By Alan Paul Trundley
In PRC marriage is seen as a joining of families, such as it was in the past in western countries.
In many countries there are three components to a wedding:the legal, a ceremony perhaps religious, and a “party.” This is essentially true in PRC. The legal element can only be completed by the officials in the offices of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Many couples marry officially and then proceed to the ceremony or party the next weekend, or even later.
China has full religious tolerance so any couples wanting a religious ceremony can have one of their choosing. Others sometimes choose a non-religious traditional style ceremony quite likely related to the region or ethnic group they are from.Given the size of China and its range of ethnic groups, it is easily understood that there is much variety throughout the country.
The third element is the“party,” what in the English tradition is known as a“reception,” though the word“banquet” is perhaps the best in the Chinese context, where friends and relatives are entertained. Again similar to the west, there are “obligations” and the guests will often be friends of the parents. As in most countries there is special food and usually alcoholic drink too. The form of this varies often according to finances. Some receptions are held in the street, but most will be in a restaurant, often lavish.
Generally, a foreigner will not feel at all out of place at the banquet as it is not so different from what they’re used to. Of course, the meal is in the Chinese way, with groups of about 10 guests around each table with a range of dishes being served over a period of an hour or so. The couple, perhaps with immediate family, will probably move from table to table toasting the guests.
China has special foods associated with weddings, again varying from region to region.There is an equivalent of the western wedding cake. Individual Dragon and Phoenix cakes,meaning Happiness Cakes, may be given to guests.
Usually, there will be speeches complimenting and praising the couple and the families, and offering good wishes for the future. There will not be a speech by a “best man” insulting and seeking to embarrass the groom as we are used to in the Anglo-American tradition!
The wedding vow is considered a core element in the west, both civil and religious. China does not really have this but during the reception you could use the custom of the couple drinking from glasses or goblets joined together with red string or ribbon.
The bride must wear new shoes,the bride’s family may act trying to prevent the bride meeting the groom and so leaving her parents,while the groom’s family tries to get the bride and her entourage into the groom’s family home.There is also a tradition of visiting the bride’s parents on the third day after the wedding with an associated series of rituals such as further meaningful gifts and even the returning of some gifts.Such traditions are varied as is the desire of families to follow them.
Foreigners and men: for a happy life, be flexible to the desires of the hosts and your bride!
Typically, this is a bit different from western countries where professional photos or videos are taken as part of the wedding ceremony. In China, they are often referred to as bridal photos.Most couples will choose to have professional photos and have them taken maybe as much as three months before the wedding.
Most couples will hire costumes, perhaps the most popular is for the bride to wear a formal western style wedding gown and the groom to wear a formal suit or a more modern stylish jacket and trousers.Alternatively, some couples choose traditional clothes (e.g.Cheongsam). Unless you have a personal choice the photo “shoot”will be at a local beauty spot and in the photographic studio so as to ensure romantic backdrops.
One thing you can be sure,every town has at least one special shop where you can hire clothes and arrange for wedding photos. So early in the planning process visit some and see what is available. If you would like to see photo shoots in action, just go to the favoured local spots.
In the west it is common for a couple to formally announce their wedding by becoming engaged and traditionally the man buys the woman an engagement ring. In China it is often somewhat different. Most Chinese, especially girls, will want their parents to be happy with an engagement before it is committed to.
When you are first introduced to the parents be careful about what words are used if you are not yet committed to marriage.Some parents equate “boyfriend”or “girlfriend” with being engaged and if they approve of you, you could find things get out of hand.
The custom is for the groom’s parents to buy “grand gifts” for the bride’s family to formally accept the marriage. These gifts may be largely ceremonial or may include money, especially in“nines,” i.e. 99 yuan, 999 yuan as nine symbolizes “forever.”
Family and guests invited to the wedding ceremony and reception will normally provide cash gifts,traditionally in a red envelope,though other gifts are sometimes given. In some instances, guests at the reception contribute to the cost of the reception with the money going to the parents.
In many countries and cultures there are difficulties in arranging weddings; parents of the couple and the couple themselves have different ideas. So it should be no surprise that the same can happen in PRC. The foreigner can sometimes feel bewildered by what is being planned.Perhaps more importantly, the foreigner does not realize some of the broader implications and commitments.
At the simplest level, the Chinese have a closer connection with their parents after marriage and have a responsibility for them. This will not be diminished if you do not live in PRC; your Chinese “other half” may want to send money, especially in the parent’s old age. There are also obligations to other family members which go beyond what a westerner is used to. There is also a greater desire for two or more generations to live together,than many westerners are used to,though the younger generations are beginning to value more personal space.
You might feel that the wedding costs are rising well beyond your expectations and even your means to pay. It is more likely that it is mostly enthusiasm that causes this to happen. It is not always easy to overcome, but the best way is to try and avoid the situation arising. Discuss the style and lavishness with your fiancée,discuss what you consider a reasonable budget and try to have these established well in advance.It won’t always go according to plan but the couple must have a common view of what they want.