申鉉京 劉 翔 陳海鵬
申鉉京 劉 翔 陳海鵬*
(吉林大學計算機科學與技術(shù)學院 長春 130012);(吉林大學符號計算與知識工程教育部重點實驗室 長春 130012)
2.1 Multi-Otsu簡介
2.2 Multi-Otsu閾值性質(zhì)分析
3.1 快速計算原理
3.2 建立查找表
圖1 算法流程圖
實驗的硬件條件為Core2 E7200 2.53 GHz CPU, 2 G內(nèi)存的戴爾臺式電腦,編程環(huán)境采用OPENCV2.31。分別采用其他優(yōu)化算法與本文算法對圖2-圖5進行了分割計算,得出了閾值個數(shù)為2, 3, 4的情況下的算法運行時間以及分割所得閾值,實驗結(jié)果如圖6-圖17和表1-表3所示。
分割圖像傳統(tǒng)多閾值Otsu[3]遞推多閾值Otsu[12]遺傳算法多閾值Otsu[14]本文算法 圖276.54(43,113)3.60(43,113)21.00(42,112)0.75(43,113) 圖377.08(70,144)3.21(70,144)19.95(80,148)0.95(70,144) 圖477.66(69,143)3.43(69,143)23.00(67,154)0.99(69,143) 圖576.95(53,146)3.25(53,146)20.00(65,150)0.85(53,146)
表2 3閾值算法效率對比(ms)
分割圖像傳統(tǒng)多閾值Otsu[3]遞推多閾值Otsu[12]遺傳算法多閾值Otsu[14]本文算法 圖26985.98(23,69,123)170.53(23,69,123)68.95(33,191,192)25.15(23,69,123) 圖36936.87(61,127,188)119.23(61,127,188)69.35(61,106,110)51.00(61,127,188) 圖46933.66(57,116,154)119.01(44,111,182)67.56(125,130,165)52.40(44,111,182) 圖56939.29(40,109,173)118.69(40,109,173)63.00(47,121,173)38.26(40,109,173)
表3 4閾值算法效率對比(ms)
分割圖像傳統(tǒng)多閾值Otsu[3]遞推多閾值Otsu[12]遺傳算法多閾值Otsu[14]本文算法 圖2458238.00(19,59,97,135)20710.20(19,59,97,135)4354.51(25,40,120,137)1936.12(19,59,97,135) 圖3454857.00(45,90,140,190)14721.60(45,90,140,190)4412.39(35,60,124,173)4099.21(45,90,140,190) 圖4486471.00(38,90,136,166)13801.90(38,90,136,166)4928.60(46,80,124,151)3796.25(38,90,136,166) 圖5531277.00(31,87,136,188)19132.00(31,87,136,188)5469.37(27,57,116,154)3126.62(31,87,136,188)
圖2 腦部切片圖像 圖3 復雜風景圖像 圖4 高對比度人物圖像 圖5 行星圖像
圖6 圖2的雙閾值分割效果 圖7 圖3的雙閾值分割效果 圖8 圖4的雙閾值分割效果 圖9 圖5的雙閾值分割效果
圖10 圖2的3閾值分割效果 圖11 圖3的3閾值分割效果 圖12 圖4的3閾值分割效果 圖13 圖5的3閾值分割效果
圖14 圖2的4閾值分割效果 圖15 圖3的4閾值分割效果 圖16 圖4的4閾值分割效果 圖17 圖5的4閾值分割效果
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申鉉京: 男,1958年生,教授,博士生導師,研究方向為圖像處理與模式識別、多媒體信息安全、智能控制技術(shù).
劉 翔: 男,1990年生,碩士生,研究方向為圖像分割.
陳海鵬: 男,1978年生,副教授,研究方向為圖像處理與模式識別、多媒體信息安全.
Fast Computation of Threshold Based on Multi-threshold Otsu Criterion
SHEN Xuanjing LIU Xiang CHEN Haipeng
To resolve the problem of low efficiency which traditional multi-threshold Otsu existing in searching of optimal thresholds on the brute-force method, the thresholds properties of multi-threshold Otsu are analyzed, and the mathematical correspondence is proved between a set of optimal thresholds and the means of various categories. A new algorithm is proposed to calculate the optimal thresholds and a new model of searching thresholds is also built according to the properties of thresholds of multi-threshold Otsu.The algorithm searches for a set of optimal thresholds that satisfy the correspondence between the thresholds and the means of various categories segmented by them, so the optimal thresholds of Otsu can be determined.The algorithm reduces the search range effectively and optimizes the calculation of means and variances using lookup table. Experimental results show that the segmentation speed of the algorithm is greatly improved compared with the traditional multi-threshold Otsu method, and the algorithm can not only improve the computation speed, but also overcome the shortcomings of randomness and contingency of thresholds compared with other fast multi-threshold Otsu algorithm, and the results are strictly in line with the principle of multi-threshold Otsu.
Image segmentation; Multi-threshold Otsu criterion; Threshold selection; Fast computation
陳海鵬 chenhp@jlu.edu.cn
國家青年科學基金(61305046),吉林省自然科學基金(20140101193JC, 20150101055JC)
The Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61305046), The Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province (20140101193JC, 20150101055JC)