“沒有東西一成不變,我們必須演進,以迎合生活方式的改變。”—— Adrian Zecha
Adrian Zecha不單是酒店業(yè)巨子,還是一位開辟新路的創(chuàng)業(yè)家及高尚生活品味的領(lǐng)袖。印度尼西亞籍的Zecha 在設(shè)計和建筑界享譽盛名,被公認獨具慧眼;他一手提拔了許多頂尖的設(shè)計師和建筑師,來從事豪華款客設(shè)施的建造。他合伙創(chuàng)辦了麗晶酒店,并在1987年于泰國布吉打造了旗艦酒店安縵普瑞,創(chuàng)立了自己的酒店品牌 — 安縵度假村(Aman Resorts)。另外,他亦創(chuàng)辦了多間酒店公司,包括吉合睦 GHM。最近,他領(lǐng)軍開創(chuàng)以“價格相宜的豪華度假村”為概念的Azerai。當他仍在管理安縵的日子,對這個豪華品牌相當忠誠的賓客每年均會到此一游、享受假期,視安縵如他們專屬的度假別墅。由Zecha主理的度假村擁有迷人的景致、矚目的建筑、極簡卻經(jīng)過精挑細選的裝潢、細心又無與倫比的服務(wù),全都令人流連忘返。安縵每年平均也會有一個新的度假村,往往座落于最富異國風(fēng)情、尚未被大眾旅游所破壞的地點,例如不丹、黑山和斯里蘭卡等;賓客可跟隨著安縵發(fā)展的步伐,入住各地的安縵度假村,探索世界不同的角落。
“Nothing stays static and one has to evolve in response to lifestyle changes.” -- Adrian Zecha
Adrian Zecha is a trailblazing entrepreneur and luxury lifestyle guru. Renowned in design and architecture circles for his genius of handpicking some of the best designers and architects for luxury hospitality facilities,Indonesian hotelier Zecha co-founded Regent International Hotels and in 1987 embarked on creating his own hotel company Amanresorts by building the flagship Amanpuri in Phuket, Thailand. Other hotel companies he has founded include General Hotel Management and most recently he spearheaded the aあordable luxury resort concept of Azerai.
When he was at the helm of Amanresorts, loyal guests returned year after year to the property where they last stayed as if it were their vacation home, and with his resorts’ breathtaking views, stunning architecture,minimalist but impeccably appointed interiors, and unparalleled, attentive service, it would be difficult to feel otherwise. Other guests have explored other parts of the world as Aman added on average one property to the brand every year, often at some of the most exotic locations that were still unspoiled by mass tourism, such as Bhutan, Montenegro, and Sri Lanka. Despite — or thanks to — one of the highest average room rates in the industry, Amanresorts delivered strong financial performance, surpassing or rivaling the Four Seasons on a per room basis. The brand’s founder, Adrian Zecha, went about developing the brand and expanding its global footprints quietly behind the scenes, but he would definitely not stay quiet when developments and operations did not go according to plan.