




      2017-06-22 13:39:46張博雅
      風景園林 2017年3期


      More Than Playgrounds: Interview with Elger Blitz, Carve Landscape Architecture

      Carve Landscape Architecture(荷蘭卡韋事務所,以下簡稱“Carve”)成立于1997年,近二十年來,Carve一直專注于以兒童、青年為中心的公共空間設計,致力于提供具有無限游戲可能的空間及裝置設計。Carve 的作品主要集中在荷蘭及歐洲大陸,這些作品曾經(jīng)被世界各地的媒體報道。Carve 認為,設計游戲絕不僅限于設計“游樂場”,而是一種激活城市的手段。本刊記者對Carve創(chuàng)始人埃爾赫·比利茨(Elger Blitz)先生進行了專訪,詳細探討了他們的工作方法。采訪/整理:張博雅,荷蘭代爾夫特理工大學風景園林碩士

      Carve, founded in 1997, has been working on playing space for 20 years. According to their design philosophy, designing play is not only making playgrounds. Moreover, it’s a way to activate urban space. Our journalist interviewed the co-founder of Carve, Mr. Blitz, on the way they work for playgrounds. Interview and Summarize: Boya Zhang, MSc Landscape Architecture, TU Delft

      1 礦山游樂場投標設計The bid design

      LAJ: Landscape Architecture JournalElger: Elger Blitz

      2 礦山游樂場施工過程The construction process

      3 Carve的第一個項目,位于荷蘭Hoofddrop的滑板公園The first project of Carve, the Hoofddrop skate park, Netherlands












      4 Carve 作品:Bischopsplein,荷蘭烏特勒支Carve,s project , Bischopsplein, Utrecht, Netherlands






      另一個例子是我們在范伯寧廣場 (Van Beuningenplein)中使用的藍色。緊鄰廣場的房子是19世紀著名建筑師卡雷爾·巴澤 (K.P.C Bazel)為數(shù)不多的社會福利住房設計,同時,巴澤也以其藍色壓制玻璃器皿而聞名??偟膩碚f,顏色的選擇很隨機,根據(jù)項目具體情況來,沒有一定之規(guī)(圖11、12)。

      LAJ:的確如此。Aldo van Eyck 的游樂場就幾乎沒有顏色(圖13)。(Aldo van Eyck,阿爾多·范·艾克,荷蘭戰(zhàn)后重建時期建筑大師,在戰(zhàn)后百廢待興的阿姆斯特丹設計了一系列低成本的以游樂設施為中心的公共空間)


      5 Carve 作品:Bischopsplein,荷蘭烏特勒支Carve,s project , Bischopsplein,Utrecht, Netherlands

      6 Carve 作品:Bischopsplein,荷蘭烏特勒支Carve,s project , Bischopsplein,Utrecht, Netherlands

      戰(zhàn)后,凡·伊斯特恩(Van Eesteren)起草的阿姆斯特丹規(guī)劃明顯缺乏對于人尺度的關注,更不要說兒童尺度了。阿爾多和雅各布·穆德 ( Jacoba Mulder)“軟化”了這份規(guī)劃。他們設計了 L 型的街區(qū),創(chuàng)造了圍合的庭院空間。這些空間對公眾開放,并禁止車輛通行。阿爾多在這些空間里安置了簡單的游戲裝置,它們首先吸引了孩子們,家長隨后而至。這是精心的設計促進社會聯(lián)系的策略。

      7 Carve 作品:Potgieter 街,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹Carve's project , Potgieter,Amsterdam, Netherlands

      8 Carve 作品:Potgieter 街,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹Carve's project , Potgieter,Amsterdam, Netherlands















      LAJ: Could you please show me a recent project from Carve?

      Elger: One of our more recent projects is Be-Mine, a former coalmine in Belgium. Part of the project was the playful access of the slag hill that is almost 65 meters high.

      Our proposal is based on using the true section and surface of this hillock as the actual playing surface.The design was influenced both by the hardship and the comradeship that the former mineworkers encountered. You can climb up in numerous ways either solely or with the help of your friends (Fig. 1,2).

      This project was a collaboration with Omgeving a local landscape firm and Krinkels a Belgian contractor. Due to the height of over 60 meters there where of course many concerns and discussion about children's safety. Luckily all our projects are and have to be certified by independent safety institutes that proved that the total installation including the super long slide where within all safety standards.

      LAJ: How did you started Carve 20 years ago?

      Elger: Coincidentally I should say, I studied architecture, and had been involved in skateboarding since the beginning of the eighties when I was still in secondary school.

      Due to the lack of any skate parks in the public realm at that time we started designing and building our own skate parks. Beginning of the nineties I successfully assisted a playground company developing skate facilities, that lead into a job offer to design their play equipment and street furniture as well (Fig. 3).

      During my employment I started being more interested in what "play" could mean from a perspective of urbanity then being interested in play equipment as a standalone feature. To bring my ideas into practice I had to start my own design agency.

      LAJ: At what were you unsatisfied at that time?

      Elger: Mid nineties of the last century playgrounds where more or less a loosely scattered amount of equipment selected from a brochure. I was not satisfied with several aspects, for instance you would never find the same quality and magic as you did find on that mogul field that used to be behind your house when you were young, but I was also disappointed with the quality of the design of the equipment itself. Why not have specially designed site specific playgrounds and equipment in the same way that you would hire an architect that designs a building? I was fascinated by the idea to bring that architectural quality to the playgrounds that we were working on.

      9 Carve 作品:Bijlmer 公園,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹Carve,s project , Bijlmer,Amsterdam, Netherlands

      10 Carve 作品:Bijlmer 公園,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹Carve,s project , Bijlmer,Amsterdam, Netherlands

      LAJ: What do you mean by 'architectural quality'?

      Elger: With architectural quality I mean the enhanced quality that comes with good design, or good architecture in general. Nothing worse then a standard "condo" from the building contractors catalogue, seen from the perspective of the architect, why couldn't this be the same for playgrounds they could be designed both around specific needs, reflecting or fitting site specifics and could be bespoke, instead of just being selected from a brochure giving you the choice between a red steel or blue steel swing. I find it rather peculiar that a playground these days either in Amsterdam, Beijing or New York would look practically the same, coming from a certain "Scandinavian"supplier. If it wasn't for the surroundings you wouldn't even know where the playground was situated. And consider it from a child's perspective as well: "let's meet at the playground with the plastic slide" that could be anywhere or would you rather say let's meet at the "blue hill square"? Its all about sense of place(Fig.4~6).

      LAJ: All your works are unique. Does it mean that they are expensive?

      11 Carve作品:Van beuningenplein,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹Carve's project , Van beuningenplein,Amsterdam, Netherlands

      Elger: It is not for me to judge if all our designs are unique, at least we try to. Regarding budgets you would be surprised to learn that a specially designed playground is usually not more expensive then a "from the shelf" equipped playground. Production, wholesale, agents etc. they all want their share. You could compare this to any consumer product that due to the supply chain has marked up 3 to 4 times; a pair of Brand sneakers, would be sold for 100 dollars but the fabrication is only 25! With todays modern fabrication techniques, like 3d printing and cutting, is has also become more easy and economically more affordable to make one time only large scale "strange" objects. We use these techniques quite often. The only thing I can think of as a disadvantage in the way we work is the fact that the design process takes time, compared to ordering brochure equipment. But for sure the outcome ofour projects would easily pay up for that.

      LAJ: Most of your works are colorful. What ideas are behind colors?

      Elger:Colors are not by far that important to me as other aspects of our designs, very often colorful playgrounds are only waving to adults "look this is a playground". We have even made complete black playgrounds(Fig. 7,8). They are as attractive to children as the colorful, most interestingly the children started using the black safety surfacing as a chalkboard, something that we could never had thought of, and a fine illustration of the interpretation that children have their own dedicated play area's.

      Of course we have also made extreme colored playgrounds, for instance in "Bijlmerpark" color was the leading motif here after we had attended several participative meetings. Bright colors where the binding factor in this neighborhood where a major part of the population is from different ethnic backgrounds(Fig. 9,10).

      Another example is the blue we used for the Van Beuningenplein, the adjacent buildings are one of the very few social housing that were designed by K.P.C the Bazel, a famous 19th century architect that was also known for its pressed glass blue tableware. That's exactly how arbitrary color choices are(Fig. 11,12).

      LAJ: It's ture. Aldo van Eyck's playgrounds are colorless (Fig. 13).

      Elger: That is absolutely true, and that also demonstrates why the relevance of play is not in the color.

      12 Carve作品:Van beuningenplein,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹Carve's project , Van beuningenplein,Amsterdam, Netherlands

      13 Aldo van Eyck在阿姆斯特丹的游樂場項目之一One of Aldo van Eyck's playgrounds in Amsterdam, Netherlands

      In general people speak about Aldo's 700 and over playgrounds, but the importance of Aldo's playgrounds, for me, is what he has contributedwith them to society.

      The modernist layout of Amsterdam as designed by Van Eesteren before the Second World War was imaginably not going to be a place that was relating to the human scale let alone "children's" scale.

      Aldo van Eyck (and Jacoba Mulder) "softened" Van Eesteren's urban planning by introducing L-shaped building blocks thus creating some sort of public inner courts open for everyone and free of cars. He situated simple play equipment in these places that attracted children at first, parents followed. A well thought strategy for stimulating social connections.

      Aldo represents for me the idea that the importance is all about the contribution and added value you can bring to a certain place and where the playground can be the start of something more.

      LAJ: How do you balance the security and the joy of exploration in your design?

      Elger: (Laughs) Everybody is always asking about safety on playgrounds. Firstly todays playgrounds are already extremely safe places, build to the latest standards, no traffic and lushly covered with a impact attenuating floor. Walking on the adjacent sidewalk is much more dangerous then the playground. But having said so a safe playground doesn't mean that you can't get injured at all.

      14 Carve 作品:游戲島,阿姆斯特丹森林公園Carve's project , play island,Amsterdam, Netherlands

      15 Carve 作品:游戲島,阿姆斯特丹森林公園Carve's project , play island,Amsterdam, Netherlands

      Playgrounds are safe environments where children learn to cope with risks, learn how to avoid and/or handle potential risks hence being educated to "prepare" themselves for similar dangers they could encounter in future life. This is done by jumping, scaling, running, estimating, cooperating and so on, they are training their motor and cognitive skills. As our ancestors did in forests ormountainsides. In todays life children need to learn this through playing on a playground. They have to practice and learn this by being challenged to take calculable risks. Statistics have showed that today's children are not capable as well as children from other generations to calculate and deal with these risks anymore by being over protected, hence not being able to judge risks as well by the time they are adults.

      To conclude playing comes with a acceptable hazard and is not injury free. A good playground is build in a way that both stimulates taking risks but limits these risks to an acceptable level for children in relation to their motor and cognitive skills.

      All of our projects always meet the European or any other standard that is prevailing locally around the world. One shouldn't forget though that playgrounds cannot eliminate risks deliberately taken (like jumping from a 10 meter high cliff). Safety is not in the standard itself, I can easily think of designs that would perfectly match the safety standard but aren't safe at all, safety is also about common sense. Last but not least there is also safety that is not written in standards. Let me give you a very "Dutch" example, most open water in the Netherlands is not fenced off, something unthinkable in many countries; but all Dutch children learn to swim starting as young as three years old.

      LAJ: Do you thin technologies, such as virutal reality, have impact on outdoor playing?

      16 Wall-holla(新加坡)為Carve在2006年設計的垂直游戲裝置,獲當年荷蘭設計獎。該作品受到了世界各地的廣泛歡迎。Carve vertical game device designed by Wall -holla(Singapore)in 2006, which won the Dutch design awards that year. The work was popular all over the world.

      Elger: Virtual reality and digital gaming are things that worry parents, being afraid that their offspring stays inside. But it's the same parents that keep the children inside being too busy with working etc. and not having the time to accompanytheir children.

      Children are seldom bored and are always open to be astounded and amazed by the simplest of things. I remember staying with my kids in a forest lodge, no wifi available. And yes they complained pretended to be bored, but rapidly interchange this, ones collecting sprigs stones, building huts, jumping puddles etc outdoors. I have a strong believe that both VR, digital gaming and outdoor or physically intense playing are complete different things, both having existence next to each other(Fig.14,15).

      LAJ: Is there any change in this field during the past 20 years?

      Elger: I think you are comparing to the fact that Carve exists 20 years. Compared to then we are taken much more seriously. When we had just started we could hardly survive by only designing play-environments. Around 2006 one of our play installations, "The wallholla" became a big success overnight. It was both a breakthrough for us as for the design of play equipment(Fig.16,17).

      Around the same that there was also a change in thinking about "play". It started to be seen as a value in life and a parameter in everything, suddenly everything was called a playground or reflected upon as ''playgroundlike''. We were happy to have started our agency ten years before, and where appreciated to have a certain kind of expertise in that particular field.

      Playing in general.......hasn't changed, nor is it substantially different between children of different cultures, and that is exactly what it makes it so interesting and intriguing.

      17 Wall-holla(德國)為Carve在2006年設計的垂直游戲裝置,獲當年荷蘭設計獎。該作品受到了世界各地的廣泛歡迎。Carve vertical game device designed by Wall -holla(Germany)in 2006, which won the Dutch designawards that year. The work was popular all over the world.

      18 Carve的設計師在他們設計的游樂場The designers of Carve were playing in the playground designed by themselves

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