Abstract:The social media has deeply influenced the peoples life nowadays. The media ethic has become a serious issues for people. This essay will mainly discuss the ethic of media, especially privacy problems.
Key words:social media;ethic of media;privacy problems
中圖分類號:D923 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1671-2064(2017)10-0247-02
According to the report Journalism at the Speed of Bytes, Cokley (2013) highlighted that ethics is the most important criteria for assessing ‘excellence in journalism (Cokley ,2013,p.38). Media not only spread different kinds of information, but also change people's life, shaping the soles of people along with the altering of generation. It is an era of information explosion and the word media almost transferred into an uncountable noun. On the one hand, people like the benefits brought by the highly development of information technology. On the other hand, they are also trampled by many unethical media events which touch moral bottom line. Thus, the media power is being questioned increasingly nowadays.The media ethics has a directly effect on the nation's moral level. Therefore, understanding correctlythe ethic of news is an important task for us[1].
There are many ethics factors which are influenced by the new media . This essay will mainly focus on the privacy on the internet and in the reporting.
In the new media environment, the media (traditional media and new media) expands the boundary of the violation of privacy.
The new media invasion of privacy has some characteristics, like the tort subject of fuzziness, the diversity of infringement of privacy, the expansion of range of privacy. This makes the boundary of the infringement of privacy cannot be defined in accordance with the original regulation. New media technology makes eavesdropping phone voice email as well as stealing messages become easier.
According to the article The ethics ofprivacy, Bowles (2014, p.311) shows networking and digital information which bring great convenience to people regarding information transmission and spreading, but also expose people's whereabouts information at the same time which leaves temporary or enduring marks, thus provides convenience for others to know. Accessing information is an irresistible desire of news media, if we lack a strong constraint mechanism, self-discipline and heterodoxy, it is hard to regulate the protection of privacy only by empty preaching.
According to the article the Privacy in the age of no privacy, the Patching(2011) thinks the voyeurism in this era of entertainment is also a reason of the rapid expanding of the boundary of this violation.
The aim of the News of the World is to create sensational effect. In fact, only the pursuit of money will cause the social decay. In the News of the World 'hacked Milly Dowler phone,The News of the World once hacked Milly Dowles phone call,then deleted the voice messages of this call(Prodger, 2011). After this Milly was killed. However as her voice message had been deleted, the police was misled and thought she was still alive. According to the article Can the phone hacking scandal lead to a new covenant on media responsibilities, the author Thomas(2012) states that focusing on hacking scandal , the media need to take more responsibilities than before[2].
The News of the World is one of Britain's most famous newspapers which already has 168 years of history. However, a series of the scandal led it fall to shut down. In order to get exclusive news, creating sensational effect, The news of the world not only secretly listened to many social celebrity's telephone, even hacked some news from the families of the victims of the disaster events,regardless of the media ethics.
According to the article Can the phone hacking scandal lead to a new covenant on media responsibilities (Thomas,2012), the Thomas(2012,pp.524-526) states that focusing on hacking scandal , if the practitioners works hard in social supervision,the social responsibility and ethics can still exist ,then the News of the World would not took it in this way.
In addition,the Internet privacy is another privacy issue.In the ethics of privacy this article, Bowles (2014,p.312) used two fall down events reported by Google search (Bowles, 2014,p.312). When the Google published these videos on internet, although it used some tools to blur media, people also wanted to use law to protect their privacy right[3].
According to the Facebooks Graph Search, privacy and the social media contradiction news, there are a trail of detail could be search by tools(Leaver, 2013).Users could also release a lot of pictures and videos on the Internet. Through sharing the information fragments that published by users, the commercial companies can not only collect general information, but also can estimate the user's pecuniary condition,marriage status,and working condition. Hackers may use those information fragments to steal the user's bank card, or stock and fund account. Even people who don't know the hacker technology, can get othersprivacy information by joining together the personal informationwhich are gathered from various social networking sites[4].
Moreover, in this Facebooks Graph Search, privacy and the social media contradiction news which states social media networks is usually not run by philanthropists or the government(Leaver, 2013). Most of them are under the control profit-making companies. Facebook, Google, Linked In and most other online services have their shareholders and earn their own money at the same time. A huge social network is the most important elements for Facebook to attract advertisers. Facebook is hard to resist the profit brought by its users. As a social networks, it is difficult for Facebook to develop pre-paid charging service. Hence it can only make profits through increasing advertising revenue. As a commercial site, Facebook has more than 500 million users, thus there is a delicate balance between making advertising profit and maintaining, then increasing the population of the users.
The rapid development of the online social network produced the sheer volume of data in different forms, including text information, application software, pictures, audios and videos[5]. The huge amount of information releases on the online social network contains rich knowledge as well as commercial value. In order to make the most of these information, more and more individuals and institutions develop variety kinds of tools to dig and analyze the information released on the online social network. However, when people realize that their privacy is violated,the reputation as well as the advertisement earning of Facebook will decrease together.
In a word, the social media has deeply influenced the peoples life nowadays. New medial focus on the privacy on the internet and in the reporting. Because the time and the space is limited, there are still some limitations about the study. Those other factors will be researched in future studies.
[1]Bowles,K,2014,‘The ethicsofprivacy in Cunningham,S. And Turnbull, S.(ed.), TheMedia and Communicationsin Australia(4th edition) Allen&Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, pp.309-313.
[2]Cokley,J, ‘Future control over professional standards, Journalism at the Speed of Bytes: Australian newspapers in the 21st century, Issues 10, pp35-44.
[3]Leaver, T., 2013, ‘Facebooks Graph Search, privacy and the social media contradiction, the conversation, 17 January, viewed 3 March 2017.http://theconversation.com/facebooks-graph-search-privacy-and-the-social-media-contradiction-11647.
[4]Patching,R.,2011,‘Privacy in the age of no privacy,the conversation,20 July,viewed 13 April 2016.http://theconversation.com/privacy-in-the-age-of-no-privacy-2363.
[5]Thomas, R., 2012,Changing the conversation: Can the phone hacking scandal lead to a new covenant on media responsibilities The Political Quarterly, Vol. 83, No. 3, pp.524-531.http://theconversation.com/privacy-in-the-age-of-no-privacy-2363.
[6]Prodger, M.,2011,‘News of the World 'hacked Milly Dowler phone, the BBC NEWS,4 July, viewed 27 April 2016.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14017661.