




      2018-05-28 01:21:29畢淑敏,朱虹
      英語世界 2018年5期




      If you have a sense of inferiority, don’t let it bother you! It is not a disgrace. Actually, everybody has a sense of inferiority.People try to overcome it in different ways.To begin with, let us acknowledge that it is normal to carry within ourselves a sense of inferiority. A good start!

      [2] I regularly get tons of letters from people whining about their own sense of inferiority for one reason or another. For instance, they are too short in stature,or short of money; or they are orphaned and live with broken families; or they are under-educated and make themselves a laughing-stock when they betray their ignorance over some commonplace topic,or they cannot afford a new pair of shoes for a sports event; or their voices are too hoarse, obviously unlike the voice of the nightingale; or their heads are too big; or when they open their mouths to speak,they cannot hide their rustic accents, and so on and so forth.




      [3] The items listed above could be generally accepted as personal disadvantages and constitute some basis for a sense of inferiority, which is understandable.However, I heard of someone who has an inferiority complex due to her good looks.The girl complained that everything she had accomplished through her own hard work had been imputed by backbiters to her good looks—some even hinting at shady deals.

      [4] With sad resignation, this delicate beauty told me: “I suffer from a deep sense of inferiority due to my looks. I had wanted to get a facelift, to get a plain face, so that I could hold up my head and let people see that I am a person with innate values, not just a pretty face…”

      [5] “To tell you the truth,” she continued, “I did go to a beauty salon with my request, but the beautician said he had never heard of such a request, and had no idea how to go about it…”

      [6] I absolutely believe that everyone has a sense of inferiority. If you have doubts, just check the autobiographies of famous people—they invariably suffer from inferiority complex, and can give you a list of their de fi ciencies.




      [10]“我曾經(jīng)是個非常自卑的人,即使是現(xiàn)在,自卑還常常在, 我覺得自己很多地方不如人。我不如A聰明,不如B睿智,不如C有才,不如D貌美如花……我只是一個普通女子,不善言,不會搞各種關(guān)系,我只會寫字,通過寫字證明我自己。感謝我的自卑,它讓我越挫越勇,它讓我覺得不如別人,讓我不敢停步,讓我在人生的路上,一路堅強?!?/p>

      [7] “I am not as good as the others; I must never stop trying. When I left the Zhengzhou team to join the national team in Beijing, nobody thought much of me.The general verdict was that, being only 1.5 meters in height, I would ‘never go far’. I knew that I was at a disadvantage in height. To prove myself, I practiced non-stop. Other players could afford to make a mistake and still keep going. Not me. I must keep winning. That is why I play so desperately. I had no second chance. “I achieved success. Then people started saying that I was a brainless batswinger, that playing ball was all I knew.So I took up English, studying like mad.Starting from scratch, I ended up chatting easily with native speakers. I am not smarter than the rest, plus I have a sense of inferiority. But once my goal is set,nothing will stop me. There is no need for words. Victory speaks for itself!”

      [8] Now who is this person speaking?By the time you finish reading the passage, you will realize that it is none other than Deng Yaping, the ping-pong athlete who had been world champion for eighteen times, and won four Olympic gold medals.

      [9] Now you may complain that it is not fair to make us compare ourselves with such a celebrity. Then let us try reading the story of an ordinary person and check out her history of self-depreciation.

      [10] “I used to have an inferiority complex; even now I feel myself to be very inadequate compared with other people.For instance, I am not as smart as A, not as wise as B, not as talented as C, and not as good-looking as D. I am just an ordinary girl, slow of speech and not good at making connections. All I do is putting words together. Through words, I found my own identity. Thanks to my low selfesteem, I never stop trying to improve myself, and never stop working to keep up with the pace of life itself!”





      [11] Despite her self-depreciation, this young woman’s articles often appear in the pages of popular periodicals such asReaders, orYouth Digest.

      [12] Glancing through the papers, I came across the news that Liang Chaowei, who had won another prize for his role in the new fi lmLust,Caution, actually has very low self-esteem. Now if even celebrities have low self-esteem, what can you say for the rest of us small fry?

      [13] Well, I suggest that we should not be bothered by a sense of inferiority; it is more or less common to all of us. We should regard it not as an exception, but as a rule. For something that is common to us all, it is futile to fear it or try to get rid of it. Let us just live with it. We are small fry, and so what! We should accept that our brief lives, seen against a background of boundless time and space, are insigni fi cant,and that our imperfections and helplessness, compared to the glorious prospects of the future, are also insigni fi cant.

      [14] Having said so much in defense of our sense of insignificance, it does not mean that we small fry should resign ourselves to living comfortably with our feelings of inferiority. Actually once we have accepted it as a friend, it will help us in unexpected ways.



      [17]這樣看來,卑微也是我們的朋友,卑微里也有不容小覷的力量。 □

      [15] For instance, eager to overcome our sense of inferiority, we work harder. Due to the persistent sense of inferiority, we are less prone to arrogance. Likewise, we remember the little things; we remember respect.This is not a bad thing for the small fry.

      [16] Alfred Adler had said that a sense of inferiority follows a man the day he is born and he spends a lifetime trying to improve his skills, his sense of superiority as well as the consciousness of his own importance to other people.

      [17] From this angle, we might say that a sense of inferiority is a friend of us small fry, and that it has a power of its own! ■

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