雷 雪 陳云舟 李元祥 賈麗慧 陳云峰
(武漢工程大學(xué)化學(xué)與環(huán)境工程學(xué)院,武漢 430073)
Coordination polymers (CPs),known as a type of organic-inorganic hybrid materials,are very promising for developing multifunctional luminescent materials[1-3].Both the inorganic and the organic moieties can provide the platforms to generate luminescence,while metal-ligand charge transfer also contributed to luminescence[4].The size and nature of metal ions,the orientation and arrangement of ligands,even the supramolecular interactions can affect the fluorescent properties of CPs[5-8].Therefore,controlling these interactionsbyexploring variousmetalsand organic ligands is crucialfor tuning the luminescence properties for a particular application.
In the recent years,a great deal of attention has been devoted to the synthesis of N-heterocyclic-based coordination polymers due to their surprising structural variability[9-12].With the development of the Cuガ catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC)reaction[13-14],1,2,3-triazole which could exhibit abundant coordination modes has been appreciated as a metal coordination ligand[15-19].Since the extended π-systems of small florescence molecules facilitate the ligandcentered π→π*transition[20-23],we have intended to add aromatic groups to 1,2,3-triazole and incorporate this moiety into coordination polymers.Based on our previous work about the syntheses of 1,2,3-triazoles and related complexes[24-28],we chose the small molecular 4-pyridyl-NH-1,2,3-triazole as the ligand.On the other hand,zinc complexes havereceived much attention because they not only exhibit interesting structures but also show better luminescent properties[29-32].Herein,we report the syntheses,structures,and luminescent properties of two coordination complexes[Zn2(L)2Cl4](1)and[Zn(L)2Cl2]·2H2O (2).
All reagents were purchased and used without further purification.Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)was performed on a NETZSCH TG 209 F3 thermogravimetric analyzer in flowing N2(20 mL·min-1)with a heating rate of 10℃·min-1.The FT-IR spectra were recorded from KBr pellets in the range of 4000~450 cm-1on an Agilent FT-IR spectrometer.The luminescence spectra for powdered samples and aqueous samples were recorded on Perkin Elmer Florescence Spectrometer LS S5 with a xenon arc lamp as the light source with the pass width of emission and excitation spectra of 15 and 2.5 nm.The UV-Vis spectra for samples (0.1 mmol·L-1in methanol)were recorded on Perkin Elmer UV WinLab 1.27.Elemental analysis of carbon,nitrogen,hydrogen was performed using an Elementar Vario MICRO CUBE(Germany)analyzer.PXRD data for complexes 1 and 2 were collected in the range of 5°~50°for 2θ on crystalline samples using a XPERT-PRO diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation (λ=0.154 18 nm,40 kV,40 mA)in flat-plate geometry atroom temperature.The experimental powder X-ray diffraction pattern was compared to the calculated one from the single-crystal structure to identify the phase of the sample (Fig.S6~S7).
A mixture of ZnCl2·2H2O (0.15 mmol),L (0.15 mmol)and acetonitrile (5 mL)was placed in a 20 mL glass bottle.The mixture was sealed and heated at 80℃ for 48 hours and cooled to room temperature naturally.Grey block crystals of 1 was obtained by filtration.IR (KBr,cm-1):3 112 (s),2 963 (m),1 609(m),1 139(m),711(w).Elemental analysis Calcd.for C14H12Cl4N8Zn2(%):C 29.77,H 2.14,N 19.84;Found(%):C 29.61,H 2.04,N 19.65.To a solution of 25.8 mg ZnCl2·2H2O (0.15 mmol)in 1 mL distilled water was added 22.1 mg L (0.15 mmol)in 4 mL acetonitrile.The mixture was left to evaporate in air until colorless block crystals of 2 were obtained after 3 days.IR(KBr,cm-1):3 342(s),3 042(m),2 732(m),2 362(m),1 615(m),1 445(m),1 337(w),1 243(m),787(s),714(w)cm-1.Elemental analysis Calcd.for C14H16O2Cl2N8Zn(%):C 36.19,H 3.47,N 24.12;Found(%):C 36.02,H 3.22,N 24.00.
Single crystals of complexes 1 and 2 suitable for single-crystal X-ray diffraction were grown up from acetonitrile solution under hydrothermal reaction and slow evaporation at room temperature.The crystallographic data for the single crystals of 1 and 2 were collected on a CrysAlis PRO OD,2015)employing graphite-monochromated Mo Kα radiation (λ=0.071 073 nm).Empirical absorption correction using sphericalharmonics,implemented in SCALE3 ABSPACK scaling algorithm.All structures were solved by direct methods using the Olex2 program with the SHELXTL package and refined with SHELXL[33-34].Hydrogen atoms were added geometrically and refined with riding model position parameters and fixed isotropic thermal parameters.Crystallographic data for 1 and 2 are listed in Table 1,selected bond lengths and angles,and hydrogen bond lengths and angles are listed in Table S1 and S2.
Table 1 Crystallographic data of 1 and 2
The initial structures of complex 1 and complex 2 were obtained from the single-crystal data and the initial structure of free ligand L was obtained from that of complex 2 by deleting other atoms.The geometry optimization were performed at B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)[35-37]theory level in methanol solvent with PCM model by using Gaussian 16 software[38].At the optimized structures,harmonic vibrational frequencies(all real)were calculated to confirm that all optimized structures correspond to energy minima.Molecular orbitals cube files were generated and visualized with GaussView 6.0.16.
X-ray structural analyses reveal that the 1 and 2 crystallize in different space groups,P1 and P21/n,respectively.In the structure of 1,Zn2+exhibits five coordination (the degree of trigonality,τ=0.43)[39]with one terminal Cl,two μ2-Cl and two N atoms from a chelating L (Fig.1a).There are three kinds of H-bonds within the molecular units.One is the strong intermolecular H-bond,N4-H4…Cl1 (H4…Cl1 0.229 1(55)nm,N4-H4…Cl1 162.55(558)°),connecting the neighbor units to form dimer in ac plane.The second H-bond originates from C2-H2…Cl2,with dC2-H2=0.278 2(60)nm and ∠C2-H2…Cl2=169.00(572)°.The third is an intramolecular H-bonds,C7-H7…Cl1(H7…Cl1 0.273 5(48)nm,C7-H7…Cl1 160.98(370)°)(Fig.S1).Besides the H-bonds,there is one offset π-π stacking interaction between two pyridine (C5N)rings with a centroid-to-centroid distance of 0.362 0(1)nm and an interplane separation of 0.333 4(1)nm (Fig.1b).These intermolecular interactions are important for the crystallization of 1.The Zn1…Zn1idistance is 0.357 2(1)nm and the Zn1-Cl2-Zn1iangle is 93.880(39)°[40-41].
Fig.1 Structure of 1:(a)Coordination environment of Zn(Ⅱ);(b)π-π interactions
In the structure of 2,Zn2+exhibits six coordinated with two terminal Cl,four N atoms from chelating L(Fig.2a).Four intermolecular H-bonds were found.The first is C4-H4…Cl1,with dH4…Cl1=0.281 6(33)nm and∠C4-H4…Cl1=159.07(260)°.As a result,the adjacent mono-zinc(Ⅱ)blocks are assembled into H-bonded one dimensional chains along a direction with the shortest intrachain separation of 0.804 5(1)nm (Fig.S2a).As for the bc plane,three kinds of intermolecular H-bonds connect the chains.Each H2O acts as a double H-bond donor leading to intermole-cular O1W-H1WA…Cl1 (H…Cl 0.232 2(39)nm,O-H…Cl 170.33(363)°)and O1W-H1WB…Cl1 (H…Cl 0.254 0(32)nm,O-H…Cl 164.82(33)°).Moreover,the water molecular serve as an H-bond acceptor,which generate strong hydrogen bonding N4-H4A…O1W,with dH4A…O1W=0.189 7(31)nm and ∠N4-H4A…O1W=174.90(311)°(Fig.2b).The intramolecular H-bond is C1-H1…N3 (dH1…N3=0.263 7(24)nm, ∠C1-H1…N3=149.28(195)°)(Fig.S2b).
Fig.2 Structure of 2:(a)Coordination environment of Zn(Ⅱ);(b)Various hydrogen bonds generated by H2O
The phase purities of 1 and 2 have been confirmed by PXRD (Fig.S6 and S7).Firstly,the photoluminescence spectra of the free ligand L and the two Zn(Ⅱ)coordination complexes were measured in methanol(10 μmol·L-1, λex=301 nm).The free ligand L and the corresponding Zn coordination complexes exhibit similar emission spectra centered at λem=361 nm (Fig.3).Compared with free L and Zn2+ion,the enhancementoffluorescence intensity came up in the complexes 1 and 2,and the mononuclear 2 is stronger than the dimer 1.It is probably due to the coordination of L to the Zn(Ⅱ)center,increasing the conformational rigidity of the ligand,thereby reducing the nonradiative decay of the intraligand (π-π*)excited state[42].
Fig.3 Emission spectra of the complexes and the ligand recorded at room temperature in methanol
Fig.4 Room-temperature solid-state emission spectra for L,1 and 2
Further,the solid-state photoluminescent properties of Zn(Ⅱ)coordination complexes 1 and 2 have been investigated together with free ligand L at room temperature (Fig.4).Ligand L displays strong green photoluminescence with a maximum emission peak at 517 nm upon excitation at 260 nm,which could probably be attributed to the π*-π and π*-n transitions[43-45].For the complexes 1 and 2,excitation of the microcrystalline samples leads to the generation of strong blue fluorescent emissions with the same maximal peak occurring at 358 nm (λex=260 nm).Obviously,this characteristic emission can probably be attributed to the intraligand charge transitions.As for the correlation ofstructure and fluorescent properties,the π-π packing in the L ligand and its coordination complexes have influence on the fluorescent properties[46].From the photoluminescence spectra of the free ligand L (Fig.S8),the big change was observed in the methanol solution and solid state at room temperature,which is due to the enhancement of π-π packing in ligand under the condition of solid state.The observed blue-shift of the emission bands between the L ligand and the corresponding complexes 1~2 might tentatively originate from the weakened structure packing of ligand L because of the coordination with the metal ions.
It can be concluded reasonably that the HOMO of ligand is π bonding orbital,and the HOMO of complex 2 is mainly based on coordinated chloride ions,while the HOMO of complex 1 is based on both coordinated chloride ions and the π-bonding orbitals of ligand.In contrast,the LUMOs of ligand and complexes 1 and 2 are mainly contributed by the πantibonding orbits of ligand (Fig.5).As a consequence,the UV-Vis and luminescence spectra of complex 1 and 2 should be mainly assigned to charge transfer between chloride ions and ligand in nature[47].
Fig.5 Frontier molecular orbits of complexes 1 and 2 from HOMO to LUMO
In summary,two new pyridyl triazole complexes of Zn(Ⅱ)were synthesized and their photophysical properties were explored.Structurally,the free ligand L coordinated with Zn(Ⅱ)in different ways,resulting in the mono-and di-nuclear Zn2+complexes.With Cloccupying the axial positions,the complexes exhibit weaker π-π stacking compared with small-molecular ligand,which led to blue shift of the ligand in solid state.
Acknowledgements:The authors are grateful to Prof.ZHANG Yue-Xingand Prof.LIU Jun-Liangon density functional theory calculations.
Supporting information is available at http://www.wjhxxb.cn
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