




      2018-05-05 07:09:04JianjunZHANG張建軍

      Jianjun ZHANG(張建軍)

      Mathematics and Information Technology School,Jiangsu Second Normal University,Nanjing 210013,China


      Liangwen LIAO(廖良文)

      Department of Mathematics,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China


      1 Introduction and Main Results

      Let f(z)be a function meromorphic in the complex plane C.We assume that the reader is familiar with the standard notations and results in Nevanlinna’s value distribution theory of meromorphic functions such as the characteristic function T(r,f),proximity function m(r,f),counting function N(r,f),the first and second main theorems etc.;see,for example,[1,4,9].The notation S(r,f)denotes any quantity that satisfies the condition:S(r,f)=o(T(r,f))as r→∞possibly outside an exceptional set of r of finite linear measure.

      In general,a nonlinear algebraic differential equation is of the form

      where P is a polynomial in f and its derivatives with meromorphic coefficients.One can rewrite equation(1.1)as

      where I is a finite set of multi-indices(λ0,λ1,···,λn)= λ and αλ(z)is a meromorphic function.We define a differential monomial in f as

      The degree γMλand the weight ΓMλof Mλare defined by

      Thus,the left hand side of equation(1.2)can be expressed as a finite sum of differential monomials,which will be called a differential polynomial in f,that is,

      The degree γPand the weight ΓPof P are defined by

      We say that a meromorphic solution f of equation(1.2)is admissible if T(r,αλ(z))=S(r,f)holds for all λ∈I.

      For the first-order algebraic differential equations,Malmquist[10]proved the following famous theorem in 1913.

      Theorem 1.1Let R(z,f)be birational function.If a differential equation of the form

      admits a transcendental meromorphic solution,then the equation can be reduced into a Riccati differential equation

      where ai(z)(i=0,1,2)are rational functions.

      The proof of Theorem 1.1 was independent of the Nevanlinna theory at the outset.In 1933,Yosida[14]proved the Malmquist’s theorem using the Nevanlinna theory.In 1970s,Laine[8],Yang[13],and Hille[7]gave a generalization of Theorem 1.1 with the coefficients of R(z,f)being meromorphic functions.Steinmetz[12]extended Malmquist’s theorem to the following result.

      Theorem 1.2Let R(z,f)be birational function.If the following differential equation

      admits a transcendental meromorphic solution,then the differential equation can be reduced into

      where ai(z)(i=0,1,···,2n)are rational functions and at least one of them does not vanish.

      Theorem 1.2 was finally extended to the case of R(z,f)rational with meromorphic coefficients by Rieth[11]and He-Laine[5].In 1980,Gackstatter and Laine[2]gave a generalized result of Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.2.

      Theorem 1.3If the algebraic differential equation

      where P(z,f,f′···,f(n))is a differential polynomial in f with meromorphic coefficients and ai(z)(i=0,1,···,p)and bj(z)(j=0,1,···,q)are meromorphic functions,possesses an admissible meromorphic solution,then R(z,f)is reduced to a polynomial in f of degree≤ΓP.

      The proof of Theorem 1.3 given by Gackstatter and Laine[2]strongly relies on Valiron deficient values.Steinmetz[12]constructed a number of auxiliary functions in his proof on Theorem 1.3.In this article,we will give a more simple proof of Theorem 1.3.From our proof and the fact that the counting function N(r,f)of entire function vanishes identically.We can obtain the following result easily.

      Corollary 1.4If the algebraic differential equation

      where P(z,f,f′···,f(n))is a differential polynomial in f with meromorphic coefficients and ai(z)(i=0,1,···,p)and bj(z)(j=0,1,···,q)are meromorphic functions,possesses an admissible entire solution,then R(z,f)is reduced to a polynomial in f of degree≤ γP.

      The following two examples show that the estimations in Theorem 1.3 and Corollary 1.4 are sharp.

      Example 1.5It is easy to check that f(z)=tanz solves the following differential equation

      Example 1.6It is easy to check that f(z)=zezsolves the following differential equation

      In Example 1.5,we have ΓP=6 and in Example 1.6,we have γP=3.

      2 Some Lemmas

      The following lemmas will be needed in the proof of our result.

      Lemma 2.1(see[9]) Let f(z)be a meromorphic function.Then,for all irreducible rational functions in f,we have

      such that the meromorphic coefficients ai(z),bj(z)satisfy

      we have

      Lemma 2.2(see[6,9]) Let f(z)be a transcendental meromorphic solution of


      are polynomials in f with meromorphic coefficients such that

      and ?[z,f]is a polynomial in f and its derivatives with meromorphic coefficients αλ,λ ∈ I,such that

      If p≤q,then

      From the proof of Lemma 3.1 in[3],we have the following result.

      Lemma 2.3Let f be a meromorphic function with N(r,f)/=S(r,f)(counting multiplicities)and let the coefficients ai(i=1,2,···,n)of R(z,f)be small meromorphic functions with respect to f.Let

      be the maximal order of zeros and poles of the functions aiat zj,where ai(zj)=0limeans that zjis a zero of ai(z)with multiplicity li,ai(zj)=∞limeans that zjis a pole of ai(z)with multiplicity li.Then,for any ε> 0,the counting function of points zjsuch that

      where mj≥ εkj,is at most S(r,f).

      3 A New Proof of Theorem 1.3

      ProofWe assume that f(z)is an admissible meromorphic solution of equation(1.3).Define

      We may consider the proximity function m(r,P[z,f])in two parts:

      If z∈E1,then we have

      Therefore,by the logarithmic derivative Lemma,we obtain


      If z ∈ E2,as λ0+ λ1+ ···+ λn≤ γPfor any all λ =(λ0,λ1,···,λn)∈ I,we have

      Thus,for some constant K>0,we have

      Combining(3.1)and the above inequality,we obtain

      Next,we will give an estimation of counting function N(r,P[z,f])of poles of P[z,f].Obviously,each pole of function P[z,f]comes from the poles of functions f(z)or αλ(z)(λ ∈ I)in(1.3).Namely,each pole of function R(z,f)comes from the poles of functions f(z)or αλ(z)(λ∈I).Without loss of generality,we may assume that all poles of R(z,f)come from the poles of f(z).

      Let nj(z0)be multiplicity of zero or pole of aj(z)at z0,(j=0,1,···,p).If z0is not a zero and pole of aj(z),then nj(z0)=0.Let mj(z0)be multiplicity of zero or pole of bj(z)at z0,(j=0,1,···,q).Denote M(z0)=max{n0(z0),···,np(z0),m0(z0),···,mq(z0)}.If z0is a pole with multiplicity k of f(z)and a pole of R(z,f),then from equation(1.3),z0is a pole of R(z,f)with multiplicity at most kΓP.Let

      and N(r,E)denote the counting function of the poles(considering the multiplicity)of R(z,f)in E.Then from Lemma 2.3,we have N(r,E)=S(r,f).If M(z0)<,and then z0must be a pole of Q(z,f).At this case,z0is an analytic point of R(z,f)or a pole of R(z,f)with multiplicity not greater than k max{p?q,0}+M(z0).Hence,we have



      By Lemma 2.1 and the above inequality,we get

      On the other hand,because all the poles of function P[z,f]come from the poles of function f(z)and its coefficients αλ(z)(λ ∈ I),and every pole of multiplicity k of f(z),possibly except the pole of αλ(z),is a pole with multiplicity at mostthus

      we also have

      Hence,we obtain max{p,q}≤ΓP.

      Now,we are going to show that p>q.If p≤q,then by Lemma 2.2,we have m(r,P[z,f])=S(r,f).According to(3.2),N(r,P[z,f])=S(r,f)when p≤q.Thus,we obtain

      which implies that p=q=0,so this is impossible.Thus,we have p>q.

      Next,we shall deal with two cases.

      Case 1p?q≥ΓP.Then by(3.4),we have q≤p?ΓP≤ΓP?ΓP=0,thus q=0.

      Case 2p?q< ΓP.Select now γ ∈ C,such that

      where ?[z,g]is a differential polynomial in g and its derivatives with meromorphic coefficients,and

      Obviously,g is an admissible solution of equation(3.6).By(3.5),we see that the nominator of(3.6)is of degree q+ΓP,while the denominator is of degree q.Clearly,the right-hand side of(3.6)is irreducible,otherwise,R(z,f)would be reducible.By the similar argument as in inequality(3.3),we have

      As γ?≤ ΓPby(3.7),we have q+ ΓP≤ ΓP,thus q=0.

      Therefore,R(z,f)is reduced to a polynomial in f with meromorphic coefficients.We denote the degree of R(z,f)by d:=degfR(z,f).By the similar discussion as in(3.4),we obtain

      Therefore,we have d≤ ΓP.Thus,the proof of Theorem 1.3 is completed.

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