【Abstract】The vocational education aims at fostering students with practical skills in specific field. Compared with the undergraduate education, the vocational education places more emphasis on the applicability and profession. It is a teaching with career simulation. This thesis focuses on the teaching practice of vocational English teaching connected with the working processes for the hotel profession..
【Key words】teaching practice; vocational English teaching; working processes
The current situation of vocational English teaching for the hotel profession now in vocational college is unsatisfactory. The English teaching for the hotel profession is not separated from the public English in vocational college. The teaching knowledge is the basic English. Therefore, the English teaching is not connected with the working processes. After graduation, students can not apply the English with the working situation very well. On the other hand, the professional English for the hotel focuses on the lecturing of relevant hotel vocabulary and reading ability of related article. In this thesis, the vocational English teaching connected with the working processes points to the practical teaching of public English in vocational college. For this current situation of vocational English teaching for the hotel profession, researchers conducts a study on the teaching practice of vocational English teaching connected with the working processes. The study is conducted in the following aspects.
The educational objectives of vocational English should be guided by the market demands and professional settings. The teachers and researchers should develop a deep study on the companies, pay attention to the latest trends of the field, and take the market demands into consideration. Based on the research, the teaching activities can be centered on the workplace scenarios. The teaching objectives are designed based on students major and the career. For the hotel profession, teachers and researchers should go into the hotel, and know the skills and qualities that the hotel asks for the staff. For the students majored in hotel, they should possess the ability of expressing ideas and communicating with guests in English fluently. Students should know the western cultures and be aware of the cultural difference between the Chinese culture and foreign culture, and they should know the administrative provisions of the hotel and relevant etiquette. According to these requirements, the teaching objectives are determined.endprint
The teaching contents can be the real working tasks, making the students know and experience the working circumstance. The traditional English teaching lacks the interaction with the students career after graduation. Through the teaching model of vocational English connected with the working process, students can obtain the language in the process of career simulation and problem solving. As a result, students awareness of English learning connected with the career objectives can be strengthened. The students can master the language according to the career requirements and get the key points in the language learning. For the hotel profession, the teaching contents should not be confined to the contents in the public English book. A simulated situation in the hotel should be established, making the students be immersed in the really communicative hotel context.
The classroom teaching should adopt the student-centered learning mode. The traditional teaching is a teacher-centered teaching mode with the students passive study. As a consequence in the English learning, most of the students even cant express their ideas in English, and the grammar, the exercises are all in English learning. In the vocational English teaching connected with the working processes, the students should be the subject of learning, probe the ways of learning English connected with their working processes. The hotel profession is a major that requires students have abilities of problems solving independently in English. Therefore, for the hotel profession, the focus of English classroom teaching should be the students, making the students be equipped with those abilities mentioned above.
The teaching practice of vocational English teaching connected with the working processes is a reform against the current English teaching for the hotel profession in vocational college, and it is also a challenge to the traditional English teaching. The teaching practice is reformed from the established teaching objectives, the selected teaching contents and the classroom teaching model. Receiving the vocational English teaching connected with the working processes, the students who major in hotel after graduation can adjust to the requirements proposed by the hotel, and they can apply the obtained English knowledge to their career very well.