中國科學(xué)院油氣資源研究重點實驗室/甘肅省油氣資源研究重點實驗室,蘭州 730000
中國科學(xué)院油氣資源研究重點實驗室/甘肅省油氣資源研究重點實驗室,蘭州 730000
高溫菌樣品主要采自陸地或海底活火山區(qū)附近的沉積層或淤泥層?;鹕交顒訁^(qū)發(fā)育熱泉和間歇噴泉,地下500~3 000 m處水溫可達150~300℃,周圍為高地?zé)釁^(qū)。研究樣品主要分布在意大利、冰島、多米尼加、薩爾瓦多、墨西哥、新西蘭、日本、蘇門答臘、美國、阿根廷、亞速爾群島、俄羅斯、印度洋等地區(qū)。
科學(xué)家也對深部油藏的微生物活動進行了研究。Daveyetal.[30]研究了美國俄克拉何馬州(Oklahoma)和得克薩斯州(Texas)的油田,從鉆井不同深度到2 000多米分離出厭氧嗜熱桿菌等菌屬,地層溫度為50℃~80℃和35℃~77℃,屬高鹽環(huán)境。在北海油田500~2 000m發(fā)現(xiàn)了硫酸鹽還原菌[31-32]、硝酸鹽還原菌[33]及產(chǎn)甲烷菌及各種厭氧菌[32]。從油田深層獲得的微生物同海底深部火山噴泉附近獲得的微生物具有極大的相似性,說明厭氧微生物普遍具有在特殊環(huán)境下生存的能力。
注:據(jù)Pley,1991;Davey,1993;Sako,1996;Stetter, 1983;Steitz,1998;Baumann,1988;和致中等2001;Bl?ch1,etal.,1997
圖1 不同地質(zhì)時代生油巖生油的門限溫度[34]Fig.1 Threshold temperature of source rock of different geological periods[34]
丁安娜等[35]對準(zhǔn)噶爾盆地馬莊氣藏侏羅系氣源巖進行了產(chǎn)甲烷菌的富集培養(yǎng),樣品埋深1 854~2 608 m,結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)樣品中發(fā)酵性細(xì)菌數(shù)量分布在(5×102個/g~2.3×104)個/g,35℃~65℃普遍富集培養(yǎng)出產(chǎn)甲烷球菌(Methanococus),55℃從個別樣品中富集培養(yǎng)出產(chǎn)甲烷桿菌(Methonobacterium)。
王修垣等[36]研究了玉門油田不同含油構(gòu)造油田水中微生物的分布,Ⅰ、Ⅱ號油藏為背斜構(gòu)造,Ⅲ號油藏為單斜斷層遮擋油藏,油層為第三系,CaCl2型水為主。樣品取自三個油田不同深度地層:349~581 m,1 138~1 178 m,1 962~2 720 m,分別對應(yīng)低、中、高地層溫度(表2)。不僅有腐生分解菌、脂肪分解菌,還有脫硫菌、反硝化菌等厭氧微生物的活體分布,厭氧分解菌數(shù)量在349.2~592.7 m為(6.0×10~8.0×102)個/mL,1 138.8~1 178.7 m為(1.0×10~1.5×103)個/mL,1 962~2 720 m為(1.0×102~5.4×104)個/mL。從淺部向深部厭氧分解菌有增加的趨勢。
注:+ 有菌發(fā)育;- 無菌發(fā)育;0 無資料
圖2 碳水化合物的水解Fig.2 Hydrolysis of carbohydrate
沉積物的成巖過程就是還原性增強、氧化還原電位(Eh值)不斷降低的過程。沉積初期,喜氧微生物在Eh值為+0.3~+0.4 V的條件下進行新陳代謝,消耗了水體中的溶解氧。厭氧菌則要求Eh值為-0.2~ -0.25 V以下。因為厭氧微生物缺乏超氧化物歧化酶、過氧化氫酶和過氧化物酶,容易受到氧的毒害,厭氧微生物的正常生長和代謝只能在一定限度的氧化還原電位(Eh)之間進行,環(huán)境水體或有機質(zhì)中有任何形態(tài)氧的存在,都不能達到或維持進一步生長代謝所需的低Eh值。
圖3 除去含氧基團形成烴類圖解Fig.3 Diagrams of removing oxygen groups to form hydrocarbon
微生物進行厭氧呼吸還原含氧基團是一種自然規(guī)律,無論那個盆地,無論什么時代,巖石有機質(zhì)中1 700 cm-1均隨埋深而減小(圖6),顯示微生物的成烴活動是一直進行著的。
圖4 天然產(chǎn)物中一些奧利烷型衍生物的結(jié)構(gòu)[37]Fig.4 Structure of some oleyne derivatives in natural products[37]
圖5 天然產(chǎn)物中一些羽扇烷衍生物的結(jié)構(gòu)[37]Fig.5 Structure of some fan feather derivatives in natural products[37]
圖6 干酪根中含氧官能團1 700 cm-1隨深度變化圖[1,38]Fig.6 1 700 cm-1 of oxygen functional group in kerogen with depth[1,38]
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HUI RongYao, DING AnNa
Thermophilic microbiology has achieved rapid progress in the past 20 to 30 years and about 70 genera (140 species) of thermophilic bacteria have been found. The optimum growth temperature range for these bacteria is generally above 60 ℃ or 80 ℃, and the maximum temperature is 110 ℃~113 ℃. Anaerobic microorganisms, including a variety of bacteria like decomposition microorganisms, hydrogenogens and methanogens, are widely distributed from low temperature to high temperature in both shallow and deep deposits. They can be distributed in the deep water or on the surface of rock. The temperature at which these species live is close to the main temperature of oil formation (60 ℃~100 ℃).
Microorganisms are unicellular organisms, which have small individuals and simple structures. Each of their cells can directly feel the environmental stimuli when the environment changes. Then, they are more capable of adaptation and easier to generate genetic variations. A hypersaline environment of high temperature, high pressure is suitable for the thermophilic bacteria. The large number discoveries about the thermophilic bacterium provide a solid theoretical basis for understanding the origin of life and the formation of the oil and gas reservoirs. The conversion of sedimentary organic matter into petroleum is related to the process of degradation of macromolecular organic matter (molecular weight can reach tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands) into middle and low molecular compounds and the process of elimination of oxygen-containing (and other heteroatoms-containing) groups. These processes are mainly carried out by the microorganisms. Carbon is the core atom that constitutes life. Microorganisms need to draw the carbon source from the organic matter to form the cellular material, such as cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, and cell nucleus. Macromolecular organic matter can be absorbed by microorganisms when they are gradually broken down into simple organic matter, such as dipeptides from the decomposition of protein and simple sugars from the hydrolysis of carbohydrates. Anaerobic microorganisms will constantly obtain carbons and can help to turn the organic matter into simple compounds gradually. Anaerobic respiration of microorganisms leads to a reduction of the oxygen-containing compounds, forming the compounds that are more reduced than the original ones. As the final electron acceptor material in the anaerobic respiration of sediments, the organic matter containing groups such as hydroxyl, carboxyl, etc. then form the hydrocarbons by elimination of the oxygen-containing groups.
biogeological processes; microorganism; oil and gas; thermophilic bacterium
國家自然科學(xué)基金項目(41072164)[FoundationNational Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 41072164]