




      2018-09-10 07:22:44王文采
      廣西植物 2018年8期


      摘 要: 該文描述了自云南西北部發(fā)現(xiàn)的毛茛科翠雀花屬二新種:短葶翠雀花(Delphinium breviscaposum W. T. Wang)和絲苞翠雀花(D. filibracteolum W. T. Wang)。短葶翠雀花與察隅翠雀花(D. chayuense W. T. Wang)在親緣關系上相近,前者與后者的區(qū)別在于短葶翠雀花植株具3條簇生短花葶,總狀花序的軸和花梗無毛,小苞片較長,萼片較小,退化雄蕊的瓣片不分裂;絲苞翠雀花與擬長距翠雀花(D. dolichocentroides W. T. Wang)近緣,前者與后者的區(qū)別在于絲苞翠雀花的花組成圓錐花序,花梗、萼片和萼距均較短,退化雄蕊的爪無附屬物,心皮無毛。

      關鍵詞: 毛茛科, 翠雀花屬, 二新種, 云南

      中圖分類號: Q949 文獻標識碼: A 文章編號: 1000-3142(2018)08-0969-04

      Abstract: Two species of the genus Delphinium (Ranunculaceae), D. breviscaposum W. T. Wang and D. filibracteolum W. T. Wang, are described as new from northwestern Yunnan Province. Of them, D. breviscaposum W. T. Wang is related to D. chayuense W. T. Wang, differing in three fasciculate short scapes, glabrous raceme rachis and pedicels, longer bracteoles, smaller sepals and undivided staminode limbs. And D. filibracteolum W. T. Wang is related to D. dolichocentroides W. T. Wang,differing in its flower in panicles,shorter pedicels, sepals and spurs, not appendiculate staminode claws, and glabrous carpels.

      Key words: Ranunculaceae, Delphinium, two new species, Yunnan

      短葶翠雀花 圖1

      Delphinium breviscaposum W. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig. 1.

      (Sect. Delphinastrum DC.)

      Species nova haec est affinis D. chayuensi W. T. Wang, a quo scapis three fasciculatis brevibus 2.5-5 cm altis, racemi rhachide cum pedicellis glabra, bracteolis majoribus 5-20 mm longis, sepalis minoribus 9-10 mm longis, petalis apice indivisis et pilis paucis brevibus tectis, staminodiorum limbis indivisis differt. In D. chayuensi, scapi solitarii 8-10 cm alti, racemi rhachis cum pedicellis puberula, bracteolae minores 7-9 mm longae, sepala majora 15-18 mm longa, petala glabra apice 2-lobata, staminodiorum limbi 2-lobati sunt.

      Perennial herbs. Leaves 5-8, all basal, long petiolate; blades papery, pentagonal, 1.4-4.4 × 1.6-6.6 cm, on both surfaces appressed-pubesent, at base deeply cordate, 3-sect, central segment narrowly rhombic, 3-lobed, with lobes 1-2-lobulate, lateral segments obliquely flabellate, unequally 2-parted, upper lobes larger and subpinnately lobed with 2 pairs of lanceolate lobules; petioles 3-6 cm long, villous. Scapes ca. 3 fasciculate, 2.5-5 cm tall, one larger, with a terminal raceme ca. 20 cm long and 7-10-flowered, another two humile, with racemes 3-5-flowered; rachis and pedicels glabrous; basal bract leaf-like, long petiolate, other bracts shortly petiolate, lanceolate-linear or linear, 2-3.3 × 0.3-0.5 cm, margin with one lobule or entire; pedicels 1-7 cm long, near flower 2-bracteolate; bracteoles linear or lanceolate-linear, 5-20 × 1-3 mm, apex acute. Flower: sepals blue-purple, adaxially glabrous, abaxially appressed-puberulous, upper sepal broadly ovate, ca. 9 × 7 mm, spur subulate, 1.9-2.2 cm long, slightly recurved, at base ca. 4 mm across, lateral sepals orbicular-obovate, ca. 10 × 9 mm, lower sepals navicular-linear, ca. 10 × 3 mm. Petals 2, apex shortly cuspidate and with a few short hairs. Staminodes 2; limbs obovate-oblong, ca. 7.5 × 3.5 mm, at apex rounded, undivided, longitudinally 8-nerved, adaxially below the middle white-barbate, at base on each side 1-appendliculate; claws linear, ca. 6 × 0.8 mm, glabrous, near base not appendiculate. Stamens numerous, glabrous; filaments 4.5-5.5 mm long, lanceolate-linear, longitudinally 1-nerved, near anther filiform; anthers dark-blue, oblong, ca. 1.5 × 0.7 mm, apex obtuse. Carpels 3; ovaries narrowly ovoid, ca. 2.2 × 0.8 mm pubescent; styles 1.4 mm long, glabrous.

      Yunnan (云南): Weixi Xian, Lidiping (維西縣,栗地坪), alt. 3 100 m, in grassy places among forests, fls. blue-purple (林間草地,花藍紫色), 2008-07-28, Q. E. Yang & Q. Yuan (楊親二,袁瓊) 2051(holotype and isotype, PE).

      This species is related to D. chayuense W. T. Wang, and from the latter differs in its 3 fasciculate short scapes, glabrous raceme rachis and pedicels, longer bracteoles, smaller sepals, and undivided staminode limbs. (Wang & Warnock, 2001)

      絲苞翠雀花 圖2

      Delphinium filibracteolum W. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig. 2.

      (Sect. Delphinastrum DC.)

      Species nova haec est affinis D. dolichocentroidi W. T. Wang, a quo floribus in paniculam dispositis, pedicellis brevioribus usque ad 3.2 mm longis, bracteolis filiformibus, sepalis minoribus 8-9 mm longis, calcare sepalino 15 mm longo, staminodiorum unguibus basi 1-appendiculatis, carpellis glabris recedit. In D. dolichocentroide, flores in racemum dispositi, pedicelli usque ad 8 mm longi, bracteolae lineares, sepala majora 14-16 mm longa, calcar sepalinum 27-28 mm longum, staminodiorum ungues basi haud appendiculati, et carpellorum ovaria puberula sunt.

      Perennial herbs. Stems ca. 50-80 cm tall, glabrous. Upper cauline leaves petiolate; blades papery, pentagonal, ca. 2.5 × 4 cm, at base cordate, adaxially appressed-puberulous (hairs 0.1-0.25 mm long), abaxially on nerves with sparse short hairs, 3-sect, central segment narrowly rhombic, at base cuneate, 3-lobed, central lobe lanceolate, 3-lobulate, lateral lobes small, triangular and 1-denticulate, lateral segments obliquely flabellate, unequally 2-parted, upper lobes larger, subpimately 5-lobulate with lobules narrowly triangular, nerves abaxially slightly prominent; petioles ca. 2 cm long, glabrous. Panicles terminal, 15-30 cm long, consisting of two or three racemes, terminal raceme 13-18(-30) cm long, 9-11(-30)-flowered, lateral racemes 6-8 cm long, 3-5-flowered; rachis and pedicels puberulous; basal bract leaf-like, other bracts filiform, 4-5 mm long, glabrous; pedicels 1-3.2 cm long, on or above the middle 2-bracteolate; bracteoles filiform, 2.5-3.5 mm long, glabrous. Flower: sepals blue-purple, adaxially glabrous, abaxially appressed-puberulous, upper sepal ovate, ca. 9 × 6 mm, spur subulate, ca. 15 mm long, slightly recurved, at base ca. 3 mm across, lateral sepals obovate-oblong, ca. 9 × 3 mm, lower sepals navicular-linear, 8-9 × 0.2 mm. Petals 2, glabrous, apex obtuse. Staminodes 2; limbs blue-purple, subquadrate in outline, ca. 5 × 3.5 mm, 2-lobed (lobes triangular or narrowly triangular, 2 mm long), adaxially above base densely white-barbate; claws linear, ca. 3.5 × 0.8 mm, glabrous, near base 1-appendiculate. Stamens numerous, glabrous; filaments narrowly lanceolate-linear, ca. 3.5 mm long, longitudinally 1-nerved; anthers oblong, ca. 1 × 0.45 mm, apex obtuse. Carpels 3, ca. 2.5 mm long, glabrous.

      Yunnan (云南): Xianggelila Xian, Napa Village (香格里拉縣,那帕村), alt. 3 300 m, in grassy places among forests, fls. blue-purple (林間草地,花藍紫色), 2008-08-15, Q. E. Yang & Q. Yuan (楊親二,袁瓊) 2258 (holotype and isotype, PE).

      This species is related to D. dolichocentroides W. T. Wang, and from the latter differs in its flowers in panicle, shorter pedicels, sepals and spur, 1-appendiculate staminode claws and glabrous carpels. (Wang & Warnock, 2001)

      Acknowledgements I am grateful to Madam ZHONG Xiaohong for type-writing the manuscript of this paper.


      WANG WT, WARNOCK MJ, 2001. Delphinium [M]//WU ZY, RAVEN PH, Flora of China. Beijing: Science Press; St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press, 6: 223-274.

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