexplore the servicesmodelsand experiencesof socialworkers in Fam ily Service Center for imm igrant fam ilies.Finally w illusing the aboutexperience asa case to discussand reflecton the socialworker’s roles in thegovernment founded program in general.

      (8)Professional Identity and Industry Awareness eness:A Qualitative Study on Effectiveness of SocialWork lWork Students ents’Placement in Mainland China hina

      YU Bing XIONG Ruo-shan?48?

      The fieldwork placement is recognized as one of the crucial parts of practice-based socialwork education.The effectiveness of socialwork field placement is influenced bymultiple factors of both inside and outside university.Nowadays in mainland China when external environment of social work was experienced tremendous changes,this study is aimed to explore the aspects of effectiveness of socialwork field placement esp.from students’view.Based on the qualitative analysis on the 30 reflective placement reports,this study demonstrated that themajor achievements of fieldwork placementbrought to students are professional grow th,industry awareness,personality development and placement perception.Most of theobtainmentwere positive,while only the awareness towards industry developmentwas quite negative.The splitbetween students’professional identity and industry awarenesswas also found in the study.The article believed that itwas this kind of separation and negative industry awareness that led to socialwork students’low w illingness to choose socialwork as their devoting career,which rem inded us thatwe should adoptmore strength perspective to promote coordination and advocacy in arena of socialwork education, socialwork research and socialwork practice.

      (9)The Mental Health of Foreign Labors: Constraint of Urban Institution, Social Support and Meaning of Migration

      LUWen-rong Lu Han-long DUAN Yao?57?

      Based on the analysis of the data collecting from the survey“management and service to the foreign labors in seven cities of china”,we find that job stability,labor rights,housing pressure,social stress,discrimination pressure,Child enrollment pressure have significant influence on themental health of the foreign labors.Primary socialnetwork effects thementalhealth of the foreign laborspositively.Thosewho believe that them igration has improved their life are in goodmental health.Finally we advocatemore active socialpolicy and system reform to response to thementalhealth problemsofm igrantworkers.

      (10)Supportive Social Organization: it is a Social Demand and Supply of Secondary Division Platform:Research on "Ningbo Public Service Promotion Center"

      MA Hong-bo?72?

      The developmentof the society has put forward the diversified and individualized demand for the public service supplymode,therefore,the traditional public servicemode of production and supply is difficult to cover.Taking"Ningbo public service promotion center"and its related market projects as the research objects in thispaper to discuss the position and function of supporting socialorganization;analyze theoperation process andmechanism of the service chain of public welfaremarket;Study the balance between the managementand service function of other socialorganizations;explore theway of supporting socialorganizations to achieve their functions through theirown capacity building.The study found that the second division of public service production based on the supportive socialorganization w illbe an effectiveway to realize the redistribution of public service demand and supply.

      (11)Comparison and Enlightenment of Academic Doctor and professional Doctor Training mode in Social Work

      DuanWen-jie Bu He MuWen-long?82?

      China's socialwork education has gained advanced development,covering the professional training, the undergraduate and graduate education,butnot yet setup a separate socialwork professional doctorate. The history of socialwork doctoral education in the United States has a relatively long history,which canprovide awealth of experiences and references for China.This article introduces themodel of socialwork doctoraleducation in the united states,and puts forward the four-in-one strategy of developing doctoraleducation in socialwork in China,that is to concretize the goalof doctoraleducation,to coordinate the development of occupation and profession in course setting,to professionalize the quality control,and to serialize the system.

      (12)The Reflection on Three- two Sub Section Model for Higher Vocational College Social Work Education in the Perspective of Holistic Education

      Lin M iao?90?

      Based on themacro background of social work professionals’development,socialwork education in higher vocational colleges develop very quick after Undergraduate course.But its education cultivatemore skills-oriented talents and ignore the education characteristics of socialwork.Based on a survey of Polytechnic A in Guangdong province,we can draw the follow ing conclusions:the rupture of higher vocational educationw ith secondary vocationaleducation,students’lack of professional recognition and the individual personality developments.Therefore,building a"Body-M ind-Spirit"model for socialwork education in higher vocational colleges,prompting higher vocational colleges students to develop social work skills, sound personality,to enhance professional identity,social responsibility,human emotion,value ethics.

      (13)System construction and The Professional Reflection: The Overview on the Annual Meeting of CASWE in 2016

      WANG Meng-yi FAN Hui PENG Hua-m in?99?

      At themomentwhen the Chinese characteristics philosophical social science promotes the construction and innovation of the discipline system,academ ic system and discourse system,CASWE 2016 annual meeting in Nanjing devoted to build a comprehensive and all-essential socialwork system.The participants discussed some subjects,which are the construction and innovation of the discipline system and academ ic system of socialwork in China,the experience of the developmenton the Chinese characteristics socialwork,the experience and reflection of the socialwork education in China,the status of socialwork in the construction of socialgovernance,the social policy and the research on the developmentof socialwelfare system.Themeeting describes the blueprintabout the developmentof China’s socialwork in the new period.

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