(山東農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)園藝科學(xué)與工程學(xué)院/作物生物學(xué)國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗(yàn)室,山東 泰安 271018)
【目的】以老齡蘋果園土壤為對(duì)象,研究不同作物與再植蘋果幼樹混栽對(duì)再植植株及土壤環(huán)境的影響,篩選更有效的混栽作物以減輕蘋果連作障礙,為老果園更新提供技術(shù)支持?!痉椒ā吭囼?yàn)設(shè)置老齡蘋果園土對(duì)照(CK)、溴甲烷熏蒸老齡蘋果園土(T1)、蘋果幼樹與蔥混栽(T2)、蘋果幼樹與小麥混栽(T3)、蘋果幼樹與芥菜混栽(T4)共5個(gè)處理,測定不同處理對(duì)再植幼樹地上部生物量、土壤酶活性、土壤微生物數(shù)量以及土壤中酚酸類物質(zhì)含量的影響,采用qPCR技術(shù)檢測老果園土壤中主要有害真菌拷貝數(shù)的變化?!窘Y(jié)果】3種作物和蘋果幼樹的混栽均可顯著增加蘋果幼樹的株高、地徑、鮮重、干重、新稍平均長度和新梢總長,其中與蔥混栽(T2)處理效果最好,其株高、地徑、鮮重、干重、新稍平均長度和新梢總長分別是對(duì)照的 1.12、1.31、1.71、1.65、1.25和2.09倍。與蔥、小麥、芥菜3種作物混栽處理均可增加土壤細(xì)菌數(shù)量,減少土壤真菌的數(shù)量,其中與蔥混栽較對(duì)照細(xì)菌數(shù)量增加了37.93%、真菌數(shù)量下降了41.33%,混栽小麥細(xì)菌總量增加了31.03%,混栽芥菜細(xì)菌總量增加了13.79%,混栽蔥、小麥、芥菜使土壤細(xì)菌/真菌比值分別提高了135.11%、128.55%和89.66%;與老齡蘋果園土對(duì)照(CK)相比,與蔥混栽(T2)、與小麥混栽(T3)、與芥菜混栽(T4)處理的鐮孢菌屬基因拷貝數(shù)均有所降低,且表現(xiàn)出顯著性差異,與蔥混栽處理的串珠鐮孢的數(shù)量降低了61.01%,尖鐮孢的數(shù)量降低了37.11%,腐皮鐮孢的數(shù)量降低了40.97%,層出鐮孢的數(shù)量降低了53.11%;3種作物與蘋果幼樹混栽提高了土壤中主要酶的活性,其中混栽芥菜處理較對(duì)照脲酶活性提高最為明顯,提高了44.59%;混栽小麥處理磷酸酶、蔗糖酶活性比對(duì)照分別提高了59.26%、50.37%;混栽蔥、小麥、芥菜土壤中根皮苷的含量明顯降低,分別降低了81.23%、20.56%、86.11%;與老果園土壤對(duì)照相比,混栽蔥使土壤中酚酸類物質(zhì)總量較對(duì)照降低了28.27%,與其他處理相比效果較好?!窘Y(jié)論】混栽蔥、小麥、芥菜3種作物對(duì)連作土壤環(huán)境和再植幼樹生物量影響較大,3種作物與再植幼樹混栽均能提高蘋果幼樹生物量,優(yōu)化微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu),提高連作土壤主要酶活性,降低土壤中根皮苷含量,減輕蘋果連作障礙。其中,與蔥混栽效果最佳。
【研究意義】蘋果連作障礙嚴(yán)重阻礙了我國蘋果老果園生產(chǎn)及更新?lián)Q代[1],尤其是25年以上的老果園蘋果產(chǎn)區(qū),蘋果連作障礙危害越來越嚴(yán)重[2-4]。蘋果連作障礙的主要表現(xiàn)有幼樹死亡率高、果樹長勢參差不齊、果實(shí)品質(zhì)和產(chǎn)量低等。果樹連作障礙的原因復(fù)雜,被公認(rèn)的主要因素有土壤微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu)失衡、土壤中酚酸類物質(zhì)的積累以及土壤營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)缺乏等?;煸宰魑锊粌H可以提高土地的利用效率,還可以通過混栽作物的根系分泌物,改變微生物原有的生存環(huán)境,從而增加有益微生物的數(shù)量,緩解蘋果連作障礙的危害。【前人研究進(jìn)展】研究表明,造成蘋果連作障礙的主要因素為土壤有害真菌的增加,合理的土壤微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu)和較高的微生物活性不僅能夠減輕連作障礙,還能夠優(yōu)化土壤環(huán)境[5-7]。王曉寶等[8]研究表明,鐮孢菌屬()是引起蘋果連作障礙的主要真菌,且串珠鐮孢()、尖鐮孢()、層出鐮孢()和腐皮鐮孢() 4種鐮孢菌是其主要有害種。蔥與平邑甜茶幼苗混栽可以有效降低連作危害,其原因之一即為減少了尖鐮孢的基因拷貝數(shù)[9]。輪作可以有效減輕連作障礙,輪作蔥可以顯著減輕黃瓜連作障礙的危害,并促進(jìn)其生長和提高產(chǎn)量[10]。小麥根系分泌物不僅有利于黃瓜幼苗的株高和地徑,還可以改善土壤真菌群落結(jié)構(gòu)[11]。呂毅等[12]研究表明,輪作小麥、小蔥可以增加土壤細(xì)菌數(shù)量,同時(shí)還可以降低土壤中一些酚酸類物質(zhì)含量;Smolinska等[13]研究表明,埃塞俄比亞芥菜、黑芥子和芥菜對(duì)土壤鐮孢菌有很好的抑制作用。【本研究切入點(diǎn)】利用輪作可以防控蘋果連作障礙的原理,研究再植幼樹與不同作物混栽對(duì)減輕蘋果連作障礙的效果,目前尚未見報(bào)道?!緮M解決的關(guān)鍵問題】以老齡蘋果園土壤為對(duì)象,研究混栽不同作物對(duì)連作土壤環(huán)境及再植蘋果幼樹的影響,篩選出最有效的混栽作物以緩解蘋果連作障礙,為老果園更新提供技術(shù)支撐。
老果園土壤取自山東省泰安市滿莊鎮(zhèn)31年生老齡蘋果園,于樹干周圍1 m,40 cm深處挖取土壤,土壤為棕壤土,土壤基本特征為pH 5.67,EC 0.46 mS·cm-1(25℃),硝態(tài)氮含量為13.75 mg·kg-1,銨態(tài)氮含量為4.32 mg·kg-1,速效磷含量為8.32 mg·kg-1,速效鉀含量為107.67 mg·kg-1,有機(jī)質(zhì)含量為4.78 g·kg-1。采用盆栽試驗(yàn),盆高為26.5 cm,上直徑為38 cm,下直徑為28 cm。供試材料為兩年生煙富3/T337。
將處理好的老齡果園土壤裝盆,每盆35 kg。2016年4月20日將兩年生嫁接苗栽于盆中并進(jìn)行定干、傷口涂抹凡士林,5月20日分別在盆中播種蔥(T2)、小麥種子(T3)、芥菜(T4),密度參照大田確定,生長期至8月25日。溴甲烷熏蒸(T1),連作土對(duì)照(CK),正常管理。每處理3次重復(fù)。2016年8月25日,每處理取土樣裝于無菌密封塑料袋中,植株整株帶回實(shí)驗(yàn)室。
1.3.1 蘋果幼樹生物量指標(biāo)的測定 蘋果幼樹株高、地徑、枝長、幼樹干重及鮮重采用常規(guī)方法測定,干樣需將樣品置于信封袋中,在108℃的烘箱中殺青30 min,然后在80℃放至樣品恒重[10]。
1.3.2 土壤微生物的測定 土壤中細(xì)菌、真菌、放線菌的數(shù)量均采用平板稀釋涂布法測定。細(xì)菌采用酵母膏蛋白胨培養(yǎng)基,真菌采用馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養(yǎng)基,放線菌采用高氏一號(hào)培養(yǎng)基[14]。
1.3.3 實(shí)時(shí)熒光定量PCR技術(shù) 土壤中鐮孢菌屬的基因拷貝數(shù)使用CFX96TMThermal Cycler(Bio-Rad)進(jìn)行定量分析。首先創(chuàng)建ITS基因片段的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)曲線,培養(yǎng)擴(kuò)增含有正確基因片段,提取質(zhì)粒DNA,純化并定量;并根據(jù)SYBR Premix Ex TaqTMKit(TaKaRa)試劑盒步驟完成。試驗(yàn)所需引物:層出鐮孢正向引物序列:GATCGGCGAGCCCTTGCGGCAAG,反向引物序列:CGCCGCGTACCAGTTGCGAGGGT;串珠鐮孢正向引物序列:GACTCGCGAGTCAAATCGCG T,反向引物序列:GGGGTTTAACGGCGTGGCC;腐皮鐮孢正向引物序列:CGAGTTATACAACTCAT CAAXC,反向引物序列:GGCCTGAGGGTTGTAAT G;尖鐮孢正向引物序列:CATACCACTTGTTGTCT CGGC,反向引物序列:GAACGCGAATTAACGCGA GTC。通過熔解曲線和瓊脂糖電泳驗(yàn)證PCR產(chǎn)物,以證實(shí)其特異性和有效性。根據(jù)基因拷貝數(shù)、循環(huán)閾值(CT)的線性方程以及環(huán)境樣品的CT值,使用外延方法計(jì)算環(huán)境樣品中相應(yīng)基因片段的拷貝數(shù)。
1.3.4 土壤酶活性的測定 土壤脲酶和蔗糖酶的測定采用比色法,磷酸酶的測定采用磷酸苯二鈉比色法,具體方法參照文獻(xiàn)[15]。
1.3.5 土壤酚酸類物質(zhì)含量 先將風(fēng)干的土壤過12目篩,用電子天平準(zhǔn)確稱取土壤80 g于研缽中,加入適量石英砂混合均勻后倒入萃取池中,儀器具體操作方法參照文獻(xiàn)[16]。
采用Excel 2003完成試驗(yàn)數(shù)據(jù)的處理。通過SPSS 19.0進(jìn)行方差分析,采用鄧肯氏新復(fù)極差法進(jìn)行差異顯著性檢測。
表1 不同處理對(duì)兩年生嫁接苗生物量的影響
Table 1 Effect of different treatments on seedling biomass of two-year grafted seedling
Different letters indicate significantly different at 5% level by Duncan’s new multiple range test. The same as below
圖1 不同處理對(duì)土壤微生物的影響
圖2 不同處理對(duì)土壤酶活性的影響
圖3 不同處理對(duì)土壤鐮孢菌基因拷貝數(shù)的影響
表2 不同混栽處理對(duì)土壤酚酸類物質(zhì)的影響
Table 2 The influence of different mixed treatments on phenolic acids content of soil
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(責(zé)任編輯 岳梅)
Effect of Different intercropping types on the growth of replanted apple tree and soil environment
MA ZiQing, DUAN YaNan, SHEN Xiang, CHEN XueSen, YIN ChengMiao, MAO ZhiQuan
(College of Horticulture Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University/State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Taian 271018, Shandong)
【Objective】Taking the soil of the old apple orchard as the object, this study is to explore the effects of mixed planting of different crops and replanted young apple trees on replanting plants and soil environment, select the more effective mixed plant to reduce the apple replant disease, and to provide technical support for the renewal of old orchards.【Method】The experiment included 5 treatments, which were CK (the old apple orchard soil), T1 (the methyl bromide fumigation old apple orchard soil), T2 (grafted apple seedlings mixed with), T3 (grafted apple seedlings mixed with), T4 (grafted apple seedlings mixed with). the effect of mixed planting of different crops on the aboveground biomass, soil enzymes activity, soil microbial quantity, and soil phenolic acid content was detected. The copy number of the major harmful fungi in soil of old orchard was detected by real-time quantitative PCR technology.【Result】Mixed the three kinds of crops and young apple tree obviously enhanced the young apple tree plant height, ground diameter, fresh weight, dry weight, average fresh shoot length, and total fresh shoot length, and the treatment of mixed planting with(T2) had the most beneficial effect, which plant height, ground diameter, fresh weight, dry weight, average fresh shoot length, and total fresh shoot length were 1.12, 1.31, 1.71, 1.65, 1.25 and 2.09 times of the control, respectively. mixed planting three crops could increase the number of soil bacteria and reduce the number of soil fungi. Compared with the control, the number of soil bacteria increased by 37.93%, and the number of soil fungi reduced by 41.33% under the treatment of mixed planting with, the number of soilbacteria increased by 31.03% under the treatment of mixed, the number of soil bacteriaincreased by 13.79% under the treatment of mixed. The ratio of bacteria to fungus in the soil increased by 135.11%, 128.55% and 89.66% when mixed,,, respectively. Compared with the control, the gene copy number ofgenus in the mixed three kinds of crops decreased, and showed significant differences. The gene copy number of,,anddeclined by 61.01%, 37.11%, 40.97% and 53.11% under the treatment of mixed planting with, respectively. Mixed the three kinds of crops and young apple tree could increase the activity of main soil enzymes, among which the mixed planting ofhad the obvious promotion effect of urease activity compared with the control, which increased by 44.59%. the mixed planting ofincreased the activity of phosphatase and sucrose by 59.26% and 50.37%, respectively. The content of phlorzin in mixed planting,crops andsoil decreased by 81.23%, 20.56% and 86.11%, respectively, the total amount of phenolic acid in the soil of the mixed planting ofdecreased by 28.27% compared with the control, and the effect was better than other treatments.【Conclusion】Mixed planting of,andhas great influence on soil environment and biomass of replanted young trees. All of the three mixed crops can promote the growth of replanted young trees, optimize the structure of microbial community and increase the activity of main enzymes in replanted soil, decrease the content of phlorzin in soil, and reduce the apple replant disease. Among them, the effect of mixed withis the best.
mixed planting;;;; apple continuous cropping obstacle
馬子清,E-mail:541560589@qq.com。 通信作者毛志泉,Tel:0538-8241984;E-mail:mzhiquan@sdau.edu.cn。通信作者尹承苗,E-mail:yinchengmiao@163.com