



      The Mysterious Miss Austen謎一樣的奧斯汀

      2017-06-28 20:22:21ByMeredithHindley
      新東方英語 2017年7期



      For the past two centuries, historians and literary scholars have attempted to solve the mystery that is Jane Austens life. How did a woman from a small village in Hampshire come to write six of the most beloved novels in the English language? Their search for answers has been complicated by the fact that Austen lived a quiet life.

      Scholars have used Austens letters, along with family diaries, correspondence by friends and family, and county records to reconstruct much of Austens life. When everything is assembled, it reveals a woman at the mercy of1) her familys finances for her very existence, yet nurtured and supported by her relatives when they recognized an uncommon talent in their midst.

      The Surety of Steventon

      Austen was born on December 16, 1775, which was a month later than her parents, George and Cassandra, reckoned she should arrive. With six other children—James, George, Edward, Henry, Cassandra, and Francis—the Austens might have been more adept at counting the weeks. They were happy for the arrival of another daughter. Another brother, Charles, followed four years later, marking an end to the familys expansion. The Austens were continually strapped2) for money, even though the parsonage3) at Steventon, a small village in Hampshire, provided a living. Three years before Janes birth, the Austens opened a school for boys as a way to earn extra income. From an early age, Austens world was full of boyish antics4), bawdy5) humor, and outdoor exploration.

      Leaving that rough-and-tumble6) world behind, seven-year-old Jane was sent, along with her sister Cassandra, to a girls school in Oxford. The Austen girls stayed only a year, returning home after both became ill from typhoid7). Jane and Cassandra passed a year at Steventon before being enrolled in Mrs. La Tournelles Ladies Boarding School in Reading, where they again stayed only a year.

      Austens departure from Mrs. La Tournelles School put an end to her formal education at age ten. However, Austen was far from “unlearned”—indeed, it would have been difficult for her to escape getting an education. George Austen kept a sizable library—one bookcase reportedly covered sixty-four square feet of wall—which his children were encouraged to explore. There were ongoing science experiments and constant engagement with the natural world. Dinner table conversations, which included Georges pupils, ran on philosophy, literature, and science, along with dashes8) of racing, horses, and neighborhood gossip.

      When young Jane showed a spark of talent for writing, her father encouraged his budding author, buying her journals and writing paper, both expensive commodities. Austen wasnt afraid to experiment, trying her hand at playwriting, as well as a novel with a morally suspect9) heroine. When she was nineteen, Austen began working on “Elinor and Marianne,” the precursor10) to Sense and Sensibility, which chronicles how the Dashwood11) sisters reconciled their hearts to the brutal realities of the marriage market for women without means12). Austen understood their predicament well, as neither she nor Cassandra had a dowry13), because of their fathers ongoing financial problems.

      Austen received a lesson in the cruel incompatibility of love and money when she fell hard for Tom Lefroy, a twenty-year-old Irishman. She met the “very gentlemanlike, good-looking, pleasant young man” during the Christmas season of 1795~1796. Lefroy fell for Austen as well, but the match was impossible. As the oldest son of a retired soldier of limited means, he was expected to make a good marriage in order to provide for his five sisters.

      Austen began “First Impressions,” which would become Pride and Prejudice, in the fall of 1796, working on it for the next year. She had already begun exploring the implications of a woman professing14) her feelings—or keeping them closely guarded—in “Elinor and Marianne.” That theme again appeared in “First Impressions.”

      Betwixt and Between15)

      Between 1795 and 1799, Austen wrote early versions of Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Northanger Abbey. Its an extraordinary period of productivity, particularly given that she was still in her early twenties. That makes the dearth16) of writing over the next decade a bit of a puzzle. The letters that survive dont hint at writers block or a lack of interest in writing. Instead, they reveal a life in a constant state of upheaval17).

      In December 1802, Austen received an unexpected marriage proposal. Her friends Alethea and Catherine Bigg decided to play matchmaker between Austen and their baby brother, Harris. The tall, strapping Harris was five years younger than Austen and had just completed his studies at Oxford. As the heir to a sizable estate, he could provide a comfortable life for a wife. Harris was a sweet boy but socially awkward. Austen agreed to the match, flattered by his regard and the security the marriage could provide for herself and her family, but after sleeping on18) it for a night, she reconsidered. “She esteemed him, she was honoured by his proposal, but on thinking it over she realized that esteem and respect were not enough, and that she would not be behaving fairly or rightly towards him if she accepted the offer of his hand,” writes biographer Claire Tomalin19).

      In the wake of20) the marriage proposal, Austen briefly returned to writing, revising the manuscript for Northanger Abbey. In early 1803, Henry arranged for the novel to be offered to Crosby and Co., a London publisher, which paid ?10 for it. An advertisement soon followed, trumpeting21) that it was on press, but the novel never appeared.

      Austen must have been disappointed, but she soldiered on22), beginning work on “The Watsons,” the story of a group of unmarried sisters who are anxious to make matches before their clergyman father dies. This time, fiction would mimic life, when George Austen died in January 1805. Austen set aside “The Watsons” not long after. Her nephew, James Austen-Leigh, suggests in A Memoir of Jane Austen that plot problems, namely setting the family too far down the social scale, caused her to abandon the story. But Tomalin notes that Austen planned to kill off Mr. Watson, so it is easy to see what an emotional challenge it would have been for her to keep working on the novel given the parallels to her own life.

      “The loss of such a Parent must be felt, or we should be Brutes23),” wrote Austen. George Austens death was both an emotional and financial blow to his wife and daughters. While Mother Austen and Cassandra both had small savings, Jane was penniless and entirely dependent on her family. It fell to her brothers to supplement24) their living and help settle them someplace comfortable. “Seven years I suppose are enough to change every pore of ones skin, & every feeling of ones mind,” Austen wrote Cassandra, reflecting back on the events that had led her to such a perilous25) position. The Austen women bounced between family and friends before settling in Southampton.

      A Cottage of Ones Own

      In July 1809, the Austen women left Southampton to take up residence in Chawton, a small village about fifty miles from London. At Chawton, Austens sole chore was to make nine oclock breakfast, which consisted of tea and toast, leaving her free to write the rest of the day. The cottage seems to have provided Austen with the conditions she needed to thrive as a writer once again, and she immediately began revising Sense and Sensibility.

      In late 1810, Thomas Egerton of the Military Library agreed to publish Sense and Sensibility. Egerton agreed to take the three-volume novel on commission, which meant that Austen bore the financial risk. She paid for printing, advertising, and distribution, but kept the copyright. Of course, “she paid” meant Henry did because Austen had no money of her own. By the fall in 1811, the novel was fully typeset and a notice appeared in The Morning Chronicle on October 31, 1811, announcing “A New Novel by a Lady.” Austen would eventually make a profit of ?140, no small sum for a woman who had never had her own money.

      When Sense and Sensibility proved a success—with both favorable reviews and chatter among the ton—Egerton was eager to publish another novel. Austen hadnt been idle, having turned her attention to revising “First Impressions.” When Pride and Prejudice was published in January 1813—three volumes for 18 shillings—Egerton advertised it as the work of the author of Sense and Sensibility. Austen chose to remain anonymous again.

      The reviews were also favorable. Critical Review praised Elizabeth, noting that her “sense and conduct are of a superior order to those of the common heroines of novels. From her independence of character, which is kept within the proper line of decorum26), and her well-timed sprightliness27), she teaches the man of Family-Pride to know himself better.”

      More books followed: Mansfield Park (1814) and Emma (1815). As Austen worked on the manuscript that would become Persuasion, her health started to decline and she struggled to keep her energy up. The nature of Austens illness remains a mystery and scholars have speculated28) that she suffered from everything from Addisons disease29) to tuberculosis30) to Hodgkins lymphoma31) to a recurrent form of typhus32). Whatever wracked her body, by the spring of 1817, Austen was bedridden, and on July 18, 1817, she passed away. Six months after her death, in December 1817, two more novels were published: Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.

      While Austen was fashionable during her lifetime, she has become beloved in the two centuries since. Pride and Prejudice, in particular, holds a special place in modern readers hearts. In a poll done by BBC in 2003 to determine the UKs best-loved novel, Pride and Prejudice came in second behind J. R. R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings. While marriage might be the central force of Pride and Prejudice, the novel has endured because of the other universals Austen captured: money woes33), troublesome sisters, unwanted suitors34), embarrassing mothers, meddlesome35) neighbors, snap36) judgments, the trauma of public humiliation, the agony of not knowing if your love is returned, and the desire for a happy-ever-after ending.

      “Miss Austen had a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to me the most wonderful I ever met with. The Big Bow-wow strain37) I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch, which renders ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting, from the truth of the description and the sentiment, is denied to me. What a pity such a gifted creature died so early.” wrote Sir Walter Scott38) in March 1826.








      當奧斯汀對20歲的愛爾蘭人湯姆·勒夫羅傾心不已時,她領教了愛情與金錢之間不匹配的殘酷教訓。在1795~1796年的圣誕節(jié)期間,她遇到了“非常紳士、帥氣、令人愉快的年輕人”。 勒夫羅也對奧斯汀頗為心動,但是兩人之間注定不會有結果。作為收入有限的退伍兵的長子,他被家人指望娶個有錢人家的姑娘,以便為他的五個姐妹提供生活保障。











      《理智與情感》大獲成功:書評給出的評價不錯,在上流社會間的口碑也不錯。埃杰頓因此迫切希望再出版一部小說。奧斯汀也沒有閑著,忙于修改《第一印象》。1813年1月《傲慢與偏見》出版時——三卷售價18先令—— 埃杰頓用“《理智與情感》的作者新作”做了宣傳。奧斯汀再次選擇了匿名發(fā)表。



      如果說當奧斯汀在世時,她的作品算是流行讀物的話,在此后的兩百年中,她的小說已經(jīng)成為摯愛經(jīng)典?!栋谅c偏見》在現(xiàn)代讀者心目中的地位尤其特殊。在英國廣播公司于2003年進行的一項關于英國最受歡迎小說的民意調查中,《傲慢與偏見》位居第二,僅次于J. R. R. 托爾金的《指環(huán)王》。雖然婚姻可能是《傲慢與偏見》受歡迎的主要原因,但小說之所以經(jīng)久不衰,是因為奧斯汀還捕捉了其他的普遍現(xiàn)象:金錢帶來的困擾,麻煩的姐妹,不中意的追求者,令人尷尬的母親,愛管閑事的鄰居,匆忙得出的結論,受到公開羞辱的創(chuàng)傷,不知道你愛的人是否也愛你的痛苦,以及對從此以后過上幸福生活這一歡喜大結局的渴望。


      18. sleep on:把(問題等)留到第二天再作


      19. Claire Tomalin:克萊爾·托馬林(1933~),英國作家與記者,因為撰寫查爾斯·狄更斯、托馬斯·哈代、簡·奧斯汀的傳記而著名。

      20. in the wake of:緊緊跟隨……,在……之后

      21. trumpet [?tr?mp?t] vt. 大聲說出,大聲宣告

      22. soldier on:(不顧困難等)堅持下去

      23. brute [bru?t] n. 殘酷的人,粗野的人

      24. supplement [?s?pl?ment] vt. 增補,補充

      25. perilous [?per?l?s] adj. (充滿)危險的,瀕臨毀滅的

      26. decorum [d??k??r?m] n. 正派得體,端莊穩(wěn)重

      27. sprightliness [?spra?tlin?s] n. 生氣勃勃,活潑

      28. speculate [?spekj?le?t] vt. 推測,推斷

      29. Addisons disease:愛迪生氏病

      30. tuberculosis [tju??b??(r)kj??l??s?s] n. 肺結核

      31. lymphoma [l?m?f??m?] n. 淋巴瘤

      32. typhus [?ta?f?s] n. 斑疹傷寒

      33. woe [w??] n. [常作~s]困難,災難,不幸

      34. suitor [?su?t?(r)] n. 求婚者

      35. meddlesome [?med(?)ls(?)m] adj. 愛管閑事的

      36. snap [sn?p] adj. 迅速的;突然的,匆忙的

      37. strain [stre?n] n. 筆調;風格,個性特點

      38. Sir Walter Scott:沃爾特.斯各特爵士(1771~1832),蘇格蘭歷史小說家、戲劇作家和詩人

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