Miba Forum LaakirchenLaakirchen,Austria拉基興米巴廣場(chǎng)
建筑面積:4 588平方米
總表面面積:8 989平方米
建筑體積:39 008立方米
基地面積:27 575平方米
Category: O ffi ce
Competition: 2014
Start of planning: 2014
Floor area: 4 588 m2
Gross surface area: 8 989 m2
Construction volume: 39 008 m3
Site area: 27 575 m2
Tradition and identity on the one hand, innovative spirit and vision of the future on the other – the cornerstones of the company philosophy of the MIBA Group – shape in a balanced way the design of the building and are represented in a newly recreated working environment.
A regionally deep-seated architectural form is chosen rather than anonymous,zeitgeisty “brand-architecture” in order to do justice to the complex requirements of the building as a place for communication and encounter, as well as its representative function of an internationally active company. The traditionalarchitectural typology of the region – the four-cornered courtyard building – is newly interpreted to transpose the identity-building values of the company as well as functional requirements in a contemporary setting.
A natural landscape in front of the building establishes visual relations to the company premises with a special focus on the MIBA Academy and the core of the company represented by its historical buildings. Generous tree plantings define attractive free space zones, while grasslandorchards help to embed the new area into its natural environment.
The diverse functional areas are grouped together on two fl oors around an inner courtyard. Core areas such as “Encounter and Cooperation”, “Technology”, “Learning and Growing” are situated on the ground fl oor of the building and create a functionalunit together with the client and service area. An exhibition area, which surrounds the courtyard, represents the linking element for all zones. With this area MIBA Group gains an adequate space for its own representation. A generous void above the foyer creates a spatial passage towards the multifunctional o ffi ce fl oor.
The vertically offset upper floor accommodates the office area, which is flexibly modi fi able allowing for intimate o ffi ce spaces on the one hand and open-plan and combi-o ffi ce typologies on the other. The roof spans over the di ff erentiated areas thus creating an identity-building spatial construct, which stands in a continuous visual relationship with the company area, its employees as well as its clients.
The appearance of the building from the outside is affected by a plastered outer wall ring with a founded area of ceramic roo fi ng. Ribbon glazing de fi nes the break between the fl oor and the roof. O ff set ceramic lamellae are situated in front of the glazing in the roof cladding and thus structure the de fi ning roof construction.
The design incorporates spatial transitions in diversified transparency – from the compact fa?ade to the open inner courtyard.
南立面圖 south elevation
AA剖面圖 section AA
首層平面圖 level 0
二層平面圖 level 1