



      For the Love of Football

      2018-07-23 00:43:48ByPatrickNietzscheMalawi
      Special Focus 2018年6期

      By Patrick Nietzsche [Malawi]

      Captain Mabiala Dany Cedric is from Congo. Currently he’s studying linguistics in CCNU.

      Since the establishment, his football team, HOPE UNION, has won anumber of awards including 2nd place in the 2017 and 2018 China Normal Universities Competition and 2nd place in the 2018 Wuhan International Universities League.

      There’s nothing stranger than hearing that the Central China Normal University (CCNU) football team has gone coach-less. That palpable joie de vivre the players have when the synergy between them is flowing can’t be ignored.Considering that the team has had some notable success, one cannot help but wonder how they have kept focused and stayed as strong as you could expect any other team with a coach would be.I caught up with Mabiala Dany Cedri, the captain (player and sometimes coach) of the team, to find out more.

      —How does a team without a coach operate?

      First, we just try to go out there and have fun; we are trying to do whatever possible to get organized. There is no coach, and I am the one who organizes the players; so I play the roles of both a player and a coach.

      When I first came to CCNU,there was no football team for international students, and I was the one that brought people together in 2013 and got things moving. After playing for about one year, the school authority recognized us as a school team.

      —Who funds your team?

      There is nobody funding us.When we want to buy something,every player puts in some money and we buy the stuff we need.When there is an actual game the school recognizes, they buy us jerseys and some other stuff we need. But when we play, it is mostly just us playing and helping ourselves.

      —How would you describe the relationship between the players on the team?

      It is always different every year.When we started, it was easier because there were much older players, maybe in their 30s and 40s, so it was easier for people like this to understand each other.But now, most of the players are young and there are usually lots of problems. What I do is this:when we are active in football,we engage in different kinds of activities together, like video games and eating together, so that we can be close. This I believe is what brings us together.

      —What would you say is the secret to the team’s success?

      We always try to be like a family, and with that feeling of belonging, it is easy to play together and succeed. This year a lot of players are new students and when they came they did not feel like they have friends on the team. But as long as we get familiar with each other and the team functions like a family, the rest will take care of itself. We are very close, and you can even feel it when you watch us play.

      —Does it make you feel any different being a captain?

      I am not different. Being a captain and coach does not make you different, you just have more responsibilities than others.When we are playing they always expect something from the captain, so you have to be more determined and work harder than the other players. To me it is just like being an older brother to them.

      —What does it mean to you being part of the team?

      It’s great because there are so many friends from other countries. Maybe one day I can have a chance to go to another country where one member of the team lives. Things might be easy for you when you have a friend who you have built a relationship with by being part of the team.

      —How has football helped you in school?

      I think it helps me understand other people easily. It is also a kind of sacrifice because we can get hurt. Sometimes we also play in a competition and if we win it’s not only for us,but the school too, and it makes us feel good. Sometimes we also build relationships with students from other universities and it is great because we build personal connections and friends’networks.

      —Do you have any other things you like doing with passion besides football?

      (Laughs) Honestly, there is no other thing. But I like to get engaged in helping people. I like being with people and helping them in any way that I can.

      —Is it tough to balance school and football?

      It is very hard. We have homework every day and we also need to play football every day.So after training there is also homework to do. That is not to say I don’t need to work hard in school just because I play in the school team. Especially with the responsibility of being the captain, I cannot ever miss our training sessions. So, it is very hard, but I am trying.

      —Any good memories you have about playing football?

      It was the first competition that we played for the school.We played in the semi- finals and during one game I scored five goals, which I won’t forget.

      —Do you have any other words to share with us?

      Coming to China, particularly at this university, and playing in this team have given me an amazing experience of both playing football and having a responsibility in the team along with meeting new people.

      We are also grateful to the different departments that have helped by offering their support when we need it. I am very happy and thankful for that.

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