




      2018-10-10 06:54:08柳雨嫣王金鋒
      農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報 2018年18期

      謝 晶,柳雨嫣,王金鋒



      謝 晶1,2,3,4※,柳雨嫣2,4,王金鋒1,2,3,4

      (1. 上海水產(chǎn)品加工及貯藏工程技術(shù)研究中心,上海 201306;2. 上海冷鏈裝備性能與節(jié)能評價專業(yè)技術(shù)服務(wù)平臺,上海 201306;3. 食品科學與工程國家級實驗教學示范中心(上海海洋大學),上海 201306;4. 上海海洋大學食品學院,上海 201306)


      0 引 言



      1 數(shù)值模擬

      1.1 物理模型建立


      a. 沖擊式速凍試驗臺模型

      a. Model of impacting freezing test bench

      b. 圓孔噴嘴模型

      b Model of circular orifice nozzle

      c. 圓漏斗噴嘴模型

      c. Circular funnel nozzle model

      d. 圓漏斗噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)

      經(jīng)與南通四方冷鏈裝備股份有限公司的沖擊式隧道速凍裝置實測數(shù)據(jù)比對得出本模型靜壓箱尺寸為300 mm×300 mm×500 mm,孔板尺寸為300 mm×300 mm×2 mm,此結(jié)構(gòu)尺寸下沖擊式速凍試驗臺內(nèi)部流場變化與氣流沖擊式速凍機內(nèi)流場變化一致。為了合理分布噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu),清晰的觀察到?jīng)_擊式速凍試驗臺內(nèi)部流場的變化趨勢,本文在對沖擊式速凍試驗臺進行數(shù)值模擬研究時,等比例增大了靜壓箱和孔板的尺寸[16],分別為600 mm×600 mm×500 mm和600 mm×600 mm×2 mm,此模型結(jié)構(gòu)上下對稱,故只采用1/2模型進行計算。在此模型尺寸下,圓孔和圓漏斗噴嘴的具體結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)如表1所示。

      表1 噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)

      1.2 數(shù)值模擬

      1.2.2 網(wǎng)格劃分

      將物理模型導(dǎo)入ANSYS15.0軟件中,進行計算區(qū)域的離散化處理,將噴嘴周圍的網(wǎng)格適當進行加密處理[17-18],對于圓孔噴嘴,噴嘴處加密網(wǎng)格最小尺寸為0.517 9 mm,整個計算域節(jié)點個數(shù)為634 363,網(wǎng)格單元數(shù)為2 224 215,如圖2所示。

      圖2 網(wǎng)格劃分

      1.2.3 模擬參數(shù)設(shè)置


      本模型內(nèi)部為有限空間的強制對流換熱,流體的雷諾數(shù)Re>106,流體完全處于湍流狀態(tài),因此,本模型采用湍流模型,由于在沖擊過程中有溫度的變化,故使用能量方程[23-24]。參考王金鋒等[15]的試驗方法并稍作修改,冷卻空氣入口壓力in=250 Pa,冷卻空氣出口壓力out=0 Pa。凍結(jié)區(qū)域冷卻空氣入口溫度設(shè)置為230 K,冷卻空氣出口溫度為235 K。冷卻空氣入口處質(zhì)量流量為0.064 4 kg/s。沖擊表面為鋼帶,設(shè)置為壁面,其熱導(dǎo)率為16.3W/(m·℃)[15]。

      1.3 模型的試驗驗證


      圖3 驗證試驗

      表2 測試儀器的技術(shù)參數(shù)

      1.3.1 試驗方法

      1.3.2 試驗結(jié)果


      表3 各列圓孔噴嘴出口處Z方向氣流速度


      1.4 參數(shù)的定義


      2 結(jié)果與分析

      2.1 鋼帶表面的傳熱強度和傳熱均勻性

      圖4顯示了冷卻空氣入口壓力為in=250 Pa,冷卻空氣出口壓力out=0 Pa,凍結(jié)區(qū)域冷卻空氣入口溫度設(shè)置為230 K,出口溫度為235 K,冷卻空氣入口處質(zhì)量流量為0.064 4 kg/s時,不同的噴嘴到鋼帶距離與出口直徑比值H/D的圓孔和圓漏斗2種噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)的鋼帶表面分布。由圖4可知,當H/D值一定時,圓漏斗噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)的鋼帶表面值均比圓孔結(jié)構(gòu)的鋼帶表面值高。隨著H/D的增加,射流直接沖擊到鋼帶表面的速度減小,因此鋼帶表面減小。

      圖5為2種噴嘴在不同H/D的線A和線B局部分布。由圖5可知,對于線A,當H/D=2和6時,圓孔噴嘴的局部較高,但圓孔噴嘴的局部的最大值與最小值之差(即極差)分別為470.80和117.19,圓漏斗噴嘴的局部極差分別為343.67和99.69,圓漏斗噴嘴的局部極差比圓孔噴嘴的低27.01%,說明圓漏斗噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)的鋼帶表面局部分布更均勻;當H/D=8和12時,圓孔噴嘴的局部極差分別為53.04和25. 21,圓漏斗噴嘴的局部極差分別為50.19和20.43,2種噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)的鋼帶表面局部極差相差不大,說明2種噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)的鋼帶表面局部分布均勻程度相差不大,但圓漏斗噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)的鋼帶表面局部較高。對于線B,當H/D=2、6、8和12時,圓漏斗噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)的鋼帶表面局部都較高,說明圓漏斗噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)的線B上的換熱強度較高。

      注:冷卻空氣入口壓力為Pin=250 Pa,冷卻空氣出口壓力Pout=0 Pa,凍結(jié)區(qū)域冷卻空氣入口溫度設(shè)置為230 K,出口溫度為235 K,冷卻空氣入口處質(zhì)量流量為0.064 4 kg/s。H為噴嘴到鋼帶的距離,mm;DE為噴嘴出口直徑,mm。下同。

      圖5 不同H/DE值的線A和線B局部Nu分布

      圖6 不同H/DE的線A和線B的

      圖7 不同H/DE的鋼帶表面

      圖8 鋼帶表面?zhèn)鳠岬木鶆蛐灾笜甩请SH/DE值的變化

      2.2 橫流速度分析


      圖9 鋼帶上方10 mm處橫流風速分布

      圖10 不同H/DE的線A和線B上方10 mm處Z方向絕對速度

      圖11 噴嘴出口氣流矢量圖

      3 結(jié) 論




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      Effects of nozzle structures of air impinging freezer on heat transfer characteristics of steel strip surface

      Xie Jing1,2,3,4※, Liu Yuyan2,4, Wang Jinfeng1,2,3,4

      (1.201306,; 2.,201306;3.,201306,; 4,,201306,)

      In view of the low efficiency and high energy consumption of air impinging freezer, 2 kinds of nozzle structures were compared in this paper in order to find out the best structure and improve the Nusselt number and heat transfer uniformity. Based on the impinging freezing test bench, the performance of 2 kinds of nozzle was analyzed and compared by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Numerical simulation technology. Theturbulence model was used. Since there was a temperature change during the jet impinging, the energy equation was selected. The cooling air inlet and outlet pressure were 250 Pa(P) and 0 Pa(P) respectively. For the frozen area, the cooling air inlet temperature was set to 230 K and outlet temperature was 235 K. The mass flow rate at the cooling air inlet is 0.064 4kg/s. The thermal conductivity of steel strip was 16.3 W/(m.°C). In order to verify the reliability of numerical simulation, experimental verification was carried out.Taking the circular orifice nozzle as an example, the outlet diameter of circular orifice nozzle wasD=10 mm, nozzle spacing was=34 mm, nozzle number was 64(8 rows×8 ranks), and the ratio between nozzle-to-strip distances and outlet diameters wasH/D=2.The absolute velocity of steel strip surface in vertical direction at the outlet nozzle (direction) was measured.The error between simulation value and test value was 1.24%6.90%, thus it could be concluded that the numerical simulation of the impinging freezing test bench was reliable. Based on the Nusselt number distribution and heat transfer uniformity on steel strip, the heat transfer characteristics on steel strip surface under the circular orifice nozzles and circular funnel nozzles at the different ratio between nozzle-to-strip distances and outlet diameters were analyzed. The results showed that when theH/Dwas in the range of 2-12, the average Nusselt number on steel strip surface under the circular funnel nozzle was about 5.41%-15.10% higher than that under the circular orifice nozzle. The change of the Nusselt number on steel strip surface under both 2 kinds of nozzle structures were greatly influenced by theH/Dand was less affected by the cross flow. The heat transfer uniformityon steel strip surface under the circular funnel nozzle was about 7.06%-34.52% lower than that of the circular orifice nozzle. As theH/Dincreasing, thedifference between the 2 kinds of nozzle structures was gradually decreased. This was because that for the circular funnel nozzle, the “convex” region which was formed between 2 kinds of nozzle structures could form a cross flow buffer zone. On the one hand, the flow direction of the cross flow was changed, so the cross flow velocity in the channel was decreased, and the adverse effect of cross flow was reduced. The average Nusselt number on steel strip surface under the circular funnel nozzle was higher, so that the heat transfer characteristics on steel strip surface was higher. On the other hand, the large vortex formed on the left side of the circular funnel nozzle enhanced the line B above the steel strip surface. The velocity indirection increased the Nusselt number on the line B, so thevalue of the steel strip surface was decreased, so that the airflow in the air impinging freezer was relatively uniformity. By comparing the structures of the 2 nozzles, it is recommended to use a circular funnel nozzle in the case of the same air supply volume to reduce the freezing time, increase the output of the air impinging freezer, and improve the quality of the frozen food.

      nozzles; numerical simulation; heat transfer; nusselt number; jet impingement; freezer


      TP391.4; S431.9






      謝 晶,女(漢族),教授,博士,博士生導(dǎo)師,主要從事制冷工程研究。Email:jxie@shou.edu.cn

      謝 晶,柳雨嫣,王金鋒. 噴嘴結(jié)構(gòu)對氣流沖擊式速凍機鋼帶表面換熱特性的影響[J]. 農(nóng)業(yè)工程學報,2018,34(18):292-298. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.18.036 http://www.tcsae.org

      Xie Jing, Liu Yuyan, Wang Jinfeng. Effects of nozzle structures of air impinging freezer on heat transfer characteristics of steel strip surface[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(18): 292-298. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.18.036 http://www.tcsae.org

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