Reporter Li Xiaochuan
The localization development of built-in material of Chinese cruise
Reporter Li Xiaochuan
In recent years, China cruise market is continuously hot, many domestic shipyards are preparing to pick this pearl of the sea.
From the perspective of the cruise industry chain, the higher value link is the upstream cruise design and manufacture, and the midstream cruise operation. Chen Hong, the chief designer of Shanghai WaiGaoQiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd Designing and Research Institute said: “the value of built-in can account for more than 50% of the whole ship, the construction can account for 70% of the total cost.”
Jiang Dong, the chairman of An Meishi (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. put forward several key points for improving the built-in matching ability of China cruise: firstly, the coordination of the concept design (shipowner’s requirements), detailed design (shipyard’s requirements) and production design (construction method); secondly, the coordination of procurement, logistics and construction; thirdly, reducing the vicious competition, strengthening complementarity (learn from other’s strong points and close the gap), promoting the healthy development of cruise industry, for example, CCS should consider how to make the overseas enterprises and materials to settle down in China, and how to improve the soft power of the Chinese enterprises, to make the material ability meet the requirements of high standard built-in materials and their matching construction, maintenance, modification and other after-sales service level of the cruise, especially the public area; fourthly, strengthening the cultivation of the professional built-in construction team.
Chen Hao, the section chief of the department of operation of Nantong Ocean Ship Equipment Co., Ltd. said: “going out and introducing the foreign advanced management experience of EPC, cultivating and building our own built-in professional team for cruise; setting up the common development platform for domestic cruise; building the incubation platform of the whole industrychain development for domestic cruise built-in with classification society, scientific research institutes, big shipyards, suppliers and etc., to achieve early the goals of providing professional service of built-in EPC for luxury cruise.”
On October 11, 2016, CCS off i cially published the Rules for Cruise ships (both in English and Chinese), which has come into force on January 1, 2017, at the same time, CCS Survey Guidelines for Air Conditioning System of the Cruise was published as well. Chen Shi, the director of CCS Shanghai Rules and Research Institute said:“at present, CCS can provide the following services for domestic cruise built-in equipment manufacturers:“using the far east fi re prevention test center of CCS to help the customers to carry out the development of the cruise built-in products; for the ships which have the requirements of fire prevention and alternative design of lifesaving, providing alternative design technology and approval support services; for the design plan which need advanced evacuation analysis, providing the calculation and evacuation analysis based on fire dynamics; providing vibration noise assessment; and providing other technical services and trainings based on the requirements of the Rules for Cruise Ships.”
The localization development of the cruise is not only a new area for the layout of related industry, but also a deep integration of the industry, which needs the joint efforts of the industry.