



      CFDA Appoints One New Testing Institution for Filing of Domestic Non-special Use Cosmetics

      2018-03-26 05:49:35
      China Detergent & Cosmetics 2018年2期

      CFDA appointed the Quzhou Food and Drug Testing Institution as an approved testing institution for filing of domestic non-special cosmetics.

      Until now there are 11 testing institu-tions for filing of domestic nonspecial use cosmetics in Zhejiang, of which 4 have qualifications for microbiological testing, hygiene chemical test and toxicological testing, and another seven have microbiological and hygiene chemical test capabilities.

      In the next period, Zhejiang FDA will continue to select and appoint testing institutions for cosmetic filing according to testing requirements and applications of testing institutions. Unannounced inspections of testing institutions will also be carried out to ensure their work quality.

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