



      A Study on the Needs and the Way of the International Talents Training for Shaanxi Under “the Belt and Road”

      2017-05-20 01:41MAXiao-li
      科技視界 2017年3期


      【Abstract】This article, emphatically analyzes the needs and the way of internationall talents training for Shaanxi under “the Belt and Road”. And its hoped that the results can be helpful for providing Shaanxi with solid talents support under the opportunity of “the Belt and Road”.

      【Key words】The Belt and Road; International talents training; Needs; Way; Shaanxi province

      0 Introduction

      On September 7, 2013, Chinese president Xi Jinping delivered a significant speech in Kazakhstan, putting forward “Silk Road Economic Belt”, which will effectively promote the economic development of the Northwest region. And as the key province of the Northwest region, the level of the economic development of Shaanxi influences not only its own future development but also the economic increase of the surrounding provinces. Hence, facing this historic opportunity, Shaanxi should make full use of its own advantage of being the new start of “Silk Road Economic Belt” to well implement “the Belt and Road” and actively speed up into the big pattern of it. Thereby, the international talents who can provide language protection and service for Shaanxis economic development are urgently needed. The cultivation of the international talents will face the unprecedented opportunity and challenge, and to train the international talents has both its great strategic importance and far-reaching historic meaning for Shaanxi province under the background of “the Belt and Road”.

      1 Needs Analysis of the Cultivation of International Talents for Shaanxi Under “the Belt and Road”

      “The Belt and Road” consists of 64 countries in total, including 43 in Asia, 16 in Central and Eastern Europe, 4 in CIS, and 1 in Africa. Hence, the official languages involved here may reach more than forty. Thats why language communication becomes the primary problem which must be solved for these countries. Admittedly, languages used by the countries along this road are various but English, as the most commonly used language in the current world and meanwhile the first language for foreign language education in Chinas higher education, undoubtedly plays a significant communication media role in interconnection between countries. Therefore, under the conception of “the Belt and Road”, how to cultivate the international talents capable of mastering English to help people communicate has already become an inevitable new mission.

      Besides, numerous researches pointed out that at present, under the opportunity of “the Belt and Road”, what Shaanxi most lacks of is just the international talents who can use English to communicate. As the saying goes, communication is a prerequisite for development. So under the chance of “the Belt and Road”, it must be a wise choice to better cultivate talents mastering English so as to greet the multiple challenges from various languages.

      In view of this, colleges in Shaanxi should pay high attention to the needs of the international talents training, and timely reflect and reform its own talents training mode. Furthermore, they should also, according to the societys requirement features of international talents, thoroughly reform the present college English teaching mode, shifting it from a single subject mode to interdiscipline mode. Only in this way, can colleges in Shaanxi radically solve the contradiction of talents training detached from the society to make students English abilities meet the demand of both the society and employers. All in all, Shaanxi must conform to the international tendency under “the Belt and Road”, devoting itself to deepening the reform of talents training to further cultivate high-quality international talents.

      2 Effective Way of International Talents Training for Shaanxi Under “the Belt and Road”

      As was stated above, under “the Belt and Road”, the present and future development of Shaanxi needs international talents, whose training is facing a new test and challenge. Hence, colleges in Shaanxi should actively integrate their talents training into international education strategies to establish international cooperation rules of talents training. They should, on the basis of the present faculties, further increase the introduction strength of high level teachers with overseas education background. Besides, they should also strengthen the deep cooperation with overseas colleges to make a comprehensive program of the approach of international talents training under “the Belt and Road”.

      Furthermore, colleges in Shaanxi should commit themselves to the exploration of the effective way to train international talents. To be specific, teachers should adopt all kinds of in-class and out-of-class teaching activities to stimulate students intrinsic interest in learning English so as to lay a solid knowledge foundation for students to better use English. Whats more, they should use multimedia teaching method to optimize their teaching process and create, from different perspectives, all kinds of communicative situation to let students experience and join the English learning context at the greatest extent. Moreover, they should adopt the diversified assessment methods, say, the combination of the formative evaluation and the results evaluation, to respect students learning outcome. In a word, the approach of international talents training must highlight the extensiveness of the knowledge, the initiative of students, the integrity of teaching methods, the connectivity of learning methods, as well as the interactivity between knowledge and society. Only in this way, can Shaanxi find the effective way to cultivate international talents satisfying the needs of “the Belt and Road”.






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