




      2018-02-20 22:20:46王立彥何顯升譚運洪
      西北植物學報 2018年10期

      王立彥,何顯升,宋 鈺,譚運洪*

      (1 云南銅壁關省級自然保護區(qū)管護局盈江管護分局,云南盈江 679300;2 中國科學院 西雙版納熱帶植物園綜合保護中心, 云南勐臘 666303)

      During the floristic surveys of south-western Yunnan, Yingjiang, China 2017-2018, Two new record genera and two new record species,SiphonodonGriff.,SiphonodoncelastrineusGriff., andStichoneuronHook. f., andStichoneuronmembranaceumHook.f., were found as new record for China and here reported.Siphonodoncelastrineusis widely distributed in India, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia[1-2].Stichoneuronmembranaceumwas firstly described by J. D. Hooker[3]from Khashi Hills of Meghalaya and afterward several other collections were also done from Indo-Myanmar hotspot. Tanakaetal.[4]was reported this species from Northern Burma. Inthachubetal.[5]presented a revision of the genusStichoneuron. Koushik Majumdar and B.K. Datta[6]reported the development and morphological features of fruit and seed in this species.

      1 木瓜桐屬

      SiphonodonGriff. Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 4: 246, t. 14. 1844; Loes. in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. Pfl enzenfam. ed. 2, 20b: 195. 1942; Ding Hou in Steenis, Fl. Males. ser. 1, 6: 394. 1964.—CapusiaLecomte, Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris) 32: 95. 1926.

      Type species:SiphonodoncelastrineusGriff.

      Trees. Stipules minute. Leaves spiral or alternate; venation reticulate. Inflorescences axillary, cymose, sometimes only 1-flowered.Flowersbisexual.Calyx5-lobed.Petals5, imbricate.Stamens5; anthers opening latrorse, connective distinct and broad, separating the thecae.Pistilhalf-immersed, adnate to the disc, the upper half hollow and with a style-like column rising from the bottom.Ovarymany-loculed, locules irregularly superposed, 1 ovule in each locule.Fruitsdrupaceous, often deformed by insects, hard, with numerous bony, 1-seeded stones. Seeds flat.

      Consisting of ca. 7 species, distributed from SE Asia through the Malesian region to Australia. Only one species known in China.

      1.1 木瓜桐(Plate Ⅰ,A-G)

      SiphonodoncelastrineusGriff., Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 4: 247, t. 14. 1844; M.A. Lawson in Hook.f., Fl. Brit. Ind. 1: 629. 1875; Kurz, Forest Fl. Burma 1: 254. 1877; Pierre, Fl. Forest. Cochinch. 19: sub t. 312A. 1894; Craib, Fl. Siam. Enum. 1: 293. 1926; Tardieu in Lecomte, Fl. Indo-Chine Suppl. 824, fig. 101: 6-9. 1948; Ding Hou in Steenis, Fl. Males. ser. 1, 6: 394, fig. 24 a-i, 25 & 26. 1964; Kochummen & Whitmore, Tree Fl. Malaya 1: 171. 1972; Kochummen, Tree Fl. Sabah Sarawak 1: 154, fi g. 10. 1995; P.H. H, Cyco Viêtnam (Ill. Fl. Vietnam) II, 1: 199, fig. 1186. 1996; Gardner, Sidisunthorn & Anusarnsunthorn, Field Guide For. Trees N. Thailand 129, fig. & photo 257. 2000.—CapusiaannamensisLecomte, Bull. Mus. His. Nat. (Paris) 32: 96. 1926.—Siphonodonannamensis(Lecomte) Merr., J. Arnold Arb. 21: 108. 1940.

      Trees to ca. 17 m high by 50 cm diam.Leaveschartaceous to subcoriaceous, sometimes coriaceous, olivaceous or grey-greenish when dry, ovate-oblong or elliptic-oblong to lanceolate, 6.5-15 by 2-8 cm, base cuneate or round, apex acute to acuminate, margin usually crenate, sometimes remotely or obscurely crenulate, rarely entire, nerves 6-11 per side, petiole 5-15 mm long.Inflorescences(1-) few (-many)-flowered; peduncle 5-8 mm long;pedicels3-11 mm long.Calyxlobes reniform or subrotund, 1-2 mm long.Petalsovate, 2.25-3.5 × 1.75-2.5 mm, obtuse.Stamensca. 1 mm long; filaments flat, united in the lower half or near the base; anthers usually perpendicularly bent inward in bud.Pistillarbodyusually more or less semiglobose, sometimes more or less short-conical.Fruitsgreen or yellowish green, broad-ellipsoid, subglobose, sometimes slightly obovoid or ± pyriform, 3-5 × 2-4.5 cm.Seedsmany, ellipsoid or broad-ovoid, flattened, ca. 8 × 5 mm.

      China, Yunnan(云南): Yingjiang(盈江), Taiping(太平鎮(zhèn)), Hongbenghe(洪崩河), alt. 240-650 m, in tropical seasonal moist forest, flowering in March to May and fruiting November to April. WANG Li-Yan (王立彥) 0001, 2017.4.25; SONG Yu(宋鈺)2018027, 2018.5.16 (HITBC).

      Distribution: Widely distributed but scattered in India (type), Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia.

      2 羽脈百部屬

      StichoneuronHook.f., Benth. & Hook.f., Gen. Pl. 3: 747 (1883); Hooker, Hooker’sIcon. Pl. 8: t.1776 (1888); Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 6: 299 (1892); Ridley, Fl. Malay. Penin. 4: 320 (1924); Duyfjes, Fl. Males., Ser.1, Spermat. 11(2): 408 (1993). - Type species:StichoneuronmembranaceumHook.f.

      Erect or decumbent branched herbs with short crowded rootstock, leafy shoots several years of age; roots lacking tubers; lower part of stem with sheathing cataphylls often with fimbriate margins; prophyllum present at point of ramification; in erect plants the upper branches often leaning over. Leaves alternate, subdistichous; petiole slightly sheathing at base or not; blade simple, ovate-oblong or elliptic, margin entire, apex acute-acuminate, lateral veins 2-4 pairs, curved, one pair basal, venation finely trabeculate. Inflorescences axillary, pedunculate, with flowers arranged in clusters or raceme-like with only 1 or 2 flowers at apex in anthesis; buds (depressed) globose. Flowers small, perfect or functionally unisexual with some reduction of one sex and some dimorphism; pedicel filiform, stiff, articulate, persistent below articulation; bracts narrow, margins fringed, acute, persistent; perianth of 4 tepals, imbricate, almost free, often recurved; stamens 4, free, filaments at base shortly adnate to tepals; anther comprising 2 dorsifixed thecae, horizontal or curved over the apex of the filament, connective broad or narrow, without appendages; ovary superior or half-inferior, green, ovoid, minute, ca. 0.5 mm diam., 1-celled, ovules 2-4, placentation apical, style lacking, stigma minute, sessile, 1 (but see the note underStichoneuronmembranaceum). Fruit elongate apex acute or beaked, green, capsular with 1-4 seeds; pericarp thin; perianth persistent. Seeds large, brown or reddish-brown, broad-ellipsoid, (irregularly) longitudinally ridged, aril (elaiosome) of 5-8 finger-like hyaline appendages or irregularly shaped, surrounding seed to about halfway; funicle shorter than the seed, pseudo-funicle (always present?) as long as the fruit.

      Consisting of 5 species, distributed in NE India, northern Myanmar; south to Peninsular Malaysia. Only one species known in China.

      2.1 羽脈百部(Plate Ⅰ,H-L)

      StichoneuronmembranaceumHook.f., Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 8: t.1776 (1888); Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 6: 299 (1892); Tanaka et al., J. Jap. Bot. 82(5): 272, f. 4: A-B, 5 (2007). - Type: India, Silhet [but probably Khasia Hills above Silhet], De Silva in Wallich 9110 (holo K-W).

      Stem erect, 50-80 cm tall; all parts subglabrous. Leaves: petiole 1-5 mm long, slightly sheathing at base, blade narrowly ovate-elliptic or narrowly elliptic, 5-12 × 2-5 cm, base (broadly) rounded or short cuneate, lateral veins (2 or)3 pairs; prophyll 1(-1.5) cm long.Inflorescences: subglabrous, peduncle 1.5-3 cm long, flowers 5-10, crowded; bracts 2-4 mm long.Flowers: pale, subglabrous.Maleflowersc. 3.3 mm diam., pedicel 2.4-6.33 mm long; tepals 4, subtriangular, recurved, pale green, 0.95-1.55 mm × 0.34-0.72 mm, hairy (c. 0.11 mm) outside; stamens 4, filament 0.81-0.92 mm long, dark purple papillose (c. 0.07 mm), anther bright orange, 2 dorsifixed thecae, c. 0.34 mm × 0.31 mm.Hermaphroditeflowersc. 4.8 mm diam., pedicel 11.46-12.29 mm long; tepals 4, subtriangular, recurved, pale green, 1.21-1.93 mm × 0.42-0.97 mm, glabrous inside, hairy (c. 0.14 mm) outside; stamens 4, stout, filament base adnate to tepals, filaments 0.75-0.86 mm long, violet-dark purple papillose, anther diverging into three small yellow thecae on the top of the filament, c. 0.26 mm long, two white glands, dorsifixed. Ovary minute, green, smooth, ovoid, semi-inferior, 0.33-0.62 mm × 0.47-0.56 mm, style absent, stigma inconspicuous, ovule basal.Fruitscapsular, glabrous, narrowly ovoid with 2-valved, 8.11-20.44 mm × 4.20-7.19 mm, apex beaked 1.5-2 mm long, dark green (immature) to pale green (mature), pedicel 5-10 mm long.Seeds(Fig. 1 o, p) 1-5, black, broadly ellipsoid, 4.75-5.14 mm × 2.06-2.46 mm, sharp longitudinal ridged; base surrounded by lobed and white, hollow papery aril c. 7.22 mm high, funicle long.

      China, Yunnan(云南): Yingjiang(盈江), Nabang(那邦鎮(zhèn)), alt. 350-400 m, in tropical rain forest, flowering in February to June and fruiting June to January. WANG Li-Yan (王立彥) 0002, 2017.11.29; WANG Li-Yan (王立彥) 0003, 2018.1.24; WANG Li-Yan (王立彥) 0004, 2018.4.28 (HITBC).

      Distribution:India (Meghalaya: Khasia Hills), Burma.

      Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Y4ZK111B01) and the CAS 135 program (No. 2017XTBG-F03). We are also grateful to Zhang Ting and Zhang Wen-Fu for providing the photographs.

      A-B. Habit; C. Flower; D. Fruit; E. Fruit longitudinal section; F. Fruit cross section;
      G. seeds; H-J. Habit; K. Flower; L. Fruit
      Plate Ⅰ Siphonodon celastrineus Griff. (A-G) and Stichoneuron membranaceum Hook.f. (H-L)

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