【Abstract】A grandson from America is a Chinese film which focuses on the relationship between the two characters.From an intercultural communication approach, this paper mainly analyzes the culture shock and adaptation experienced by Brooks, a six-year-old American boy.
【Key words】culture shock; culture adaptation; A Grandson from America
1. Introduction
A Grandson from America is a Chinese film released in 2012, which presents a story of culture shock and adaptation between an elderly shadow play artist Yang from China and a six-years-old boy Brooks from America.
In this film, Brooks entered into a completely new environment.He experienced culture shock and suffered from the feeling of confusion, loss and anxiety.However, through the conflict of the Chinese and Western cultures and the tolerance and acceptance of people, Brooks eventually adapted to the new environment and forged a strong relationship with Yang.
2. Culture Shock
2.1 Definition of culture shock
In 1960, the term “culture shock ” was first introduced by an anthropologist named Kalervo Oberg, which was defined as “an occupational disease of people who have suddenly been transported abroad which is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse”(Oberg, 1960).
2.2 Culture Shock in A grandson from America
In this film, the culture shock experienced by Brooks mainly results from the differences of language, dietary habits and values between the two cultures.
2.2.1 The difference of language
Culture and language is inseparably interconnected.
In this film, the two leading actors, Yang and Brooks, were speaking totally different languages.When Yangs son returned home with two foreigners, he and his son had a private talk in Shaanxi dialect.Brooks and his mom could hear their talk, but can not understand what they were saying.When there were only Brooks and Yang at home, they did not understand each other because of the different languages.In the daily life of each day, Brooks communicated with Yang with a few simple Chinese words and body language.Besides that, they barely had any interaction.
2.2.2 The difference of dietary habits
Looking back on the history of diet culture, we can see it has become a key factor in the intercultural communication.
For Yang, they mainly eat Youpo noodles, mutton and bread pieces in soup.While for Brooks, they mainly eat hamburger, milk, bread and so on.When Yang Dongliang and Awa left, Yang had to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of Brooks.So, he went to shop to buy hamburger, but it was not served and the shop assistant made a Chinese version of hamburger.Yang even went to Mr.Wangs home to look for milk.Although the difference of dietary habits and the efforts to take care of Brooks made Yang feel a little annoyed, the process also brings the two closer.
2.2.3 The difference of values
There is a close relationship between the values we hold and the way we behave in our life.And the difference of values plays a major part in the culture shock experienced by sojourners.
First, Chinese prefer imaginal thinking while American emphasize logical thinking.Therefore, Chinese care more about others opinions and Americans attach more importance to individuals feelings.When Brooks came to Yangs home, Yang worried that villagers may laugh at him.So he took Brooks to the barbershop to color his hair.On the contrary, Brooks is an individual with independence.When he had a bedwetting, he did not ask others for help and decided to air his quilt directly.Secondly, family values differ a lot.Chinese hold a conservative attitude towards family values and American have more liberal views on it.So when Yang are told that Awa was widow and Brooks was not his natural grandson, he was angry.However, for Americans, it is ones freedom to choose his boyfriend or girlfriend and everyone is equal.Last, Chinese and Americans take different measures to educate their children.That spare the rod, spoil the child can illustrate the Chinese traditional values in education, so Yang abused his son in most cases when he was dissatisfied with him.In contrast, Americans utilize the appreciation education, giving praise to childs progress.
3. Culture Adaptation
3.1 Definition of culture adaptation
Culture adaptation refers to the process of increasing our level of fitness to meet the demands of a new environment(Kim, 1988).
In the Transformative Learning Model, culture adaptation is a process in which sojourners transform from a newcomer to a competent communicator in the host culture, which links the theory of culture adaptation and intercultural competence.
3.2 U-Curve Pattern of Culture adaptation in A Grandson from America
3.2.1 Honeymoon period
When Brooks first came to a new country, he found everything interesting.Looking at the new things, he was curious.The fascination with the new culture and the curiosity about everything overwhelmed any other feelings.In this stage, sojourners are still viewing the new culture and environment from their own cultural perspective and are trying to reinforce the similarities between the two cultures in order to validate their cultural status.
3.2.2 Crisis period
Crisis period is characterized by the feeling of anxiety, homesickness, irritability, confusion and many other negative emotion.
When Brooks first went to toilet in the countryside, he complained that it smelled bad.Later, Brooks experienced the challenges of the new culture on a day-to-day basis.The differences of language and dietary habits lead to Brooks feeling of being different and isolated.Moreover, the difference of values has a profound influence on the Brooks life.When his dad and mom left him, the toy spider-man was his spiritual ballast.But it was broken by Yang by accident.Brooks became sick because of it, and here it thoroughly illustrates the psychological crisis caused by culture shock.
3.2.3 Adjustment period
In this period, sojourner gradually adapts to the new environment and starts to appreciate the host culture.
When Yang saw the sick boy Brooks in the bed, he felt guilty and decided to make a shadow play of spider-man for Brooks.He worked on it until the midnight.Eventually, he finished a beautifully-crafted shadow play of spider-man and Brooks liked it very much.They were having great fun playing their shadow play of Sun Wukong and spider-man.
3.2.4 Biculturalism period
At last, Brooks got along well with Yang and were happy with the life here. He began to learn to use chopsticks, tried to sing traditional opera and Chinese folk songs, were interested in the customs of Spring Festival and became fond of the shadow play.When his mom were going to take him home, he still wanted to watch the shadow play performance.On the way to watch the performance, Yang and Brooks walked hand in hand, talking about developing friendship between Sun Wukong and spider-man and making them protect the globe.
4. Conclusion
From the perspective of culture shock and adaptation, the film A Grandson from America is a good case in point.
Through the process of culture adaptation, we can see that the inevitable culture shock experienced by sojourners can benefit them too.It can improve peoples intercultural communication competence and provide more opportunities to know more about different cultures and promote cultural exchange.
[1]Oberg,K.Cultural shock:Adjustment to new cultural environments[M].Practical Anthropology,1960.
[2]Kim,Y.Y.Communication and cross-cultural adaptation:An integrative theory[M].Philadelphia:Multilingual Matter,1988.